Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • The venom/Juggs mission disappeared halfway through the second round. I plan to keep an eye out tonight to see if something else replaces the Yelena/Daken fight.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks Ghast, I was just about to ask when it was replaced (I figured midnight EDT since it was there around 10PM).
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    ZeiramMR wrote:
    Thanks Ghast, I was just about to ask when it was replaced (I figured midnight EDT since it was there around 10PM).

    Last night, after the 12h cycle.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    So turns out that rubberbanding is pretty effective. I was in 200th place and then completed a single set of nodes: pushed me up to 8th place (momentarily).
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Rajjeq wrote:
    locked wrote:
    I believe this event is under Max Rubberbanding flag again, just like the Sim too.
    What does this mean exactly?
    Read the other posts; it means that this event (like many others) allows you to cruise rubberbanding in the last possible hours and even minutes. If you are unable to play during the last hours of the event, just grab whatever rewards you need most and do not care about the event too much, since you'll only be disappointed with your final placement.
  • when do the node refresh? Is it every 12 hours
  • Rarre28 wrote:
    when do the node refresh? Is it every 12 hours

    Yes, but most of them disappear after 24 hours.
  • agent86ix
    agent86ix Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Ghast wrote:
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    If points don't increase, a lot of rewards will be unachievable.

    I think they will. At this rate we will barely get past the 66,666 50 HP reward.

    I'm going to be mega-bummed if I can't get my cap'n covers icon_e_sad.gif

    My "lazy" strategy appears to be catching on - viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4961#p84863

    But, c'mon guys, work harder so I can ride your coattails further icon_razz.gif I want my covers, dammit!

    (Doesn't seem like even if I ground this event to the nub that it's going to be possible. Bummer icon_e_sad.gif )
  • agent86ix
    agent86ix Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    To throw another data point into the scaling discussion, I've been playing how I normally do (playing only when a mission gives me above some point threshold, this time around it's been roughly 500 points). Current score is 15k and I'm in 83rd in my bracket at the moment.

    I ran into one "Deadly" node in the last set, I think it was the one with the Don. I think they were 200 or so.

    Currently my hardest node is "Iso-8 Heist" ranked "Normal" - level 73 Daken/Bullseye, 74 Thug.

    Everything else is far lower, level 50 or less. The Cap'n required nodes are trivial, level 40 or so.

    I'm running Punisher/OBW/CStorm mostly. Most of the time everyone is making it back in good enough shape to not need health packs. I did have to revive OBW after the last go-round on the level 200 node.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    I'm a bit disappointed with this event icon_e_sad.gif

    At first, I was happy. Playing casually once per 24h made me reach 5,000 the first day then 15,000 the second (as most of the players).
    But now, (1) playing for leaderboard seems pointless as I fell from top 10 to about #200 each day after some hours without playing and (2) I fear that most of the progression rewards will remain out of (my) reach

    Well, I'm used to not hope a good rank when I can't play the last hours. It's sad, but it's the game. However, I strongly hope that the node points will increase because it's mostly the progression rewards that keep me playing daily.
  • I can already "foretell" the point multiplier for the rest of the event. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Being 6.5 days, with 1x being the base score of the initial round, the multipliers will probably go like this:

    1x + 1x + 1x (today) + 2x + 2x + 2x + 4x (last 12 hours, similar to end of Hulk).

    With rubberbanding appearing to focus on the global score leader, and points likely to be absurd in the final refresh (just like end of the last Simulator where total event scores doubled in Round 4), how can anything but a TaT trainwreck be in the cards with surely guaranteed 10x multipliers for the late starters/procrastinators?

    The 64,000 ISO question: Is that final sub score multiplier (the one marked 4x) high enough over the reset of the event, that in combination with the global rubberband, that last second players who joined a bracket either late or are simply procrastinating for whatever reasons could achieve all of the progression rewards and win **any** bracket from playing the final refresh alone?
  • Lyrian wrote:
    The 64,000 ISO question: Is that final sub score multiplier (the one marked 4x) high enough over the reset of the event, that in combination with the global rubberband, that last second players who joined a bracket either late or are simply procrastinating for whatever reasons could achieve all of the progression rewards and win **any** bracket from playing the final refresh alone?

