Update to Deadpool's Daily Quest! (2/21/17)



  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2017
    I really don't get these vets that don't have a 2 star farm going on.

    I get it, they don't help you actively win matches, and that iso thirst is a real problem...

    but personally I would trade 9,530iso for 5 heroic tokens, 3 3 star covers to help raise a 3 star up and get other rewards, 375Hp and 5CP. The only time this wouldn't be true is if I had every character max covered, and if that was the case I would understand, but at the same time a taco token and 2cp is pretty meaningless to you.

    I mean in 3 cycles of the 2 star which really doesn't take that long you already paid for its slot and then some. it really helps in regards to getting new slots later for all the new characters *shrugs*

    im a casualish player on day 1146 who is already on their 4-5th time through most of the characters most of which was just from elite tokens from PVE.

    I mean if HP for rostering 2* is such an issue it's all the more reason you should be working towards getting a 2* farm as it's one of the better ways to get HP in the game.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Alsmir wrote:
    I know it's one of the worst scenarios possible, but:

    Beating new node with lvl ~100 Bullseye, lvl 40 (11 covers) Beast and 1 cover Falcap took my 3 tries and a couple of boosts. All of that for 2 CP and a Taco.
    Certaily well worth the effort right?
    2 CP = 10% of a 4-star draw, or better
    Taco = guaranteed 2*/equivalent-item, or better
  • Rhycar
    Rhycar Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
    I think this was an excellent change all around. No, it doesn't address every single problem the game has, but for what it does, it is another bit of generosity to the players.

    I haven't seen anyone comment yet on the synergy in the BB node. Up and down those required 2/3/4 teams, there are really well thought-out teams. For instance, today's BB with both Beast and Bullseye putting out protect tiles that fuel FalCap's red. I admit, even as a long-time player, I didn't see that coming. Yeah, if you don't have the character(s), it sucks for a day. But you get another try tomorrow, you aren't actually penalized and you're rewarded when you develop your roster.

    And finally, you should have a 2* farm. Period. At all phases of the game. The rewards far outweigh the costs. Someone should write up a guide to that...
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    I mostly like the changes. It'd be lovely if the BB offered a better reward, but it'd also have to be much more difficult then to justify the reward. It is nice that people like the poster above can also get access to the rewards, so I can't complain about that too much.

    My only real complaint is that I miss the old Big Enchilada already. It was just a good place to putz around with weird teams. I usually went in with the goal of seeing how much strike tile damage I could generate by the end. That's not really an option anymore. But that's mostly a wistful complaint. I can't say that the game should be structured around that kind of wish.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Although I wish we had a NEW Crash everyday, I am happy that the Crash is available everyday in the Cycle. This is the perfect Crash to demonstrate it too because my XDP is 5/5/0. I know I can do it without purple, I just need a good board but I hate spending healthpacks on these nodes so the 5-day chance to win is perfect for me. I just wait every 3hrs for DP to heal and I try again. This is how it should have been from day 1 but nonetheless, Thank you!
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good changes, I like it.

    The new node just adds a little reward, but the decrease to TBE length means I can spend the same amount of time and get better rewards. Two thumbs up for me.
  • TheBaku
    TheBaku Posts: 55 Match Maker
    Crowl wrote:
    TheBaku wrote:
    All I'm asking is that they treat that specific daily node like the old DDQ where I could use only Juggernaut (1*) rather than the PvE style "No-character, No play" format.

    Thanks for the tip though, I'm guessing I'll be stuck with Option A - a messy, overloaded queue full of 2*s...

    This node does act like the old DDQ though, it has a character requirement and if you cannot meet that requirement then you cannot play the node.

    What I'm asking is that the 2/3/4 required node act like the old 2* DDQ where there were no character restrictions, rather than the 3* where there were. In fact, one was able to complete the 1* and 2* nodes with a team of 1, rather than the usual 3.

    There has never been a 2* lockout component of DDQ.... And adding one now is bothersome.
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    I just got done playing the new DDQ: I like it!

    Each day, they've increased the available rewards by 1k ISO, 1x Taco, 1x Recruit, 1x Elite, and 2x CP.

