Heroic jugg discussion



  • ApocryphicV
    ApocryphicV Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Running the Avengers Trinity team (Model 40, Modern Thor, Cap) for this event and doing pretty good, thanks to Modern Thor having tons of health to take headbutts and my Model 40 is no slouch at taking damage either. Another thing this event has forced me to do since I can't use Spidey is level up Cap to a decent level (45 right now) and abuse his shield attacks (Thank God for respec so he wasn't 5 yellow anymore). Taking out countdown tiles with either his red or blue ability is saving my bacon and Model 40's Recharge comes in handy for the longer fights.
  • So its def 12 hrs then? I'll do a set now prob if it is. Would like to grab a red wolvie if at all possible.
  • Still new to all this, only been playing a few weeks. But found it frustrating my characters weren't strong enough to get me a Modern Thor in the Hulk event, so I therefore can't go very far in this event either.

    Unless I am missing something here, it seems a tad harsh.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Still new to all this, only been playing a few weeks. But found it frustrating my characters weren't strong enough to get me a Modern Thor in the Hulk event, so I therefore can't go very far in this event either.

    Unless I am missing something here, it seems a tad harsh.
    Don't feel bad, didn't place nearly close enough to get one myself. Managed to get a Red from the first progress token (Cap from second), then a Blue Spidey to laugh at me while being unusable during this event.
  • Hah, yes, the covers I got from Hulk event are all unusable for this. Managed to scrape a few levels with BW, Storm and a level 8 Wolverine icon_e_biggrin.gif Unsurprisingly I have quickly hit a wall.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hah, yes, the covers I got from Hulk event are all unusable for this. Managed to scrape a few levels with BW, Storm and a level 8 Wolverine icon_e_biggrin.gif Unsurprisingly I have quickly hit a wall.
    I'm still a bit shocked Black Panther is unusable but its whatevs. I didn't even participate in the last heroic. Actually, I take that back. I went in and got whomped by the 3rd node. Totally threw in the title right then and there.
  • Hah, yes, the covers I got from Hulk event are all unusable for this. Managed to scrape a few levels with BW, Storm and a level 8 Wolverine icon_e_biggrin.gif Unsurprisingly I have quickly hit a wall.
    I'm still a bit shocked Black Panther is unusable but its whatevs. I didn't even participate in the last heroic. Actually, I take that back. I went in and got whomped by the 3rd node. Totally threw in the title right then and there.

    The usable heroes seem to match the story and it makes sense. This was Thor's intro in the first place so IMO well used for the purpose to let lazythor make the first kicks.

    Without the personalized scaling it would be a pretty good event too. Competing against people fighting 1/3 levels in the enemies and with possibly better available tools too is not my idea of fairness.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    pasa_ wrote:
    Hah, yes, the covers I got from Hulk event are all unusable for this. Managed to scrape a few levels with BW, Storm and a level 8 Wolverine icon_e_biggrin.gif Unsurprisingly I have quickly hit a wall.
    I'm still a bit shocked Black Panther is unusable but its whatevs. I didn't even participate in the last heroic. Actually, I take that back. I went in and got whomped by the 3rd node. Totally threw in the title right then and there.

    The usable heroes seem to match the story and it makes sense. This was Thor's intro in the first place so IMO well used for the purpose to let lazythor make the first kicks.

    Without the personalized scaling it would be a pretty good event too. Competing against people fighting 1/3 levels in the enemies and with possibly better available tools too is not my idea of fairness.
    Yeah, I got that much out of it but it doesn't exactly explain Psylockes inclusion. She's just there to be there you could say.
  • Yeah, I got that much out of it but it doesn't exactly explain Psylockes inclusion. She's just there to be there you could say.

    You're right there, but possibly folks with actual Marvel lore can give an explanation. P was not in the original chapter for not existing at the time, she might have been a fit. ?
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Most likely they included Psylocke cos she's a X-member, and Juggs is one of their regular enemies.
  • kensterr wrote:
    Most likely they included Psylocke cos she's a X-member, and Juggs is one of their regular enemies.
    I think they needed to include at least one active black skill. Of the heroes, it was either her, Punisher, or BP. I fully understand why they wouldn't want to include Punisher in this event (both for story, and for their goal of forcing roster diversity). BP has been featured a lot lately and most people don't have him highly covered either. So Psylocke is the only one left (though one could argue about whether people have her any more covered than BP given how new she is as well).
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    pasa_ wrote:
    Yeah, I got that much out of it but it doesn't exactly explain Psylockes inclusion. She's just there to be there you could say.

