New Feature: Bonus Heroes! *Updated (3/1/17)



  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    kyo28 wrote:
    Magic wrote:
    I am always wondering what is the incentive for the whales to play and pay. They get to win the events? In PvE it still takes hours of grinding on a schedule against a difficult scaling. And in PvP it still takes hours of matches worth 20-50 points to climb high enough to win the event. So even whaling everything and maxing everything doesn't give the rewards on a plate. And the rewards are meaningless to the whales as they already have all that they give. Strange.

    Got to agree. I play this game for casual entertainment. I have supported it with money over the 2 and a half years of playing but I struggle to understand why anyone would put the sort of money whales put into it. Its still a lot of hard work whether you have a 2* roster or every 5*.
    Yes and no. Some whales have assistants playing for them. So the assistants need to play the grind so the whale can enjoy the fun matches on his/her free time. Not saying all whales are like this but some are.

    I also understand from a business point of view that whales need to be catered to and have more of a say. Money talks and it is a business after all. But I don't understand why D3 can't implement changes that cater to both. I mean, give the whales the opportunity to pull only latest covers but give little players the opportunity to choose from other packs if they want.

    But, shortsighted as they are they rushed, again, to implement a change that caters to the whales and forget about the krill. Sad, really.

    What-the-tinykitty? Are you **** me? They have assistants to play the MPQ game? And what? Whey are told to immediately inform the said whale that there is 50 point PvP match up against a certain team so the whale can step in and enjoy his moment?
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Magic wrote:
    kyo28 wrote:
    Magic wrote:
    I am always wondering what is the incentive for the whales to play and pay. They get to win the events? In PvE it still takes hours of grinding on a schedule against a difficult scaling. And in PvP it still takes hours of matches worth 20-50 points to climb high enough to win the event. So even whaling everything and maxing everything doesn't give the rewards on a plate. And the rewards are meaningless to the whales as they already have all that they give. Strange.

    Got to agree. I play this game for casual entertainment. I have supported it with money over the 2 and a half years of playing but I struggle to understand why anyone would put the sort of money whales put into it. Its still a lot of hard work whether you have a 2* roster or every 5*.
    Yes and no. Some whales have assistants playing for them. So the assistants need to play the grind so the whale can enjoy the fun matches on his/her free time. Not saying all whales are like this but some are.

    I also understand from a business point of view that whales need to be catered to and have more of a say. Money talks and it is a business after all. But I don't understand why D3 can't implement changes that cater to both. I mean, give the whales the opportunity to pull only latest covers but give little players the opportunity to choose from other packs if they want.

    But, shortsighted as they are they rushed, again, to implement a change that caters to the whales and forget about the krill. Sad, really.

    What-the-tinykitty? Are you tinykitty me? They have assistants to play the MPQ game? And what? Whey are told to immediately inform the said whale that there is 50 point PvP match up against a certain team so the whale can step in and enjoy his moment?
    It's not something that only happens in MPQ: ... ities.html
    If I were to venture a guess, I'd say the assistants probably handle the boring parts of the game (PvE grind, Lightning rounds, initial PvP climb) while their employer steps in at the very end. Or something.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    It begs to get one question answered - WHY?

    Why would you do that? In the myriad of things you can do when you have that sort of money why would you do that?

    Not only why MPQ, but in general - why? Do they send them to the theater to watch a movie or a show so they can step in to see the last 10 minutes? Do they ask them to read a book, describe it so they can read the final chapter? Do they ask them to make love to their wife to step in in the last minute to finish things off?

  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thats insane! Does the assistant get paid then? Hell I'd do that job if I got paid to do it. icon_lol.gif
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Quebbster wrote:
    Magic wrote:
    kyo28 wrote:

    Got to agree. I play this game for casual entertainment. I have supported it with money over the 2 and a half years of playing but I struggle to understand why anyone would put the sort of money whales put into it. Its still a lot of hard work whether you have a 2* roster or every 5*.
    Yes and no. Some whales have assistants playing for them. So the assistants need to play the grind so the whale can enjoy the fun matches on his/her free time. Not saying all whales are like this but some are.

    I also understand from a business point of view that whales need to be catered to and have more of a say. Money talks and it is a business after all. But I don't understand why D3 can't implement changes that cater to both. I mean, give the whales the opportunity to pull only latest covers but give little players the opportunity to choose from other packs if they want.

    But, shortsighted as they are they rushed, again, to implement a change that caters to the whales and forget about the krill. Sad, really.

    What-the-tinykitty? Are you tinykitty me? They have assistants to play the MPQ game? And what? Whey are told to immediately inform the said whale that there is 50 point PvP match up against a certain team so the whale can step in and enjoy his moment?
    It's not something that only happens in MPQ: ... ities.html
    If I were to venture a guess, I'd say the assistants probably handle the boring parts of the game (PvE grind, Lightning rounds, initial PvP climb) while their employer steps in at the very end. Or something.

    ... I think my brain just broke. What the ****.

    ... You know what? Nevermind.

