New Feature: Bonus Heroes! *Updated (3/1/17)



  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    I'm not liking the ticking clock either. This feature just premiered yesterday and in a little over a week from now we'll lose two of the 12 currently in rotation.
    I have three of the Special 4* characters champed, but in a week that will drop to only one. All 4* champing outside of Bonus Heroes is now a race against time. This is a another staggering own goal for the Demiurge team.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    I've seen nothing that says the older 3* and 4*s will never appear in packs again. Clearly, that would be ridiculous. What I'm expecting to see is that all the items will get rotated at various intervals. Until I see that doesn't happen I'm not going to jump to conclusions.
    They definitely implied that the 3* lineup would be changing over time.

    The implication for 4* characters, however, is that the oldest will be displaced as the new ones go in and it will for the foreseeable future contain only the 12 latest 4* at any given time.

    It's a bad move. If they don't walk this back in the next couple of days, I'm probably done. I wish I hadn't renewed VIP this morning.

    We all know what D3 are like for not giving us all the required information though.

    It would make no sense to not rotate them all as it would stop championing dead.

    And that might be one of their goals when you think about it. Really, ask yourself, what is the point of vaulting 4*'s?
    How does it help anyone but the devs at slowing down championning because its probably giving too many rewards too quickly to their

    This is not bonus heroes. This is vaulting and slowing down championning. But heh, have an insignificant bonus feature
    to swallow this very bitter pill.

    If that were true, why over a year down the line since championing was introduced? If that was their aim, they'd have put a halt to it much sooner than now. I still believe they plan to rotate the characters, its the only logical sense. They make the packs smaller in numbers to help with the dilution issues and then rotate the characters after a few weeks so that all characters can still be earned through packs.
  • drayviper32
    drayviper32 Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    I like this new feature. With having a lot of 4* characters @ level 280 which is the highest I'll go with them...... With the old LT pulls I had to sell a lot of covers since those characters are complete for me. Now I can select what characters I want to make it to level 280 before others. Once that happens then I'll select the rest that aren't @ 280. You can still get characters that aren't in the preselected packs but you'll only get them as bonus pull. Thanks D3!!! Won't have to sell as much covers. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I will sell the 4* that I don't intend to use as I was selling them weeks ago (before my push to champion them all). I don't see a benefit in championing Wasp when she will never be favorited and I will never get her championing rewards (not counting the progression reward in PvE - that is one cover per what... a year? and I don't push to finish in 4* cover placement in PvP and PvE).

    Kate championed, Moonknight needs one cover, Peggy championed, Carlo maxed and Medusa on her way. The rest - 1000k iso each (with some of them bringing along a favorit friend). 5 out of 12. Soon to be 4 out of 12 (when Kate and Moon rotate and Coulson joins). That is not a great model but gives me an ease of mind. And I don't need to lose sleep over new release - I will have time to max cover them if I choose to.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    If that were true, why over a year down the line since championing was introduced? If that was their aim, they'd have put a halt to it much sooner than now. I still believe they plan to rotate the characters, its the only logical sense. They make the packs smaller in numbers to help with the dilution issues and then rotate the characters after a few weeks so that all characters can still be earned through packs.

    They are going to rotate the 4*s, one in one out as a new one drops its new tag.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Basically we are getting a slower general progression in exchange for a more controled progression. If you have Jean and Bobby at 12 covers you just fave either of them until you pull the covers and champ the toon. Meanwhile, you're building the latest four stars as well. This is better than the old system where you could pull both a Jean and a Bobby and you would have to sell one of them. The downside of this, you won't be getting any covers for other old four stars that you still need. So, you'll finish a particular character sooner, but your overall tier progression will be slower.

    I feel bad for the guys who are early in their four star transition, the guys who have most of the early four stars at three or four covers. Their tier progression was going to take years as it was, now it's going to take even more. If I was in that position and had the **** four stars like Venom or Elektra I would probably just sell them. Who can justify at that stage keeping a three cover Venom knowing it will stay the same for years while you level up all the other four stars?

    Overall, the changes are not THAT bad. We have now more control and with the proper strategy, even early transitioners will catch up a little faster than before as they won't suffer from dilution. The slower overall progression means also that the game has extended its shelf life, which is a good thing if you enjoy playing the game and want it to last for as long as possible.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,778 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nellobee wrote:
    How are new players ever supposed to beat CotT in the future with this change?

    By selecting one bonus hero at a time to add a cover too. I am hopefully by 2087 you will have enough of the covers to complete crash on the 4*s.

