New Feature: Bonus Heroes! *Updated (3/1/17)



  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    This is a tremendous negative for anyone interested in adding champion levels to their 4*s and not wasting covers. I've been hoarding tokens and CP to try and get a 5* in one shot, but looking forward to also adding a ton of levels to my already-championed 4*s. Now, I only have 4 of the available 4* characters championed, so I'll be wasting a ton of covers again. The only solution is to have enough ISO on hand to champ every 4*, which is obviously a crazy goal. Giving us the "benefit" of a 5% chance at a "favorite" character in no way makes up for this.

    This is a huge net negative for the player base.
  • Komee
    Komee Posts: 4
    As someone in the 4 star transition, this change encourages me to hoard LTs and CPs until there's a good crop of 4 stars in Legendary queues. Yay?
  • Wjohnson992
    Wjohnson992 Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    Ok so if I favourite say Hulkbuster and Iceman they will get added to packs. If I pull Hulkbuster I will then get another cover of a favourite 4* (ie. Hulkbuster OR Iceman?)

    Is that it?
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2017
    I read. Still dont quite understand. What happens to the likes of Iceman/Teen Jean/Hulkbuster? Where the heck am I meant to get him?

    Same with these 3* that have been dumped into the abyss.

    You designate older characters that you want as Bonus Heroes and get them as freebies with token pulls every so often. There's no limit on the number of characters you can tag that way, so you can just apply it to every out-of-rotation character if you want.

    No, because the percentages stack (or appear to). So, before it was just a roll for a token. Take the LT store. 85% chance of a 4*, but 45 4*, get one specific one at about 1 of every 52 pulls. If you pick just one "classic" 4 with this system, youd have to roll the 85% shot at a 4* AND the 5% shot at a bonus hero at once, or 1 in every 24 pulls. If you picked all 33 classics, its be 85%*5%*.03% or 0.001287%. About 1 in every 777 pulls.

    Edit: If you did this for heroics, your odds would go from 1 in 900 under the old system to 1 in 13,200 if you pick everyone as a favorite.

    I'm just curious, with the exception of standards that give a bonus 3 for every 3, do the percentages stack elsewhere? In other words, am I rolling a 15% shot at a 5* and a 5% shot at a bonus hero at the same time? Looks like it, but want to make sure.
  • adamdivine
    adamdivine Posts: 136 Tile Toppler
    Brigby, can we get clarification on the older 4's that have been removed from the packs?
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,629 Chairperson of the Boards
    Arphaxad wrote:
    How are players supposed to get 4* covers for older champions? Not all of us can finish in the top 10 of slices to get rewards.

    By making those characters your "favorites".
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    What if I want Bonus Villains? I suppose they couldn't call it Bonus Toons
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know, it seems fine to me. You're basically getting 5% more 4*s (and 3*s and 5*s) (except from vaults, I guess), and if you want, every single one of those extra 4*s could be a hulk buster. Had enough hulkbuster? switch to Ice man. Really need to get Medusa covered? switch it to her. Haven't seen OML since he switched to classic legends? Make him your favourite and just keep pulling Latest Legends.

    Plus, all the older characters are still available in vaults (presumably) and as fixed rewards for placement, progression, and champion advancement.

    Actually... Brigby can you confirm how vault rewards will be affected by this? I know vault pulls won't have a chance of generating a bonus cover, but will the vault contents still contain 3*/4* characters not part of the 20/12 chosen?
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    The 5 star odds on Latests now displays 1/7, is that a solid 1/7 or an ambiguous 1/7?
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wait... I see one possible issue here.

    I marked Old Man Logan and Medusa as favs. And that showed my token odds as 1:20 for Classics as one of these two. Am I understanding that correctly? Maybe I'm not.

    Anyway, then I unmarked Medusa, and the odds for just OML were shown as 1:20.

    So, if I'm understanding that correctly, why the heck should anyone fave a 4*?
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Varg138 wrote:
    Jarvind wrote:
    So, wait, heroic tokens just won't have, for instance, Hulkbuster in them? Like, at all? If I'm reading that correctly, that's incredibly stupid.


    Why, when adding a new feature (which, granted, is just a 5% "bonus"), must you take something away??? What possible reason is there for only having the latest 3 and 4 star characters in these packs? Now you're stifling progress for players' older characters. Ugh
    Did you read what was said? There was an explanation. In total, this will help newer players cover their 4* faster. As it is you get the biggest boost in any character right when they are released as you can get up to 5 in the release pve, 2 in "release" pvp, and 1 each in progression of pve and pvp. Limiting pulls to then just these most recent characters means players might actually finish them in a reasonable time instead of having them languish for months while rewards rotate through the whole cycle, and token odds are miniscule.

    Yes in the short term you're out of luck if you were banking on rngesus to help you out with those last few iceman, teen jean, etc. covers you're still missing. But as Welcome Death so accurately points out - you were highly unlikely to pull those covers anyway! At least now you can focus on them with the bonus hero feature and maybe finish them faster than you otherwise would have.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bohemond wrote:
    Why would you ever choose more than 1 favorite from each tier? It seems like you just dilute the chance of getting the hero you really want.

