Heroic jugg discussion



  • Can't use IM35 for this, no.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    volos wrote:
    I'm wondering if 'round 2' of heroic juggs will feature the same roster, or a different set.

    Obviously lazythor will be present and boosted, but D3 may have a different group planned for round 2. It would be fairer on midrange players who just happen to be missing out on the featured characters.

    Now, I don't think it's actually gonna happen, but it's a possibility. And it's a thought that managed to help keep me from sinking more iso into IM40/psylocke unless reeeally necessary.

    Here's hoping they do make at least some modifications. Couple of more 2* characters would help tremendeously. C.Storm, MN Thor... heck, even MN Mags might help out. This heroic has been a huge pain in the butt to play because of the restrictions. I was so desperate I leveled both M.Hawkeye and Cap.Am from 30ish to lvl45 just to try somehow compete in this PvE at all. That took a huge chunk in my ISO reserve I was saving for BP and/or Hulk. This better pay out somehow! Oh well, at least my Cap'n is now even more ready for those usual PvE boosts he boasts about.

    In truth all these "heroics" and PvP tourneys are actually just something to pass by. I'm anticipating next 7-10 day PvE so I can hoard more ISO for mah 3*'ers... and then I'll let 'em rip! (If nothing else then my wallet...) icon_e_confused.gif
  • I sold my modern black widow and I'm regretting it a lot, lol.
  • I'm at 16000 points having repeated the missions a ton of times and I'm sitting at 1 3/4 and 1 2/4 mission rewards all the rest 1/4. 50% chance of getting a reward my ****.
  • I'm at about 17k points, mainly due to Volstagg missions, and I really hope I don't have to megagrind just to stay in the top 50.
  • I'm at 20000.

    Out of 14 missions I have:

    6 green check marks
    4 where I have 2/4
    4 where I have 1/4

    Many of those missions I've barely played since the difficult wasn't worth it given the points.

    It's just luck of the draw.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I'm at about 17k points, mainly due to Volstagg missions, and I really hope I don't have to megagrind just to stay in the top 50.
    @21.3k myself and at #3 in my bracket. If yours look anything like mine then you should be able to hit top 50 just fine.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Things we have learned this event.

    1.) I really need to get my Captain America fully leveled and spec'd or respec'd to 3/5/5 for all those damn CD tiles
    2.) I shouldnt' have sold Modern black widow
    3.) I should just fork over the ISO and level IM40, he's in practically everything
    4.) When are they going to funbalance Hawkeye (Modern)
    5.) And finally, "Damn't, I already have a 3/5/5 2* Thor, why am I doing this for a 3* replica, damnt, I have to get him, grrr, why couldn't he just be a little different to justify all this, grrrr."
  • Ghast wrote:
    I definitely messed up joining the event early. Next round, I start with 15 hours left in the event, hit the second refresh that a lot of people will not be looking for, and place easily within the top 100.

    At least, in theory. I have never entered an event so late before. Anyone try that with Oscorp Heroic?

    This is just a response to Ghast's post, my team for this is probably as good as they come (70 Thor, 110 IM, 89 Psylocke, 60 Cap) so I'm not making any general comments about the event itself.

    Ended up entering with around 15 hours left, climbed to first with 19712 and sitting at 2 now as the 12 hour mark passed (first is at 20306).

    Only did the 8 nodes on the right hand side of the screen once (maybe one or two twice) and haven't done Osborn's Goons or the two it unlocks at all yet. The ones I did grind I did at once so I should get a full rubberband on all nodes at the end of this. No green check marks yet so that will keep me interested as well (I had ground 3 nodes down to 1 point).
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    Things we have learned this event.

    1.) I really need to get my Captain America fully leveled and spec'd or respec'd to 3/5/5 for all those damn CD tiles
    2.) I shouldnt' have sold Modern black widow
    3.) I should just fork over the ISO and level IM40, he's in practically everything
    4.) When are they going to funbalance Hawkeye (Modern)
    5.) And finally, "Damn't, I already have a 3/5/5 2* Thor, why am I doing this for a 3* replica, damnt, I have to get him, grrr, why couldn't he just be a little different to justify all this, grrrr."

    Good observations. The other one I will add is: Modern BW >> Modern Storm in non-Jungle/Desert environs.
  • Ghast wrote:
    I definitely messed up joining the event early. Next round, I start with 15 hours left in the event, hit the second refresh that a lot of people will not be looking for, and place easily within the top 100.

    At least, in theory. I have never entered an event so late before. Anyone try that with Oscorp Heroic?

