Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • With 36 hours left, I am guessing that these nodes will be the final nodes. Whatever the case, I am only doing these once today and once during the final hour of the event. I cannot bring myself to care anymore.
  • The next - and maybe final nodes are as follows:-

    Maggia in Greece: 30
    Heist in Spain: 50
    Batlte in Brazil: 120
    Government Raid: 120
    Stolen Stash: 140
    Iso-8 Raiders: 160
    Gulf Transport: 170
    Seized by customs: 200
    Congo: 260
    Venezuela Showdown: 300

    So there an extra 490 base points on board increase of 20%
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    And Venezuela Showdown starts with Daken and Bullseye at 229 for me, thanks to having no idea that the last set of nodes would be available way longer than expected, leading to more missions being done.

    Alright, one clear tomorrow afternoon, and then the carnage in the last hour.

    I really hope they go back to the points system of Thick As Thieves eventually, the "two clears and then down to one point" clearly communicated that grinding wasn't going to be rewarded and would keep community scaling way down with the current system.
  • Sumilea wrote:
    The next - and maybe final nodes are as follows:-

    Maggia in Greece: 30
    Heist in Spain: 50
    Batlte in Brazil: 120
    Government Raid: 120
    Stolen Stash: 140
    Iso-8 Raiders: 160
    Gulf Transport: 170
    Seized by customs: 200
    Congo: 260
    Venezuela Showdown: 300

    So there an extra 490 base points on board increase of 20%

    That's 4650 points on a full clear, times 2 clears at 12 hours apiece, or 9300 more points at the 12 hour mark left in the tourney. The global leaders still won't break 50k by then.

    So, the only real conclusions are that the scoring system is completely broken here, or everything is going to come down to insanely high-value single refresh node spawn at Noon EST tomorrow.
  • DecoyDuck wrote:
    At this point, I'm hoping they forgo the progression awards and not create that massive point explosion everyone is expecting. What will cause the bigger uproar? Ruining days of "work" with a final hour brawl or redeploying covers in a future event? No one is at the 500K mark... so why not just cut it off? It's not as if some 1% of people got to it and we're all jealous. Let the event end with the normal level of crazy rubberbanding and not the 10X kind.

    After-switch picture suggests we won't get even to the 50HP. But with the RB anyone can still get from anywhere to top.
  • Just checked in my game. I have

    4 Normal Missions
    4 Hard Missions
    2 Deadly Missions

    What's the point of even having the Deadly Missions? As soon as I see the black and red, it turns into "I'm never even trying these!"

    Hoping I can somehow get into the Top 50 for this, but I doubt it.
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    RichHurtz wrote:
    Just checked in my game. I have

    4 Normal Missions
    4 Hard Missions
    2 Deadly Missions

    What's the point of even having the Deadly Missions? As soon as I see the black and red, it turns into "I'm never even trying these!"

    Hoping I can somehow get into the Top 50 for this, but I doubt it.

    Lucky you, i have 6 deadly ones :S
  • Maybe I'm wrong, but grinding PVE for a week just to MAYBE get a 2-star cover seems kinda **** to me. Time to rethink this event d3
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2014
    Maybe I'm wrong, but grinding PVE for a week just to MAYBE get a 2-star cover seems kinda **** to me. Time to rethink this event d3

    Think this event was more geared towards causally playing PvE for a week for iso rewards, with a 2/3* cover as a bonus, which is fine by me. A single clear of each mission should be good enough for top 500, and getting up to top 200 doesn't take that much work after that, assuming you have the cap cover (which most people that want it should from the PvP tourney that just ran).
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    Probably we'll get one new node after tonight 12h mark, the one that's story driven. But thats usually a low-value one.
  • Seems as though one to two well timed plays of each mission (total, not per refresh) will be good for top 10 if not top 2.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    I am seriously considering not playing at 4 AM today and 4 PM tomorrow and just do a single refresh of whatever I can in the last 2 hours of the event...
  • This was by far the most boring event I have played in MPQ. No progression rewards worth getting in the range we are now, no sub rewards since it is the same map with nodes that change every 24-36 hours, no interesting matches. This event felt even longer than the previous despite being only 7 days long. I hope they don't repeat it any time soon.

    In the future, I hope they release full stats of new characters with the event that introduces them. I really don't get the secrecy. You ask from players to win a hero when they know so little about him? This is the second reason I am not interested in Human Torch. The green feels out of place, but if we at least knew how the ability scales he would be more interesting. The third nail in the coffin was the broken progression rewards.
  • morgh wrote:
    I am seriously considering not playing at 4 AM today and 4 PM tomorrow and just do a single refresh of whatever I can in the last 2 hours of the event...

