Ultron Returns!: New Details



  • Ulizeus
    Ulizeus Posts: 35
    I dont have any char in my rooster that can survive 1 bomb at round 7, been whaling since round 6 couse 2 bombs equals the board isnt getting any good, lots of 4x matches for ultron while I cant get any good match for my skills and now I need to down what, 49k ultron, wonder if the next galactus event will also have a more active boss... :/
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Meander wrote:
    my group is on tier 8, and I've hit personal max prog with not much effort. Not bragging, just listing why it's enjoyable to do that in a day vs a 3 day grind.
    Do the node rewards keep refreshing after you hit everything, or are you now stuck for two days without a usual source of ISO?
  • Meander
    Meander Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    simonsez wrote:
    Meander wrote:
    my group is on tier 8, and I've hit personal max prog with not much effort. Not bragging, just listing why it's enjoyable to do that in a day vs a 3 day grind.
    Do the node rewards keep refreshing after you hit everything, or are you now stuck for two days without a usual source of ISO?

    Since the boss wont refresh once tier 8 is down, neither will nodes. It will just show him as playable, but 0 health. Sentry bot nodes will have rewards, but in no way will they be worth it.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    tanis3303 wrote:
    Can anyone explain to me why this event is so well liked? Because this is awful, and I would rather be doing just about anything else possible with my time...
    Because they took away the good parts and made it like the other boss battles, but worse...
  • Demolira
    Demolira Posts: 78 Match Maker
    Meanwhile, smaller alliances get left behind, because they can't blow through most of the rounds on the first day. My small alliance only has two people at the 4 star level, so we're still working through round 4 with the new higher unlock nodes. I had hoped to be able to clear round 6 before the end of the event, but I'm pretty skeptical of that with the huge level jump this morning.

    For comparison, I've hit every unlock and Ultron node so far, and that puts me a little bit over 1/3 of the way to the final progression.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    tanis3303 wrote:
    Can anyone explain to me why this event is so well liked? Because this is awful, and I would rather be doing just about anything else possible with my time...

    I guess because Boss events CAN be very fun, in fact the first day, and from round 1 to 6 it WAS very fun. But once scaling kicked in and we had to start fighting Ultron in round 7+ with those insane hitpoint levels, damage per bomb and match damage, the event stopped being fun.

    As soon as I get to 900k and I get the CPs I will probably stop playing altogether.

    One big problem of this events is the iso, devs need to raise A LOT the iso we should win in these events. It is much much less than in a normal PvE event.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Polares wrote:
    tanis3303 wrote:
    Can anyone explain to me why this event is so well liked? Because this is awful, and I would rather be doing just about anything else possible with my time...

    I guess because Boss events CAN be very fun, in fact the first day, and from round 1 to 6 it WAS very fun. But once scaling kicked in and we had to start fighting Ultron in round 7+ with those insane hitpoint levels, damage per bomb and match damage, the event stopped being fun.

    As soon as I get to 900k and I get the CPs I will probably stop playing altogether.

    One big problem of this events is the iso, devs need to raise A LOT the iso we should win in these events. It is much much less than in a normal PvE event.

    I agree with this. The iso in boss events should be more epic. Like 2500 and 5000 amounts for progression. Heck put 10k in the penultimate slot too. There is really no need for them to be so tight with the purple stuff.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    wymtime wrote:
    HaywireII wrote:
    Holy moley....7k bombs in round 6 are already insta wipe out if Ultron gets a good cascade. This event may turn into getting lucky enough to get all your points before your health packs run out.
    Well I only have 179 health packs. I hope that is enough icon_e_biggrin.gif

    You have more health packs than I have Taco Tokens. I think you might be ok. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    Mine went to level 198. Hadn't been able to update the reddit thread.
  • ocarina59
    ocarina59 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    8 hours for to play, it's too long, why not 6 hours?
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    That spike certainly was unwelcome. I'm lucky enough to be able to manage it, but talk about a warped progression. Here's what it looked like to me:
    1. Cake walk
    2. Cake walk
    3. Cake walk
    4. Cake walk
    5. Cake walk
    6. Cake walk
    7. Cake walk
    8. The Tarrasque
    I can still do it, but there's just something a little bit off about how the challenge ramps up...

    I'll take this time to echo the concerns that the volume of rewards ought to be parallel to what would have been on offer for a standard Story event of identical duration. Are you really so starved for attention that you need to give us something more to complain about, Demiurge?
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    So... Max progression with 2 days to go...

    Anyone wanna play Scrabble?
  • waywreth
    waywreth Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    El Satanno wrote:
    That spike certainly was unwelcome. I'm lucky enough to be able to manage it, but talk about a warped progression. Here's what it looked like to me:
    1. Cake walk
    2. Cake walk
    3. Cake walk
    4. Cake walk
    5. Cake walk
    6. Cake walk
    7. Cake walk
    8. The Tarrasque
    I can still do it, but there's just something a little bit off about how the challenge ramps up...