    For all the frustrations I've had, I still prefer to play it on my own because I otherwise lose the point of me playing games.
  • kyo28
    kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    To each their own and I'm not one to critic, everyone spends their money how they want ... but when you're loaded, really loaded, then you buy time with your money: that means letting an assistant play the boring parts of the game and you stepping in to do the fun bit.

    It happens more than you could imagine.

    For me that would take out of the fun of the game: I feel more accomplished getting somewhere in a game by doing the work myself but I can imagine some people want to skip ahead to the fun part.

    See how this new system perfectly caters to those players?
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can understand it in many aspects but game like this? I mean - apparently the boring part is actually playing it? Does the whale take the phone or tablet to their hand just to get the rewards and open packs? What is the fun part of the game if it's not playing it?

    I understand people farming gold in WoW somewhere in China - you can sell the items for real cash. Not here.

    And I re-emphasis - there is endless amount of things you can do with the money that would be required to hire somebody to play a game for you all day. That money would be better spent on any form of charity. Or even given to a random stranger.
  • TheIncredibleClick
    TheIncredibleClick Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    A week later, and I'm still trying to understand how this either makes the game experience better or leads to increased revenue for Demiurge. I've been playing for over a year and this new feature doesn't make sense to me.

    The argument I keep seeing is that by focusing drops on the newer 3 and 4 stars players can cover those characters faster. That's great for players that already championed everyone else. I understand the bonus system *in theory*, but after a week in practice, I'm not seeing the point. I have a single 3 star favorited - Dr Strange - and I've received 6 or 7 bonus covers to date. But this is due to the law of averages; I get a TON of Elite tokens so an increased change of getting a 3 star, which leads to an increased chance for a 5% bonus. I have yet to receive a 4 star cover from ANY event this past week, so the bonus system is useless for me here. 5% of 0 is still 0. From this, one could conclude I may as well remove all older 4s from my roster and focus on 2 and 3 stars. I have Jean Grey, for example, at 0/2/0, and one of those covers is from a champion reward. Under the current system, I will never fully cover this character. She's not even playable in her current state.

    On the other hand, Behemoth Burrito. I love this event. Random combinations of 2, 3 and 4 star teams, with another taco token and command points for a reward - great idea. But this directly conflicts with the new Bonus Feature. By vaulting most 4 stars, yet making them all eventually required for this event, Demiurge has given players another unattainable carrot (like the iPhone in a claw machine game). Crash of the Titans already gives me a daily reminder of the useless state of most of my 4 stars, thanks. I don't need another temptation to stop playing.

    Plus, by flooding the system with only new covers, and forcing players to choose between the covers they have and the ones they want but will most likely never have, aren't we at risk for going right back to a problem the devs tried to address last year? Mainly, all players using the same heroes in every battle.

    My dream feature: A new Big Enchilada devoted to 4 stars, with a 4 star cover as a reward. Over a year later, and I'm still championing my 3 stars, especially now that new ones are being added again. It will take at least another year to two years to do the same for my four stars. The events may be hit or miss for me, but I will always play the Deadpool Dailies.
  • jordanix
    jordanix Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    After having such terrible luck with opening bonus champs, I think I'll take a previous posters advice and just save til 120 cp and buy the exact cover I want.
    Don't get me wrong, I think the bonus feature is great, if underwhelming.

    Vaulting is terrible, which is another reason I'll be saving cp for covers, since I don't care too much about the magnificent 12.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    They missed a easy fix to the vaulted 4 star.png issue, imo only the 12 newest drains the pool too much leaving not enough variety. Why not the newest 12 plus rotating the weekly boosted characters? For instance this week we'd have the currect 12 AND Elektra, Spidergwen, and Wolverine (Medusa and Wasp are already in the pool)
  • Landale
    Landale Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    Magic wrote:
    That money would be better spent on any form of charity. Or even given to a random stranger.

    It is given to a random stranger...hired to play the game for the boss icon_e_wink.gif.

    Frankly, the idea of it sounds insane to me.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,389 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still find it disappointing that it's so much harder to cover my older heroes now. I'd really like to see that problem addressed.

    I'm a long time player, but I'm also not very fast -- I've only recently begun my transition into 4* territory. The 4*s I have covered most:

    Championed : XFW, IW
    13 covers: Devil Dino icon_mrgreen.gif
    12 covers: Ant-man, Ghost Rider
    11 covers: Cyclops, Elektra, Red Hulk, Sam Wilson, StarLord, Chulk, Thoress, X23
    10 covers: Deadpool, Hulkbuster
    9 covers: Luke Cage, Nick Fury
    8 covers: Iceman, Mr F

    See a problem here? Of my better covered 4*s, only Luke Cage is currently available from packs now (and dunno how I ended up with so many covers for him anyway xD).
    With the rate at which I accumulate 4* covers, I'm also pretty sure the 'new' characters will be switched out long before I can cover them, too. Which means I'll get to max cover even fewer characters unless I pony up some cash (because i need the HP for roster spots) or spend all my cp on buying covers directly.