    If this is the last set of nodes then there is nothing wrong with that. But I've been skipping through the dialogue so I have no idea if this is the end.
  • I think the thing that's missing me the most off here are the Captain progression rewards. They just introduce him, the next day lauch this with him as possible progression rewards...and then this?

    What a load of bagmen.
  • For a point of comparison, although nobody knows of the mysterious individuals who were close to the X-Force covers in the Heroic Oscorp event, quite a few people got the first Daredevil cover in Heroic Oscorp. I think it's safe to say that unless every mission becomes 1000 base points, nobody will be getting even the first Captain cover at 93333. I'm not sure if anyone will even hit 50000 at this rate.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    DecoyDuck wrote:
    Lyrian wrote:
    All that said, the unusual math on the progression scores (53333, 66666, 93333 and 106666) suggests that a hard distribution was used in setting the progression prizes. There is simply no way that the forumites are playing THAT inefficiently to be missing the progression prizes by such a wide berth, given that top scores are at about 20-22% of max progression. Also, given that the ending of the progression prize ladder is synonymous with the 200k Red Daredevil from the last tourney (which even she achieved casually), all signs point to a massive point explosion on the next and potentially final node refresh.

    At this point, I'm hoping they forgo the progression awards and not create that massive point explosion everyone is expecting. What will cause the bigger uproar? Ruining days of "work" with a final hour brawl or redeploying covers in a future event? No one is at the 500K mark... so why not just cut it off? It's not as if some 1% of people got to it and we're all jealous. Let the event end with the normal level of crazy rubberbanding and not the 10X kind.

    I'd prefer the 10x kind. I think most of the playerbase recognizes that grinding up to this point isn't exactly the best way to go about this event, so I doubt that people would be mad over ruining days of work when the current rubberbanding system is ruining that already. At least that way, we all get our cap covers!
  • Spider-man 6234
    What the heck is up with this event? Will anybody tell me if there have been other events with such unreachable progression awards? Should I expect to wake up tomorrow and find each one worth 5k a piece? Either d3p messed up on this one or im just not playing the game right. (It could be either unfortunately icon_e_wink.gif )
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    What the heck is up with this event? Will anybody tell me if there have been other events with such unreachable progression awards? Should I expect to wake up tomorrow and find each one worth 5k a piece? Either d3p messed up on this one or im just not playing the game right. (It could be either unfortunately icon_e_wink.gif )

    It happens every once in a while. Heroic oscorp, for instance, had rewards at 45k or something like that when most people were barely at 10-20k.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    The Don generates 2 black AP a turn and Trap uses 10 black, so it will usually be used over Devour/Payback Mission though it's hardly guaranteed.

    The numbers for the mission points needs to go up by a factor of 5 for the high point rewards to be even remotely obtainable. Round 4 of Simulator Basic was significantly less than 100K put together for even the highest scoring people.

    The highest scoring people in this event doesn't even mean much: with rubberbanding first place is always only going to be a thousand points above most of the pack that do even one clear a day. This event structure is just very poor in general: single main means that rubberbanding negates any leads you could get in earlier rounds, making it futile to try and extend your lead in the event, and the lack of subs means that less awards are handed out in general. I'm thinking about doing a poll after the event for people to voice whether or not they liked the event: I'm thinking that if the devs have a concentrated thread for feedback, they'll think twice about rerunning events like this given how most of the playerbase probably dislikes it compared to what we've had before.

    I was considering making a thread about being dissatisfied with this event but didn't want to be overly whiny. Basically my big issue with the long event with no subs is all the event/heroic token rewards that are essentially lost. It's already hard for people to collect the 2* covers they need to transition from 1* to 2* now that the PvP rewards have been scaled back. I don't think it's fair that this additional source of 2* (and some 3*) covers, which usually comes in the sub event rewards is now gone. Don't even get me started on the same argument with hp and iso rewards as well. Overall it's really hampered my own roster growth, as well as, I assume, many others in my situation.

    They could have mitigated this issue by being more generous in the progression rewards, but there are no more token/iso/hp rewards than usual and they made all the top rewards impossible to attain (barring some incredibly awful last day or two huge increase in points). Overall I'm pretty unhappy with this event and in consequence have been playing much less over the past few days.