Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • Phantron wrote:
    kensterr wrote:
    They didn't miscalculate... The devs just don't play the game, so they don't understand people don't grind for points when faced with crazy scaling or hard to clear nodes.

    The nodes are not hard to clear. The reason why people didn't bother clearing them is because even if they did, you'd still come nowhere close to even the 93333 mark. As a point of reference, in Simulator Basic, I calculated people would be short of the 250K reward by about 3K, but activity went way up for the final stretch and the total came close to 270K. That's about 20K more than the old pace, on a bunch of missions that are close to 500 base points (much higher than anything in this event). You also have way more high point nodes period between the 2 sub brackets, and all that did was add 20K from the projected pace of Simulator Basic. If you add 20K to people's score now, people would still be nowhere close to the 93333 mark, and it's awfully generous to expect rubberband to go up like it did for R4 of Simulator Basic given the massive difference in base points in R4 compared to this event.

    I don't think the reason why people are not clearing the nodes is because they were thinking about how they wouldn't come close to the 93333 mark. I doubt the average player pays attention to that kind of stuff, and thinks more about maintaining his rank in the current leaderboards. The reason why the playerbase isn't grinding as hard is because there is no reason to due to rubberbanding. Previous events were broken down into a set of subevents, so players had reason to grind because the end of each sub was immediate: they thought: "oh ****, ends in 1-2 days, gotta keep my score up" With this event lasting 9 days on the same rubberbanding, I'll bet that most people didn't bother to grind at all because they knew after a few days that it would be useless: rubberbanding trivialized all of it and no one is crazy enough to maintain a rigid grinding schedule when the event is rubberbanding this long. I would also guess that they referred to past rubberbanding data to set these values, which doesn't fit perfectly due to the differences in event structure. Finally, one last option to consider was that they simply didn't update the base values for the missions, so our point total is a lot lower than it should actually be.

    Also, if you guys thought that this event was bad in terms of scaling/progression awards, I don't think you remember heroic oscorp, which was by far, the worst event i've played in the 4 months i've had with MPQ.

    I'll add this from my observations of watching my more casual other half play MPQ - point scaling perceptions of "not being worth it".

    At 100ish casual days played, she has enough of a sense of scaling, rubberbanding, and the point system to draw her own conclusions on how to play the game optimally given her casual stance towards MPQ. The most common question she has been asking me all event is "When are the 1000+ point nodes going to appear"? Over the last several events, point inflation has significantly molded expectations towards PvE events. With the recent Hulk and Simulator nodes offering 10x rubberbands of thousands of points per attempt, she is looking at this event with extreme disdain.
    I don't blame her personally, either. After weeks of nodes with hundreds and thousands of points each, grinding nodes lightly for 100-500 points each seems rather unfulfilling.

    All that said, the unusual math on the progression scores (53333, 66666, 93333 and 106666) suggests that a hard distribution was used in setting the progression prizes. There is simply no way that the forumites are playing THAT inefficiently to be missing the progression prizes by such a wide berth, given that top scores are at about 20-22% of max progression. Also, given that the ending of the progression prize ladder is synonymous with the 200k Red Daredevil from the last tourney (which even she achieved casually), all signs point to a massive point explosion on the next and potentially final node refresh.
  • Damn this event and damn this rubberbanding.

    I'm currently number 1 in my bracket. YAY! I'm going to time for how long.

    This event ends between 6-7am EU time (if my calculations are somewhat accurate).

    This means I HAVE to wake up (or not go to sleep) an hour before and grind my way back up to a position that will bag me a human torch.

    Because even if I am #1 three hours from the end and I go to sleep then I'll probably finish <200th position.

    Is there any point to playing this event more than once a day even?
  • nihilium
    nihilium Posts: 242
    edited April 2014
    Is there a guess when the next refresh will be? I was thinking it had to be like 6h ago.. but didnt happen..

    So how are the chance for in 6h? o.o
  • I just rubberbanded myself from rank 400 to rank 11 and there are still enough points left on the board that I could probably get to first if I wanted to (which I don't)
  • Amazing! Right now, #3 in my bracket with 35667 pts, is a guy named Easta with this roster:

    **cStorm 54 1/3/5
    **OBW 53 2/2/5
    **Thor 38 4/1/2
    ***Punisher 25 0/0/2
    ***Cap 15 0/0/1
    ***DD 15 0/1/0
    ***Hulk 15 1/0/0
    **Cap 6 1/0/0

    Good job Easta!
  • SandsTheMan
    Milkrain wrote:
    Damn this event and damn this rubberbanding.

    I'm currently number 1 in my bracket. YAY! I'm going to time for how long.

    This event ends between 6-7am EU time (if my calculations are somewhat accurate).

    This means I HAVE to wake up (or not go to sleep) an hour before and grind my way back up to a position that will bag me a human torch.

    Because even if I am #1 three hours from the end and I go to sleep then I'll probably finish <200th position.

    Is there any point to playing this event more than once a day even?

    Agreed. To date I've stayed in top 10 through regular plays. Over a few days I've gotten 35k points.

    I'm almost certain that players will get 35k points in the last few hours whilst I'm sleeping (I will not be waking up at 4am just to fight for top spot). It's clear that there is no benefit to chumps grinding the first few days other than to prove to ourselves that it's the timing of events that stop us getting top spots.
  • Wondering what scaling he has. Cause for me node with Venom/Yelena is impossible, I barely managed to do once with boost after refresh. Now they have 194 lvls and Venom devour one shot everyone.

