Boss Rush Event: Info & Rewards *Updated



  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had a horrible feeling would be "We'll learn lessons and do better next time."

    You know when you said that before? The last anniversary when Galactus Round 1 bombed hard. And yet a year later you make literally the exact same mistakes again.
    It boggles the mind.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Uber303 wrote:
    Well this is a lose/lose event for everyone.

    came off as just a cash spinner for the devs rather than anything to award the loyal player base,

    This anniversary the only thing it had going for it was the double ISO.

    Who wants devil Dino covers anyway?

    Pffft devs get your compensation out and be generous cos this is an epic fail and you have a lot of unhappy customers/players.

    Cash spinner is an argument I don't really buy.
    I mean sure a lot of us probably spent during the sale the week before, I know I did, but I benefitted from that because the anniversary vault was good. I spent money on HP to buy tokens and get a bunch of covers and ISO and that's what I got.

    Boss Rush cannot possibly be a money spinner. I cannot see how that can be so. It's a painful grind that's not fun to play and it drains your characters and health packs. After feeling like you're smashing your head into the wall, do you feel like spending money? Feel like buying more health packs so you can smash your head into the wall some more? I sure as hell don't.

    Mistreating your customers and making them walk across molten glass to get a reward will more than likely make people say "Nah I'm good" and walk away. Out of your game.
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    In general I think this is great, really original for the game and super challenging. The only frustrating thing is the hidden scaling. I think it would seem more fair if this used the shield rank to determine the difficulty you want to try for (with better rewards for harder difficutly).
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, PVP sounds good... Wait, did I really say that? Was this the Dev's intention? More competition in PVP? Still, this "season" I might actually make that 25CP final progression (checks phone) And there's a new attack for me to retaliate on now. Maybe I can even make 900 for that Gwen cover, if I can get points early enough tomorrow. At any rate, the challenge at each level of the boss rounds should not exceed the value of the prize. MoStorm is not a high value prize. The Peggy covers are where they are supposed to be, with the best cover at round 8, where it belongs. Been said too many times probably, but difficult should start at round 6.
  • Ashurum
    Ashurum Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Ok I just completed round 6. 16 champed 4* my highest 5 is the phoenix at 2/2/5 lvl 390. The only way I finish is with winfinite and boosting +4 ap. I believe that winfinite is breaking the difficulty. If they want the event to be challenging they have to over scale cause winfinite messes everything up.
  • drayviper32
    drayviper32 Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    This event is a waste of time. I made it into round 7 and won 3 out 5. But this event is annoying and takes too long to go through 3 bosses with very high health and very cheap powers. This event is the worst! I'm too annoyed to play anymore so thanks for the break D3. Needed some time off. icon_mad.gif
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Ashurum wrote:
    Ok I just completed round 6. 16 champed 4* my highest 5 is the phoenix at 2/2/5 lvl 390. The only way I finish is with winfinite and boosting +4 ap. I believe that winfinite is breaking the difficulty. If they want the event to be challenging they have to over scale cause winfinite messes everything up.

    Or, they'll take a look at the vaunted data metrics and say, "Hey, we need to nerf the unholy living **** out of winfinite."
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want to weigh in here, but first I'm going to make two points:

    - this is just one event. And it is in a game. I think there is a level of vitriol here that is way out of proportion to how serious this is. All in all I think this Anniversary did much better than last year.

    - the developers have never made significant changes to an event on the fly. They may give us compensation afterward, but changing the event while it was running was not an option. It probably isn't even possible in the code.

    Ok, with that being said, this event is awful. It's really bad. I'm honestly not sure why it ever seemed like a good idea to me. Other people made some of these points, but I'm going to go over a few:

    - strategy for one boss doesn't work against another. Ultron needs board control. IM46 needs something to deal with his damn drones (stuns or AoEs.) Galactus has strategies as well. Trouble is, what works against some doesn't work against others, and we only get three characters. What's more, the damage from these bosses is so damn high that taking anyone unboosted is risky at best, suicidal at worst.

    - this is not a cooperative event. Other people have said this, and it does indeed suck.

    - Some of the bosses are really tough. Pheonix and GG in particular. GG is beatable by himself, but since he summons feeders he generates a whole hell of a lot of AP for other bosses.

    - this is a minor gripe, but this PVE doesn't make any kind of narrative sense. At least the other events had a thin veneer of a plot associated with them. This is .. just pure meta weirdness.

    All of these things are bad, but they don't really touch on what I think is the worst thing about this event. The worst thing is that it cheapens boss-characters. A boss character is supposed to be a rare challenge. In normal video games, you go up against them at the end of each level (heck, it used to be just the end of the game.) Now we're supposed to fight three at a time? It takes everything away from them that is supposed to be special, and it taints them for the rest of the game as well. Boss characters will not be nearly as impressive as we were expected to take them down by the dozen.

