PVE: Strange Sights (2016-11-03 to 2016-11-07)



  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Beat boss three times almost easily (lost just once). Nice idea to make puzzle quest actually puzzley. I liked it. I liked also this event, more events like this! These mindless ones are really tough. My She-Hulk pwned them good though icon_cool.gif
  • Roland113
    Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    Sorry, little late to the party here, but I had success with the Quicksilver / Patch combo. I did it once with Moonstone as her purple helped pull strike tiles and then twice with Phoenix as she covered Red and Green, which partially protected the other two.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    My two cents worth:

    I loved this event. Doctor Strange is great in both versions. The Mindless Ones are scary and interesting; I look forward to seeing them added to the minion pool for Deadpool's Daily Quest. Kaecillius was a dangerous new boss. I managed to beat him on the first try each time but, geez, did my characters take a beating doing it; I did it with just three-star characters each day. The progression rewards were good and it's my own darn fault that I didn't make it to top progression (I missed it by 510 points). It wasn't easy but it also wasn't so hard as to be impossible for me. Oh! And the story was good, too--very well written.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Oh! I also liked that it was a three-day story. Three or four days is, for me, the right length for a PVE.

    I did think of something that I didn't like. After unlocking Kaecillius, we couldn't go back and earn more points in the subs. That was a bummer but, really, the only downside I can think of to the event.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Oh! I also liked that it was a three-day story. Three or four days is, for me, the right length for a PVE.

    I did think of something that I didn't like. After unlocking Kaecillius, we couldn't go back and earn more points in the subs. That was a bummer but, really, the only downside I can think of to the event.

    If you backed out of the main node, the sub was still there. The subs didn't close until the timer was up, even if you fought and defeated Kaecilius.