Heroic jugg discussion



  • Riggy wrote:
    I'm currently in 3rd place with 22K points, and I have one node with levels 178 and the rest are 70 or below. Kind of random. I suspect that the lack of healers in the event is actually keeping the scaling from really kicking in heavy.
    Agree about lack of healers helping to keep levels down. I think some mission levels have gone down even since I posted, so not all are increasing.

    I finally maxed my Modern Storm & Modern Black Widow who were sitting at 40/50 & 34/40 to go with Modern Thor & have been switching between them & 2* Wolverine. I wish I had a better 3* team but IM40 is sitting at level 40 and Psylocke at level 43.
  • So is it 12 hr refreshes or 8? I saw someone say 12 but is that confirmed?
  • So is it 12 hr refreshes or 8? I saw someone say 12 but is that confirmed?

    It's 12.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    bughunt wrote:
    I finally maxed my Modern Storm & Modern Black Widow who were sitting at 40/50 & 34/40 to go with Modern Thor & have been switching between them & 2* Wolverine. I wish I had a better 3* team but IM40 is sitting at level 40 and Psylocke at level 43.
    I'm running the same setup. It's amazing how much I already miss OBW having only started playing her near the end of the recent Hulk event.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Most drastic change in opponents level for me is the Hood fight got lowered from 80-90 lvl to 38. Other levels are mostly the same as they were. Roughly 20 -> 40 -> 60 -> 80 -> max is 120. So green, yellow and red difficulty, gradually. But I have played most nodes once or twice, only the last one (Daken and goons) and HAMMER-only ones more than that.
  • So is it 12 hr refreshes or 8? I saw someone say 12 but is that confirmed?

    I checked my nodes 11 hours after last finishing them and pts had only gone up a little due to rubberbanding. I checked again after 12 hour mark and the pts had gone up significantly. I assume that means 12 hour refresh?
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    Things we have learned this event.

    1.) I really need to get my Captain America fully leveled and spec'd or respec'd to 3/5/5 for all those damn CD tiles
    2.) I shouldnt' have sold Modern black widow
    3.) I should just fork over the ISO and level IM40, he's in practically everything
    4.) When are they going to funbalance Hawkeye (Modern)
    5.) And finally, "Damn't, I already have a 3/5/5 2* Thor, why am I doing this for a 3* replica, damnt, I have to get him, grrr, why couldn't he just be a little different to justify all this, grrrr."

    1: Yeah, captain would be help, but I still refuse to drop ISO at him. Even small amount to push to 40. Until he is made usable outside these events.
    2: Selling MBW? Shame on you. icon_e_smile.gif But it's easy to fix, folks say she's fine at lvl 1 and you can get 5 blue covers in no time. guess they sit around in prologue still.
    3: I pushed him to 70 and it helped really a lot -- will be also useful in hero LRs and might be in other places. Will even consider to drop another 10k. If he just mage his stuff for 9 instead of 10Y...
    4: that's a shame really, it was announced ages ago, I put him over 40 counting on rebalance.
    5: I'm clear winner here with lvl22 old thor the new one will likely pass by a few by tomorrow (not as if he is useful before getting most covers)

    +1: city just sucks. hot dogs should be changed to heal percent of health loooong ago.
  • bughunt wrote:
    Riggy wrote:
    I'm currently in 3rd place with 22K points, and I have one node with levels 178 and the rest are 70 or below. Kind of random. I suspect that the lack of healers in the event is actually keeping the scaling from really kicking in heavy.
    Agree about lack of healers helping to keep levels down. I think some mission levels have gone down even since I posted, so not all are increasing.

    I finally maxed my Modern Storm & Modern Black Widow who were sitting at 40/50 & 34/40 to go with Modern Thor & have been switching between them & 2* Wolverine. I wish I had a better 3* team but IM40 is sitting at level 40 and Psylocke at level 43.
    I'm assuming most people don't have Thor Modern, IM40, and Psylocke all at decent levels (2 relatively new heroes and 1 that most people pan in favor of shinier ones). That is probably the other big factor for keeping the levels reasonably low. Generally squishier, slower teams going up against Headbutts from Juggs, Bullseye and protect tiles, and Wolvie feeding Daken. Compound that with the no healers and yeah, it seems that the devs have figured out the secret recipe for keeping levels in check.

