Boss Rush Event: Info & Rewards *Updated



  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd also like to note that this is the very first time in which the scaling on the goon nodes hasn't been severe and prohibitive, so unless you're missing characters you're getting to make every attempt at the boss waves without much difficulty. I'm on Round 5 and the goons are still easy. Everyone bemoaned this endlessly during past boss events, it was seemingly fixed, and now there isn't a word of appreciation. Or if there is, I missed it skimming this bloated thread.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    mega ghost wrote:
    I'd also like to note that this is the very first time in which the scaling on the goon nodes hasn't been severe and prohibitive, so unless you're missing characters you're getting to make every attempt at the boss waves without much difficulty. I'm on Round 5 and the goons are still easy. Everyone bemoaned this endlessly during past boss events, it was seemingly fixed, and now there isn't a word of appreciation. Or if there is, I missed it skimming this bloated thread.

    I think the goon nodes will still end up as hard as they always end up, it's just that this time it will be gradual instead of a huge skip after the third refresh. I want to say that there was another boss event that went this way as well (I don't think it was the most recent one, but the one before that).
  • Saeva
    Saeva Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2016
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]*Update: [...] Thanks for playing the event, and keep the feedback coming!"[...]
    You heard them, they want your feedback. Has everyone here left a review of the game on the Android/iOS store or Steam? I have and encourage all to do the same.
    Fantastic idea. I had rated the game a 4-star but after the recent problems I think I should reevaluate that. I'm off to do that now.

    Edit: Done.

    'I've played this game for 461 days now and have spent some money. Now I'm seriously considering quitting given the developers' clear lack of even basic consideration for their player base. When it's good the game is really fun. When it's bad, some things become obvious.

    First, if you're not willing to spend money you might as well not bother. The game is slow to progress and recent changes make that even harder for even sometimes spenders. Second, the developers seem to go out of their way to remove well-liked features when it'd make getting a sought after in-game reward easier, which comes across as greedy, and often ignore the legitimate complaints of the players. CS is a joke when you do have a problem. Third, it's getting increasingly difficult to play without spending money. Every single new character introduced in the last year are 4-star, or 5-star, which are only available as top prizes, with 0.01% odds for a RNG pull, or with 10+ hours of time investment per RNG "Legendary" pull.

    The obvious conclusion is the only players Demiurge/D3 care about are the "whales", who spend $1K+ regularly. It's not F2P or even cheap-to-play: it's a ripoff. Don't download this game. '

    Edit #2: I encourage others to leave feedback where it's more likely to be listened to than here.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    mega ghost wrote:
    I'd also like to note that this is the very first time in which the scaling on the goon nodes hasn't been severe and prohibitive, so unless you're missing characters you're getting to make every attempt at the boss waves without much difficulty. I'm on Round 5 and the goons are still easy. Everyone bemoaned this endlessly during past boss events, it was seemingly fixed, and now there isn't a word of appreciation. Or if there is, I missed it skimming this bloated thread.

    It's not at the second day yet. Most people start noticing that the sub nodes are good till about the last day. We have 1 day and 22 hrs. So remember the nodes are possible now, because they still need to increase 6 more times. At least. And uh, I dunno about your scaling, but mine are at 200 right now, and that's easily doable, even if I get a Two star I have under-covered, or a four star singleton... But 6 more increases will place those nodes around... 400-450 each? Regardless of what round you are on.

    Because it is not a round based scaling for the goons, it's time based. So we'll be grateful if and when it is fixed. But if we're seeing level 438 Rulk, 439 Hulk, 439 Chulk... as a first wave, just to have a chance to be obliterated by the boss.... Well, then it was not fixed now was it?
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2016
    Ctenko wrote:
    It's not at the second day yet. Most people start noticing that the sub nodes are good till about the last day. We have 1 day and 22 hrs. So remember the nodes are possible now, because they still need to increase 6 more times. At least. And uh, I dunno about your scaling, but mine are at 200 right now, and that's easily doable, even if I get a Two star I have under-covered, or a four star singleton... But 6 more increases will place those nodes around... 400-450 each? Regardless of what round you are on.

