how did you beat Kaecillius?



  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I used champ (low levels of champs) of fist, switch, and QS.

    Switch makes purples, Fist uses purple to make Black, which QS uses to swap tiles and help down the boss. I imagine elektra could be helpful because the tiles she makes are so weak, but mine is only 2/2/2, so I hesitate to bring her. My team of 3* got the job done, albeit with little health left in all 3
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,049 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lvl 372

    Tried a couple teams that failed but finally defeated him with


    Beast's and yellow make shields and heal to hold down the damage. QS matches the tiles with black and KKs purple makes green for QS. Green is only used by QS to lower the AP used for his black.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Won with little effort with QSilver (very useful), CHulk (tanks G and B for QS, generates G to decrease IdleHands cost and can do emergency board shake with his own G), and KKhan.

    Kamala wasnt much needed, on 2nd door i will replace her with 4Cyc for improved board control with almost rainbow team.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Tiger Wong wrote:

    Green is only used by QS to lower the AP used for his black."

    Very nice 3* team; but with beast blue tiles out, you may find useful to use Beast green for board shake (i think he only destroys basic tiles?)
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor
    Just used 3* Cap Marvel/QS/Elektra

    3* Cap goes up front and was generating black from the first hit for QS

    Elektra Purple to make strike tiles and of course QS black for the matches to do damage.

    Worked 1st time (just!) QS got downed but had a strike match set-up.

    Could switch Elektra for Patch, but using QS green helps reduce the cost of his black with the locked tiles.
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Moon Roach wrote:
    I see suggestions to use Elektra. I guess Shadow Step does nothing to Kaecillius

    My Elektra tanked pink and black, which were the only two colors I was actively matching, so while Shadow Step didn't harm him, it did prevent all damage.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    First try was with Patch, SW, QS... but that was a failure. He had a cascade his first move, creating a match 5, and a match 4 for his follow up move leaving Patch mostly dead.

    The board was not surprisingly low on black... I made one black match near the end of the event (oddly enough, his match 5 that fell into place was black)... so QS was useless when it came to helping match tiles.

    Second try I used 3*Cage with 5 redflag.png to stretch the teams life a bit, SW to generate purpletile.png , and Elektra to generate weak strike tiles with double double strike and steal the ones that he placed there, replacing them with weak ones to match away. With SW feeding her purple, I was able to use Double Double Strike several times.

    Elektra's black saved her from the AOE attack that killed Luke, SW died from match damage the next turn, Elektra got to finish him off matching the pink strike tiles she created. It was close. I kind of enjoyed it the one time it worked... lol.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    I was planning to try Quicksilver/Quake/Red Hulk today based on some suggestions from yesterday (where I cleared it with Patch/Switch/Quake) but as I got focused on respecing Quake to 3/5/5, I forgot to add in Pietro and started the match by mistake with Quake/Switch/Red Hulk.

    Luckily, my Rulk is champed and enough of a meat shield to make it work. Again Quake was crucial here, using her blue to shut out the black tiles completely. Rulk’s Gamma Syphon kept giving me green which I then used with Quake’s Earthquake to shuffle the board until I could match the strike tiles. I had banked some Elektra and 3* Cap Marvel TU’s from my alliance to use to get strike tiles out there for him, but ended up never needing them.

    Got it first try today, will probably use that same team again tomorrow.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Used qs chulk and mystique. Chulk tanks for qs and mystique blue. Match blue to deny enemy nuke then use mystique blue to generate black and pink. Pink for enemy to put out strike tiles for u to match and black for qs to help set up strikes to be matched. Use chulk green to help shake the board a bit if u need to.
  • I used switch, elektra, and OML.

    ELEKTRA purpleflag.pngblackflag.png
    SWITCH: blueflag.pnggreenflag.png
    OML: yellowflag.png

    Easily defeated by stealing his really strong strength tiles, combining the ones that I created, and tanking with OML.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ctenko wrote:
    You would need Phoenix to generate tiles for him. So you already have to have several on the board, otherwise she will not generate tiles for him.
    Phoenix generates attack tiles for the opposition, not strike tiles.
    Warbringa wrote:
    Perhaps Kaelicius was matching his own tiles and doing damage to himself?
    He doesn't hurt himself when he matches his own strikes.
  • My Kaecilius is at level 387.