    Is it a stellar, OMG, paradigm-shift change? No. Could it have been a bigger improvement? Sure, of course they can always do more, but I don't recall any statement or promise that this change was intended to be an answer to the 4* or 5* issue. It's just a little more ISO, CP, and tokens up-for-grabs to all players. How could that be bad?

    Not to mention the increased availability of the Crash of Titans node for a full five days giving more opportunity to hit that node to deal with RL or give time to find covers/ISO to improve one's required 4*, etc. Again, big change? Not necessarily, but it might help some people, and it certainly doesn't harm anyone.

    As for the people complaining about the need to roster 2* characters now in order to get all the DDQ nodes... First, if you chose not to "complete" the game, then you can't play all the game... >shrug< That happens to make sense to me. YMMV.

    Besides, I have to totally agree with Zulux21, a couple posts above... Rostering and rotation-farming 2* is an essential part of the game now. It's an excellent way to get ISO, HP, CP, tokens, and covers to help the rest of your roster. If you haven't been doing it, give it a try. It really pays for itself in the long run.

    Likewise, I'd strongly recommend doing the same for 3*... I have all 42 champed, and the constant influx of ISO, HP, CP, tokens, and 4* covers from every 3* cover I get keeps the rewards flowing... None of my 3* have reached maxed 266 yet (LCap at ~256 is my highest).... I'm still deciding what to do at that point... but I expect, unlike 2* which I flip right away, I'll keep my maxed-champed 3* and just start a new one whenever I get that 114th cover... ...but I digress...

    The point being, if you build/maintain strong lower-tier farms, it really helps with your upper-tier progression. I've got 32x 4* champed, with intent to champ 'em all, before I seriously move on to leveling my fledgling 5*s, because I know... all the rewards from 2, 3, and 4* covers will help with that 5th Tier (and the inevitable 6th, etc.).

    Single-steps and long-term considerations have worked for my personal progression, and it appears to be what the designers expect for MPQ, as demonstrated by yet another positive step with today's DDQ Improvements. Thumbs-up!
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Positive changes all around. Just wish the first day hadn't required 2* Bullseye, the only 2* (save for Bagman) that I don't have rostered!

    Just echoing the others in this thread, but the option to go in with only one or two of the required characters would be really appreciated... and possibly even more of a challenge!
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I played it today, beat all the nodes including the CotT. here are my thoughts:

    As I said last night, I like the new ideas. Something to add variety is always welcome, and I have at least 1 cover for every character from 2-5*, so I am able to play all the time. I like the added taco token, and the added progression rewards etc. Overall a nice little change.

    but... that is where it ends. I want to emphasize that it is a little change, nothing that will really move the needle. 2CP, though appreciated because I didn't have it before, is still not much to get excited about. You get that from every PVE sub. Sure, it's another way to earn CP, but I am not jumping for joy. And tacos are, most times, just 2* rewards. Trying to time your pulls around when you need healthpacks or when a specific 4* shows up in the vault is the only way to come out of a taco vault feeling OK. I would love them to revamp the taco vault so that the odds of getting actual good rewards aren't so stacked against you. 1/300 is just too steep. Maybe that makes me ungrateful? I don't mean to be.

    At the moment, with yet another new release on the horizon, the sheer amount of 4* characters in this game is getting overwhelming... there are more 4's than 3's ! I have plenty of HP to roster them as they come, so I am not complaining about that. But I have been chasing Red Hulk covers, Peggy yellows, and HulkBuster blacks like crazy. Everytime a new 4* is added to the pool, my chances of getting those is hurt. So, I understand that they couldn't give us a crash of the titans every day, just in case it starts spitting out too many 5*. But they have a mechanism to earn a new 3* every day through DDQ... why couldn't there be a way to do the same for 4*? Even if it was every 2 or 3 days instead of every day... maybe you can earn the required 4* for the crash that is active, that way you might get enough covers to actually win? We just have too many 4* to get anywhere, at least with the current means of acquiring them. Sure, I can acquire a few 4* covers per week. But over half of them become ISO because it was the wrong color. Sure, I can earn 120CP and then just buy a specific cover I want, but that should be "last ditch effort" type of stuff, not every-single-character stuff. I stare at Medusa and 4* Carol, even my HulkBuster stuck at 5/1/2 and I realize how far away it will be that they become usable. It saddens me...
  • SlappyDingle
    SlappyDingle Posts: 60 Match Maker
    I can understand them not wanting to throw around 4* covers willy nilly but geez, beef up the IOS rewards please.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Felonius wrote:
    Could it have been a bigger improvement? Sure, of course they can always do more, but I don't recall any statement or promise that this change was intended to be an answer to the 4* or 5* issue.

