Heroic jugg discussion



  • (from the other just closed topic):
    Phantron wrote:
    The Thor missions have low levels for me too, but you need to look at it in the context of who you're facing there. They're all pretty nasty combos of enemies there and certainly much harder than Bullseye + 2 guys or Yelena + 2 guys.

    That is true, but at OP reported 20-30 in levels, there the composition hardly counts that much if at all.
  • ttc33 wrote:
    Thank you. I'm still trying to figure out the points enemies give you and how they go up and down as you play. I'm #5 in my bracket, been playing a lot since it started, and I intend to keep it this way icon_e_smile.gif

    The mission point values are stacks, so as a general example say your first mission was a five (can't remember the number for this event) stack and with max rubberbanding it gave you 1000 points for your first win, then 800 for the second, 600, 400, 200, then 1 for any completion after that.

    And the stacks also refresh (every 12 hours for this particular event) so maybe after 11 hours that 1 point mission gives 200 again... a full 12 hours later it gives the max 1000 (assuming a full rubberband). Then you can go through the stack again, rinse and repeat.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    (from the other just closed topic):
    Phantron wrote:
    The Thor missions have low levels for me too, but you need to look at it in the context of who you're facing there. They're all pretty nasty combos of enemies there and certainly much harder than Bullseye + 2 guys or Yelena + 2 guys.

    That is true, but at OP reported 20-30 in levels, there the composition hardly counts that much if at all.

    That was me, and the infamous Hood/Maggia/Juggernaut mission is at level 32 for me, and I'm running 76 A. Wolverine/76 IM40/18 Jabba, so the only difficulty is trying to get out with minimal damage. Those three missions are much easier for me than just about all the ones against supposedly easier opponents.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    How should one be approaching the rubberbanded nodes? I mean which nodes should I do first with for example nodes at ~450, 150 and 250 - I read that I should first do the most valuable ones to get the max out of rubberbanding multiplier, however I think that when I did so first, the rest of nodes lost damn big amount of points... now when I started with lower value nodes first, the higher value nodes did not lose as much and the total gained seemed more favourable...
  • I'm finding the Thor mission is not scaling.

    Maybe I'm in a group with few people who won Lazy Thor

    All other mission are scaling but are still under level 100 at this time. I have a good chance of finishing top 10
  • Match boosts are very powerful in this tournament, because you don't really have any cool tricks to do with your APs. It's especially useful against The Hood, who has extra low HP and you're unlikely to get any AP-consuming moves on him as long as he's alive anyway, between his AP steal and that you got to deal with the Muscle's powerful CDs.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    pasa_ wrote:
    (from the other just closed topic):
    Phantron wrote:
    The Thor missions have low levels for me too, but you need to look at it in the context of who you're facing there. They're all pretty nasty combos of enemies there and certainly much harder than Bullseye + 2 guys or Yelena + 2 guys.

    That is true, but at OP reported 20-30 in levels, there the composition hardly counts that much if at all.

    That was me, and the infamous Hood/Maggia/Juggernaut mission is at level 32 for me, and I'm running 76 A. Wolverine/76 IM40/18 Jabba, so the only difficulty is trying to get out with minimal damage. Those three missions are much easier for me than just about all the ones against supposedly easier opponents.

    Yippie, my levels dropped there! Down to puny 98. (from 114? can't fully recall). My team is similar, jjust 85 Wolvie and 20 jabba, guess that leaves a much bigger dent...

    An update just hit, I hoped we'll have some daredevil experience of last 8-hour fix, no luck wit that. But my 18k this far with the last full table will be good for top50 so no big deal. #10 is at 23k, but others will play too.

    The daken group is also down to 135 from 160, that's only 330/g onslought instead of 450. And strikes only for 74. Now I have a snowman's chance in Hell instead of a snowball's. icon_e_smile.gif

    But Hood is now at 3k instead of 4, that really may work out.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    But Hood is now at 3k instead of 4, that really may work out.

    And I did it with all AP boosts -- start was terrible, the AI immediately getting a critical, taking out 2 of my initial feral swords and taking half of IM40. Next turn doing a sudden headbutt. Fortunately Thor was at helm at the moment.

    But at least the counters were all placed reachable and their jugs helped me out with clashes giving me a new set of greens for replacement swords and yellows to recharge. Hood managed to use intimidation early and pistols just before snuffing in but the next headbutt also went to Thor.

    In the end my whole team miraculously survived in the last 20% of their bars. Welcome 1400 pts.
  • This event is a VERY poorly designed cash grab on d3's part to make you buy health packs. I have never had anything bad to say about this amazing game, til now. Seriously d3 guys, you should be ASHAMED. Giving us JOKE characters to fight level 150 Mags/Ragnarok/Daken!?!?!? Yeah effin right lol. And no healers. Lol. SHAME on you! First, LAZYTHOR, now this. Lazy storymode. Seriously d3, take a look at yourselves. You are making us re-play the same event, to get the same character we already have, with the worst characters in the game and no healers.