    This is just a response to Ghast's post, my team for this is probably as good as they come (70 Thor, 110 IM, 89 Psylocke, 60 Cap) so I'm not making any general comments about the event itself.

    Ended up entering with around 15 hours left, climbed to first with 19712 and sitting at 2 now as the 12 hour mark passed (first is at 20306).

    Only did the 8 nodes on the right hand side of the screen once (maybe one or two twice) and haven't done Osborn's Goons or the two it unlocks at all yet. The ones I did grind I did at once so I should get a full rubberband on all nodes at the end of this. No green check marks yet so that will keep me interested as well (I had ground 3 nodes down to 1 point).

    Fantastic. Thank you for the information.

    I will be sitting out Round 2 until I can do the same.
  • Biggest annoyance for me so far is the Lieutenant. With a bad board he just drags out fights (I haven't used any boosts yet) so I really like the advice Phantron has been giving: just do the nodes you can do the most efficiently. Then worry about the others.

    If a lot of people are struggling this strategy becomes even better.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you're willing to build the AP, Cap can do a perpetual stun lock with his blue. Mixing him with IM40 helps with that. With 3/5/5 he can lock down the high level hammer group, further build AP, and get up to 3-4 stun countdowns going along with damage countdowns. Just be careful with the stun on the assault or you'll start triggering flame throws.
  • I've been fielding a team of 122 IM40, 85 Wolverine, 18 Thor. Currently in 3rd with 22K points. As Beezer noted, the Lieutenant is just annoying, especially since I don't want to be matching purples, and I have little board manipulation for wiping yellows. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the event. I'm hoping for top 2, and definitely top 5.

    And to contribute to the node breakdown:
    5 green check marks, 3 @1/4, 3 @ 2/4, and 3 @3/4.

    While I couldn't say if that's even close to 50%, I also know that I've been fairly happy with the rewards so far. I love the multi-boost random rewards.
  • ApocryphicV
    ApocryphicV Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Just had a 'nice' moment of synergy between Cap and Iron-man. Used IM's Recharge and of course they put two of my yellow recharge tiles side by side with another non yellow recharge tile (when there was many yellow tiles on the board too). Would have been disaster on Ares' next match (since he coverts yellow) if not for Cap changing the non recharge tile to a red countdown tile. So not only did I hurt Ares, denied his yellow AP and also preserved my recharge tiles.
  • nihilium
    nihilium Posts: 242
    So its def 12 hrs then? I'll do a set now prob if it is. Would like to grab a red wolvie if at all possible.

    Uhm.. ok, event is nearly at its end.. do we have a "yes its 12h" by now?
    Everyone just posts a "probably" icon_e_sad.gif

    And how is the rubberbanding going? o.o
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    nihilium wrote:
    So its def 12 hrs then? I'll do a set now prob if it is. Would like to grab a red wolvie if at all possible.

    Uhm.. ok, event is nearly at its end.. do we have a "yes its 12h" by now?
    Everyone just posts a "probably" icon_e_sad.gif

    And how is the rubberbanding going? o.o

    Yeah I'm eagerly awaiting a refresh as all I have left to do are some low point missions and sitting at 22k points in 12th place. Should have held off a little longer to climb up the leaderboard, but started getting worried once I finally saw some scaling. Hope I can still top 10 at least.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    mohio wrote:
    Yeah I'm eagerly awaiting a refresh as all I have left to do are some low point missions and sitting at 22k points in 12th place. Should have held off a little longer to climb up the leaderboard, but started getting worried once I finally saw some scaling. Hope I can still top 10 at least.
    Enemies put on up to about 20 levels overnight for me. There are still some low level missions but the higher level missions that include Daken are getting a bit brutal.
  • bughunt wrote:
    mohio wrote:
    Yeah I'm eagerly awaiting a refresh as all I have left to do are some low point missions and sitting at 22k points in 12th place. Should have held off a little longer to climb up the leaderboard, but started getting worried once I finally saw some scaling. Hope I can still top 10 at least.
    Enemies put on about 20 levels overnight for me. There are still some low level missions but the higher level missions that include Daken are getting a bit brutal.
    I'm currently in 3rd place with 22K points, and I have one node with levels 178 and the rest are 70 or below. Kind of random. I suspect that the lack of healers in the event is actually keeping the scaling from really kicking in heavy.
  • I'm really hoping for top 10, but I'm currently only at 15-16k points with first in 23k. I still have all the missions available, hoping I don't have to grind hardcore tonight to land top 10, but if I have to, I will... assuming it's even within reach.