The Locke'n Lounge *Alliance Chat*



  • MasterBoRaiCho
    MasterBoRaiCho Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    LazyThor and X-Force Wolvie are the only major characters I'm missing (also missing bagman and Yelena...whoop-dee-doo). Like you, I'll take any 3* I can get my grubby little hands on, or non-green Ares.
  • lol, yeah, I meant "of covers you want". I never mean Bagman or Yelena. Ever. icon_razz.gif

    And I forgot about ares! He isnt fully covered yet for me, I still need some red and yellow for him, like you. I love him too, moreso than Thor even. Just want to see him past level 61, but thankfully 61 is playable for me and my roster.
  • favabear
    favabear Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Just as I was about to post my list, I pulled an X-force Wolv off of a heroic token. Wooo! Can't wait to have him sitting on the bench for the next couple of months!

    So I guess now,I'm missing GSBW, BP, Mags, and lazythor. The only uncommons I haven't completed are Daken, Bullseye, and OBW. I'm really eager to get OBW finished so I can max her, as she's been performing really well even as is. I'm also dying for a green patch cover: I've got 5 covers for him so far but he's going to be a little subpar until he has all of his abilities.

    Right now, I'm kind of in an awkward spot as to how I should spend my ISO. Wolverine is my highest, but he's not that great right now. I'd like to level up Ares to take his place, but all of his covers overlap with Wolverine so they wouldn't play great together. Maybe I'll work on classic storm until I get more OBW covers.

    By the way, I am very glad to be over with that last round of events. My plan to join late in the simulator subevents majorly backfired. By the time I joined, the difficulty had scaled through the roof and I was barely able to complete all of the nodes in each event. Ouch. I can see that we were struggling across the board, as our performance dropped a bit. We're still in good shape though. icon_e_smile.gif
  • well, i got 200k now, thats what i aimed for, bc of the us event-endingtimes.
    im not standing up at 3-5am to squeze everything out. eitherway im still in reach of the top spots, seems some were lazy too.
    i would miss some hulk covers, mostly black, i guess. and ive yet to see a spidey cover.
    and i want that dino!
  • pylaeron
    pylaeron Posts: 7
    I'm at the point where I'm mostly looking for 3* covers. The only 2* that would help me are Ares-green and Mag-blue/purple. Other than that, I've got covers maxed for them. If I had my say in 3*, my priority would be Hulk, IM, Hood, and then probably Patch, but I'm honestly grateful for any at this point. icon_e_smile.gif

    Oh, and somehow I don't have any 3* Thor covers yet. I have no idea how the hell that's happened.
  • ****!!!

    I forgot I had Loki on my recruit covers. I was going to buy a Google card to add recruit slots. I waited too long and he went poof. So in frustration, I just sold my lvl 1 5/5 Yelena to recruit Patch. I don't want that to happen again.
  • Decided to push foward and get the lazy cap covers over tanking at the end to get the obw. Was a very hard move for me.

    I just pushed over the 250k threshhold, but won't be able to make the 300k, points will run out.

    I have one of every cover except inisible woman. I'm in similar situation as some others. Unbuffed, I have wolvie, cStorm and normal thor asa my main trio. I have just enough covers on everyone to make them viable during these events when they get their buffs.

    Top on my want list... I'd like to max out obw. Just to allow me longer stints of playing before having to sit out to wait for health packs to regen.
  • We're slowly slipping down the ladder rankings with each event. Not that its really costing us much, as we are well above the threshholds for the useful rewards, but thought I would mention it.
  • Finished top 10 in the overall simulator and I was pissed because I was 1 almost the whole time but I could not play as much at the end because of work! icon_e_sad.gif

    top 5 in the hood event hoping to get that top spot one day.

    Ya i noticed we are slipping a little bit in ranking but its not affecting us yet.

    All the free covers/iso are such a great plus to this alliance along with the great people.

    Lets keep pushing!
  • finished top 2 here. only need 1 blue cover and 1 green cover to finish Invisible Woman now.

    enemy levels scaled up so maybe that's why some people couldn't play.
    if not, we should check-in once a month or so to make sure no one is inactive.
  • Sweenz wrote:
    I have one of every cover except inisible woman.

    As soon as I mention it.. .i pull a IW from my daily reward heroic token.
  • Managed to get a top 2 finish in simulator for my first 4 star cover. Slowly getting some 3 stars to playable levels too. Will soon have Punisher soft capped at 102 and have 6 to 8 covers for a bunch of other three stars. Really need to get a top 10 in this hero event to get a red hulk cover but I expect the brackets to be really competitive given how rare his red and black covers seem to be. Plus there's no other event active just yet so it will be heavily focused for now.

    As far as missing covers I see that GSBW is a common one for people to be missing. I've never gotten her either. Only have one for Spiderman and Loki but at least 2 covers for all the rest.
  • Nice job tippe!
  • MasterBoRaiCho
    MasterBoRaiCho Posts: 42 Just Dropped In event already with a cool looking new character!

    Let's...LOCKE'N LOAD!!!!

  • adahlg
    adahlg Posts: 2
    the covers are nice, but what I'm really loving is the massive ISO flood we've been having. Got to max out my hood, not sure what *** to work on next icon_e_smile.gif
  • lol, the april 1st word change is really making things difficult icon_razz.gif

    I think the Iso and the HP boosts have been incredibly valuable as well. I guess when I think about it, the HP has allowed me to for the first time ever have a SURPLUS of cover spots - to the point where I guess I am actually going to build out a Modern Hawkeye and a Moonstone for specialized events, in addition to allowing me to keep up with those nice new covers we get as a bonus. And then more than anything else the Iso has allowed me to bring up all characters that arent soft-capped to a useable level for events. I have pretty much my top guys cover capped, and have been using Iso to bring situational people up to the 40-50s or so. That gives a HUGE boost over using a level 15 freebee guy on PVP team-up events, as I noticed in the Hood event that ran recently icon_e_smile.gif

    Man, Im really loving this alliance icon_e_smile.gif
  • Oh, and if you guys havent checked it out yet, they have the close estimates on the new Captain America and his damage and skills. Hot damn, that red damage with the AP return and overwrite ability is pretty damn nice. People are really liking him overall - he seems viable in PVP now, and an absolute monster against goons!
  • MasterBoRaiCho
    MasterBoRaiCho Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    Yeah, and the protect tile now dropped by his blue is pretty effective too. Sound like one hell of a defensive asset now, when you include his yellow and his decent sized HP pool. That damage scaled up on his red a lot more than I thought it would (assuming that estimate is fairly accurate); I figured it would go to 1000 - 1500 or so.
  • Yeah, with that sort of damage it makes it a one of the best red damage dealer with an upside.

    Also, I just had the two best pulls in a row - First, a super solder token pull got me a blue Classic Storm, then I pulled a BLUE OBW from a standard token!!!
  • Currently #1 in fearless defenders with 800+

    Not really done much with the pve. Going to be hard to get motivated to place real high in it.

    Looking foward to the 3 hulk covers in a few hours :mark: