Unstable ISO-8 Rerun 4/1 - 4/7



  • Ghast wrote:
    Lyrian wrote:
    The 64,000 ISO question: Is that final sub score multiplier (the one marked 4x) high enough over the reset of the event, that in combination with the global rubberband, that last second players who joined a bracket either late or are simply procrastinating for whatever reasons could achieve all of the progression rewards and win **any** bracket from playing the final refresh alone?

    Someone posted a screenshot of a node worth 2000 points for them. I have never seen one worth more than 800 for me in this event. I suspect that late starters will wind up getting the 15,000 progression award after four matches at most. Still,this is a casual game. The devs cannot create an event and then lock out people who do not play the game once a day.

    You are kind of missing the point I was implying with my rhetorical question.

    The progression rewards should be achieved my most, if not all players. The lack of the 8000 ISO reward in this event would signify that the devs intend for most, if not all, players to reach all of them in this event. This is fine, and there are no qualms about this at all.

    Let me state this another way.

    Let's say you and I are in the same bracket. You are striving to win the bracket and you maintain top 10 after each node resets by clearing all of them casually once or twice in one sitting, once a day. My strategy is this --> I played the entry fight on day 1 to register for a bracket. I then intentionally sit out all of the resets and let the rubberbanding accumulate over time, in last place in the bracket. There are no personal scaling issues because I have not played any nodes at all. Heck, there might even be scaling reduction as the game tries to figure out why I stopped playing the event at all and lowers levels to compensate.

    I am now looking at the final 24 hours or so in the tourney. From the combination of back-end point inflation and rubberbanding, I know that I have 4000-6000 point nodes as far as the eye can see at extremely easy levels to complete. What are the odds now that I can win your bracket on the last day from this after not playing for nearly the entire event?

    How would you feel if this behavior became the standard practice for winning events?
  • I don't see how this fix would stop rubberbanding, as those people would just rubberband to the top anyways and get those same progression awards. Rubberbanding is currently set such that you can hit first place off of less than a full clear of the current set of nodes, so they'll all leapfrog over you. The best way to combat rubberbanding is a system similar to simulator. In that event, the subevents were rubberbanded, but the main event didn't have any missions outside of the first two to complete. This means that any potential points lost in the subevents couldn't be gained back by rubberbanding for main event placement, meaning that the people who tried hard throughout all of the subs kept all of the extra points they earned in the first subs. These points mattered somewhat less because the point values increased so drastically in the last subevent, but you could still build a very respectable lead under that system that you can't do with the current system.

    Good point, I think I confused myself (still digesting MPQ laws). My thought was that if the current point scaling stayed similar over the event, early points would be meaningful, whereas right now, it seems like they won't be (and scaling back the progression tiers accordingly would make it so they were attainable). I then mixed that up with Rubberbanding.

    Rubberbanding would still be in affect (I think rubberbanding is a good thing overall), but doesn't it eventually hit a ceiling? So that if you wait too long, you leave points on the table. If not, I think that change would make the event better overall. I'm not saying it should be so extreme that you have to be glued to MPQ to do well, but there should be an incentive to play an event steadily, rather than being rewarded for not playing it until the end.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Knock3r wrote:
    God, lvl 230 Bullseye & Daken fights have got to be the most unbelievably annoying matches in PvE. I would rather be hit with a hundred headbutts or thunderclaps instead. Is the only feasible way to win these either stunlocking or using sad little Loki?

    What you want to do is get Bagman, that way you can use his webs and lock those tiles into place so that... oh, waitaminute....
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Getya wrote:

    Good point, I think I confused myself (still digesting MPQ laws). My thought was that if the current point scaling stayed similar over the event, early points would be meaningful, whereas right now, it seems like they won't be (and scaling back the progression tiers accordingly would make it so they were attainable). I then mixed that up with Rubberbanding.

    Rubberbanding would still be in affect (I think rubberbanding is a good thing overall), but doesn't it eventually hit a ceiling? So that if you wait too long, you leave points on the table. If not, I think that change would make the event better overall. I'm not saying it should be so extreme that you have to be glued to MPQ to do well, but there should be an incentive to play an event steadily, rather than being rewarded for not playing it until the end.

