Boss Rush Event: Info & Rewards *Updated



  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blahahah wrote:
    Feels weird being the only person that didn't hate this event in the slightest. In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed the event and I'm going to be out of round 6 and into round 7 soon.

    My roster isn't even fully developed (don't go off of my signature, it's more developed than that), but I've had a great time with the event. It was challenging, but certainly not unfair. The bosses feel like BOSSES, not just glorified minion nodes. I cracked through level 5 of it without losing a single person, and level 6 I'm usually making it to SS and from there it's a coin flip because of attrition.
    I don't hate it either. I feel it's a real challenge.

    I made some points/criticism earlier in this thread which I won't repeat here, but now I've been able to progress some more I have an additional one: it doesn't feel like the progression/round rewards are set properly. I mean, I'm currently fighitng in round 5, but I'm still working toward a 2* progression reward. Like, really? icon_lol.gif

    I think a lot of players won't even attempt any more after wave 2 or 3 or so.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    irwando wrote:
    You're assuming something went wrong. It seems like things are going as they intended.
    Making the overwhelming majority of your customer base totally irate should never be the intention... unless you're running for office.
  • Chipster22
    Chipster22 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    31 pages of mostly complaints, but I have to wonder a bit.

    I see people already on round 8 with a day and a half to go, and even some 3* players on round 6.

    Is that really much different than previous boss events?

    Could it be the higher scaling early on that was upsetting?
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    irwando wrote:
    You're assuming something went wrong. It seems like things are going as they intended.
    Making the overwhelming majority of your customer base totally irate should never be the intention... unless you're running for office.
    Maybe they will apple-ogize then!!!

    I have tapped out on this event being in round 6. It stopped being fun in round 4 and after going 0-6 in round 6 I'm done. I will focus on PVP and sim for the weekend. I thought I could put up with this for the 3 Peggy covers, but it's not worth it. Scaling on the side nodes are already above 300 for me.
    Here is my biggest issue. Next run of this event will be significantly easier based on the saying "based on your feedback here are the changes we made." Why does it take D3 running an event like this and seeing all the venom posted on the forum, facebook, twitter and Reddit for them to realize this level of difficulty is not what the player base wants. Imagine if you saw the add on facebook and thought cool a marvel match 3 game, then you looked at the comments to see what people say about the game and all you see is hate for the event you are running. Why would someone want to download the game, or spend money on it.
    The levels of theses bosses are just broken and you knew it from the beginning. Why do you consistently want to give us events where we are all suppose to lose so badly?
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2016
    Chipster22 wrote:
    31 pages of mostly complaints, but I have to wonder a bit.

    I see people already on round 8 with a day and a half to go, and even some 3* players on round 6.

    Is that really much different than previous boss events?

    Could it be the higher scaling early on that was upsetting?
    Just because some are getting through this colossal train wreck doesn't mean they're happy doing it. What it means is that they are stubborn sons of tinykittys who will push through whatever garbage Demiurge rolls out
  • Skygazing
    Skygazing Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    Chipster22 wrote:
    31 pages of mostly complaints, but I have to wonder a bit.

    I see people already on round 8 with a day and a half to go, and even some 3* players on round 6.

    Is that really much different than previous boss events?

    Could it be the higher scaling early on that was upsetting?

    It's the higher scaling coupled with both the inherently ridiculous nature of these bosses and the scant options available to deal with them.

    BossCap and BossIM were tough but honestly pretty fairly designed; Galactus and Ultron can be problematic but take a couple of turns to really kick off. For these new bosses however, mainly Phoenix and Banner, there's absolutely no semblance of balance. Letting them get even one or two turns will likely wipe at least one of your team members if not all of them.

    The only way to deal with that insanity is to use infinite-turn teams which are pretty hit and miss and rely on a good/lucky start. And even if you pull it off you're looking at match times totaling between 20-30 minutes. Ignoring the extra hit you'll probably need to spend two hours or more (not including side nodes which are only going to get more and more ridiculous) every eight hours. That's way more of a timesink than any other event that currently exists.