    It's gone from "your not supposed to win" to "your not supposed to get covers".
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tony Foot wrote:
    Nellobee wrote:
    How are new players ever supposed to beat CotT in the future with this change?

    By selecting one bonus hero at a time to add a cover too. I am hopefully by 2087 you will have enough of the covers to complete crash on the 4*s.

    It's gone from "your not supposed to win" to "your not supposed to get covers".

    Slightly amusing to think that if mpq was still around in 2087, the roster would have grown by over 1800 at their current rate. icon_lol.gif
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Crowl wrote:
    Tony Foot wrote:
    Nellobee wrote:
    How are new players ever supposed to beat CotT in the future with this change?

    By selecting one bonus hero at a time to add a cover too. I am hopefully by 2087 you will have enough of the covers to complete crash on the 4*s.

    It's gone from "your not supposed to win" to "your not supposed to get covers".

    Slightly amusing to think that if mpq was still around in 2087, the roster would have grown by over 1800 at their current rate. icon_lol.gif

    By then, people will be complaining about them replacing Riri with a young token white male Iron Man.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, so far I have gotten a 3* Thor from an elite token and a 5* Strange cover from a classic legends pull. I am pleased. I am aware that this is not statistically likely to continue, but I am pleased nonetheless.
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    3* come from all over. DDQ obviously. I usually get one from PVE. Otherwise pretty much all come from token pulls. I usually get the most from elite tokens. As long as over half the characters are vaulted an unavailable in tokens I am not pulling any tokens. It's just going to unbalance my roster when I can only level less than half of it.

    Not to get into semantics, but the 20 in the pool are pretty much the only 3-stars worth using for the most part anyhow. You're going to have a pretty unbalanced roster moving forward (my highest 3-star is 202, my lowest 3-star excluding the newest ones was 173). You can set your favorite 3-stars to the ones that are lagging behind the most now to sort of offset that if you wish.
    ing to have to roster all 4-stars one way or another but this does put you in a spot where your HP woes are magnified for sure.

    Great, thank you for tell me I am wrong for playing the characters I want to play instead of the ones deemed worthy be the players. Sorry, some of us do want to use all of the characters. A number of the vaulted characters are ones I actually use on a near daily basis. People need to stop trying to tell everyone how to play the game. Some of us want to get champ rewards for all of the characters we have champed. .

    Now that you're being snarky, I doubt you're interesting in continuing this. I meant to relay that you're always going to have an imbalanced 3-star champion levels and while the vaulting certainly might make that worse it is a) inevitable and b) at least the stronger half of the 3-star characters. I wasn't tell you that you're playing the game the 'wrong' way or anything. Additionally, I'm included in the 'some of us' that want to get champ rewards for all 3-stars, but there's avenues for that in placement, progression and DDQ.
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    The more I think about this, the more it seems that vaulting the majority of 4*s is going to kill the value of championing characters. Before this change, I was working on champing all my 4*s. Now, I don't know why I would bother. I'm not going to pull rewards for Drax or Mr. F randomly, and I certainly won't try to place for events in which they're rewarded. The only time I'll get them is from a vault pull or progression - not enough covers to make championing them worth it.

    I'd love a dev response on how they see vaulting working with championing. Because right now it seems like vaulting characters is conflicting with the champion system.

    (It also feels I just wasted the effort I spent over the last however many months to champ everyone I could and I wish I could get that ISO back.)
  • whycantwesyncpc
    whycantwesyncpc Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    3* come from all over. DDQ obviously. I usually get one from PVE. Otherwise pretty much all come from token pulls. I usually get the most from elite tokens. As long as over half the characters are vaulted an unavailable in tokens I am not pulling any tokens. It's just going to unbalance my roster when I can only level less than half of it.

    Not to get into semantics, but the 20 in the pool are pretty much the only 3-stars worth using for the most part anyhow. You're going to have a pretty unbalanced roster moving forward (my highest 3-star is 202, my lowest 3-star excluding the newest ones was 173). You can set your favorite 3-stars to the ones that are lagging behind the most now to sort of offset that if you wish.
    ing to have to roster all 4-stars one way or another but this does put you in a spot where your HP woes are magnified for sure.

    Great, thank you for tell me I am wrong for playing the characters I want to play instead of the ones deemed worthy be the players. Sorry, some of us do want to use all of the characters. A number of the vaulted characters are ones I actually use on a near daily basis. People need to stop trying to tell everyone how to play the game. Some of us want to get champ rewards for all of the characters we have champed. .