    Speaking for myself, I've champed every 3* it doesn't matter too much which I get. I chose ones that are very low level (Dr Strange and Thanos) and ones that would give me a nice 4* later on.

    As for 4*s, yeah I thought the same. I only picked a handful of ones I REALLY wanted (Carol, Medusa, War Machine, Star Lord and Quake, the latter two because they're 5/5/1 and 3/4/5 respectively. So close.)
    It definitely behooves you to be limited if there's something you REALLY want.

    5* I didn't care too much for. I just slapped down what probably everyone did. OML and Thanos.
  • cozmo1682
    cozmo1682 Posts: 135 Tile Toppler
    Borstock wrote:
    cozmo1682 wrote:
    It just posted and it looks like you can favorite an unlimted amount of heroes? Am I seeing this right?

    If thats the case, you could just favorite just about anyone you're lacking and any of your champs and be fine?

    If you favorite EVERYONE, then the bonus cover you get can come from a pool of any of those heroes. If you favorite only 1, the bonus cover is going to be only from that hero. It's a way to target a specific hero (or heroes) and level them up faster.

    Makes sense, so I guess the thing to do is to figure out if you really want to finish say iceman and make him your only 4 star bonus hero or if you have 3 or 4 you want to peanut butter spread evenly
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Secondary bonus: You can now see which characters you don't have rostered as they're still selectable to "favorite".

    Not one to look a gift-horse in the mouth, I like it... changing to only the latest 4* makes we can complete those faster, and if you need/want an older character, add that one as favorite.

    My picks:
    3* Thanos (3/4/4)
    4* Medusa (2/2/-), Carol (2/1/2)
    5* Thanos (5/2/3) Wolverine (4/-/1)
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Borstock wrote:
    Arphaxad wrote:
    How are players supposed to get 4* covers for older champions? Not all of us can finish in the top 10 of slices to get rewards.

    By making those characters your "favorites".

    And from PVE progressions. Assuming those don't go away.

    This is a completely unnecessary complicated system to add to the game. I'm sure they see this as some way to make money... but they will chase off players in the process.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    firethorne wrote:
    Wait... I see one possible issue here.

    I marked Old Man Logan and Medusa as favs. And that showed my token odds as 1:20 for Classics as one of these two. Am I understanding that correctly? Maybe I'm not.

    Anyway, then I unmarked Medusa, and the odds for just OML were shown as 1:20.

    So, if I'm understanding that correctly, why the heck should anyone fave a 4*?

    You only get a 5* bonus if you pull a 5*, and so on for 4*s and 3*s. So you should have at least one favourite in each tier.
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    vaulting??????? again????????

    bad idea before, bad idea again. those who fail to remember history are condemned to repeat it.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Arphaxad wrote:
    Borstock wrote:
    Arphaxad wrote:
    How are players supposed to get 4* covers for older champions? Not all of us can finish in the top 10 of slices to get rewards.

    By making those characters your "favorites".

    And from PVE progressions. Assuming those don't go away.

    This is a completely unnecessary complicated system to add to the game. I'm sure they see this as some way to make money... but they will chase off players in the process.

    This is an answer to our prayers. Gives US a bit of control over the RNG.

    It's a BONUS cover... so yuo still pull a 3* , 4*, or 5*... but now you get ONE MORE cover... for FREE. How is this bad, or a cash-grab in any way?
  • huktonfonix
    huktonfonix Posts: 214 Tile Toppler
    Can I receive a 5* bonus hero from the "wrong" legend pool? For instance, if I only select Old Man Logan as my favorite 5*, and then pull a few hundred Latest Legends, does that mean I'll potentially get a bonus OML along with my latest 5* draws? Or is he only a possible bonus in the "Classic" store?
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,629 Chairperson of the Boards
    cozmo1682 wrote:
    Borstock wrote:
    cozmo1682 wrote:
    It just posted and it looks like you can favorite an unlimted amount of heroes? Am I seeing this right?

    If thats the case, you could just favorite just about anyone you're lacking and any of your champs and be fine?

    If you favorite EVERYONE, then the bonus cover you get can come from a pool of any of those heroes. If you favorite only 1, the bonus cover is going to be only from that hero. It's a way to target a specific hero (or heroes) and level them up faster.

    Makes sense, so I guess the thing to do is to figure out if you really want to finish say iceman and make him your only 4 star bonus hero or if you have 3 or 4 you want to peanut butter spread evenly

    Funny you should say that, because Iceman is who I picked. But there is some strategy involved. Let's say you want to finish War Machine, like me, and you have 5/0/5. If I favorite him, I might finish him faster. But I also might waste bonus covers on a character where I'm likely to get duplicates I can't use. So he might not be the best character to favorite for me.