    Early points are meaningful if you are gunning for a Top 2 placement, but otherwise not so much. If you really want that 4* cover in PvE, then you need to play hard the whole way through, and those few points you inched ahead by early will be the difference at the close. If you just want two Torch covers, Top 50 is very achievable with a minimal amount of effort due to rubberbanding. Right now I've only been doing one round of play each time (one match on each node + 2-3 on the high value nodes) the missions rotate and I'm still cresting 1st. I expect to land in the Top 10 at least by the end.
  • Early points are meaningful if you are gunning for a Top 2 placement, but otherwise not so much. If you really want that 4* cover in PvE, then you need to play hard the whole way through, and those few points you inched ahead by early will be the difference at the close. If you just want two Torch covers, Top 50 is very achievable with a minimal amount of effort due to rubberbanding. Right now I've only been doing one round of play each time (one match on each node + 2-3 on the high value nodes) the missions rotate and I'm still cresting 1st. I expect to land in the Top 10 at least by the end.

    Thanks, appreciate the insight. Doesn't seem as bad as I was ascertaining from this thread. I'm only doing the rounds twice each rotation, not grinding incredibly hard, but able to make 1st usually (wasn't able to this AM, had meetings, was able to hit 5th before they rotated). Cheers
  • Dormammu wrote:
    Knock3r wrote:
    God, lvl 230 Bullseye & Daken fights have got to be the most unbelievably annoying matches in PvE. I would rather be hit with a hundred headbutts or thunderclaps instead. Is the only feasible way to win these either stunlocking or using sad little Loki?

    What you want to do is get Bagman, that way you can use his webs and lock those tiles into place so that... oh, waitaminute....

    Let me finish this for you... lock the tiles into place thus turning off their "power". (That is how web slinger works right?)

    I suggest you go MN.Mag with your bagman to generate that blue faster.

    waitaminuteNOW! web slinger cost anywhere between 8-17 AP [calculating...], that's like 500 All tied up with spiderbro... forget everything I said.

    Can anyone explain why Bagman is even in this game?
  • Bagman jokes is the only reason I can figure. It fits the character very well that he's a joke. Not to mention when fighting him in PVE he plays pranks on his own teammates as well.
    The only practical use I've ever heard of for him is as a giant white flag letting everyone know you're tanking in PVP
  • AethD wrote:
    Bagman jokes is the only reason I can figure. It fits the character very well that he's a joke. Not to mention when fighting him in PVE he plays pranks on his own teammates as well.
    The only practical use I've ever heard of for him is as a giant white flag letting everyone know you're tanking in PVP
    Now, that's unfair.

    The 250 ISO you get from selling him is very practical.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had a pretty terrible run at the new nodes this morning.

    Had the app restart twice, with a short download during startup each time, so I guess there was a minor patch? Anyway, that resulted in some false retreats and some health loss. Then I had a bit of trouble in the Daken + Bullseye node thanks to chained cascades into match-5's for their opening move - managed to KO two of my heroes (max Patch and L100 pre-buff Hulk) before I got a second turn. Had the same thing happen with Venom + Goons. Those threaten strike tiles pack a serious punch. I ended up Spider-man stunlocking that fight. I'm not proud, but I did what I had to do.
  • T
    locked wrote:
    Not sure why, but the name of this mission plus its points crack me up.
    I know some ISO hoarders, including some from this forum :3

    Weak, thier iso hoarding is only at 230k.
    Lyrian wrote:
    I can already "foretell" the point multiplier for the rest of the event. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Being 6.5 days, with 1x being the base score of the initial round, the multipliers will probably go like this:

    1x + 1x + 1x (today) + 2x + 2x + 2x + 4x (last 12 hours, similar to end of Hulk).

    With rubberbanding appearing to focus on the global score leader, and points likely to be absurd in the final refresh (just like end of the last Simulator where total event scores doubled in Round 4), how can anything but a TaT trainwreck be in the cards with surely guaranteed 10x multipliers for the late starters/procrastinators?

    The 64,000 ISO question: Is that final sub score multiplier (the one marked 4x) high enough over the reset of the event, that in combination with the global rubberband, that last second players who joined a bracket either late or are simply procrastinating for whatever reasons could achieve all of the progression rewards and win **any** bracket from playing the final refresh alone?
    Lyrian wrote:
    I can already "foretell" the point multiplier for the rest of the event. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Being 6.5 days, with 1x being the base score of the initial round, the multipliers will probably go like this:

    1x + 1x + 1x (today) + 2x + 2x + 2x + 4x (last 12 hours, similar to end of Hulk).