    If I were you I'd probably scrap this event. Take the boss characters and make new PVEs with them. That would be cool. You can even put them in nodes of a normal PVE, why not? Make them non-repeatable with a decent reward, and that becomes special.
  • Poodlec
    Poodlec Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Okay, i'm done. I got that yellow MoStorm(she 4/2/0 now), so i'm free for the rest of event. I guess i try to get to that 10-pack token in PvP with my 3* versus champed 4* ones. it will be more fun anyway.
  • Ashurum
    Ashurum Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Kishida wrote:
    Ashurum wrote:
    Ok I just completed round 6. 16 champed 4* my highest 5 is the phoenix at 2/2/5 lvl 390. The only way I finish is with winfinite and boosting +4 ap. I believe that winfinite is breaking the difficulty. If they want the event to be challenging they have to over scale cause winfinite messes everything up.

    Or, they'll take a look at the vaunted data metrics and say, "Hey, we need to nerf the unholy living tinykitty out of winfinite."

    Honestly I think they should. I think it is screwing up any attempt at tuning new events so that they can be challenging. If they make it so other characters are usable people will just abuse winfinite. We all know we will. Everyone takes the most efficient path.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's my thoughts on the matter:

    When I first started, the boss scaling was much faster than I expected it would be from round to round. Definitely an initial "pucker factor". And a lot of people have been decrying the difficulty. I would agree with them too just from those initial impressions, but... is it that the boss waves are too difficult? or that they require strategic teams instead of just powering through with the strongest characters?

    I've been reading the other threads where players are discussing their strategy and advice, and from some of those suggestions I'm at Round 7 now at less than 1.5 day. I'm not a 5* player, and I have a mix of "good" and "bad" 4*s championed. And I've certainly lost a number of times (sometimes even in the first boss of a wave) and used a lot of health packs (have not had to buy any with hero points but I did start with 15 from a Taco pull on Thursday). My experience is not going to match everyone else's, I realize, but I have found it to be only frustrating at times and not universally.


    The developer response passed along this afternoon is inexcusable. It would be one thing to have given this type of non-committal response on Thursday. But giving such a brief message on Friday close to a full day after Thursday's post from David is extremely weaksauce. As others have said, I don't blame Hi-Fi; he is just the messenger. It is just disheartening that the forums are clearly in an uproar on this event and it looks like they gave no consideration to trying to assuage that vitriol and only spent a minute or two on this acknowledgement. *shaking my head*
  • TeamStewie
    TeamStewie Posts: 357 Mover and Shaker
    One positive came from this. I finally tried the Big Enchilada and won icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,313 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]*Update: 1:25 PM 10/14/16

    Greetings, all.

    The dev team wanted to let everyone know they have been reading your feedback and taking it into consideration. Here's word from Anthony at Demiurge:
      "Hey everyone, We're trying a bunch of new stuff with the initial run of Boss Rush and we appreciate hearing your thoughts. We'll look at our data to see how people did and combine that with the feedback to help improve future runs of the event. Thanks for playing the event, and keep the feedback coming!"

    Thank you.

    This is a great response!... or would have been if it had been posted within the first couple hours of the event as damage control and sort of a promise of more to come. After two days of mostly silent apathy, right before you leave for another 2 days of silence? It's nothing short of insulting to your players' loyalty.
    udonomefoo wrote:
    My biggest question (other than just 'what were you thinking?') is 'was it intended for bosses to have max dmg on all colors or was that a bug?'.

    I feel like the bosses having normal 3 color match damage would have made such a huge difference in this event.

    That would also have prevent Surgical Strike, the best ability of the one 4* out of the crapthetic bunch of boosted characters in these event that most players are likely to have, basically useless after first use. It's really unreasonable the number of small nd big screw ups this single event made.
    Say it with me:

    The anniversary is not a time for trial and error.

    This. I appreciate Demiurge trying to keep things fresh with new features and new game modes, but the Anniversary is not the time for it. Run your new game modes through out the year, a few times until you know you got them right, then in Anniversary, rerun those which were the most popular.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    My question is
    Who tested this and came to the conclusion, yeah this feels right?

    By round 3 most players came to the conclusion, this is wrong, way too high, way too fast. BTW round 3 was about 20 minutes into Boss Rush
  • spghttihead
    spghttihead Posts: 74 Match Maker
    I died, A LOT! Through round 6. I thought, maaaaybe I could pull this off. Then it's Banner followed by SS who does 8k damage EVERY turn! Scaling is WAY off. I consider myself having a decent roster (17 4* champs, 2 12 cover 5*s). Who is this event made for?