    Now that you're being snarky, I doubt you're interesting in continuing this. I meant to relay that you're always going to have an imbalanced 3-star champion levels and while the vaulting certainly might make that worse it is a) inevitable and b) at least the stronger half of the 3-star characters. I wasn't tell you that you're playing the game the 'wrong' way or anything. Additionally, I'm included in the 'some of us' that want to get champ rewards for all 3-stars, but there's avenues for that in placement, progression and DDQ.

    What snarky, I'm sorry if I am a bad guy for wanting to play the characters that I want to play. I like characters that I like from the comics. I like Psylocke, Vision, Dr. Octopus, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Bullseye, Storm and Beast and use most of them on a daily basis. I don't care what the quality of the character in game is. I want to level them. I want my champ rewards. I want to be able to progress. I want to play the characters I want without dealing with rng in rng. I want the game to actually be playable and actually be able to progress. Of course I'm always going to have an inbalanced roster. If I am actually allowed to get champ rewards for all of my characters I can keep it close enough that characters remain usuable and I can get the chemp rewards I need. I have never gotten anything higher than a 2* from placement and likely never well. I get maybe one cover for a pve progression, that is going to get me far. DDQ is what 1 cover in over a month? Pathetic.

    Sorry if I am really pissed at getting screwed over by the developers greed. You are ok with it and it work for you, great I am happy for you. I'm not happy that my last year of play has been turned into a total waste. I am not happy that I now have no hope of progression due to the gigantic brick resource wall they put in place to try and squeeze us for cash. I'm not happy that I'm being told in a round-about way that I am not welcome in this game anymore. Deal with it, because unless something changes I'm not getting happy anytime soon and when the season changes I'm going to consider myself kicked from the game if this doesn't get changed because I'm not going to let the devs strong arm me into paying to be allowed to progress
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    mags1587 wrote:
    The more I think about this, the more it seems that vaulting the majority of 4*s is going to kill the value of championing characters. Before this change, I was working on champing all my 4*s. Now, I don't know why I would bother. I'm not going to pull rewards for Drax or Mr. F randomly, and I certainly won't try to place for events in which they're rewarded. The only time I'll get them is from a vault pull or progression - not enough covers to make championing them worth it.

    I'd love a dev response on how they see vaulting working with championing. Because right now it seems like vaulting characters is conflicting with the champion system.

    (It also feels I just wasted the effort I spent over the last however many months to champ everyone I could and I wish I could get that ISO back.)

    10.2m iso

    That's how much I have invested in the 27 champ 4 star.png who are now outside the draw pool, characters who will now see roughly 5 covers/YEAR. This is a sad sad week
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    fmftint wrote:
    10.2m iso

    That's how much I have invested in the 27 champ 4 star.png who are now outside the draw pool, characters who will now see roughly 5 covers/YEAR. This is a sad sad week

    Honest question: if your 4-star champs that you don't use but only champed so 4-star covers didn't go to waste got a champ level from an LT pull, wasn't that pretty much a consolation prize?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Honest question: if your 4-star champs that you don't use but only champed so 4-star covers didn't go to waste got a champ level from an LT pull, wasn't that pretty much a consolation prize?
    No, it was resource acceleration, and an example of the player using the champion feature in exactly the way we'd been lead to believe was a sound strategy.
  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler
    fmftint wrote:
    10.2m iso

    That's how much I have invested in the 27 champ 4 star.png who are now outside the draw pool, characters who will now see roughly 5 covers/YEAR. This is a sad sad week

    Honest question: if your 4-star champs that you don't use but only champed so 4-star covers didn't go to waste got a champ level from an LT pull, wasn't that pretty much a consolation prize?
    Maybe so, but the more levels you got, the better the consolation.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    All of this is so sad. Now that my good champs we're getting closer to 320, they are removed from LTs icon_e_sad.gif

    I guess I will have to concentrate in Cyclops and Rhulk as bonus (my two max level 4s), and Peggy because she is still in LTs and forget about all others

    Question: Are bonus heroes pulled always with the same color? Or the color is random? (I pulled three times the same bonus hero of the same color!)
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Polares wrote:
    Question: Are bonus heroes pulled always with the same color? Or the color is random? (I pulled three times the same bonus hero of the same color!)

    Random for me. I got a lot of them in my 40 pack pull and the 3-star and 4-star bonus covers were a variety of colors.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Vaulting characters didn't work last time and it won't work this time. Eventually common sense will prevail and they'll fix this.

    There may be no one still playing by the time they do because what's more concerning to me than the single abberant decision to do this is the larger point that this got through all internal reviews and approvals with multiple people signing off on it as a good idea - that really sucks because it means the devs are so out of touch with the player base that we are witnessing the root cause of the end of the game unless significant and drastic structural action is taken urgently.