    I finally managed to beat him with 4 star Wolverine, Quicksilver, and Kamala.

    Quicksilver for black to match strike tiles. Wolverine green sometimes destroyed strike tiles, and yellow to regenerate. Kamala purple to create green tiles, and to heal.

    Anybody had any luck with using Hulk?
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    3 Star Luke Cage, Quicksilver and Old Man Logan

    (cage for Protect Tile, OML to stand in front as much as Possible and Quicksilver to match the strike tiles)

    The last two tiles were placed in idiotic spots and were easily matched right after quicksilver got downed
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    I used Kamala, Colossus and Rocket/Groot. Kamala is the key element: she can use her purple to deny black, and her yellow means that all the AP you generate for powers that don't hurt the boss can be used to heal. I like Colossus because he can tank with his yellow for reduced damage, and R&G because their yellow heal keeps them in the fight. I still blew 30 health packs on this fight the first day, but once I got the trick of it, the second day was pretty simple.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jam_Adams wrote:
    Sorry, not sure if anyone mentioned this but...I'm pretty sure web tiles work.

    I was running low on health and trying to find a way to match a special tile away and just matched a couple of web tiles Miles had made and he was suddenly finished off. Since Miles makes a buttload of web tiles for his yellow and purple moves, this makes things a bit easier. Maybe also combined with similar web heads, if you've got them.
    Can anyone confirm this?
    I'd like to know more about this as well...

    I can confirm it's a load of hooey.

    Sorry guys, I dunno what happened. I was sure that first win was just a web tile I matched, I don't recall there being a strike tile in the match or in a cascade. I wasn't expecting to win when I made the web tile match but I did the last bit of damage I needed somehow and he died. I assumed it was the web tile.

    But upon facing him again for Wand of Watoomb, I laid down a bunch of web tiles and they did nothing. I brought Carnage to match attack tiles and that did nothing either.

    Honestly...I feel that he should be suseptable to all special tiles allied to him. But that's just me.
  • Rockabilly Zombie
    Rockabilly Zombie Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    I'm getting ready to throw my phone out the window. I have every 3* championed and a 4/3/3 Elektra boosted to 273. I can't even get close. I've tried so many combinations including the Patch, QS ones. Kaecilius starts at Level 395. You know it's bad when you actually have to log in just to post something. Any suggestions?
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm getting ready to throw my phone out the window. I have every 3* championed and a 4/3/3 Elektra boosted to 273. I can't even get close. I've tried so many combinations including the Patch, QS ones. Kaecilius starts at Level 395. You know it's bad when you actually have to log in just to post something. Any suggestions?

    Bring a healer like Kamala. I used 3Cage with red set at 5, Kamala to heal as powers pop, and Qsilver to do the matching with his black. I denied Kaeclius his black and defeated him rather easily. He was 370ish level.
  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    For early 3* rosters: after getting wrecked with Patch, Switch and QS, I had a relatively easy time with CMags (champed), KK, and Loki. My KK and Loki are at 12 and 10 covers, respectively.

    Loki was the key, and he and Mags provided enough board shake to access/match strike tiles and created protect tiles to keep match damage down. KK's heals and break-glass-in-case-of-emergency use of purple (when the board had too many black tiles at one point) also kept things from getting out of control.

    Didn't check what level the boss was, so this may not be a viable team for higher rosters.
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    Dormammu wrote:
    I'm getting ready to throw my phone out the window. I have every 3* championed and a 4/3/3 Elektra boosted to 273. I can't even get close. I've tried so many combinations including the Patch, QS ones. Kaecilius starts at Level 395. You know it's bad when you actually have to log in just to post something. Any suggestions?

    Bring a healer like Kamala. I used 3Cage with red set at 5, Kamala to heal as powers pop, and Qsilver to do the matching with his black. I denied Kaeclius his black and defeated him rather easily. He was 370ish level.

    icon_twisted.gif Dormammu! You shouldn't be here giving advices to us how to beat your pupil hehehehehhehe

    But used OML/SW/Elektra and OML/Bulls/QS still pull it through.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    No love for Bullseye, how sad. I used him with Quicksilver and Rhulk. Bullseye's green is excellent for this boss.

    By the way, best boss battle by far. It's an actual puzzle, not a slot machine, for once.