    Seriously, I dont have idea what I did wrong but since Simulator scaling is so horrible for me. Pvp is counting to this? That would be only logical reason, despite my weak roster I was constantly finishing top100, few times top50, won * only event.
  • Seriously. What the hell is with the scaling in this event? I have missions I've only done once because they quickly became deadly after doing them. And now I only have a couple Normal maps I can actually do, but the highest of this is only in the mid 100s of points now. Started this event really well, now it's gone to hell. Was hoping to finish in the top 50 to get 2 Human Torch covers, now I'm just hoping to get any HT covers.
  • Nemesis wrote:
    Amazing! Right now, #3 in my bracket with 35667 pts, is a guy named Easta with this roster:

    **cStorm 54 1/3/5
    **OBW 53 2/2/5
    **Thor 38 4/1/2
    ***Punisher 25 0/0/2
    ***Cap 15 0/0/1
    ***DD 15 0/1/0
    ***Hulk 15 1/0/0
    **Cap 6 1/0/0

    Good job Easta!

    This roster is absolutely perfect for this event. I'm guessing though that Easta will be scaled out of the next event.
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    Lyrian wrote:
    All that said, the unusual math on the progression scores (53333, 66666, 93333 and 106666) suggests that a hard distribution was used in setting the progression prizes. There is simply no way that the forumites are playing THAT inefficiently to be missing the progression prizes by such a wide berth, given that top scores are at about 20-22% of max progression. Also, given that the ending of the progression prize ladder is synonymous with the 200k Red Daredevil from the last tourney (which even she achieved casually), all signs point to a massive point explosion on the next and potentially final node refresh.

    At this point, I'm hoping they forgo the progression awards and not create that massive point explosion everyone is expecting. What will cause the bigger uproar? Ruining days of "work" with a final hour brawl or redeploying covers in a future event? No one is at the 500K mark... so why not just cut it off? It's not as if some 1% of people got to it and we're all jealous. Let the event end with the normal level of crazy rubberbanding and not the 10X kind.
  • I'm very interested about the thoughts of the devs while making the rewards list!
  • Tatli wrote:
    I'm very interested about the thoughts of the devs while making the rewards list!

    "I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job."
  • OminoBuffo
    OminoBuffo Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Hi all, this is my first post (i know this site 5 min ago icon_razz.gif, generally i use Steam Community).

    Yesterday i was 2nd, i have 35.9k points (now i'm 7... need play hard again icon_razz.gif)... but for reach last reward need 160k points.

    The question is:

    HOW!?! How is possible to reach last reward!?!

    Between today and tomorrow we have a lot of mission with a lot of point!?! (i dont think).
    In all event when u fight in the "first" event u unlock other 1 day mini-event. But not in this event... something didnt work!?! Because its impossibile to reach over 100k point in only 1 day.

    ps: i dont read 25 page (a lot icon_razz.gif), sorry if the question is just posted
    pps: sorry for my bad english icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hi all, this is my first post (i know this site 5 min ago icon_razz.gif, generally i use Steam Community).

    Yesterday i was 2nd, i have 35.9k points (now i'm 7... need play hard again icon_razz.gif)... but for reach last reward need 160k points.

    The question is:

    HOW!?! How is possible to reach last reward!?!

    Between today and tomorrow we have a lot of mission with a lot of point!?! (i dont think).
    In all event when u fight in the "first" event u unlock other 1 day mini-event. But not in this event... something didnt work!?! Because its impossibile to reach over 100k point in only 1 day.

    ps: i dont read 25 page (a lot icon_razz.gif), sorry if the question is just posted
    pps: sorry for my bad english icon_e_smile.gif

    This is an "enhanced" rerun of the very first PvE event which did not have sub-brackets (or mini-events as you call them). I say "enhanced" because they did add some of the newer concepts like rubberbanding, scaling, refreshes, and mission stacks.
  • Hi all, this is my first post (i know this site 5 min ago icon_razz.gif, generally i use Steam Community).

    Yesterday i was 2nd, i have 35.9k points (now i'm 7... need play hard again icon_razz.gif)... but for reach last reward need 160k points.

    The question is:

    HOW!?! How is possible to reach last reward!?!

    Between today and tomorrow we have a lot of mission with a lot of point!?! (i dont think).
    In all event when u fight in the "first" event u unlock other 1 day mini-event. But not in this event... something didnt work!?! Because its impossibile to reach over 100k point in only 1 day.

    ps: i dont read 25 page (a lot icon_razz.gif), sorry if the question is just posted
    pps: sorry for my bad english icon_e_smile.gif

    Welcome to the forums!

    The short answer to this question is that in about 45 minutes or so (12PM EST), the currently expected answer is that a new set of nodes will appear that will be worth thousands of points apiece, rendering the first 5 days of the tournament utterly meaningless. This follows a trend from the last tournament, the Simulator, where in the final round, so many points were offered that it trivialized all of the previous efforts over the previous rounds.
  • Really? The currently common expectation is a point explosion?
    Because I fully expect no increase in points at all and everyone finishes the event with 50k-ish points.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    I expect no increase in points as well, but we'll know in a minute.
  • I didn't rubberband all the way down to zero on the last run, but I believe I am seeing 2x points on nodes here?

    That's not really going to move the progression needle significantly.
  • WolfmanX25 wrote:
    Really? The currently common expectation is a point explosion?
    Because I fully expect no increase in points at all and everyone finishes the event with 50k-ish points.

    I agree. But I have a feeling that the low points and (for now) unattainable progression rewards were just an error on the Devs team part. There is no judgement behind that statement, but since this was one of the first PVE events run, maybe there is something funky in the code that was missed when they re ran it. Just my 2 cents. I hope i'm wrong bc i'd really like another Lazy Cap cover.

  • Anyone can post a base points list?