    Also, that response from them was....I wrote and deleted a few words there decided on SHAMEFUL.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    My question is
    Who tested this and came to the conclusion, yeah this feels right?

    By round 3 most players came to the conclusion, this is wrong, way too high, way too fast. BTW round 3 was about 20 minutes into Boss Rush

    Noone tested this, that's your answer. It's fairly reasonnable at this point to assume Demiurge does not (or is not willing) to have some sort of beta server where they can live test the events before implementing them. I don't know what they consider "testing" but it sure as hell is not the norm in the video game industry.

    Even if we say that the main problem is the scaling and health of these bosses, the design is also massively flawed with some of them being akin to pulling a lever on a machine slot.

    Phoenix: 1 or 2 turns in and she will murder your whole team. Her 2 passives are way too strong and you cant stun her. There is no counter to this besides not letting her have a turn, broken beyond belief.

    Green Goblin: 5 AP to heal 8000 and summon 2 goons? Are you kidding me, how do you deny 5 black when he has 40k health? You don't and the match takes forever and then he eventually starts spamming his purple and his yellow... He becomes overwhelming way too fast.

    Banner: Cant be stunned, generate a ton of green that keeps making cascades and 5 matches, considering his match damage that's deadly on his own. Then he just spams his 7 green AOE until your team is dead. Not fun.

    Ultron: Should not have board shake + a move + bomb placement every turn. Something's gotta give here.

    The rest of them are not as insanely unmanageable I suppose icon_rolleyes.gif
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really don't think this event is bad at all. It's difficult, certainly. For me, the only thing necessary to fix it is to change the set of rewards to match the difficulty. Perhaps more vault tokens at shorter progression intervals, to keep us pushing forwards and feel that we're gaining traction. The Peggy covers should have arrived sooner, perhaps with Rounds 4, 5, and 6. Heck, rounds 3, 4, and 5 because it's the anniversary. Where the upper, most insanely difficult rounds have rewards that match the feat of beating them. A 5-star cover. 10,000 HP. 200,000 ISO. Rewards of that nature.

    They tried something new. Some people weren't a fan. It's only one event of several. Had they re-hashed something tried and true, people would have given that the thumbs-down as well and claimed they phoned in their anniversary event. It's not the end of days this nearly 30-page topic suggests.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Events like this and the BFF PvP make me thankful I'm a super poor college student right now. I wanted to drop $20 to get a 10 pack. I can afford one with my current HP, but I wanted to show some support (and if I don't hit the 2900 in the vault, I'm at nearly zero HP).

    This kind of thing convinces me that even when I have extra money to toss around, I should think twice and just save it or spend it on a different game. My wife and I picked up the Pathfinders Adventure card game today, and I had way more fun than the two times I got obliterated on round four of this nonsense.

    I've phoned it in. Beating my head against a wall for a few over-prized covers is insane to me, even if this were an alliance-based event. Until you can stop making things stupid hard all the time, I will never spend another dime, either.
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    Ashurum wrote:
    Ok I just completed round 6. 16 champed 4* my highest 5 is the phoenix at 2/2/5 lvl 390. The only way I finish is with winfinite and boosting +4 ap. I believe that winfinite is breaking the difficulty. If they want the event to be challenging they have to over scale cause winfinite messes everything up.

    I really don't like using winfinite. It's boring and there is no real strategy. I use it when the nodes are tough (like 4th clear and my "boosted team is wiping" tough) or I'm feeling lazy.

    My roster has 9 champed 4* and every 3* champed. No usable/leveled 5*. Winfinite is the only way I've been able to clear nodes. So is everything over scaled due to winfinite, or is winfinite a nessacity due to overscaling? Chicken, meet egg.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    GrimSkald wrote:
    I want to weigh in here, but first I'm going to make two points:

    - this is just one event. And it is in a game. I think there is a level of vitriol here that is way out of proportion to how serious this is. All in all I think this Anniversary did much better than last year.

    - the developers have never made significant changes to an event on the fly. They may give us compensation afterward, but changing the event while it was running was not an option. It probably isn't even possible in the code.

    If I were you I'd probably scrap this event. Take the boss characters and make new PVEs with them. That would be cool. You can even put them in nodes of a normal PVE, why not? Make them non-repeatable with a decent reward, and that becomes special.

    Very nice to see someone else can be civil, I firmly beleive the devs listen more to civil conversation rather than toss away posts, that tell them to sit on it. They know we're mad, be constructive if you want it to improve.

    That last idea I really like, Man do I like that. If at the end of Dark Avengers we had a big fight with this Goblin who summoned people and feeders. That'd be fun. That would be interesting. If at the end of each of those big missions, on the final day, you could unlock a boss battle, for even... 3500 iso8.png

    I would be all over that.
This discussion has been closed.