Ultron Returns!: New Details



  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    My excitement is based around how good the vault is. How about a sexy 80 vault with 7 4-star rewards in it like Naughty or Nice?

    Asking too much? Aww.

    I'd kill for that purple ProfX cover, but my alliance of 13 RL friends and relatives ain't going to cut it. I guess we'll get the Blue one... But I sure would love to make Xavier's Crash of the Titans LT a no-brainer instead of last time's 22 tries and nothing to show for it. (4/0/1, kills! I guess the extra crit damage might actually put me over the top, so at this point, I'll take it.)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    ErikPeter wrote:
    My excitement is based around how good the vault is. How about a sexy 80 vault with 7 4-star rewards in it like Naughty or Nice?

    Asking too much? Aww.

    I'd kill for that purple ProfX cover, but my alliance of 13 RL friends and relatives ain't going to cut it. I guess we'll get the Blue one... But I sure would love to make Xavier's Crash of the Titans LT a no-brainer instead of last time's 22 tries and nothing to show for it. (4/0/1, kills! I guess the extra crit damage might actually put me over the top, so at this point, I'll take it.)

    you can always merc out to another alliance for this ultron event. you wouldn't even have to stay there the whole time, since alliances are locked in whenever you join a bracket.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yeah, I know a half dozen people have already said that, but maybe if you guys hear it enough times, you'll start hearing it...
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    Instead of crit boosts can we just get a random message that says "Sorry you got nothing." "Sucks to be you." "Try again later." "Maybe Next time." "Nope, not today." ect.

    in many different ways with random pictures of deadpool on it. it would be far more enjoyable than seeing crit boosts pop.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    Re: prof x, he is (1) among the oldest 4*s in the game (7th to release, right), and (2) many people have him siftcapped below 200, so champ covers aren't great for him.

    As you say there are very few chances to earn 3 4* covers for the same character at the same time. I would prefer to see it be a character that a large majority of players can use (that means either a newer release, or an older one that is a high priority for champing. So imhb and thor are good, but carnage and star-lord are not.)
  • dmeleedy
    dmeleedy Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Many people in my alliance are excited to get Prof X covers. There are still a lot of new players in this game.
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    dmeleedy wrote:
    Many people in my alliance are excited to get Prof X covers. There are still a lot of new players in this game.
    personally I wish that the purple cover was first, and I say that as someone with a 1/3/1 prof x that would rather have the blue cover.

    prof x is one of the only 4 stars you can do his daily thing with a single cover as long as you have the purple cover, and really can't do at all even if you have a 5/0/5 build max leveled. I would much rather see players who could benefit the most from the covers get the purple cover so they can get the legendary token from the DDQ that will show up (like once a year now thanks to it being every 5 days and all the 4 star characters, but still it would be something more for them.)
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    I'm excited about this boss event! I like boss events. They're fun. Although the three prof x rewards are ****, because I already have him at 13 covers and won't champion him due to winfinite. If his Purple were most powerful, then I would.

    Prof X lvl 277, 5 purple = 4 tiles boosted by 247, every time he makes a match.

    I don't think you realize how powerful his purple is, by the end of a match your special tiles can go up to 3000+, even more in wave nodes.
    That's pretty damn powerful.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is it really entitlement satanno?

    Sure, once can conceive of entitled players griping for "too much" stuff, whatever that might mean.

    But in geneeal, I think the griping in this thread is more reflective of growing frustration throughout the playerbase,(particulalry among the veteran/forumite class). There are dozens of posts making quite reasonable, well-constructed arguments that the rewards in this game are either too low, or poorly aligned. One doesn't need to agree with those arguments to recognize them as legitimate (if not always correct). This is especially true of iso, but there are plenty of other serious problems.

    So when demi announces that they are restructuring a boss event (typically a better than average event for rewards) so that it includes significantly fewer rewards for players (especially hp and tokens), it's not too surprising that players are a bit agitated.

    But you are right to point out that not everything is bad. 3 cp per refresh is good (if I read demi's post correctly). And 3 4* covers is also better than a standard pve event for most players. And the 4* Isn't even CHulk or star-lord! So it could be worse.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    Very happy about the Prof X covers. While some people might be poo-pooing them I need them to use him in DDQ4 and these three covers would get me to a place where I would have a real good shot at making it happen. The only DDQ4s I've been able to complete with my limited 4*s (limited in covers not quantity, I have all but 4 rostered but most with only a handful of covers or less) were Howard and IW. Having a third 4* who can get me that legendary token will help me accelerate to the ISO drought that is frequently lamented here in General Discussion.

    Plus I can finally run Winfinite occasionally, particularly since I only need one more Switch cover and she jumps to the front of the champion line for me.

    Excited to run this event, I have gotten to play in Galactus and Civil War but Ultron hasn't had a run since I joined the game.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    The matching Ultron scares me; it will ultimately depent on how generous the game will be with fight points awarded, but at 1st sight it looks painful (im thinking of vertical matches).