    Because it is not a round based scaling for the goons, it's time based. So we'll be grateful if and when it is fixed. But if we're seeing level 438 Rulk, 439 Hulk, 439 Chulk... as a first wave, just to have a chance to be obliterated by the boss.... Well, then it was not fixed now was it?

    I'm about a match away from switching over to the 6th round and my goons are at about 200 as well. For some reason I remembered that insane goon scaling to happen very quickly, and when I didn't notice it today I assumed it was either not happening this time around based on time, or that it happened and was so minimal I couldn't even tell.

    EDIT: My single-wave goons (i.e. playable characters as enemies) are 195 - 209, and my multiple-wave goons are 140-141. I'm now in Round 6, but switched over after locking out my last node.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    mega ghost wrote:
    Ctenko wrote:
    It's not at the second day yet. Most people start noticing that the sub nodes are good till about the last day. We have 1 day and 22 hrs. So remember the nodes are possible now, because they still need to increase 6 more times. At least. And uh, I dunno about your scaling, but mine are at 200 right now, and that's easily doable, even if I get a Two star I have under-covered, or a four star singleton... But 6 more increases will place those nodes around... 400-450 each? Regardless of what round you are on.

    Because it is not a round based scaling for the goons, it's time based. So we'll be grateful if and when it is fixed. But if we're seeing level 438 Rulk, 439 Hulk, 439 Chulk... as a first wave, just to have a chance to be obliterated by the boss.... Well, then it was not fixed now was it?

    I'm about a match away from switching over to the 6th round and my goons are at about 200 as well. For some reason I remembered that insane goon scaling to happen very quickly, and when I didn't notice it today I assumed it was either not happening this time around based on time, or that it happened and was so minimal I couldn't even tell.

    It used to happen all of a sudden at the 24 hour mark, but like I said earlier, they've generally changed it so that it's more gradual.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    mega ghost wrote:
    Ctenko wrote:
    It's not at the second day yet. Most people start noticing that the sub nodes are good till about the last day. We have 1 day and 22 hrs. So remember the nodes are possible now, because they still need to increase 6 more times. At least. And uh, I dunno about your scaling, but mine are at 200 right now, and that's easily doable, even if I get a Two star I have under-covered, or a four star singleton... But 6 more increases will place those nodes around... 400-450 each? Regardless of what round you are on.

    Because it is not a round based scaling for the goons, it's time based. So we'll be grateful if and when it is fixed. But if we're seeing level 438 Rulk, 439 Hulk, 439 Chulk... as a first wave, just to have a chance to be obliterated by the boss.... Well, then it was not fixed now was it?

    I'm about a match away from switching over to the 6th round and my goons are at about 200 as well. For some reason I remembered that insane goon scaling to happen very quickly, and when I didn't notice it today I assumed it was either not happening this time around based on time, or that it happened and was so minimal I couldn't even tell.

    It happened on one or two, where the scaling was a 24 based jump, and not an 8 hour based jump. And it was sudden. Like Level 30 dudes, to level 180 dudes, to level 375 dudes. Here we're still fresh, but that ramp up is coming. When I started playing all the goons were level 19.
  • theshadeofopal
    theshadeofopal Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Was this event tested? It's hard to say whether its more anger or confusion inducing because it seems like devs were talking about it earlier they thought it would be a "fun" challenge, not a "if you get lucky and get a god board in later rounds you might get through 1 and a half of the bosses". I just can't imagine a situation where if you had just one person testing some of the later rounds, that they wouldn't have been like no no no no. Phoenix and hulk as first enemies are nigh unbeatable without a winifinite and even then requiring a bit of luck since those team will die in 2 seconds to a bad cascade. I get we'll probably get some compensation to make up for this brutal weirdness, but I'm just as interested in how it happened in the first place.
  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    Just a simple question, was this event tested? If it were tested, with what? Level 550 champed 5*s? Generally 4*s won't last a single hit, take round 6 Phoenix for example. Mind crush instantly puts my OML at critical state, or completely obliterates a 4*.

