Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • Very pleased that the PvE's have evolved beyond this. I would have given up by now, if all PVEs had this amount of randomness. Fair play to the Devs for sorting it out, and let's never rerun this one again.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    mags1587 wrote:
    My nodes right now are:
    Switching Teams (Trivial): 61/62/62
    ISO-8 Hoarders (Hard): 230/230/230
    Heist in Spain (Hard): 230/230/230
    ISO-8 Heist (Hard): 230/229/229
    Stolen Goods (Trivial): 54/54/54
    Battle in Brazil (Easy): 94/94/94

    My levels are exactly the same as yours. So I assume maybe "Battle in Brazil", "Stolen Goods" and "Switching Teams" have a soft level cap? Because I've cleared these nodes just as many times as the others and they haven't nudged in levels. The mysteries of scaling continues...

    I don't mind scaling, I just wish it was more moderate. But more importantly, I wish there was an actual reasonable way to lower your scaling. Hitting the level 230 wall in PvE is as inescapable and arduous as PvP's MMR Hell.
  • I have been playing for way too long... icon_neutral.gif

    Something has got to give. Although the other times this event ran, no new subs opened up (ever); seems this would be the time to do so... Because - 1) the RB effect from the last 6 hours will be st00pid 2) The point caps for the rewards will never be achieved.

    If I look around the forums, most leadin people in brackets (even the hardcore grinders) are sitting around 25 - 30K in their brackets. That still 135 - 140K off the final Cap reward.

    That means, starting at (presumably) midnight EST - the 'leaders' in each bracket need to make up 45K a day (24 hour period) in order to make those rewards. And that is only to allow the rest of the pack to RB into rewards themselves. That averages out to 5K per node. Supergrinding each node down to 1 from say 2000 each... The superskew (screw everyone) is about to occur from the Dev side or the "superscrew" alone is going to occur. Where the final tallied scores will be in the 65Kish area becaue the RB effect will so ridiculous in the final hours.

    IMHO - I think this is the tourney where the devs really screwed everybody.
  • It would be nice to have an in-game timer for when nodes will disappear, but aside from that, personally, I think "maybe the top progression reward is out of reach" is a small price to pay for "you don't have to make a push on the hour every twelve hours"
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't be surprised if they're purposefully staggering the schedule in order to throw off all the forumites who have "rubber banding figured out." If there's no consistent schedule for new nodes, then there's no predictable gaming of the system.

    Rubber banding wasn't meant to create a metagame strategy that only in-the-know forum regulars would know about.
  • gamar wrote:
    wathombe wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    I don't see how you haven't figured out the system.

    I can't figure out whether this is sarcasm or scorn. It needs an emoticon, either: 1) a wink; or 2) a haughty, "I'm way better than you, you sniveling imbecile" face.

    The post basically does have (2) in it. Just look at the part at the top where it says "by jozier"

    Don't forget one of the better features, which most people don't know about, helps to reduce spam by people who love to hear their own voice:

    -Under your User Control Panel

    Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators.

    Much better for the community to use this feature than to egg on those few people who believe they're the second coming of Jezus. .
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    LoreNYC wrote:
    gamar wrote:
    wathombe wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    I don't see how you haven't figured out the system.

    I can't figure out whether this is sarcasm or scorn. It needs an emoticon, either: 1) a wink; or 2) a haughty, "I'm way better than you, you sniveling imbecile" face.

    The post basically does have (2) in it. Just look at the part at the top where it says "by jozier"

    Don't forget one of the better features, which most people don't know about, helps to reduce spam by people who love to hear their own voice:

    -Under your User Control Panel

    Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators.

    Much better for the community to use this feature than to egg on those few people who believe they're the second coming of Jezus. .

    It makes sense that a forum member or two would think of themselves as the Kanye West of Marvel Puzzle Quest.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    ichijuan wrote:
    morgh wrote:
    Don't have a node called "Follow-up visit" :S

    the only 'new' node I have (which appeared some time ago I think) is "Switching teams" - which is not worth playing at 54 points a pop...

    Maybe you have to play it once.

    They are story driven nodes. With cutscenes and all
    Thank you - played the Switching teams and got rewarded with a node with ~120 level Yelena, Daken and Bullseye - always something icon_e_wink.gif
  • Vinny J wrote:
    RichHurtz wrote:
    I still have 3 Deadly Maps,

    Isn't that one of them Alliance names ?

