Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    You guys are grinding too damn much if you're seeing 230s that you can't deal with.
    I've seen one fight... one... go to deadly in this event. And that was due to community scaling, seeing as I only hit the node 3 times while it was available. And even then it wasn't 230s
  • People won't learn, some want to chase down every reward/point they can.
  • Moghwyn wrote:
    morgh wrote:
    Idiotic that you get a node that you pretty much have no chance in doing unless you have 5 blue spiderman or decently covered/levelled Loki...
    It's not really as bad as it looks, managed to do it without having to resort to Spidey or Loki. My approach was to target Bullseye first (because those protect tiles eventually negate most of your damage), Daken only once I had enough AP saved up to down him in a round or two (because it's pretty hard to get around his regeneration otherwise).

    I don't concur... That mission is one of the trickier ones I've played. I find Maggia Thugs to be more annoying to deal with than any of the other Maggia, with those 3 countdown tiles. Add the kings of annoyingness, Bullseye and Daken, and you have one annoying fight.
  • nihilium
    nihilium Posts: 242
    Just a little noob question..

    How r u supposed to get even close to a captain america progression reward in this event?
    The top in my bracket is at 23k, and the event is half over v.v
  • How r u supposed to get even close to a captain america progression reward in this event?
    I suspect that the combination of factors affecting scoring (rubberbanding and community scaling) make it a bit difficult for the developers to predict about how many people will get to what level. The most recent event with Punisher covers (the Hulk one, was it?) seemed like it was more generous than intended, while this one's tilted in the other direction.
  • Dayraven wrote:
    How r u supposed to get even close to a captain america progression reward in this event?
    I suspect that the combination of factors affecting scoring (rubberbanding and community scaling) make it a bit difficult for the developers to predict about how many people will get to what level. The most recent event with Punisher covers (the Hulk one, was it?) seemed like it was more generous than intended, while this one's tilted in the other direction.

    In most of the PVE's that I play I see that the last day or two rubberbanding points shoot way up to where you should be able to get 25K+ per day. So most of the rewards should be attainable then.
  • Dayraven wrote:
    How r u supposed to get even close to a captain america progression reward in this event?
    I suspect that the combination of factors affecting scoring (rubberbanding and community scaling) make it a bit difficult for the developers to predict about how many people will get to what level. The most recent event with Punisher covers (the Hulk one, was it?) seemed like it was more generous than intended, while this one's tilted in the other direction.

    Well assuming numbers do not increase - I get the feeling they will. A full clear of reducing all nodes to 1 point nets you 3240 points. Say you do that for all 13 clears thats 42K max with no rubber banding. So to make the top reward 118K would needed from rubber banded. That means every point you gains needs an average 4 multiplier. Or look at it another way at the start of your next clear you need to be around 10K points behind the overall leader at that time.

    Since it is not possible to work how far behind the leader you are when rubberbanding stops its hard to say if this is possible,

    If it stops just a few hundred points behind then there still enought points on the table for a couple of dozen people to play leapfrog each increasing the lead by 500 points say. If however its over 1000 then there just no enought points left for you to make a meaningful increase in the lead and it would require 100's of people grind down every stack each refresh to do it and with personal scaling that would be painful.
  • Jathro wrote:
    You guys are grinding too damn much if you're seeing 230s that you can't deal with.
    I've seen one fight... one... go to deadly in this event. And that was due to community scaling, seeing as I only hit the node 3 times while it was available. And even then it wasn't 230s

    Somewhat agree. I had 230 thugs from the second I began. Even tried killing of some team members right at the start on the opening pve node and it did nothing. My pve mmr carried over from last event where I took 1 or 2 overall. Some get 230s without grinding current event. I haven't ground any node to 1.
  • The Ladder wrote:
    I don't concur... That mission is one of the trickier ones I've played. I find Maggia Thugs to be more annoying to deal with than any of the other Maggia, with those 3 countdown tiles. Add the kings of annoyingness, Bullseye and Daken, and you have one annoying fight.
    Even more annoyingly that fight has a very high point value attached, otherwise most would not consider it worth the effort. Punisher/Hood/OBW worked out pretty well for me. Punisher creates strike tiles to negate the protect tiles, often taking out an annoying tile or two while doing so. Hood gets to do a lot of surgical tile shooting thanks to that Maggia contributing yellow. OBW does some decent damage and is able to delay countdowns as a last resort.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    If this is any indication of what we are going to have to deal with when LazyDaken gets released I'm very scared
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    If this is any indication of what we are going to have to deal with when LazyDaken gets released I'm very scared

    agreed. not looking foward to a 3* of one of the most annoying characters in the game.

  • I see Psykopathic and myself ( among others i dont recognize) constantly trading the number one spot in our bracket. I can only assume it's because of when we clear our refreshes. icon_razz.gif

    Interesting to note that even without cap (and doing the cap only missions) I still have the ability able to get to the "leader of the pack" spot. I point this out only to show those that write about how bad the design choice was to have character required missions. Does this mean I will end in number 1? Probably not, but definitely gunning for it. But I do think I have a fair shot of getting the top 20 award bracket.
  • morgh wrote:
    Idiotic that you get a node that you pretty much have no chance in doing unless you have 5 blue spiderman or decently covered/levelled Loki...

