Heroic jugg discussion



  • altlover85 wrote:
    I was 22k going into the last refresh. I think I mistimed my points by an hour and every fight seemed to take longer. I may have gotten confused on which teams work best. I ended up top 50 when I really wanted that yellow cover. At least I got enough ISO to level Lazy Thor to his cap of 25.
    I was 9th with 2 minutes left, did one more match, when it ended the tourney was over and i got top 20 grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I feel your pain.

    How long does it take to refresh?
  • Microtom wrote:
    Anyone else still waiting on their covers?


    Me too but I've always been under the impression there is some kind of order related to the time you entered (just based on anecdotal evidence from the various rewards I've received over the past few months).

    And I joined 15 hours before the event ended today so I'm not surprised to not have mine yet.
  • How long does it take to refresh?

    12 hours
  • I am, yes.
  • Wil88
    Wil88 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    Still waiting here too. Was 10th before started last match, but didn't get the last one done in time.
    An hour later and I still don't know if I held that spot….
  • Moral
    Moral Posts: 512
    Covers just came in.

    The previous #10 is shedding sweet, sweet tears.

  • Just got mine,

    Assuming all the rewards stay the same I'll just be going for top 20 next time and probably joining last 'minute' (unless of course there is an alliance aspect).
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Went to bed last night in 1st place in my bracket. Woke up this morning with 13 hours remaining. Only had time to get in a half dozen or so nodes before letting it wait for more rubber banding and refresh on those nodes, Leaving me 30th something.

    Logged on tonight expecting 3 hours to go, but goofed and only had 2 hours left, and sitting in 110th place. After 2 hours of grinding away I squeaked into 10th spot with 30 seconds to go. Phew that was a lot of work, but feels good to get the covers.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the trick with Heroic Jugg is playing in small bursts, unless you want to spend big on health packs. If you can grind 2 or 3 missions down every 3 hours, you are probably well set for the final push. Trying to do it all in one session I think leads to either health pack fatigue or far too many healing trips back to the prologue.
  • nihilium
    nihilium Posts: 242
    edited March 2014
    I have to admit I liked the even o.o

    1) u did matches, got points and the enemies got more difficult if u hit the nodes again and again
    2) it didnt last 9 days v.v
    3) u were able to play it casually and still get atleast one hor cover (for following events)
    4) u didnt need thor for 50% of the nodes and he didnt give u 70% of all the points

    Sure, too many campains and hawkeyes again, but even with the reduced roster it wasnt awefull.. atleast they let us have IM 40 instead of 35 and Wolverine is still pretty solid =)

    But btw.. did anyone do this event with IM 40 on max/near max lvl? Im wondering if they had higher lvled mobs o.o
  • The Finn
    The Finn Posts: 272 Mover and Shaker
    Moral wrote:
    Covers just came in.

    The previous #10 is shedding sweet, sweet tears.

    Haha that's the spirit! The tears make all the difference.
  • nihilium wrote:
    Bus btw.. did anyone do this event with IM 40 on max/near max lvl? Im wondering if they had higher lvled mobs o.o

    Mine is at 110 and the highest I saw were level 140s or so in the final fight with Daken.

    But I entered today and at most played each of the more 'difficult' nodes a total of 3 or maybe 4 times.
  • New to the game, played event till nodes only yielded 1 point. Can someone explain or point me in the right direction on how the point system works? thx
  • poomermon
    poomermon Posts: 300 Mover and Shaker
    I thought I could compete in this tourney but I pretty much screwed up my joining time and could not do as many refreshes as I would have liked. Tournament ending at 6 am for me was kinda bummer too so I ended up in top 100 in the end. For the next round maybe I just join in super late and hope for the best without any refreshes.
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    I have a lvl 128 IM40 and my lazy Thor was lvl 50. For the last day, most of the high-value nodes were level 100+. In the last refresh, the Magneto battle was at 143 and the one after it was 160. They scaled higher before it ended.

    I understand wanting to challenge people, but that was pretty much unplayable. So what if I can send 130 Psylocke/128 IM40? Who do I pair them with that can survive a Daken/Magneto/Rags combo? Level 40 Mod BW or Cap isn't going to cut it for stunning.
  • Curious to see who we get to use in round 2.
  • gah annoying, I had to go out tonight, had my rank at 2 when I left with over 23000 points, I knew I would go down, but I was hoping for at least one green cover for Thor... nope, got knocked down to the top 200! icon_e_sad.gif
  • Top 100. Hoped to get into top 50, but those rockets and flamethrowers man
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Awww yeah. Top 10 even though i couldt grind the entire time 1 hour before the end of the event due to gf arriving to visit. 2/2/2 lazythor, here i come!
  • Grinded to 1st place, went to sleep 4 hours before the end (because staying up to 5 or 6 am is no go for workdays), ended top 50 icon_eek.gif