    I'll take this time to echo the concerns that the volume of rewards ought to be parallel to what would have been on offer for a standard Story event of identical duration. Are you really so starved for attention that you need to give us something more to complain about, Demiurge?

    Personally I am willing to sacrifice the ISO for the boss battles for the guaranteed star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png covers. I hope they keep these in rotation.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had a lot of fun with this event. Already hit personal progression and my alliance is nearly done with Ultron. Looks like I might not even get another crack at him since I am not going to wait until 4am to get another crack at him and my alliance mates are still swinging away.

    This was my first run of Ultron (day 191) and my third boss fight. It was also the first boss fight that I had any success in round 8. Was able to down Ultron 5 out of 8 times in round 8, three times with winfinite (which is working much better with that extra blue cover for Prof X) and twice with whales. It was challenging but still achievable. I do think that the scaling of the sentries was a little harsh and I know it will only go up from here so I'm glad my alliance was able to get a quick start since tomorrow figures to be much tougher sledding.

    Big thanks to Vhailorx for that strategy thread, helped me a bunch!
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    The first time I did Ultron was last year and I had a middling 2* roster, and a terrible public alliance. We didn't get far. I didn't get far, but it was still pretty fun. This time, it's still pretty fun, but now that I can see what he's like in round 8, he's tough! Those bombs one shot my OML and very nearly my DPX as well. OML DPX HB got me through 6 fights, but I needed Penance Stare TUs to win one - and it did 60k. That's kind of insane, honestly.

    Honestly, I love these boss battles. I loved Galactus (not the very first one, lvl 390 gorgons can suck it), loved CW 1 and 2, and I wish they would come more regularly. Easy 4* covers for the alliance, generally half decent rewards (not this time, 6 ultron tokens got me 6 2* and I ain't wasting hp on that vault)... but severely lacking in iso.

    Ramp it up D3, I got expiring covers and no income to level my people in the meantime. Where's that MPQ welfare iso when I need it?
  • gamecat235
    gamecat235 Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
    I managed to get max progression (my alliance is almost through round 8, so I'm slightly spoiled from that perspective), but I'm only a month into my 3* progression, other than the single 5* char I have, Phoenix, with three covers, my highest covers are a dozen or so recently champed 3's (Lcap is at 174).

    But I managed to reach max prog with only a couple of Ghost Rider Penance Stare TU's by using GSBW, LCap, and IM40 and then using boosts to start with 4 yellow so I could start IM40's yellow to get both Cap and Widow to start taking out bombs. This was a real challenge, and I lost as many times as I won starting with round 7. But it was fun for me. It would be more frustrating if I was doing it alone, but this is an alliance based challenge, and I am fortunate to be in one that has commitment to the game.

    (granted I burned through 40 tacos to get some health packs along the way, but that was totally worth it).
  • Jwhitmire36
    Jwhitmire36 Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Is anyone else seeing an increased amount of cascading board drops for the AI in all the nodes? It's happening a lot to me, swarm or disassemble fire and produce a cascade, then a match is made which produces a 2nd cascade in the same turn. Sitting there watching your health get wiped away helplessly get's old fast.
  • PeeOne
    PeeOne Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Is Ultron stealing gems??? Or does the matched bomb tile not count as a collected tile???

    I can't prove it and fighting him takes more concentration to be counting matched tiles as well but there have been a number of games that my collecting is taking much longer...

    Also for the devs.... Sould the sentry's that have core meltdown be able to fire this multiple times.... Surely they only have limited cores?!?!

    Another also... For those still playing - my alliance is midway through round 6... I just hit the full personal progression but they are a young team so I'd be happy to make it to round 7!! - anyway found a team that just wiped the floor 6 times in a row with barely a scratch... GSBW Vision and Captain Marvel mod
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Kjempen wrote:
    Please, have these type of events a bit more often!

    Not only are they fun to play, they also give some sort of feeling of progression, and I love the fixed 4* rewards (which are usually practically unobtainable in regular PVE in the slices/brackets I've tried). RNG is not good for me when it comes to covering 4*s (dupes, dupes, dupes).

    I actually played this instead of Pokemon GO.

    I had the mission reset looming, and was HAVING FUN, walking through the city not hitting Pokemon Stops or hatching eggs loving MPQ instead :p
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    I think this event was pretty fair. It was hard and our alliance never finished it. But that is to be expected as our alliance has some starter players in it. Makes sense that you would need a stronger alliance to finish it. We made it to round 8. Couldn't even beat him in round 8 at all to get the command points. But that is to be expected since I have no maxed 4* to fight him with.

    The nodes at the end got quite strong, barely beat them. But this time Ultron was even stronger than the nodes, so that made more sense. Unfortunately due to people progressing so fast, they have to set the roof higher. You have to do this because if you don't then, it wouldn't be as challenging for the top tier people. They should have a round 9 for higher alliances though. The rewards were not bad just short on iso like everyone else said. I think I was going in the negatives near the end due to having to buy boosts to down Ultron.

    Edit: Maybe lock round 9 rewards so people can't see them. Only after finished round 8 can you see the round 9 stuff.