    Why Loki levels matter? Doesn't trickery keep the values as they are? And level only tunes the cost?
  • Dayraven wrote:
    How r u supposed to get even close to a captain america progression reward in this event?
    I suspect that the combination of factors affecting scoring (rubberbanding and community scaling) make it a bit difficult for the developers to predict about how many people will get to what level. The most recent event with Punisher covers (the Hulk one, was it?) seemed like it was more generous than intended, while this one's tilted in the other direction.

    In most of the PVE's that I play I see that the last day or two rubberbanding points shoot way up to where you should be able to get 25K+ per day. So most of the rewards should be attainable then.

    RB is counted against the leader. You can use it to catch up last minute but not overtake. And here we see the lead is hardly moving.

    So either they break the event by adding way more points late -- invalidating all what was before -- again, or no Captain for us.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    I haven't used Spidey much at all in this event. I used him this morning against Daken, Bullseye, and a goon. During the fight I noticed that his protect tiles were not placing and only Bullseye's were. Has anyone ever had this happen before?
  • I haven't used Spidey much at all in this event. I used him this morning against Daken, Bullseye, and a goon. During the fight I noticed that his protect tiles were not placing and only Bullseye's were. Has anyone ever had this happen before?

    This just happened to my opponent in Best There Is. He did a purple match 5, with his Spidey alive, unstunned and built with at least one purple cover, and yet he did not get a protect tile.
  • When this event started, I honestly enjoyed it. And I was doing well, so it looked like I would actually have a shot at getting one of the higher rewards for it. Apparently that was my first mistake. At this point, with around 3 and a half days left, I can't stand this event. Looking at the Event right now, I have

    Iso-8 Hoarders: Deadly (114/114/114)
    Heist in Spain: Deadly (105/105/105)
    Iso-8 Heist: Deadly (147/145/145)
    Switching Teams: Normal (61/62/62)
    Stolen Goods: Normal (53/54/53)
    Battle in Brazil: Normal (66/67/67)

    So that's already half of the event I pretty much can't do. And the ones that are Normal, I was actually able to get some points since I hadn't played it since this round began, but now they're down to 300/200/100 points per beating them. I don't know what they were thinking with this scaling system, but it honestly just feels like I'm being punished for not putting money into the game to level my characters up more. And I'm constantly getting these awful boards where I can do one match 3, and then they get at least 4 or 5 matches in a row, and then I have a bunch of countdown tiles that are completely isolated, that I can't get to, that will wipe out at least 1 member of my team once it's down to 0.

    And I still don't get how to do the Rubberbanding thing. Do I just not do any of the missions in a "round" until the last hour or so before they'll go away?
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    My nodes right now are:

    Switching Teams (Trivial): 61/62/62
    ISO-8 Hoarders (Hard): 230/230/230
    Heist in Spain (Hard): 230/230/230
    ISO-8 Heist (Hard): 230/229/229
    Stolen Goods (Trivial): 54/54/54
    Battle in Brazil (Easy): 94/94/94

    So everything for me is either a cakewalk or a fight against max level enemies. And it's been like this from the start; hasn't changed much at all. I have no idea how the scaling system came up with this result for me.

    I'm not complaining, mind you, because I do like that I'm not at level 230 enemies across the board. Just confused.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    In most of the PVE's that I play I see that the last day or two rubberbanding points shoot way up to where you should be able to get 25K+ per day. So most of the rewards should be attainable then.

    RB is counted against the leader. You can use it to catch up last minute but not overtake. And here we see the lead is hardly moving.

    So either they break the event by adding way more points late -- invalidating all what was before -- again, or no Captain for us.

    Yes this is true but people tend to grind a lot more towards the end of the event. Also, the PVE events have always been set up from bracket to bracket as well. So the points in Bracket Alpha that users get have the highest points per node. Points per node in Bracket Zeta will be raised higher than that to balance the system out.

    Unless I am entirely wrong on this. icon_question.gif
  • pasa_ wrote:
    Dayraven wrote:
    How r u supposed to get even close to a captain america progression reward in this event?
    I suspect that the combination of factors affecting scoring (rubberbanding and community scaling) make it a bit difficult for the developers to predict about how many people will get to what level. The most recent event with Punisher covers (the Hulk one, was it?) seemed like it was more generous than intended, while this one's tilted in the other direction.

    In most of the PVE's that I play I see that the last day or two rubberbanding points shoot way up to where you should be able to get 25K+ per day. So most of the rewards should be attainable then.

    RB is counted against the leader. You can use it to catch up last minute but not overtake. And here we see the lead is hardly moving.

    So either they break the event by adding way more points late -- invalidating all what was before -- again, or no Captain for us.

    I don't see how you haven't figured out the system. The event runs during the week because D3 realizes that they have better retention if they keep events running all the time, but during the weekend when more people can play, the points will likely jump.