    Please stop being so lazy D3, or that will be your new nickname.

    Hopefully they learn something from this pile of trash icon_e_wink.gif
  • Or you could just understand that heroic modes are designed to be difficult and if you can't compete, take it slow instead of fighting a battle you know you'll lose.
  • jozier wrote:
    Or you could just understand that heroic modes are designed to be difficult and if you can't compete, take it slow instead of fighting a battle you know you'll lose.

    Radical,dude, radical.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been clearing the Daken node with a fully boosted (+3 red/yellow, +3 green/black, +3 blue/purple) 30 mBW,80 IM40, 85 Wolvie team, so its pretty doable with non lazythor covers.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    What I like most about this event is that it feels very similar to when I first started playing the game. There were no healers in the prologue. There were a ton of battles that I just barely got through. A number of moments when I needed just one more match to trigger an ability to wipe out that countdown tile and then get relieved when I get it.

    Maybe my scaling is just abnormal, but my highest fight is in the 140s, which is fairly doable, especially if I want to play safe with boosts.
  • This is basically a New Game+ mode with super-tough content. I went a good 90 days without a useful Spider-Man to heal. This takes me back there.

    Kicking and screaming.
  • jozier wrote:
    Or you could just understand that heroic modes are designed to be difficult and if you can't compete, take it slow instead of fighting a battle you know you'll lose.
    That used to be a good argument before scaling came around. Now people get to see others at the top of their brackets with beginner rosters and their complaints are somewhat justified. Balancing a game for players of all progressions is really difficult, but judging by the recent growth of the game D3 is making it work, despite the forum backlash
  • And did it again with just damage boosts and losing only Wolvie. With fair luck this time, the Muscle lost his last health points as counter would resolve. (though had to take the strong color losing exposing W to said headbutt leaving him in 99 and not surviving the tile match...)
  • This event is a VERY poorly designed cash grab on d3's part to make you buy health packs. I have never had anything bad to say about this amazing game, til now. Seriously d3 guys, you should be ASHAMED. Giving us JOKE characters to fight level 150 Mags/Ragnarok/Daken!?!?!? Yeah effin right lol. And no healers. Lol. SHAME on you! First, LAZYTHOR, now this. Lazy storymode. Seriously d3, take a look at yourselves. You are making us re-play the same event, to get the same character we already have, with the worst characters in the game and no healers.

    Please stop being so lazy D3, or that will be your new nickname.

    Hopefully they learn something from this pile of trash icon_e_wink.gif

    Weren't you around at Heroic Oscorp? This is nothing compared icon_e_smile.gif

    And they learned from it too: this what you see is the result of the learning.
  • radav
    radav Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Ghast wrote:
    This is basically a New Game+ mode with super-tough content. I went a good 90 days without a useful Spider-Man to heal. This takes me back there.

    Kicking and screaming.

    Even though I can't use Spidey and OBW in the actual missions they're still getting a workout healing my barely living teams up after a fight or two. Honestly I can't imagine enjoying playing the game without the ability to heal up my characters on my own without the use of health packs. Maybe that's just me. I get a kick out of having to use what is really a suboptimal team composition against opponents that are obliterating me but, thank god this isn't one of those 10 day long PvE events I'd be ready to smash my touchpad in frustration after day 3 of this.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    pasa_ wrote:
    This event is a VERY poorly designed cash grab on d3's part to make you buy health packs. I have never had anything bad to say about this amazing game, til now. Seriously d3 guys, you should be ASHAMED. Giving us JOKE characters to fight level 150 Mags/Ragnarok/Daken!?!?!? Yeah effin right lol. And no healers. Lol. SHAME on you! First, LAZYTHOR, now this. Lazy storymode. Seriously d3, take a look at yourselves. You are making us re-play the same event, to get the same character we already have, with the worst characters in the game and no healers.

    Please stop being so lazy D3, or that will be your new nickname.

    Hopefully they learn something from this pile of trash icon_e_wink.gif

    Weren't you around at Heroic Oscorp? This is nothing compared icon_e_smile.gif

    And they learned from it too: this what you see is the result of the learning.

    Heroic Oscorp was the worst event in the history of the game I think: the tweaks they made to scaling and event time for this one is infinitely better by comparison. Seems like they're finally getting scaling right.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    radav wrote:
    thank god this isn't one of those 10 day long PvE events I'd be ready to smash my touchpad in frustration after day 3 of this.

    Forgot to mention that - I really like the length of this PvE. Unlike the Episodes, I feel very little pressure to be constantly playing. I'll probably put in 3-4 hours over a 2.5 day PvE, which I think is a fairly good amount.

    I'll possibly feel different when Round 2 comes along, but so far I like it.