    I posted this sentiment earlier but I'll repeat it: a good number of people will likely finish R8 because Peggy Yellow is a thing, but they're going to be miserable doing it.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since I know developers won't read this thread. (it's funny because other games would pay money for feedback, these guys will entirely ignore all feedback, because it isn't happy, and those of you playing the 'be civil' card havent even read the greater majority of the thread, or never get feedback for the work you do from the public or a client)

    For the players:
      Please stop trying to jam your head in the door and completing events that weren't play tested like this. Give feedback, play shield sim, find another game, do anything else. If you like hard but fair, go play dark souls. The completion of galactus 1 by a handful of alliances is literally why the "player is supposed to lose" was born and can be directly attributed why this event is being done the same way.
      I understand some of you love this game more than anything, some of you will toss endless dollars, some will apologize on the developers behalf when everyone else is expressing their frustrations, emotionally tinged or not. but don't dismiss other players criticism because they don't like things. constructive criticism doesn't always look one way, and this is a business, not an art gallery, civil or otherwise, this is how a customer- business relationship works, but it isn't often that the business intentionally decides thats most of it's customers don't deserve to enjoy their business.
      When reading others feedback do realize there's a real possibility they aren't a 4 or 5 star player. That makes a huge difference. While scaling effects higher rosters negatively , options and skills for lower starred characters on the whole are worse. OML + anyone, or fistbuster or even winfinite will take you much further than a lot of other combos in this game and all of them use 4 stars or better

    The presence of emotion in someone else's feedback doesn't make it less valuable.

    So please worry more about providing more feedback as opposed to the manner in which others gives there's.

    It's not only not our job to give the developers fixes for ideas, we have a huge forum which goes mostly ignored, which has ideas and suggestions, and could be an excellent place for discussion, but it's noticeably a ghost town.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Skygazing wrote:

    I posted this sentiment earlier but I'll repeat it: a good number of people will likely finish R8 because Peggy Yellow is a thing, but they're going to be miserable doing it.

    And that's what skews this so much in the favor of this event being seen as a success.

    Just like with everything they do the developers didn't expect probably more than a few dozen to complete the event, and that's the design decision people keep allowing o be supported, because they are that 1 cover closer.

    And just about everyone who beats 8 probably will still either be short peggy covers, or only pull her out when boosted because most of pvp is only 2 characters, and at their level it's usually 5 stars.
  • Ptrok78
    Ok, There are some of you extolling the virtues of this game mode but in my opinion you are obviously sadists. I have crawled my eay to rd 6. Yes, the best way to say it is crawled. Throughout the event and many health packs later I conclude this did not go through a testing phase ag all.

    How can any game mode have you wipe after the enemy has their first turn? This is not something that has happened once but 8 times. Other times I have been destroyed, it might be the 4th or 5th turn. Which is still ridiculous.

    This comes to having the luck to have a good board and not anything to do with strategy. Is that what your peddling? A game based on luck, not strategy and character compatibility.

    The fact this is the only choice we have for pve makes this even worse. You will notice the drop off of players actually playing the pve. I'm not sure that can be considered a success.

    For the most part I have enjoyed anniversary week even venom bomb which can be a bear sometimes but you at least have a chance at winning. If you wanted to do something for the advanced player who has multiple 4 and 5 stars champed then adjust scaling for them. Not all of us have had the luck to have anything close to that even after dropping a few hundred dollars.

    Don't really feel like this particular event was a thank you to the players at all. Very disappointed and frustrated.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    Chipster22 wrote:
    31 pages of mostly complaints, but I have to wonder a bit.

    I see people already on round 8 with a day and a half to go, and even some 3* players on round 6.

    Is that really much different than previous boss events?

    Could it be the higher scaling early on that was upsetting?

    Having the main rewards for beating a round be dependent on individual progression instead of collective alliance progression is the biggest mistake in my opinion. Literally every boss event to date has worked that way; why in the world would they make this incredibly bad decision?
  • MrTrix
    MrTrix Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    GurlBYE wrote:
      When reading others feedback do realize there's a real possibility they aren't a 4 or 5 star player. That makes a huge difference. While scaling effects higher rosters negatively , options and skills for lower starred characters on the whole are worse. OML + anyone, or fistbuster or even winfinite will take you much further than a lot of other combos in this game and all of them use 4 stars or better

    Exactly. I'm developing my 2* roster (~level 103 max), with a couple of 3* characters. The scaling is absolutely ridiculous, even at round 3.
    It stops being fun when you're obliterated 6 times in a row, without even being able to do 10% damage to the first character in a 3-round match.
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    This just sucks! Way to ruin the anniversary event. Don't they ever test these things before they put them out? Here is an idea ask a few alliances to try it out before u release these glitchy events!