    You're right there, but possibly folks with actual Marvel lore can give an explanation. P was not in the original chapter for not existing at the time, she might have been a fit. ?

    Yeah, for a good portion of the Dark Reign storyline, Psylocke was pretty dead to comics. Also thumbing through my Dark Reign: Acceptance and Seige books, she's not featured anywhere in either of those. Elecktra had a bigger role than she did during that run from what I can remember. If she did have anything to do with it, she had such a minimalist role, its a wonder as to why she's even in the game outside of "The devs wanted her in cause the story is nothing but an adaptation/derivative."
    kensterr wrote:
    Most likely they included Psylocke cos she's a X-member, and Juggs is one of their regular enemies.
    This is probably the most likely of reasons. Though they had the entirety of the Dark X-Men to work with in my opinion. Also, where's Female Loki?
  • I'm wondering if 'round 2' of heroic juggs will feature the same roster, or a different set.

    Obviously lazythor will be present and boosted, but D3 may have a different group planned for round 2. It would be fairer on midrange players who just happen to be missing out on the featured characters.

    Now, I don't think it's actually gonna happen, but it's a possibility. And it's a thought that managed to help keep me from sinking more iso into IM40/psylocke unless reeeally necessary.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's modern storm with active black

    Yes, Dark X-Men storyline features Psylocke, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia_(comics)

    We have Dark Avengers for now, hopefully Demiurge will expand the X-Men roster and bring about the Dark X-Men so that people won't be bored to death with Juggs/Daken/Bullseye/Yelena/Ares/Venom/Ragnarok/whatever
  • Quick question on point refreshes - do they all reset based on the last node you completed or does each node reset based on the last time you completed that node?

    I'm currently sitting at #1 in my bracket with less than 100 points difference for 2nd place. I know that at the end of the night I won't want to grind down the whole map, so it'd be nice to just keep playing some of the nodes I know I'm not going to grind down. But with such a close margin (and the fact I've never tried for a top 2 spot before), I'd hate to lose out on points unintentionally.
    kensterr wrote:
    There's modern storm with active black
    Good point, I retract my statement.
  • Riggy wrote:
    Quick question on point refreshes - do they all reset based on the last node you completed or does each node reset based on the last time you completed that node?

    I'm currently sitting at #1 in my bracket with less than 100 points difference for 2nd place. I know that at the end of the night I won't want to grind down the whole map, so it'd be nice to just keep playing some of the nodes I know I'm not going to grind down. But with such a close margin (and the fact I've never tried for a top 2 spot before), I'd hate to lose out on points unintentionally.

    The nodes refresh independently.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    kensterr wrote:
    Yes, Dark X-Men storyline features Psylocke, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia_(comics)

    We have Dark Avengers for now, hopefully Demiurge will expand the X-Men roster and bring about the Dark X-Men so that people won't be bored to death with Juggs/Daken/Bullseye/Yelena/Ares/Venom/Ragnarok/whatever

    Yeah, she turned up halfway through Dark Reign. Also, were missing Namor and Emma Frost for the Cabal.
  • I'd just like to say you shouldn't fret too much over the lore - things like what we've seen, and Nick Fury Jr. being around (he didn't show up in the comics for a while after Dark Reign), show that they are following the comics incredibly loosely.
  • volos wrote:
    I'm wondering if 'round 2' of heroic juggs will feature the same roster, or a different set.

    Obviously lazythor will be present and boosted, but D3 may have a different group planned for round 2. It would be fairer on midrange players who just happen to be missing out on the featured characters.

    Now, I don't think it's actually gonna happen, but it's a possibility. And it's a thought that managed to help keep me from sinking more iso into IM40/psylocke unless reeeally necessary.

    I'm just wondering why they didn't include 2* Thor in the roster, I mean, surely they should give people who invested into 2* Thor the opportunity to use him to gain his 3* older brother... unless they're planning to give us the ability to sell 2* Thor for 3* covers that is.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doragon wrote:

    I'm just wondering why they didn't include 2* Thor in the roster, I mean, surely they should give people who invested into 2* Thor the opportunity to use him to gain his 3* older brother... unless they're planning to give us the ability to sell 2* Thor for 3* covers that is.
    Is IM35 usable? I sold mine during this event and didn't make sure. I could have sworn from the first time they introduced Heroic Mode, IM40 has been the defacto armor you can use. Thor kinda follows that. 2* Thor just got phased out basically.