Heroic jugg discussion



  • I think the iso was wrong for top 2 again. This time it was 2000 instead of 2500, whereas last tournament you got 250 instead of the promised 2000. Managed to max out IW green & X-Wolv red covers in the last 2 days which is great.
  • GGs beezer. It's been a while since I've seen a last minute scramble. I think it was the last Juggs heroic actually. Must be reusing the same points system.
  • Sucked bad to lose that extra hour (normally ends six o'clock in the morning my time, today at five o'clock). Both the refresh was badly timed and I lost the hour of time to make it up in...
  • Curses! Got 3rd place. lost by 200 points.
  • Managed to finish #1 with 27100 points it was excrutiatingly boring and tedious, I'll ride the rubberbanding wagon next round and I'm not gunning for first place...
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Yi-hai! Made the top20 for 2 covers with photo finish. Was #11 at -10 minutes but falling like a rock with no realistic matches with points and no team -- was playing B and C team matches. Last saw myself on 16 at -3m starting a game for 20 pts with thor at last 1000, the no-level captain and hawkie. Finished with few dozen point in hawk, probably just out of time. But stayed in. So it was worth staying up and grinding after all.

    Little over 26k points.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    1st place had around 27300 in my bracket
  • Made top 20 with little to no effort. Thanks rubber band.
  • No rewards here yet, and I think I just barely placed top 10. Hope so!
  • Lucky night. I snuck into the Top 10 & my last fight gave me a standard pack, which let me pull a purple C Mags! Now I need to decide if I want to sell my lvl 40 ** Thor for 5k iso & level up my ***Thor to lvl 40... decisions!
  • Phantron wrote:
    You can basically think of events as this one where having the most base points on the final refresh wins, and the tiebreaker goes to guys who had more points before the refresh. That is, if you had more base points in the final refresh you probably are going to get #1, but that's easier said than done. If I can beat some of the hardest mission 5 more times I'd have #1 easy (finished #6), but that's not something you can just do whenever you feel like it. That's why having an early lead is important, though it only really matters for the top 5 or so finishes.

    What was first place's point total in your event?

    Probably 27.3K? I think the top 2 were ahead by 300 points and the 3-10 is separated by 200 points.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Here comes the rubber banding ... I am doooomed.

    Edit: fell from 4th to 24th in 15 minutes. Ugh

    Managed to smash my way from 60th to top 20 in 25 minutes. Should have had an hour but everyone wanted something from me at work an I couldn't escape
  • Well, tinykitty.

    I grinded yesterday to #9 in my bracket 6hrs before the end. I was confident enough To hope I'd score top100 at least. So to bed I go to catch at least some zzz. 10mins before the end I wake up with a bad feeling. Quick check and my placement is #113! I try couple of quick matches but to no avail: I end up #103 or so when tourney ends. Feels just so... unrewarding.

    On the other hand it was just one Lazy Thor cover. If it was BP or C.Mag I actually might have been quite, quite mad. icon_mad.gif
  • Scored 2nd in my bracket in a photo finish. X-Force acquired and Fat Thor gained some additional poundage from nervous eating during the final 10 minutes. icon_e_surprised.gif

    There were at least 5 people in my bracket gunning for the top 2. That was the craziest finish I been a part of in a long time.

    Think I finished somewhere around 27.1k.
  • I was 9th with 2 minutes left, did one more match, when it ended the tourney was over and i got top 20 grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • My first time nabbing all the Progression Awards and I placed Top 20.

    Not bad.
  • I was 22k going into the last refresh. I think I mistimed my points by an hour and every fight seemed to take longer. I may have gotten confused on which teams work best. I ended up top 50 when I really wanted that yellow cover. At least I got enough ISO to level Lazy Thor to his cap of 25.
    I was 9th with 2 minutes left, did one more match, when it ended the tourney was over and i got top 20 grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I feel your pain.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Managed Top 100 without really trying, so I've got Chubby Thor to 2 Green covers and level 25 now. Should help make the next round a little less irritating.
  • Anyone else still waiting on their covers?
  • Anyone else still waiting on their covers?