    Not that I know of... but it's not a bad one...
  • So consensus at this point is that we'll see new nodes 36 hours after the previous set opened, correct? That would put them at 9pm PDT.
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    morgh wrote:
    ichijuan wrote:
    morgh wrote:
    Don't have a node called "Follow-up visit" :S

    the only 'new' node I have (which appeared some time ago I think) is "Switching teams" - which is not worth playing at 54 points a pop...

    Maybe you have to play it once.

    They are story driven nodes. With cutscenes and all
    Thank you - played the Switching teams and got rewarded with a node with ~120 level Yelena, Daken and Bullseye - always something icon_e_wink.gif

    Ha! probably worth 50 points or something like that icon_razz.gif
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    ichijuan wrote:
    morgh wrote:
    ichijuan wrote:
    morgh wrote:
    Don't have a node called "Follow-up visit" :S

    the only 'new' node I have (which appeared some time ago I think) is "Switching teams" - which is not worth playing at 54 points a pop...

    Maybe you have to play it once.

    They are story driven nodes. With cutscenes and all
    Thank you - played the Switching teams and got rewarded with a node with ~120 level Yelena, Daken and Bullseye - always something icon_e_wink.gif

    Ha! probably worth 50 points or something like that icon_razz.gif

    Yeah I don't understand how the progression rewards can be so high when they are adding so few points into the system? Is there going to be a radical change later on? I never played this event before.
  • Is there going to be a radical change later on?

    Short Answer: Maybe!

    Long Answer: None of us really know icon_redface.gif
  • New nodes open.

    Nodes changed at 9 p.m. PST/ 12 a.m. EST.
  • Somehow I'm in 3rd coming around that last bend.

    I was at 120 this morning before doing each mission once. And just did them all once again. Looks like my bracket mates are not rubberband savvy.
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    Ghast wrote:
    New nodes open.

    Nodes changed at 9 p.m. PST/ 12 a.m. EST.

    2 old ones persist. Switching teams, and Follow up visit. Im guessing for 12 hours more.

    3 days to go and only 27k points...
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    ichijuan wrote:
    Ghast wrote:
    New nodes open.

    Nodes changed at 9 p.m. PST/ 12 a.m. EST.

    2 old ones persist. Switching teams, and Follow up visit. Im guessing for 12 hours more.

    3 days to go and only 27k points...

    Missions seems to be worth a little more now, but I'm at 27k as well, so

    The alliance ranks are pretty tight though
  • Well, I started my bracket about 15 hrs go or something. 3/5 -4/5 of a full reset got me 24k or so points.

    My top enemy right now is around lvl 90 and worth a little over 1100at full stacks. Does that sound about right to others? What are your scores around? 40-50k?

    Also, have they so far generally been 24 hr nodes with a 12 hr reset or have the nodes not been resetting?

    O wow..jist saw u guys are at 27k? So 3/5 of a single reset got me to the same work you guys did in 3-4 days...ouch.
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    Well, I started my bracket about 15 hrs go or something. 3/5 -4/5 of a full reset got me 24k or so points.

    My top enemy right now is around lvl 90 and worth a little over 1100at full stacks. Does that sound about right to others? What are your scores around? 40-50k?

    Also, have they so far generally been 24 hr nodes with a 12 hr reset or have the nodes not been resetting?

    O wow..jist saw u guys are at 27k? So 3/5 of a single reset got me to the same work you guys did in 3-4 days...ouch.

    You could say the same thing without sounding like a condescending prick
  • Well, I started my bracket about 15 hrs go or something. 3/5 -4/5 of a full reset got me 24k or so points.

    My top enemy right now is around lvl 90 and worth a little over 1100at full stacks. Does that sound about right to others? What are your scores around? 40-50k?

    Also, have they so far generally been 24 hr nodes with a 12 hr reset or have the nodes not been resetting?

    O wow..jist saw u guys are at 27k? So 3/5 of a single reset got me to the same work you guys did in 3-4 days...ouch.

    Yeah, the weekend allows those who can't play during the week to catch up. But we got a lot more ISO than you.