Heroic jugg discussion



  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    Have to log out for the night now - 2nd place with less than 5 hours to go.
    Sadly resigned to the fact I may log in find finished outside the top 100 - darn timezones. icon_e_sad.gif

    Oh well, you never know!
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    morgh wrote:
    How should one be approaching the rubberbanded nodes? I mean which nodes should I do first with for example nodes at ~450, 150 and 250 - I read that I should first do the most valuable ones to get the max out of rubberbanding multiplier, however I think that when I did so first, the rest of nodes lost damn big amount of points... now when I started with lower value nodes first, the higher value nodes did not lose as much and the total gained seemed more favourable...

    High values are slightly better than lower values. There is a math thread somewhere here that explains it.

    Points start reducing linearly once you are in range of the leader. For the event we worked it out on it went from 10x multiplier at 4000 points behind to a 1x multiplier at 400 points behind.

    Starting at 4000 points behind
    If you did 3 missions with 100 base points you would get 1000, 750 and 550 points for each mission. That's 300 base points and 2000 bonus points.
    If you did 1 mission with 300 base points you would get 3000 points, 300 base points and 2700 bonus points.

    When you are more than 4000 points behind it doesn't matter what you do, you get 10x bonus. Once you are within 400 points it doesn't matter because you get base points. But in that 3600 point window where your bonus is decreasing you want to fill the window with as many bonus points as possible and that means high base value missions.
  • allorin wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    Or you could just understand that heroic modes are designed to be difficult and if you can't compete, take it slow instead of fighting a battle you know you'll lose.

    Radical,dude, radical.

    But true somewhere. The thing is I don;t really see how to win over that 160 group even if had this roster with everyone fully evolved. Unless the board had only blue tiles and nothing else. Ok, maybe if IM was at 141, not sure how big the punch is then.

    but as I said elsewhere, doing all nodes is not required to win all progression, and that PVE placement prizes go to guys with random rosters and worse is better -- its nothing new.

    But it's less than fun. Unfortunately that's nothing new either.
  • I've been clearing the Daken node with a fully boosted (+3 red/yellow, +3 green/black, +3 blue/purple) 30 mBW,80 IM40, 85 Wolvie team, so its pretty doable with non lazythor covers.

    What level they were?
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    pasa_ wrote:
    I've been clearing the Daken node with a fully boosted (+3 red/yellow, +3 green/black, +3 blue/purple) 30 mBW,80 IM40, 85 Wolvie team, so its pretty doable with non lazythor covers.

    What level they were?

    Currently 141.
  • I'm using a lot of match boosts in these fights. You don't have any of the cheap guys that can do crazy infinite loops once they have about 5 AP so getting more consistent damage is actually quite important. Match boosts are extremely good against The Hood.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nemek wrote:
    radav wrote:
    thank god this isn't one of those 10 day long PvE events I'd be ready to smash my touchpad in frustration after day 3 of this.

    Forgot to mention that - I really like the length of this PvE. Unlike the Episodes, I feel very little pressure to be constantly playing. I'll probably put in 3-4 hours over a 2.5 day PvE, which I think is a fairly good amount.

    I'll possibly feel different when Round 2 comes along, but so far I like it.

    I think most people are playing their 5 health packs and then leaving it, so there is minimal grinding competition.

    I don't know if that ill change in the last 2 hours as people get desperate for Red Label Fat Thor Whiskey. I hope they flip the cover priorities for round 2
  • Heroic Oscorp was the worst event in the history of the game I think: the tweaks they made to scaling and event time for this one is infinitely better by comparison. Seems like they're finally getting scaling right.

    Guess they make it right for more people than before. This time I'm on the sucking end. But in Hulk I fared okay.

    Proably they still count covers or levels on the full roster in the scaling formula not the subset available here. Or use a cumulative mmr-like thing from other events so assuming if you fought well with evolved mags and obw you deserve scaled opponents even if left with using just bare hands.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    I'm using a lot of match boosts in these fights. You don't have any of the cheap guys that can do crazy infinite loops once they have about 5 AP so getting more consistent damage is actually quite important. Match boosts are extremely good against The Hood.