    You're right, there was no such statement. That doesn't stop this being yet another massive missed opportunity to at least partly rectify the 4* or 5* issue, though.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,167 Chairperson of the Boards
    i guess its okay... how about doing a few changes

    Make the event 7 days.....you can play the nod 7 times so if someone wanted to they could do it all in one day
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    CNash wrote:
    Positive changes all around. Just wish the first day hadn't required 2* Bullseye, the only 2* (save for Bagman) that I don't have rostered!

    Just echoing the others in this thread, but the option to go in with only one or two of the required characters would be really appreciated... and possibly even more of a challenge!

    Would it really, though? If you only have the 2*, sure. If you only have the 4*, but they're champed, they can probably solo 3 lvl 80s that aren't even fully covered. Obviously the idea isn't that you can just phone it in with a 4*, you have to at least have everybody. They don't have to be that highly leveled or covered; I think there was a great point made above that players who have lots of 4*s but can't complete the Crash very often can now get some extra love.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    4*/5* rosters with progress concerns - assuming you can win the BBurrito each day:

    Save all of the 2 CP's you earn from BBurrito for 60 days = 120 CP that you wouldn't have had before the DDQ changes.

    Treat the 60 day mark as "4* colorless cover day", and buy a needed 4* cover. It's still pretty slow going, but could be fun?
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 564 Critical Contributor
    Great changes to the Deadpool Daily, thank you!
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    Felonius wrote:
    Could it have been a bigger improvement? Sure, of course they can always do more, but I don't recall any statement or promise that this change was intended to be an answer to the 4* or 5* issue.

    You're right, there was no such statement. That doesn't stop this being yet another massive missed opportunity to at least partly rectify the 4* or 5* issue, though.

    I get what you're saying, though I disagree with the massiveness of the blunder. There's also nothing saying that another/future update isn't going to happen... There are always opportunities. ...And to further be a nit-picky little bugger on Team Devil's Advocate... They did "partly rectify the 4* or 5* issue" ... Oh, it's a very very small part, to be sure... but any increase in ISO and chance to get 4* covers (both of which were included in this update with the additional ISO, CP, and tokens), does help the problem. icon_twisted.gif


    Besides... I'm hopeful that the expanded Progression Rewards List might be a step in the direction of adding SCL to DDQ rewards. Now that could be a great opportunity... Though after seeing their SCL8 changes over SCL7, I won't be getting my hopes up too much. icon_lol.gif
  • Coubii
    Coubii Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    First attempt to newly DDQ.

    One new mission, which should help transition to 4 or 5 land. Even if 2CP a day is 1 cover per 10 days. Still good to take. However having all required character mean that you have to be far in the game to play it. And you can't even pay your way out by buying 4* covers, the 2* is still required. If I may suggest, if player has at least one of them, he should be able to do that mission. (or the 4* required if you want to lock this mission to high player)
    BigEnchilada is waaaaaaay easier for 2* players or 3* transitioners. Really good news for them. That's for me the bigger value of this update.
    CoT visible 5 days instead of one. Won't change my life, still need these damn 4* covers to power up my guys. But it give some planning options.
    More reward for slightly less time to beat.

    Overall result: Good update!
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    I am in love with the new Deadpool Daily.

    More than just improving my 3* roster now. Those Deadpool Tokens are the half the reason I don't have to buy HP and you're giving me another chance at em? Sign me up.
  • Felessa
    Felessa Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    At first, I was kind of disappointed too because I expected a daily mission for a 4* specific cover... like the BE for 3*s. But then, I played DDQ with the new changes and it was a very nice thing, better than it was before. So as much as I expected a little more, these changes were welcomed, thank you icon_e_smile.gif.