New Feature: Bonus Heroes! *Updated (3/1/17)



  • AgentCoulsonLMD
    AgentCoulsonLMD Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    Got my first 4* bonus hero. (Peggy). So already paid off. I am only making 1 4* BH at a time.
    I also like the design of how odds are given. very easy to understand.

    No qualms. Only issue is that someone like Star Lord at 5/5/2, it's not worth making them Bonus Hero, b/c the chance of hitting another 5.
    So I think BH are great, but take them off once you hit 5 in any color.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got my first 4* bonus hero. (Peggy). So already paid off. I am only making 1 4* BH at a time.
    I also like the design of how odds are given. very easy to understand.

    No qualms. Only issue is that someone like Star Lord at 5/5/2, it's not worth making them Bonus Hero, b/c the chance of hitting another 5.
    So I think BH are great, but take them off once you hit 5 in any color.

    I don't know, that's no worse than before. 5/5/2 you should take off, sure. Just buy that last cover. 5/0/0 chars, though... probably still better to risk unusable covers at a higher drop rate than wait around for 8 more covers from vaults atc...
  • Freelancer
    Freelancer Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Sure would be a great time to introduce a 15cp 'Ancient' Legendaries store!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got my first 4* bonus hero. (Peggy). So already paid off. I am only making 1 4* BH at a time.
    I also like the design of how odds are given. very easy to understand.

    Whatever makes you happy I guess, but this seems incredibly short sighted. If I offered you a special token today with a 95% drop rate for a single OML cover, but opening the token means you would also end up paying 50cp for all LTs (latest or classics) forever, would you open the special token?

    Getting a single Peggy cover is nice. But if there is an enormous back end cost, then it's suddenly not so nice. now to be clear, it's a bit early for us to conclude that the new Bonus Heros system does in deed have an enormous back end cost. But there are lots of reasonable arguments in this thread and other suggesting that might be the case. So maybe a little perspective would be helpful

    And a personal pet peeve: how are these odds easier to read that the old odds, which were literally a list of probabilities? The new odds info seems deceptive to me, misleading at best.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2017
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Got my first 4* bonus hero. (Peggy). So already paid off. I am only making 1 4* BH at a time.
    I also like the design of how odds are given. very easy to understand.

    Whatever makes you happy I guess, but this seems incredibly short sighted. If I offered you a special token today with a 95% drop rate for a single OML cover, but opening the token means you would also end up paying 50cp for all LTs (latest or classics) forever, would you open the special token?

    Getting a single Peggy cover is nice. But if there is an enormous back end cost, then it's suddenly not so nice. now to be clear, it's a bit early for us to conclude that the new Bonus Heros system does in deed have an enormous back end cost. But there are lots of reasonable arguments in this thread and other suggesting that might be the case. So maybe a little perspective would be helpful

    And a personal pet peeve: how are these odds easier to read that the old odds, which were literally a list of probabilities? The new odds info seems deceptive to me, misleading at best.

    Well I think it is more helpful to know that you'll get a 4* cover every 14 heroic tokens (or so, on average, etc...) than it is to see that every separate character has a 0.16% (rounded up) chance of being pulled. Did we even get 2 decimal places?

    Now, what WILL need to be investigated are the 4* covers given out as daily rewards. Those 3 Invisible Woman covers are looking pretty stupid now. Even the Doom cover at day 44. "Here's Doom. You'll probably never see one again. You're welcome"

    Maybe you get (from among) your favourite(s) from that cover tier instead of getting the current specific cover? One cover that you have (near) total control over every ~15 days or so (on top of everything else) seems pretty reasonable.
  • AlluAllu
    AlluAllu Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Hi all! Been lurking on this site for a while now and this change made me register. I just want to say that I am happy about this change. It serves my situation well. I'm currently a 3-star player after something like 250 days. I have about a dozen 4-stars with one cover.

    I was originally going to somewhat retire after champing rest of my 3-stars. Next step would have been rostering and eventually champing all 4-stars. And I thought that it would just take ages and ages of grinding resources. So quitting making progress at 3-star completion seemed wise.

