Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • I was just grabbing 500 ISO rewards to feed the little monsters. It is 9 p.m. on a Saturday, so I am off like a prom dress.*

    *I think that is from The Critic.
  • Did they alter when new nodes appear again?! Shebdhdhahdbrhrj
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    Er... shouldn't it have switched missions by now?

    Just what I was thinking. Or do the missions switch tomorrow at noon EDT?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    No new nodes?
    OK, this is now officially the most stupid refresh schedule in any event ever, hands down.
    Might as well just stop playing until an hour before it ends.
  • New nodes didn't appear. I was playing as if they would. So now if these are 36-hr nodes they will refresh for me with just minutes left before they disappear. Excellent !!!
  • Wacky event. (2)
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 526 Critical Contributor
    gobstopper wrote:
    New nodes didn't appear. I was playing as if they would. So now if these are 36-hr nodes they will refresh for me with just minutes left before they disappear. Excellent !!!


  • Wow....

    So we really are heading to essentially a single-cycle event where 75% of the total event points are going to be awarded there.

    This is going to make the insane points from Simulator Round 4 look like a drop in the bucket.

    The winner of each bracket is going to be the "lucky" soul that finishes a high point node with 2 seconds left in the tourney to be last person to leapfrog into the lead, TaT style.


    Time to go dig out my stopwatch to time exactly when to "finish" the last node of the event icon_rolleyes.gif
  • jozier wrote:
    pasa_ wrote:
    So either they break the event by adding way more points late -- invalidating all what was before -- again, or no Captain for us.

    I don't see how you haven't figured out the system. The event runs during the week because D3 realizes that they have better retention if they keep events running all the time, but during the weekend when more people can play, the points will likely jump.

    Ok, I lost my "genious" hat lately, someone who found it please explain this event to me. In simple terms if possible. With half weekend passed out lead is at 34600. Now what to expect? And will the current nodes stay for 36h instead of 24? Or we already reaached the end of the story?
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lyrian wrote:

    So we really are heading to essentially a single-cycle event where 75% of the total event points are going to be awarded there.

    This is going to make the insane points from Simulator Round 4 look like a drop in the bucket.

    The winner of each bracket is going to be the "lucky" soul that finishes a high point node with 2 seconds left in the tourney to be last person to leapfrog into the lead, TaT style.


    Time to go dig out my stopwatch to time exactly when to "finish" the last node of the event icon_rolleyes.gif

    Not true, the people who won TaT were the ones who noticed that subevents rubbered differently from the main event, so you could save your subevent clears for the last hour and do them right before the event to get a huge spike in points. This event, on the other hand, has nothing like that, and will pretty much play out exactly as you said, although managing your mission clears is going to be the most important thing for this event I think: the people who best managed the mission clears and are able to clear as quickly as possible at the end are the ones that are going to win this event.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    pasa_ wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    pasa_ wrote:
    So either they break the event by adding way more points late -- invalidating all what was before -- again, or no Captain for us.

    I don't see how you haven't figured out the system. The event runs during the week because D3 realizes that they have better retention if they keep events running all the time, but during the weekend when more people can play, the points will likely jump.

    Ok, I lost my "genious" hat lately, someone who found it please explain this event to me. In simple terms if possible. With half weekend passed out lead is at 34600. Now what to expect? And will the current nodes stay for 36h instead of 24? Or we already reaached the end of the story?

    Maybe one of the old ones who played this event back in the day can help us out here. With 2 days left and the current sub having existed for 24 hours, it probably makes most sense for this one to end in 12 hours and the last one to end in 36. I doubt this sub is the end of the story.
  • Copps wrote:
    The new cap would be quite powerful in this event fully covered but the event itself isn't hard enough to make me feel the need to buy the covers.

    Not only would he be very strong covered, but he's unusually weak poorly covered. These goon heavy fights should be where he shines, but you need at least three covers to overwrite tiles.

    Edit: three is for special, countdown probably requires five
  • I'm guessing they're trying to top Heroic Oscorp on 'how to miss the boat on progression rewards'.