    What's really interesting is the mentality I have approaching this event - it's really optimistic. Even with 13 of my 16 highest level guys locked (my 3 open being 122 IM40, 85 Wolvie, 41 Psy) and my 18 Thor buffed to 108. And yet I'm really enjoying it b/c the bottom half of my roster is still relevant (technically just another 4 characters all at 40 or below). I find myself wanting to use Hawkeye and BW in certain battles. It's quite pleasant overall. I know that without healers it's either go heal in the prologue or pace myself, and I've managed to do both.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Had been 1st in my bracket after the last batch of missions, but woke up this morning with 13 hours to go and was only able to get in a partial clear while leaving time for a last minute rush after refresh. Down to 20-somethingth now. Oh well, so much for winning the bracket, but can probably still do top 10.
  • I detest heroic mode, almost as much as lonestar.

    Never ever sell characters.

    That is all.
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    I have found modern hawkeye to be pretty useful in this event even though it probably very roster subjective. 3* thor doesn't pack much punch at 1-1-1 and i have had modern hawkeye at lvl 55 since the hunt event where he was mega boosted and his crit. damage was off the charts that was fun.
  • Aargh. Got a shiny Gold 3* from the Unstoppable token progression reward - and it was Red IM40, which I already have maxed. I need both blue and yellow!

  • allorin wrote:
    Aargh. Got a shiny Gold 3* from the Unstoppable token progression reward - and it was Red IM40, which I already have maxed. I need both blue and yellow!


    I got two **s straight to sell.
  • Can someone help a noob out on his first post?

    Why do you call 3* Thor "LazyThor"?

    What is rubberbanding in this game? My phone has no sticks to rubberband icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Holy crudcakes, this event makes me really hate my Modern Hawkeye. I can't seem to keep any of his countdown tiles alive. I keep getting funky cascades that destroy them! Sure, I have the AP to cast it again, but seriously!? Why do I keep destroying my own countdowns ><
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    ttc33 wrote:
    Can someone help a noob out on his first post?

    Why do you call 3* Thor "LazyThor"?

    What is rubberbanding in this game? My phone has no sticks to rubberband icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Lazythor was coined by soenottelling, and refers to how a lot of the players think that adding modern thor to the game was considered "lazy" because it didn't take a lot of work to do so. The character also looks kinda fat/lazy, so a lot of players thought it referred to that as well.

    rubberbanding refers to how you get more points the further you're behind in PvE events so that you can rubberband your way up to the tournament leader.
  • Katai wrote:
    Sure, I have the AP to cast it again, but seriously!?

  • I am giving it one last push near closing time, but I do to think that I have the patience to fight for top 20 this time around. Maybe I will pump some LR ISO into IM40 tomorrow. Geez, what a thing to say.
  • ttc33 wrote:
    Can someone help a noob out on his first post?

    Why do you call 3* Thor "LazyThor"?

    What is rubberbanding in this game? My phone has no sticks to rubberband icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Lazythor was coined by soenottelling, and refers to how a lot of the players think that adding modern thor to the game was considered "lazy" because it didn't take a lot of work to do so. The character also looks kinda fat/lazy, so a lot of players thought it referred to that as well.

    rubberbanding refers to how you get more points the further you're behind in PvE events so that you can rubberband your way up to the tournament leader.

    Thank you. I'm still trying to figure out the points enemies give you and how they go up and down as you play. I'm #5 in my bracket, been playing a lot since it started, and I intend to keep it this way icon_e_smile.gif
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    Katai wrote:
    Sure, I have the AP to cast it again, but seriously!?


    AP for days Brah! But yes when he get his attacks off its good DPS but a soon as you drop 10ap on blast arrow and it gets match immediately i change me tune to this character is so stupid!

    12x crit modifier from the hunt? no takers? that was badass hawkeye =)