    But now in this new system, I can actually roster all current 12 characters and give them enough covers so that I can actually have fun playing the game! I haven't yet properly estimated the numbers, but I might actually be able to champ the newest characters. They should eventually each be in the pool for about half a year, right? So ideally I would get a steady rate of playable and fun 4-stars, without having to waste covers most of the time. icon_e_smile.gif

    Sure, this means that I'm going to mostly miss those in the vault, but I am okay with that. But I sympathize with those who put hard work and time into champing 4-stars they don't like. That sadly is now in vain.
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    Has anyone yet received a non listed 4 star as a bonus cover? If it is possible to get nonlisted covers in this fashion I would feel better about this mechanics change.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Has anyone yet received a non listed 4 star as a bonus cover? If it is possible to get nonlisted covers in this fashion I would feel better about this mechanics change.

    I have picked 3* Thor (not listed) as my only 3* favourite. First Elite token I opened was Loki (from the list) and a bonus cover, which was of course Thor (because he's my only 3* favourite). I haven't received any 4* bonus covers yet but I have no reason to believe that it will work any differently.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel like we're all more or less in agreement that no one hates the bonus heros overall and more so dislike the fact that half of 4's and 3's were locked.

    Higher end players who wanted champ levels

    and lower and players who want to share in the characters kicking everyone in the 4 meta around, ( cyclops, red hulk, jean, iceman etc)
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    GurlBYE wrote:
    I feel like we're all more or less in agreement that no one hates the bonus heros overall and more so dislike the fact that half of 4's and 3's were locked.

    Higher end players who wanted champ levels

    and lower and players who want to share in the characters kicking everyone in the 4 meta around, ( cyclops, red hulk, jean, iceman etc)

    I think that's a good summary of the sentiment.

    However. If, as a new player, you wanted to get a fully covered 4* Cyclops (assuming you got all the right colors the first time, although that doesn't really matter) and you had no way of acquiring him through progression, placement, or vaults, you would have to open a lot of legendary tokens. Previously, including Mordo, there were 44 4* characters available in legendary tokens.

    You had an 85/44 = 1.931818% chance of getting a Cyclops cover every time you opened a legendary token. On average that means you would have to open 673 legendary tokens before you would get 13 Cyclops covers. (you'd also have 13 covers for every other 4*, plus ~101 5* covers, on average).

    That's not taking into account dilution of odds by the addition of a new 4* every two weeks. If you don't start until there are 50 4*s in tokens, now you have to open ~765 legendary tokens.

    Anyways, starting yesterday, as a new player with no 4* cyclops covers, you can select him as your favourite 4*. Now you only need to open ~306 legendary tokens before you get 13 bonus 4* covers, which are all Cyclops. That's less than half. (you'll also get about 22 covers of each of the 12 newest 4*s and about 48 5* covers, which includes 2-3 from bonus covers)

    And those odds never change as new 4*s are added.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    Don't know if I am unlucky or there is an error icon_eek.gif
    I have opened elite tokens and heroic tokens.....I pulled: icon_daredevil.pngicon_blade.pngicon_ironfist.pngdrstrange_icon.png :and a icon_peggycarter.png : ......but not a single bonus cover.
    Is it possible? I thought I should have been credited with 4 bonus 3 star.png covers and a 4 star.png cover of my favourites , but instead ...nothing icon_redface.gif
    Am I wrong? Aren't the bonus covers supposed to be credited each time you pull a 3 star.png or a 4 star.png from the packs?
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    WEBGAS wrote:
    Don't know if I am unlucky or there is an error icon_eek.gif
    I have opened elite tokens and heroic tokens.....I pulled: icon_daredevil.pngicon_blade.pngicon_ironfist.pngdrstrange_icon.png :and a icon_peggycarter.png : ......but not a single bonus cover.
    Is it possible? I thought I should have been credited with 4 bonus 3 star.png covers and a 4 star.png cover of my favourites , but instead ...nothing icon_redface.gif
    Am I wrong? Aren't the bonus covers supposed to be credited each time you pull a 3 star.png or a 4 star.png from the packs?

    In standard tokens you get a 3* bonus every time you pull a 3* cover. The odds of getting a 3* in standard tokens is apparently 1/43, but when that happens, you get 2 icon_e_smile.gif

    In Elite, Heroic, and Legendary tokens, you have a 5% chance of getting a bonus cover (normalized to account for all the 2*s in Elite and Heroic tokens. It's the full 5%).

