PVE: Strange Sights (2016-11-03 to 2016-11-07)



  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Can't you just one shot him with Ghost Riders Stare?
  • Magere
    Magere Posts: 50 Match Maker
    ZootSax wrote:
    veny wrote:
    So, combo 3* Hulk + 3* Wolverine could be the best. Wolverine creates enemy strike tiles, Hulks passive creates tons of greens that destroys created strike tiles... i go try icon_e_biggrin.gif

    You might be better off with Patch & Scarlet Witch. Patch's strike tiles are green for you and purple for your opponent. It doesn't seem like matching your own tiles would do anything unless I'm missing something. I guess I'll see in a few hours when my slice starts...

    Sooooo patch, SW and Electra....I wonder if she green does same damage on his strike tiles?
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    edited November 2016
    maybe loki to flip all his strikes to protects? good ole patch/loki to save the day maybe?

    and i guess a five purple cover bssm would go a long way, if only.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Can't you just one shot him with Ghost Riders Stare?

    Apparently he can't take direct damage, he's only hurt from when you match one of his strike tiles away, or any strike tile you give him.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Using quake to blow up his strike tiles also didn't work... but I did get him one match away before getting nuked...

    Elektra/Scarlet Witch/Quake...

    Should have used quake more to clear non-purple tiles...
  • LOBOsss
    LOBOsss Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    elusive wrote:
    ZootSax wrote:
    veny wrote:
    So, combo 3* Hulk + 3* Wolverine could be the best. Wolverine creates enemy strike tiles, Hulks passive creates tons of greens that destroys created strike tiles... i go try icon_e_biggrin.gif

    You might be better off with Patch & Scarlet Witch. Patch's strike tiles are green for you and purple for your opponent. It doesn't seem like matching your own tiles would do anything unless I'm missing something. I guess I'll see in a few hours when my slice starts...

    That's actually not a bad idea, but I somehow managed to get really lucky and beat him with Patch/Hulk/Luke Cage:

    I was using Luke in a feeble attempt to mitigate some of the match damage, though I don't know how helpful he really was. Oh, and the reward for beating this travesty? 200 points and 1 CP.

    True the system works even on level 8 icon_e_smile.gif and he have ~32 k life icon_e_smile.gif
    I killed him after second try with 3* hulk, patch , and Luke Cage you just have to make a strike tiles with Patch and after his death use Hulk green power
    And I also think that rewards ar poor for him icon_e_smile.gif
  • Rojas66
    Rojas66 Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Thanks for the tips. I beat him on the first try with 3* Hulk, Patch and Cage. Just concentrated on matching red and green to get Patch to put out strike tiles. Then tried to match them. So it sounds like the key is Patch or any character that throws out opponent strike tiles.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Patch is awesome with two different colours of enemy tiles... did like Elektra as well...

    did it with Patch, Ms Marvel and Quicksilver (though Quicksilver died leaving me with one match to make...)

    QS black is awesome icon_e_smile.gif

    But 1 CP!!!!! Seriously!!!
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    elusive wrote:
    Oh, and the reward for beating this travesty? 200 points and 1 CP.
    Oh, good! I was worried the points would be higher than that. I would have preferred no points to be honest, just maybe more CP or a decent ISO lode.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Patch, Loki, and anyone to tank purple for Loki (like a 1-cover Natasha) works wonders.

    Patch green at 5 to get out enemy strikes, Loki purple to get them into positon, and once you start matching those purples, the chain keeps going. You can spin the board all day.

    You just cannot let him get to 15 black, under any circumstances. Game over.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Rather than outright trying to murder him by giving him strikes I went with an endurance test A.K.A healing, or rather that just happened to be the kind of team I brought in on my first fight since I had no idea what to expect. XDP, XFW, IM40. IM40 yellow to supply XDP with red to keep healing himself, and XFW for cascade generation. Really inefficient, but I managed to win first try with a bit of effort. I'll probably try another tactic for the 2nd sub

    And I swear the Maggia sub is a whole bunch of tinykitty. The Nova essential has Kingpin together with 2 yellow/black feeder. Once the cycle got going I was basically eating his finger every single turn. I've had 2 different teams wipe to them in my 4 clears, and my 3rd barely made it through the 4th. I don't even want to imagine what's waiting for the other subs.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Tatercat wrote:
    When I join the event in another hour or so, I’m thinking maybe that Patch/SWitch combo people already suggested, with Quake as the 3rd? Might as well take advantage of this AOE status bug that’s making the Crash almost impossible today and have her minimize damage until you get those strikes out and matched. Respect her to 3/5/5 so she can deny him black ap too. We’ll see how it goes.

