Ultron Returns!: New Details



  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    It was not as bad as I had expected... but then again, my roster has grown significantly since the last time I played. If I did not have Hulkbuster champed and boosted (which I didn't have last time) I would have wiped a whole lot more often.

    If I had the roster I had back then, I would not have made it very far. I do not have 5 blackflag.png on Ghost Rider, and I didn't have 5 redflag.png on Punisher.

    I do believe it was designed to combat the 5* health. I don't recall 23K+ bombs before, but I could be wrong. Also I do agree that IM40 may have had something to do with it as well.

    All in all, for a slightly more advance roster than before, it was a nice challenge. I just worry about the general population with smaller rosters.