    But hey, you got a 4* cover out of only 5 tokens, so that's pretty good icon_e_smile.gif
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    WEBGAS wrote:
    Don't know if I am unlucky or there is an error icon_eek.gif
    I have opened elite tokens and heroic tokens.....I pulled: icon_daredevil.pngicon_blade.pngicon_ironfist.pngdrstrange_icon.png :and a icon_peggycarter.png : ......but not a single bonus cover.
    Is it possible? I thought I should have been credited with 4 bonus 3 star.png covers and a 4 star.png cover of my favourites , but instead ...nothing icon_redface.gif
    Am I wrong? Aren't the bonus covers supposed to be credited each time you pull a 3 star.png or a 4 star.png from the packs?

    there is a 5% chance per pull of a bonus 3 4 or 5 (no bonus 2's)
    there is no "credited" and no guarantees
    that said i got three bonus heroes from a heroic 10 pack (all 3 star although i did get Moon Knight black as well)
    and IM40 broke the 200 barrier
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    What snarky, I'm sorry if I am a bad guy for wanting to play the characters that I want to play. I like characters that I like from the comics. I like Psylocke, Vision, Dr. Octopus, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Bullseye, Storm and Beast and use most of them on a daily basis. I don't care what the quality of the character in game is. I want to level them. I want my champ rewards. I want to be able to progress. I want to play the characters I want without dealing with rng in rng. I want the game to actually be playable and actually be able to progress. Of course I'm always going to have an inbalanced roster. If I am actually allowed to get champ rewards for all of my characters I can keep it close enough that characters remain usuable and I can get the chemp rewards I need. I have never gotten anything higher than a 2* from placement and likely never well. I get maybe one cover for a pve progression, that is going to get me far. DDQ is what 1 cover in over a month? Pathetic.

    Sorry if I am really pissed at getting screwed over by the developers greed. You are ok with it and it work for you, great I am happy for you. I'm not happy that my last year of play has been turned into a total waste. I am not happy that I now have no hope of progression due to the gigantic brick resource wall they put in place to try and squeeze us for cash. I'm not happy that I'm being told in a round-about way that I am not welcome in this game anymore. Deal with it, because unless something changes I'm not getting happy anytime soon and when the season changes I'm going to consider myself kicked from the game if this doesn't get changed because I'm not going to let the devs strong arm me into paying to be allowed to progress
    Question for you: What WOULD make you happy? You say you don't play enough to get significant placement rewards. You don't roster all the characters, and you say you don't even play enough to make 7k HP in less than "6 or 7 months". (I was out of HP a month ago from rostering two characters in a couple days, and I'm already approaching 4k without spending a dime on HP. And I'm not an elite player by any means.) You only want to play with your favorite characters regardless of whether they're good or not, and don't care about most new releases. You're not the typical player, yet want accommodations that target your circumstances specifically.

    So what's the magic elixir to make you feel like you aren't "cheated"? Free cover for a character of your choice for every match you play? Free roster slots? Guaranteed 5 stars every day for even thinking about logging in? I just don't get what you're complaining about.

    It's a game. The devs aren't making this out of charity. Things will either require your time or your money if you want to have them. You don't appear that you want to spend much of either, so don't be amazed that your experience may be a bit more limited than others who use more of either or both.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    Ok, so I have been lucky and unlucky at the same time icon_e_surprised.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    New McG wrote:
    What snarky, I'm sorry if I am a bad guy for wanting to play the characters that I want to play. I like characters that I like from the comics. I like Psylocke, Vision, Dr. Octopus, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Bullseye, Storm and Beast and use most of them on a daily basis. I don't care what the quality of the character in game is. I want to level them. I want my champ rewards. I want to be able to progress. I want to play the characters I want without dealing with rng in rng. I want the game to actually be playable and actually be able to progress. Of course I'm always going to have an inbalanced roster. If I am actually allowed to get champ rewards for all of my characters I can keep it close enough that characters remain usuable and I can get the chemp rewards I need. I have never gotten anything higher than a 2* from placement and likely never well. I get maybe one cover for a pve progression, that is going to get me far. DDQ is what 1 cover in over a month? Pathetic.