    Someone posted a screenshot of a node worth 2000 points for them. I have never seen one worth more than 800 for me in this event. I suspect that late starters will wind up getting the 15,000 progression award after four matches at most. Still,this is a casual game. The devs cannot create an event and then lock out people who do not play the game once a day.
  • I had 1500 point nodes the previous round, and I think I was in like 130th place. Admittedly, as soon as I won, all the super-high point nodes lowered immediately.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I had 1500 point nodes the previous round, and I think I was in like 130th place. Admittedly, as soon as I won, all the super-high point nodes lowered immediately.

    I think the highest I saw last round was 1200. I haven't been paying much attention to the point values. I've been playing each node twice per reset and that's it. I don't know if it's burnout or event boredom, but this one hasn't grabbed my attention. If I am able to get to 93333 or whatever it is for the cap cover that'd be swell...if not, no big deal.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Ghast wrote:
    Someone posted a screenshot of a node worth 2000 points for them. I have never seen one worth more than 800 for me in this event. I suspect that late starters will wind up getting the 15,000 progression award after four matches at most. Still,this is a casual game. The devs cannot create an event and then lock out people who do not play the game once a day.
    Yeah it was me. I have a lot of lvl 230 fights while many others are reasonable, I dunno what gives? I've been devoting my attention to LRs this week, more ISO than PvE after the initial clear (20 ISO reward just loves me, I swear).
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    I had 1500 point nodes the previous round, and I think I was in like 130th place. Admittedly, as soon as I won, all the super-high point nodes lowered immediately.

    Current max possible is 2600 under full rubber banding. Hitting all nodes 5 times under max rubber banding will net you just over 30K points so that is not even possible until the leader is gets much closer to 40K points.
  • Rather than see the scaling ramp up tremendously (which would make earlier days less important, up to meaningless), I would like to see the progression rewards lowered to where the data shows the top half (top quarter?) will be by the end. That way, players who have spent more time each day aren't eclipsed by people waiting until the last few days to ride rubberbanding.
  • Getya wrote:
    Rather than see the scaling ramp up tremendously (which would make earlier days less important, up to meaningless), I would like to see the progression rewards lowered to where the data shows the top half (top quarter?) will be by the end. That way, players who have spent more time each day aren't eclipsed by people waiting until the last few days to ride rubberbanding.

    I agree with this, to make the first 2-3 days of an event mean nothing is silly.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Getya wrote:
    Rather than see the scaling ramp up tremendously (which would make earlier days less important, up to meaningless), I would like to see the progression rewards lowered to where the data shows the top half (top quarter?) will be by the end. That way, players who have spent more time each day aren't eclipsed by people waiting until the last few days to ride rubberbanding.

    I don't see how this fix would stop rubberbanding, as those people would just rubberband to the top anyways and get those same progression awards. Rubberbanding is currently set such that you can hit first place off of less than a full clear of the current set of nodes, so they'll all leapfrog over you. The best way to combat rubberbanding is a system similar to simulator. In that event, the subevents were rubberbanded, but the main event didn't have any missions outside of the first two to complete. This means that any potential points lost in the subevents couldn't be gained back by rubberbanding for main event placement, meaning that the people who tried hard throughout all of the subs kept all of the extra points they earned in the first subs. These points mattered somewhat less because the point values increased so drastically in the last subevent, but you could still build a very respectable lead under that system that you can't do with the current system.
  • God, lvl 230 Bullseye & Daken fights have got to be the most unbelievably annoying matches in PvE. I would rather be hit with a hundred headbutts or thunderclaps instead. Is the only feasible way to win these either stunlocking or using sad little Loki?