    There must have been some serious miscalculation, unless tomorrow every mission is worth 1000 points base.
  • Between the seemingly unachievable progression rewards to the arbitrary and mysterious sub-event times, this event is pretty rubbish.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm starting to think that this event would be wonderful as a permanent item, like the prologue.
    New nodes every 24 hours, no scaling, fixed rewards for the nodes, and maybe if you reach 50K within a week a special token - featuring the latest Charakter.

    I'd like to think they are running this event exactly as they are to get some data as to how many points people can realistically score in 6,5 days when they have no idea of refresh times.

    But I think the truth is they just massively miscalculated the progression rewards icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I don't know why this didn't occur to me before: when did this event start?

    That's right! This whole event is an ellaborate April's Fools joke. From the over-the-top rubberbanding, to the literally unachievable progression rewards, to the random and unpredictable node updates... it's all a bad joke.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    They didn't miscalculate... The devs just don't play the game, so they don't understand people don't grind for points when faced with crazy scaling or hard to clear nodes.
  • kensterr wrote:
    They didn't miscalculate... The devs just don't play the game, so they don't understand people don't grind for points when faced with crazy scaling or hard to clear nodes.

    The nodes are not hard to clear. The reason why people didn't bother clearing them is because even if they did, you'd still come nowhere close to even the 93333 mark. As a point of reference, in Simulator Basic, I calculated people would be short of the 250K reward by about 3K, but activity went way up for the final stretch and the total came close to 270K. That's about 20K more than the old pace, on a bunch of missions that are close to 500 base points (much higher than anything in this event). You also have way more high point nodes period between the 2 sub brackets, and all that did was add 20K from the projected pace of Simulator Basic. If you add 20K to people's score now, people would still be nowhere close to the 93333 mark, and it's awfully generous to expect rubberband to go up like it did for R4 of Simulator Basic given the massive difference in base points in R4 compared to this event.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    kensterr wrote:
    They didn't miscalculate... The devs just don't play the game, so they don't understand people don't grind for points when faced with crazy scaling or hard to clear nodes.

    The nodes are not hard to clear. The reason why people didn't bother clearing them is because even if they did, you'd still come nowhere close to even the 93333 mark. As a point of reference, in Simulator Basic, I calculated people would be short of the 250K reward by about 3K, but activity went way up for the final stretch and the total came close to 270K. That's about 20K more than the old pace, on a bunch of missions that are close to 500 base points (much higher than anything in this event). You also have way more high point nodes period between the 2 sub brackets, and all that did was add 20K from the projected pace of Simulator Basic. If you add 20K to people's score now, people would still be nowhere close to the 93333 mark, and it's awfully generous to expect rubberband to go up like it did for R4 of Simulator Basic given the massive difference in base points in R4 compared to this event.

    I don't think the reason why people are not clearing the nodes is because they were thinking about how they wouldn't come close to the 93333 mark. I doubt the average player pays attention to that kind of stuff, and thinks more about maintaining his rank in the current leaderboards. The reason why the playerbase isn't grinding as hard is because there is no reason to due to rubberbanding. Previous events were broken down into a set of subevents, so players had reason to grind because the end of each sub was immediate: they thought: "oh ****, ends in 1-2 days, gotta keep my score up" With this event lasting 9 days on the same rubberbanding, I'll bet that most people didn't bother to grind at all because they knew after a few days that it would be useless: rubberbanding trivialized all of it and no one is crazy enough to maintain a rigid grinding schedule when the event is rubberbanding this long. I would also guess that they referred to past rubberbanding data to set these values, which doesn't fit perfectly due to the differences in event structure. Finally, one last option to consider was that they simply didn't update the base values for the missions, so our point total is a lot lower than it should actually be.

    Also, if you guys thought that this event was bad in terms of scaling/progression awards, I don't think you remember heroic oscorp, which was by far, the worst event i've played in the 4 months i've had with MPQ.
  • Are they Kidding me? How shall we calculate our play when we don't now when the refresh is set up?