    Boss Rush = total Garbage!

    Darknes21 (stopping at round 7)
  • CoffigDarkGravity
    CoffigDarkGravity Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Boss Rush stinks.

    I wish I just had a plain ol' pve event to grind on, the double ISO timer is ticking down fast!

    Info: I am a player with one champed 5*, who had no problems with the event until round 7, wherein facing Banner, Phoenix, or OML became impossible.
    Tbh, Silver Surfer (and Goblin) looked like he was gonna be a problem for this event too, but haven't seen him at a higher level yet.

    Funny because all the old bosses (ultron, cap, im) have been fine, it's your new overpowered bosses that have been the problem imo.
  • nigelregal
    nigelregal Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    I have peggy championed so don't care as much about progression prizes. I will play it whenever I have free time and some health packs and nothing else to do. I do not have any winfinite team I can use so i'm stuck trying to do some damage to the first boss and maybe get lucky to get to the 2nd and then retreat hopefully without having everyone die to save health packs.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've just finished Round 4, and calling it a day. This is not fun and I wont waste my weekend playing things that aren't fun.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    Any event where smaller rosters have a better chance of completing it than more developed rosters is a fail. Those in 5* land who are seeing 500-600+ level bosses can ONLY use a few characters and have to heal those same couple of characters after every fight. I have seen 3-4* transitioners fare way better than me in this event.

    Once again, I feel punished for having a more advanced roster.
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    edited October 2016
    DeNappa wrote:
    • The bosses are already *very* strong on their own. They are unstunnable. They have high HP, which means it will take a while to bring them down. This makes AP collection over multiple waves by the AI a real problem. I bet that a lot of losses in 2nd and 3rd waves will be due to the AI having banked a lot of AP in colors it didn't need earlier. So it can lay down the smack on you in a new wave. I know this is exactly what players do in wave nodes, but when playing the AI this sucks big time. Maybe this could be mitigated by giving the bosses an extra passive, that drains ALL AP when they die.

    THIS. Round four was nearly impossible for me because once I barely scraped by GG, Iron Man had enough red AP saved up to continually blast me with Winning Team until everyone was dead, AND he usually had enough yellow saved up to pop House Party Protocol every time I got rid of one of his drones. Not fun. Not even a little.

    I was really looking forward to the Anniversary - it's my first - and to Boss Rush in particular because I love the boss events. But this was awful, and as someone who's dumped more money into this game than I should have, it's more than a little insulting that you used your player base to playtest a new mode for you.

    EDITED TO ADD: That said, the double ISO and anniversary vault were great. I could have done without Venom Bomb. The PvP events were ok (though CO2016 was pretty unplayable for me). I do feel like I got a lot out of this anniversary, I just hate for it to end on such a sour note.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Skygazing wrote:
    The only way to deal with that insanity is to use infinite-turn teams which are pretty hit and miss and rely on a good/lucky start. And even if you pull it off you're looking at match times totaling between 20-30 minutes. Ignoring the extra hit you'll probably need to spend two hours or more (not including side nodes which are only going to get more and more ridiculous) every eight hours. That's way more of a timesink than any other event that currently exists.
    I just did a full set at Round 7 (6 boss attempts and the side-nodes) in 90 minutes, not using an infinite-turn team and even winning the boss wave on more than half. It is certainly tough, but not as bad as people are making it out to be. Health packs are the only limiter/slowdown that I've had to deal with when playing.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I'm on Rd6 and asking myself if I want one Peggy Carter cover so much that I want to keep using the one cheap strategy that might get me there.

    The answer is no. This is Galactus Round 1 all over again. It's not enjoyable if I have to practically cheat to win.

    I could go on and give constructive feedback as I have in the past, but why?
    I am not your play tester, I am your (paying) customer.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's so incredibly boring and draining to use a winfinite team. I can't even summon the energy to get through ddq or any other aspect of this game. I dread going back for the next 8-hour refresh.. I might not bother.
This discussion has been closed.