    Well, the Patch/Quake/Switch did work on the 2nd try, I got wiped on the first attempt. Used Quake’s blue to keep black off the board and start cascades. Not sure if it will work tomorrow when he scales though. I might throw Kamala in there instead of Switch for the healing. Scarlet’s ap generation never really triggered any strike tile matches though that could be luck.

    And the AOE glitch didn’t really help either. Most of his attacks still overwhelmed Quake’s yellow once the strike tiles got out. Still, her blue made sure he never fired that black at least.
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    metallion wrote:
    And I swear the Maggia sub is a whole bunch of tinykitty. The Nova essential has Kingpin together with 2 yellow/black feeder. Once the cycle got going I was basically eating his finger every single turn. I've had 2 different teams wipe to them in my 4 clears, and my 3rd barely made it through the 4th. I don't even want to imagine what's waiting for the other subs.

    I went with the Maggia, too, as I saw that the Doom one had Ultron Sentries (nopenopenope) and I was tired of fighting the Hand for a week already. I figured they'd be the easiest, but they've pretty much killed my interest in playing more after my first clear. Complete pain in the butt, especially that node you've already mentioned; I'm tired of getting the Fingerpoke of Doom every other turn.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Nova node within the Maggia door is just brutal. Kingpin/Maggia Don/Maggia Don. Not only two feeder goons for two of his most obnoxious powers, he's got boatloads of countdowns out there to get off 2500 damage every other turn. Couldn't even beat it first try. Good to see that some things never change, I guess.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nova node within the Maggia door is just brutal. Kingpin/Maggia Don/Maggia Don. Not only two feeder goons for two of his most obnoxious powers, he's got boatloads of countdowns out there to get off 2500 damage every other turn. Couldn't even beat it first try. Good to see that some things never change, I guess.
    Dare I say it?

    "You're supposed to ...."

    Someone programming this game explicitly designed that node, knowing that would be the result. Knowing how much we hate feeder nodes. Knowing how cheap KP's black is already. And did it anyway.

    Honestly, these developers. So utterly tone-deaf so much of the time.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2016
    I did Watoomb (wanted that yellow cover for Strange). Here’s a breakdown of the hard nodes in there:

    Essential 2* Storm: Konran/Savage/Shinobi
    Essential 3* Spider-Man: Brute/Kishu/Devastator
    Essential Nova: Shinobi/Kishu/Shinobi

    Final Non-repeatable node for the Wand itself: Devastator/Gorgon/Konran (all around lvl 213 for me)

    There’s also two wave nodes in this sub, both 3 waves and nothing too offensive in there. Daredevil and Elektra are running around in the story scenes but you never are required to use them.

    UPDATE: Info on the Mindless ones if anyone was curious.

    redflag.png Brutal – passive that spawns a red strike tile at the start of the match (doesn’t respawn the next turn if destroyed or matched away.
    greenflag.png(4ap): Eye Beam – 6 turn countdown that does AOE damage.
    purpleflag.png (3ap): Relentless Force – 3 turn countdown that strengthens random friendly special tiles each turn. If there are no friendly special tiles, it creates a red strike tile.

    yellowflag.png Immortal - passive that spawns a yellow protect tile at the start of the match (doesn’t respawn the next turn if destroyed or matched away.
    greenflag.png (4ap): Eye Beam – 6 turn countdown that does AOE damage.
    purpleflag.png (3ap): Relentless Endurance – 3 turn countdown that strengthens random friendly special tiles each turn. If there are no friendly special tiles, it creates a yellow protect tile.

    blackflag.png Malevolent – passive that spawns a black attack tile at the start of the match (doesn’t respawn the next turn if destroyed or matched away.)
    greenflag.png (4ap): Eye Beam – 6 turn countdown that does AOE damage.
    purpleflag.png (3ap): Relentless Cruelty – 3 turn countdown that strengthens random friendly special tiles each turn. If there are no friendly special tiles, it creates a Black attack tile.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    For the Boss, I think I will use starlord, electra, and quicksilver. Starlord will make all the other characters power cheaper. Let electra give him cheap strike tiles that you can match with quicksilver?

    Maybe scarlette, electra, and quicksilver since if the boss activates his powers I may be deadmeat anyway.
  • bpcontra
    bpcontra Posts: 176
    Elektra is awesome for this....electra/switch/patch i think is thenway to go.

    Elektras black is a great way to survive
  • Player1575
    Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    Anyone know if Deadpool whales works for an instant win in this fight? Haven't heard anything about it up to this point, but I don't see why it wouldn't.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Anybody else seeing a huge discrepancy between sub placement and overall? I'm ranked 43rd in the sub, 83rd overall. I started on the Maggia node, and wondering if the middle and right nodes are worth different points.