    Round 7? Banner crushes my team with his hulk spam. I'm quite at a loss of what to do for this event. It really comes back to the question, was this event tested or just rolled out as is?
  • Uber303
    Uber303 Posts: 85 Match Maker
    HxiiiK wrote:
    Just a simple question, was this event tested? If it were tested, with what? Level 550 champed 5*s? Generally 4*s won't last a single hit, take round 6 Phoenix for example. Mind crush instantly puts my OML at critical state, or completely obliterates a 4*.

    Round 7? Banner crushes my team with his hulk spam. I'm quite at a loss of what to do for this event. It really comes back to the question, was this event tested or just rolled out as is?
    Think the clue is in the name "boss rush"

    They clearly hadn't thought this event through. If they had we wouldn't have a storm of tinykitties
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is it wrong that I'm starting to get a perverse pleasure from this event?
    Half way through Round 7
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    mega ghost wrote:
    I'd also like to note that this is the very first time in which the scaling on the goon nodes hasn't been severe and prohibitive, so unless you're missing characters you're getting to make every attempt at the boss waves without much difficulty. I'm on Round 5 and the goons are still easy. Everyone bemoaned this endlessly during past boss events, it was seemingly fixed, and now there isn't a word of appreciation. Or if there is, I missed it skimming this bloated thread.

    The scaling on the subs gets bad on the last day with 24hrs remaing. Give them another 6hrs to scale and they will be right where you remember them
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* player now on R7.

    They don't care clearly, the point was they made a huge amount of cash from all the people who bought a stark, then another, then another to clear and flip and clear and flip anniversary vaults. They are now recovering with a huge headache after a friday night out on the lash with the huge cash injection. Last night they sat in the bar laughing at the comments.

    They didn't even confirm whether alliance event, that turned into a non alliance event was even done on purpose. I won't give them another penny until they prove they can run an event properly. The comms on this event was terrible. I was locked into an alliance in an event I didn't want to play because I was letting my alliance score down.

    So I battled on and funnily enough the ones who haven't bothered are the ones with a fully covered peggy, who can blame them there was nothing there for them to do to help the alliance or themselves.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    GrimSkald wrote:
    If I were you I'd probably scrap this event. Take the boss characters and make new PVEs with them. That would be cool. You can even put them in nodes of a normal PVE, why not? Make them non-repeatable with a decent reward, and that becomes special.
    Same as PVE simulator one single match, i like the idea icon_e_smile.gif
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Who are peeps using in round 7, can't get past hulk and his aoe smash everyone. i can't even do 10k damage on his 65k health before the match is over
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    HxiiiK wrote:
    Just a simple question, was this event tested? If it were tested, with what? Level 550 champed 5*s? Generally 4*s won't last a single hit, take round 6 Phoenix for example. Mind crush instantly puts my OML at critical state, or completely obliterates a 4*.

    Round 7? Banner crushes my team with his hulk spam. I'm quite at a loss of what to do for this event. It really comes back to the question, was this event tested or just rolled out as is?
    It was tested - as all events are tested.
    If they are functionally ok, so they don't break the game, they go live.

    After 3 years it should be clear that they NEVER test for how the event actually PLAYS.
    That's what WE are there for, no?
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I made it to Galactus in round 7, can anyone give me a good reason why he gets to move the board?
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    I completed Round 6 and I am probably done, I don't need the Peggy blue cover, the side nodes have jumped up in level and Banner wiped me on my first try in Round 7 Its too bad they started the Bosses at such high levels because I actually liked seeing the different variations of the Bosses. If they run this event again they need to start the bosses at much lower levels.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only way to win this with a winfinite team where you prevent the enemy from making a single move. The only problem is that makes matches last around 20 minutes each. So it's less of a "boss rush" and more of a "boss snoozefest". I don't have 3 hours to do every 8-hour refresh!

    Knocking out bosses with 70,000 hit points using 300-hit point attacks is pretty slow.
This discussion has been closed.