    Sorry if I am really pissed at getting screwed over by the developers greed. You are ok with it and it work for you, great I am happy for you. I'm not happy that my last year of play has been turned into a total waste. I am not happy that I now have no hope of progression due to the gigantic brick resource wall they put in place to try and squeeze us for cash. I'm not happy that I'm being told in a round-about way that I am not welcome in this game anymore. Deal with it, because unless something changes I'm not getting happy anytime soon and when the season changes I'm going to consider myself kicked from the game if this doesn't get changed because I'm not going to let the devs strong arm me into paying to be allowed to progress
    Question for you: What WOULD make you happy? You say you don't play enough to get significant placement rewards. You don't roster all the characters, and you say you don't even play enough to make 7k HP in less than "6 or 7 months". (I was out of HP a month ago from rostering two characters in a couple days, and I'm already approaching 4k without spending a dime on HP. And I'm not an elite player by any means.) You only want to play with your favorite characters regardless of whether they're good or not, and don't care about most new releases. You're not the typical player, yet want accommodations that target your circumstances specifically.

    So what's the magic elixir to make you feel like you aren't "cheated"? Free cover for a character of your choice for every match you play? Free roster slots? Guaranteed 5 stars every day for even thinking about logging in? I just don't get what you're complaining about.

    It's a game. The devs aren't making this out of charity. Things will either require your time or your money if you want to have them. You don't appear that you want to spend much of either, so don't be amazed that your experience may be a bit more limited than others who use more of either or both.

    I don't want characters taken away from me. No vaulting. I'm giving them until the end of the season to come to their senses. If there isn't any kind of plan at least monday to make all characters available in tokens then it's clear they don't want me as a customer and I'll time my time and money elsewhere. I have no problem spending money and have spent plenty when there have been changes made to be friendly to casual players. This is a 100% toxic change made to try and force money out of us. Not cool. It's a shame as someone who has played every day for two years that a clear message is being sent that I am no longer welcome. It's just plain bad business.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    GurlBYE wrote:
    I feel like we're all more or less in agreement that no one hates the bonus heros overall and more so dislike the fact that half of 4's and 3's were locked.

    I agree that that seems to be the case for people posting on the forums, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's true of the player base overall or even of all the players who read the forums. People who are dissatisfied may be much more likely to post than those who are indifferent or satisfied. It's the same issue as with voluntary polls, which can be inaccurate.

    Ann Landers once surveyed her readers and found that 70% said they wouldn't have had kids if they did it all over again. Other, more properly designed polls showed that 91% of them WOULD have had kids if they did it all over again.
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    n25philly wrote:
    It's just plain bad business.
    And that can be true for you. It isn't a universal truth. I've got plenty of older 4* I can use more covers for, but I'll trade "I have to cover them via bonus covers" for "I can actually cover new characters after they release". The 20ish most recent 4* which mostly lie somewhere between 5-10 covers, leaving them basically unusable, would have benefited greatly from this being implemented a year ago.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    You had an 85/44 = 1.931818% chance of getting a Cyclops cover every time you opened a legendary token. On average that means you would have to open 673 legendary tokens before you would get 13 Cyclops covers. (you'd also have 13 covers for every other 4*, plus ~101 5* covers, on average).

    That's not taking into account dilution of odds by the addition of a new 4* every two weeks. If you don't start until there are 50 4*s in tokens, now you have to open ~765 legendary tokens.

    Anyways, starting yesterday, as a new player with no 4* cyclops covers, you can select him as your favourite 4*. Now you only need to open ~306 legendary tokens before you get 13 bonus 4* covers, which are all Cyclops. That's less than half. (you'll also get about 22 covers of each of the 12 newest 4*s and about 48 5* covers, which includes 2-3 from bonus covers)

    And those odds never change as new 4*s are added.

    Those odds ignore all the other characters that you would also be collecting at a similar rate to cyclops though, if the newest 12 were clearly all top tier then this would be less of an issue, but while some are great, others are mediocre and the wasp is one of the worst in the game.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    New McG wrote:
    n25philly wrote:
    It's just plain bad business.
    And that can be true for you. It isn't a universal truth. I've got plenty of older 4* I can use more covers for, but I'll trade "I have to cover them via bonus covers" for "I can actually cover new characters after they release". The 20ish most recent 4* which mostly lie somewhere between 5-10 covers, leaving them basically unusable, would have benefited greatly from this being implemented a year ago.

    As I asked many times, other than as a cash grab is there one actual reason why they have to take away more than half the characters to do this?