    With rubberbanding appearing to focus on the global score leader, and points likely to be absurd in the final refresh (just like end of the last Simulator where total event scores doubled in Round 4), how can anything but a TaT trainwreck be in the cards with surely guaranteed 10x multipliers for the late starters/procrastinators?

    The 64,000 ISO question: Is that final sub score multiplier (the one marked 4x) high enough over the reset of the event, that in combination with the global rubberband, that last second players who joined a bracket either late or are simply procrastinating for whatever reasons could achieve all of the progression rewards and win **any** bracket from playing the final refresh alone?
    I haven't started the event yet. Whenever I do join, I'll tell ppl at the end how high I was able to go. Usually you can't fully make up for not playing constantly, if you started a bracket and just didn't play, but by not starting everyone is in the same boat as me. Also, what are the refreshes like? Can someone tell what time (from now to avoid timezone issues) the next refresh would be?

    Also, if rubberbanding is high enough then my alliance will probably be pretty happy actually getting those rubberband points after me being @0 lol.
  • Refreshes are 12 hours I believe. I am not too certain on the new missions but they show up each day and they seem to be showing up earlier each day unless I am crazy (Highly possible). I think the new ones showed up 9-10 hours ago. Current leaders are breaching 20k approximately.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Lyrian wrote:

    The progression rewards should be achieved my most, if not all players. The lack of the 8000 ISO reward in this event would signify that the devs intend for most, if not all, players to reach all of them in this event.

    How would you feel if this behavior became the standard practice for winning events?

    That is not an assumption that I make. As a player who missed out on the red Punisher by fewer than 500 points in the first Hulk event, in which fewer than 50 people earned the final progression award, and a participant in every PVP tourney with a 1400 point 4*, I do not believe the devs expect everybody to reach all or even half of the progression awards.

    If I had paid a single, solitary dime for this game then perhaps my views would be different. F2P mechanics are different than "reasonable" mechanics.

    Edit: autocorrect made this post a bit more amorous than I planned.
  • New Missions showed up at 9am PST this morning.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Knock3r wrote:
    God, lvl 230 Bullseye & Daken fights have got to be the most unbelievably annoying matches in PvE. I would rather be hit with a hundred headbutts or thunderclaps instead. Is the only feasible way to win these either stunlocking or using sad little Loki?

    I've tried a few different approaches to these, and every time I think maybe I've got it under control it just falls apart.

    Definitely hurts that green and purple are usually my top priorities to collect. Maybe it's time to pull Loki out of the toy box.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    ^ Pretty sure that outside of Spidey, Loki is the answer to Daken + Bullseye problem.
  • locked wrote:
    ^ Pretty sure that outside of Spidey, Loki is the answer to Daken + Bullseye problem.

    Especially one around level 80 that is being fed black by OBW. He could actually be higher in this event because of her buff but I can't ever see myself leveling him any higher.
  • fedlex20
    fedlex20 Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    22k and 4 days to go...
    New Bullseye Daken Yelena node.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Idiotic that you get a node that you pretty much have no chance in doing unless you have 5 blue spiderman or decently covered/levelled Loki...
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    morgh wrote:
    Idiotic that you get a node that you pretty much have no chance in doing unless you have 5 blue spiderman or decently covered/levelled Loki...
    While I can feel your pain, you have great 2** characters that are quite as capable, namely cStorm and MMN who can stunlock (and damage to boot) even lvl 230 enemies, if you start out well and are careful to clear Daken's strike tiles immediately (Bullseye's protect tiles aren't as annoying because he'll still easily die from Wind Storm). cStorm is buffed which makes her a one-woman army in this event, but coupled with MMN, unstoppable. Add Hood if you have at least 3-4 in blue or another character with a decent yellow and some AP generation (Thor** is also buffed and wipes mooks with yellow>green). If you don't have even those, duke it out with Cap**, he can erase ANY tile just like Mags***. Again, Hood speeding up his CDs can help.
  • morgh wrote:
    Idiotic that you get a node that you pretty much have no chance in doing unless you have 5 blue spiderman or decently covered/levelled Loki...
    It's not really as bad as it looks, managed to do it without having to resort to Spidey or Loki. My approach was to target Bullseye first (because those protect tiles eventually negate most of your damage), Daken only once I had enough AP saved up to down him in a round or two (because it's pretty hard to get around his regeneration otherwise).