    For mr hood I use wolvie, Psylocke and Big Boned Thor. 3 green black, 3 all, 3 red yellow means I can feral claws, psi blade and psychic slash hood all in round 1. He doesn't know what round 2 looks like.

    It's also the only fight here I boost for. My crew isn't good enough to overcome 89 C Magneto so the last 2 missions get skipped.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    pasa_ wrote:
    Heroic Oscorp was the worst event in the history of the game I think: the tweaks they made to scaling and event time for this one is infinitely better by comparison. Seems like they're finally getting scaling right.

    Guess they make it right for more people than before. This time I'm on the sucking end. But in Hulk I fared okay.

    Proably they still count covers or levels on the full roster in the scaling formula not the subset available here. Or use a cumulative mmr-like thing from other events so assuming if you fought well with evolved mags and obw you deserve scaled opponents even if left with using just bare hands.

    Cumulative MMR.

    I am dying a lot in this so I hope it is scaling back my rating.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    I've been clearing the Daken node with a fully boosted (+3 red/yellow, +3 green/black, +3 blue/purple) 30 mBW,80 IM40, 85 Wolvie team, so its pretty doable with non lazythor covers.

    What level they were?

    Currently 141.

    Hm, that is encouraging, I'll give it a try. It looks the leader is juet 4k points away. and those missions provide 1k+.
  • Eddiemon wrote:
    I am dying a lot in this so I hope it is scaling back my rating.

    LOL my wipe-out count in this event probably exceeded those from all previous history together. (Maybe just feels like, but really icon_e_wink.gif )
  • Eddiemon wrote:
    I don't know if that ill change in the last 2 hours as people get desperate for Red Label Fat Thor Whiskey. I hope they flip the cover priorities for round 2

    I expect this. Ares and Patch reward covers were swapped out between sub-events.

    However, I want to build another 3/5/5 if I am going to build anything at all. A guaranteed yellow and green for top 20 would not bug me too much twice in a row.
  • I just realized that this event ends at 2 am for me and that if I want to ensure I'm in the top 100 that I'll need to stay up. I'm really going to feel it when I wake up at 7:30 the next morning. I feel like this event is a Catch-22 in that if I had a lazy Thor I would be able to hit top 100 to get another Thor, while instead I wouldn't be trying to get top 100 if I had one.
  • I just realized that this event ends at 2 am for me and that if I want to ensure I'm in the top 100 that I'll need to stay up. I'm really going to feel it when I wake up at 7:30 the next morning. I feel like this event is a Catch-22 in that if I had a lazy Thor I would be able to hit top 100 to get another Thor, while instead I wouldn't be trying to get top 100 if I had one.

    Just do whatever missions you can do and that should be about as good as you can expect. Looking at the #1 score on my bracket that guy should easily hold on to #10 even if he stops gaining any points. Now you probably won't have that many points, but it's fairly unlikely the overall sub leader goes up significantly in the time remaining.
  • While not exactly an earth-shattering observation, but you can have your B-team doing the easy missions (like solo Juggernaut mission). Due to the difficulty in healing, you don't really want to accidentally have your A-team guys take even a 500 damage Headbutt but your fodder guys can take that just fine and still win comfortably.
  • I'm already whittling my mission points to sub-100s and I'm in 13th place. I'm about to get dusted once people start playing.
  • Thanks for all the tips, I managed both daken fights with some boosts. The non-thor one dropped to 136 and it got indeed defeatable with MBW, starting 6 blue and the game offered me a bone with a blue 5-match. So I could stun and work down daken and later stun rags preventing thunder, and stealing his mana too.

    Didn't even lose a member though on the top one Thor finished at 54. icon_e_smile.gif
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man, Psylocke's blue really is a steaming turd huh?
  • Man, Psylocke's blue really is a steaming turd huh?

    It's especially bad in this event because most of your enemies will have excess purple, which is not a bad color, except the only person that can use purple on your team is MBW, and if you have MBW you just use Aggressive Recon instead which is strictly better and save the blue for Widow's Sting.