Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I can add days+hours correctly, this event will finish at 3pm on Tuesday afternoon for me (Sydney, AEST). That's pretty nice, I can take lunch late and make sure I'm grinding nodes in that last hour.

    I noticed a few people in my top 10 yesterday trying to force a lead, and they're nowhere to be seen now. Similarly, there's 2 people ahead of me today that look as though they're grinding heavily for a lead today. There are two names that I recognise from top ten yesterday that are back are Phraeg and SgtFrownyFace - neither are names that I recognise from the forums, but hello to you if you are lurking.

    Now to juggle the Wolvie tournament during Event downtime so I can get some more Cap covers.
  • The scaling issue in TaT is not related to the event itself. If your components for scaling is poor, it's going to be poor in any event. TaT was heavily weighted toward community scaling, similar to the first Simulator Basic where you can find stuff at 230X3 before you even beat your first mission just because everyone beat them.

    I too don't understand why we don't have the 100%/50%/1 point system. It keeps grinding down, but when 3 Patch covers are on the line that didn't stop people from grinding 1 point missions, so it's still every bit as competitive if there's a motivation. The point structure also means you can't easily snipe the last moment. If someone has a 20 point lead going into the final refresh, he's going to have about 3 more points than you after both of you exhausted all your missions no matter what order they're done (and the guy who has the lead generally will do them later and have an advantage anyway), and while 3 points doesn't sound like a lot, it's actually quite insurmountable when every mission is only worth 1 point at this point.
  • I did enjoy the 100/50/1 aspect, my favorite part actually. Maybe the only good thing other than the sweet hp for selling all those patch covers, no matter how hard it was to actually win every sub event with that super top heavy reward structure.

    For the last 3 events I stopped grinding for specific rewards, if I get them I get them. I will play nodes that have more rewards if the values are the same but if you worry less about the small things you will live longer :p
  • does the rubberband carry over if i dont do the nodes the first time and new ones appear?
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    Too Easy wrote:
    does the rubberband carry over if i dont do the nodes the first time and new ones appear?

    mmm with the new nodes? Thats a good question...
  • To be completely honest I had the same question as my nodes were very low when they flipped, but I did play my previous nodes not that long before they did. So I do not know.
  • "Rubberband" is based on how far you are from 1st place. So if you're at the top when the nodes switch over, there's no "rubberband" to switch over. If you're at 150th place, and the nodes switch over, you'll still have rubberband, because rubberband has nothing to do with the nodes themselves.
  • Finished today's nodes at 15,000, right above someone named Josemartins.

    Got a bad feeling about this.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghast wrote:
    Finished today's nodes at 15,000, right above someone named Josemartins.

    Got a bad feeling about this.

    Argh, he's in our bracket too? There goes my 3rd X-Force yellow...
  • There should be a featured 'bracket of death' like World Cup with by the minute update.
  • OK, so 5 days to go, I have 14K, the top player in my bracket is still under 15K. Are the points given per event going to accelerate dramatically, or are the 3* covers completely out pf reach?
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Wow. This round of the event has been so damn annoying. Like on the map with Yelena Belova and 2 Maggia Thugs. I use C!Storm and OBW along with the required Cap (Only Yellow), and it's constantly giving me maps with nothing I can do but red matches. And they're constantly only having random Yellow tiles scattered about so the Thugs can make Pistol tiles EVERY TURN.

    The scaling in this game is so, so frustrating. I can't even put it into words. I hate the fact that I do a Mission once and then it's up to Deadly rank. Or getting these ridiculous boards...
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    There is a new node...
  • ichijuan wrote:
    There is a new node...

    Thanks for the heads up. "Daken & Yelena" in the lower right corner.

    I wonder if this one will stick around like the venom and Juggs mission.
  • Ghast wrote:
    ichijuan wrote:
    There is a new node...

    Thanks for the heads up. "Daken & Yelena" in the lower right corner.

    I wonder if this one will stick around like the venom and Juggs mission.

    I think it replaced the Venom and Juggs mission, because that one's not there anymore.
  • mischiefmaker
    Phantron wrote:
    There should be a featured 'bracket of death' like World Cup with by the minute update.
    Didn't this happen a few events ago, when a whole bunch of us thought it was unbracketed and all joined right away, only to find ourselves in a ridiculous 1000 person bracket with like 10 hardcore forumgoers? I don't remember which event it was, but I definitely remember you winning that bracket...
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    There should be a featured 'bracket of death' like World Cup with by the minute update.
    Didn't this happen a few events ago, when a whole bunch of us thought it was unbracketed and all joined right away, only to find ourselves in a ridiculous 1000 person bracket with like 10 hardcore forumgoers? I don't remember which event it was, but I definitely remember you winning that bracket...

    Maybe one day all of us forumgoers should enter the same bracket... for the luls!
  • hibikir wrote:
    OK, so 5 days to go, I have 14K, the top player in my bracket is still under 15K. Are the points given per event going to accelerate dramatically, or are the 3* covers completely out pf reach?

    If the points do Dramatically increase - there was no increase between first and second set of nodes - then your point total until then is meaning less. This is the first event that my position has bounced around so much from top 5 to as low as 200.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Out of 7 days, 2 days and 3 hours have passed. My bracket leaders are at 15k points. The highest progression reward is at 160k pts.
    I haven't touched my Round 2 nodes since they appeared and won't until 8 hrs later. I believe this event is under Max Rubberbanding flag again, just like the Sim too.
  • Phantron wrote:
    There should be a featured 'bracket of death' like World Cup with by the minute update.
    Didn't this happen a few events ago, when a whole bunch of us thought it was unbracketed and all joined right away, only to find ourselves in a ridiculous 1000 person bracket with like 10 hardcore forumgoers? I don't remember which event it was, but I definitely remember you winning that bracket...
    Yup, I was in that bracket. It was..funny.