    I have to agree that prizeset is meh. Thor is solid but aged 3*, and vision is below average. Proff suffers from winfinity (terrific, btw) as his cover have way less utility. In summary, they are rewards i would expect from the usual second runs.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    Meanwhile, everyone complaining about the Professor X covers needs to shut the tinykitty up. For starters, how often does the Average Joe have a chance to score three four-star covers? Second, Professor X is not a bad character by any stretch of the imagination. Third, maybe you don't need his covers but someone does. And guess what? The world doesn't revolve around you, Narcissus! Fourth, sooner or later every character is going to be the prize in some event or other. Suck it up, buttercup.

    Agree with previous parts of the post. That said, I'm not unsympathetic to the fact that casual and newer players are likely to need PX covers, but from hopping around in public alliances where there are lots of people who want/need whatever covers on offer every pve including alliance events....

    They are also least likely to get it. It's kind of depressing honestly to see maybe one or two people in a silent chat asking their alliance to put in just a little more effort, they are nearly at the cover reward, or to be in one where there are 3 or 4 players grinding away, a few playing some, and no one else plays more than a few nodes before quitting. My noob alt account participated in one run of Ultron and one of Galactus, and was top 3-5 in the alliance scores with only time for 1 play session a day. It's a different world from serious competitive alliances.
    Oh, and this?
    jffdougan wrote:
    Will this be pulling from a Vault like other story events? If so, could we possibly change one of the 1 CP rewards for Ultron nodes to a Avengers v Ultron token?

    A frickin' token instead of CP? Please kill yourself before the stupid spreads.

    Whatever your opinion of the poster's request, this is not cool.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    Meanwhile, everyone complaining about the Professor X covers needs to shut the tinykitty up. For starters, how often does the Average Joe have a chance to score three four-star covers? Second, Professor X is not a bad character by any stretch of the imagination. Third, maybe you don't need his covers but someone does. And guess what? The world doesn't revolve around you, Narcissus! Fourth, sooner or later every character is going to be the prize in some event or other. Suck it up, buttercup.

    Agree with previous parts of the post. That said, I'm not unsympathetic to the fact that casual and newer players are likely to need PX covers, but from hopping around in public alliances where there are lots of people who want/need whatever covers on offer every pve including alliance events....

    They are also least likely to get it. It's kind of depressing honestly to see maybe one or two people in a silent chat asking their alliance to put in just a little more effort, they are nearly at the cover reward, or to be in one where there are 3 or 4 players grinding away, a few playing some, and no one else plays more than a few nodes before quitting. My noob alt account participated in one run of Ultron and one of Galactus, and was top 3-5 in the alliance scores with only time for 1 play session a day. It's a different world from serious competitive alliances.
    Oh, and this?
    jffdougan wrote:
    Will this be pulling from a Vault like other story events? If so, could we possibly change one of the 1 CP rewards for Ultron nodes to a Avengers v Ultron token?

    A frickin' token instead of CP? Please kill yourself before the stupid spreads.

    Whatever your opinion of the poster's request, this is not cool.

    I'm with the Dr here, no need for offensive hyperbole let's try keep it friendly. Given that your posts are usually both informative and friendly it's probably just an off day for you satanno
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Was definitely holding out hope that books battles were going to be an occasional way too distribute 5*s, but whatever. My professor needs a blind spot in order to win DDQ and I'm happy to have a shot at it.
  • action711
    action711 Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Critical boosts and Prof X covers - could they offer us anything less in way of rewards?

    Who's going to do anything but sell the Prof X covers?

    I already have 30 critical boosts.

    Thanks for the non event.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    action711 wrote:
    Critical boosts and Prof X covers - could they offer us anything less in way of rewards?

    Who's going to do anything but sell the Prof X covers?

    I already have 30 critical boosts.

    Thanks for the non event.
    I'm looking forward to more champion levels for my Professor X, thank you very much. 4* champion rewards are pretty good.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    by carrion pigeons » Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:23 am
    Was definitely holding out hope that books battles were going to be an occasional way too distribute 5*s, but whatever.

    Lord of the rings Vs. Lord of the flies!!
    Madame Bovary Vs. Shadows of Grey!!!
    The daVinci code Vs. The hound of the baskerville!!!!!

    Long life to self-correcting texts!! icon_lol.gif
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    At this point I genuinely am of the opinion that the Critical Boosts are in there purely to annoy the player. They see how much we hate them so they put them in an sit back with popcorn to watch the carnage unfold.

    The lesson here is to stop talking about them and then they'll get bored that they aren't getting a reaction anymore and remove them. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Oh, nice. My Charles is in need of covers. More importantly, I have played Galactus and Civil War, but this will be my first Ultron.
    Personally, I would prefer the 4-star rewards to be moved down one round, where more people (including my alliance) can reach them, and leave the last round with a reward the more hardcore players can enjoy, like a legendary token or 25 CP.
  • Cartoon Face
    Cartoon Face Posts: 103
    Pro X round 8 reward

    No thanks, i'll keep my HP