    I think I had more of a chance at maxing them with that diluted pool.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    They missed a easy fix to the vaulted 4 star.png issue, imo only the 12 newest drains the pool too much leaving not enough variety. Why not the newest 12 plus rotating the weekly boosted characters? For instance this week we'd have the currect 12 AND Elektra, Spidergwen, and Wolverine (Medusa and Wasp are already in the pool)

    That still restricts things too much, assuming they were dead set on vaulting to deal with dilution and to speed up levelling of new characters they should have split the classic 4*'s in half and made the tokens consist of the latest 12 plus half of the remainder, swapping the classic group each season.
  • berr1_75
    berr1_75 Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    This new mode made an eternal way to champ a 4 star,when you are near to do it is out of pack,im not recruting more new 4 star charactes untill chhamp the old ones now almost impossible
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    kyo28 wrote:
    Magic wrote:
    I am always wondering what is the incentive for the whales to play and pay. They get to win the events? In PvE it still takes hours of grinding on a schedule against a difficult scaling. And in PvP it still takes hours of matches worth 20-50 points to climb high enough to win the event. So even whaling everything and maxing everything doesn't give the rewards on a plate. And the rewards are meaningless to the whales as they already have all that they give. Strange.

    Got to agree. I play this game for casual entertainment. I have supported it with money over the 2 and a half years of playing but I struggle to understand why anyone would put the sort of money whales put into it. Its still a lot of hard work whether you have a 2* roster or every 5*.
    Yes and no. Some whales have assistants playing for them. So the assistants need to play the grind so the whale can enjoy the fun matches on his/her free time. Not saying all whales are like this but some are.

    How ridiculous!
    Everyone believes the craziest things on the Internet.
    Like a game of Whisper, stories like these take on a life of their own.
    Paying someone to do trivial tasks outside of work would be crazy.

    My goodness, this forum never ceases to amaze me.
    Each new day brings a new, absurd theory.

    High spenders are just like the rest of us.
    Everyone finds different enjoyment in a game.

    Maybe they like the thrill of pulling tokens.
    A different type of gambling.
    Kind of like slot machines, but you can do it on the toilet.
    Each end of the free-to-pay spectrum is represented in the community.
    Some people take pride in their frugality.

    Myself, I enjoy posting on the forums.
    Engaging with other posters keeps me occupied.

    Perhaps, this too is viewed as frivolity, a waste of time.
    Our alliance has a bunch of prolific posters, though, so I'm not alone.
    Still, I would never outsource something that I enjoy.
    Think about what you're saying before you post silly things like this.
  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 383 Mover and Shaker
    Yes and no. Some whales have assistants playing for them. So the assistants need to play the grind so the whale can enjoy the fun matches on his/her free time. Not saying all whales are like this but some are.

    How ridiculous!
    Everyone believes the craziest things on the Internet.

    Just to make myself feel better about how much the whales spend on the game....

    I imagine their real names are, like, Mariah Carey or Denzel Washington.... that way I don't shake may head in amazement on how much they spend.

  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    fnedude wrote:
    Yes and no. Some whales have assistants playing for them. So the assistants need to play the grind so the whale can enjoy the fun matches on his/her free time. Not saying all whales are like this but some are.

    How ridiculous!
    Everyone believes the craziest things on the Internet.

    Just to make myself feel better about how much the whales spend on the game....

    I imagine their real names are, like, Mariah Carey or Denzel Washington.... that way I don't shake may head in amazement on how much they spend.


    Heck no, amongst the names are Jeremy Renner and Anthony Mackie, at least one of which is saying "Finally".
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,782 Chairperson of the Boards
    Although I agree with you Stax I'm unsure if that a reply or a poem you posted there icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Ok guys, Talking about unfounded rumors about how this somehow benefits whales and that whale feedback guides the ship, is a waste of time and better done in another thread.
    What you want to talk about is how this change affects YOU.
    Clearly the bonus heroes is a nice new addition to the game. It does very little to mitigate the vaulting, if you understand math.
    So what we really are talking about is the vaulting.
    Does the vaulting hurt you? If so, how?
    Does the vaulting benefit you?. If so, how?
    Will this cause you to buy ISO?
    How do you think it will affect your game play when it comes to getting and spending tokens?
    How do you think this affects the value of the Legendary Tokens and how you will spend them?
  • 8punch
    8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
    rich people their mindset work on a whole different level then ours.

    this was what i experienced 15 years ago when i had a friend who is a secretary for a prince in UAE. and he told me some amazing stories.

    one of them i explain below.

    this prince has brothers. those brothers are very competive against each other.

    for example an Age of empire tournament was held in UAE. for the sole reason that they could study patterns of the best players so they could beat each other. unfortunate for them. the top players were so fast and using keyboard instead of mouse, that they gave up on that game.

    Then it became chess. it went so far that some hired hackers to hack the chess game just to beat their brothers. the money that they spend on pc rigs was unbelievble. he showed me a picture of a room with 14 computers. only to play chess.

    so if someone tells me a rich guy hires someone to play marvel puzzle quest for them. i believe it in a second.

    i also have a very rich Japanese friend. he bought a signed copy of some harry potter book for enormous amount of money. and he was happy as a child that he got it. while i was like ehhh i would have bought something different for sure. but that is how their minds works in my experience, it is way different then casual people think.