Lowered 2* Droprate at Lightningrounds?



  • Shemhazi
    Shemhazi Posts: 28
    My 2* drought continues, but has changed somewhat. This week's LRs haven't given me nearly as many 70 ISO-8 rewards, but have dropped tons of 1* covers, which is a slight improvement.

    Has anyone noticed the possibility of the RNG getting "stuck"? The streaks of similar type rewards, for example. Another example would be Moon Knight. I know this is purely anecdotal, but I played the H:Oscorp node with Moon Knight, GSBW, and Wolverine numerous times across my three different platform accounts, and his Lunacy been Marc Spector all but one of those times, with the other one being Aspect of Konshu. As well with him, the Moonsilver Blades ability has yet to hit anyone other than the enemy currently at the front of the rotation.
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    Here we go again...

    The curse has returned...

    This week is a villains week again as it was the first two weeks of this thread (last week was a champs week) and it gave me similar desastrous results as in the first two weeks by now.

    Total 40 (100%)
    2* 1 (2,5%)
    1* 4 (10%)
    250 iso 3 (7,5%)
    140 iso 6 (15%)
    70 iso 26 (65%)

    Is there a different droprate depending which side (villain/champs) ist played? I think something is broken in your code. And why we have to play the whole week just one side? Before the patch with the higher iso-selling-amount we have a mix every week.
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    tizian2015 wrote:
    Total 40 (100%)
    2* 1 (2,5%)
    1* 4 (10%)
    250 iso 3 (7,5%)
    140 iso 6 (15%)
    70 iso 26 (65%)

    Total 50 (100%)
    2* 1 (2%)
    1* 4 (8%)
    250 iso 3 (6%)
    140 iso 10 (20%)
    70 iso 32 (64%)
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    seems I have the bug now. 7 LRs in plus a pvp push from 525 to 1300 last night and I have a total of 2 2* covers to show between drops and std tokens. the last couple of weeks have been pretty normal. this one doesn't appear to be.
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    last week 12 lrs. 2 two star covers.

    six so far this week. one.

    consistent anyway. maybe i can get one more before the weeks over to stay on average. icon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gif
  • Shemhazi
    Shemhazi Posts: 28
    Glad to know I'm not the only one having this "issue". Its gotten to the point where I'm seriously tempted to just step away from the game for a few months, and then try again, because several weeks with no progress to show for it at the 2* level just seems a bit insane.

    I wonder if we could convince D3 to try out a tiered gaming structure of some sort, where each tier focused on a different set of rewards. Like a 1*/2* tier that focused on 2* rewards, a 2*3* tier that focused on 3* rewards, etc. Give people a choice of which tier they wanted to play in at the beginning of an event.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    GrimSkald wrote:
    Yeah, I started a tracker where I can enter a date range in the beginning - so I can separate things out by date pretty much any time I want to. Starting with Monday, here are my numbers:

    70 Iso - 38
    140 Iso - 14
    250 Iso - 1
    1* Cover - 18
    2* Cover - 40

    40 out of 111 is about 36%. I think it's safe to say that last week's low numbers were atypical. Actually, so are these. icon_e_smile.gif
    So you're saying that over time a random series of results tends to average out towards the actual odds?
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    tizian2015 wrote:
    tizian2015 wrote:

    Total 50 (100%)
    2* 1 (2%)
    1* 4 (8%)
    250 iso 3 (6%)
    140 iso 10 (20%)
    70 iso 32 (64%)

    Total 83 (100%)
    2* 4 (4,8%)
    1* 4 (4,8%)
    250 iso 4 (4,8%)
    140 iso 18 (21,7%)
    70 iso 53 (63,9%)

    Some will call it bad RNG, i would say something similar Sandor Clegane said about King Joffrey in the Battle of Blackwaterbay...
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    tizian2015 wrote:
    Total 83 (100%)
    2* 4 (4,8%)
    1* 4 (4,8%)
    250 iso 4 (4,8%)
    140 iso 18 (21,7%)
    70 iso 53 (63,9%)

    Played another 4(seeds+1=10), was not tracking every result, but the drop of a 2*. It was 1 in this 4 rounds and so its 123 matches to 5 2*s. 4,1%
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    GrimSkald wrote:
    Yeah, I started a tracker where I can enter a date range in the beginning - so I can separate things out by date pretty much any time I want to. Starting with Monday, here are my numbers:

    70 Iso - 38
    140 Iso - 14
    250 Iso - 1
    1* Cover - 18
    2* Cover - 40

    40 out of 111 is about 36%. I think it's safe to say that last week's low numbers were atypical. Actually, so are these. icon_e_smile.gif
    So you're saying that over time a random series of results tends to average out towards the actual odds?

    Yep, though speaking for myself I've had another week of absolutely murderously bad odds, this is just from the Lightning Rounds:

    70-ISO - 35
    140 Iso - 11
    250 Iso - 1
    1* - 10
    2* - 2

    Total 59

    My other PVP data is similar -

    70 - 5
    140 - 3
    250 - 2
    1* - 8
    2* - 0

    Total 18

    I want to say "RNG, you're drunk, go home!" The other possibility is that they did change something, but I think it's still too early to tell. I like the new tracker - one of the problems with the old one is that if I screwed something up I had to backpedal a ways, while with this one at the very worst I can always just eliminate the line. I can also separate out by whatever criteria I want. I'll keep tracking, we'll see how it goes.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I hope that taking Yelena OUT will mean that there's somehow MORE 2*s dropping.

    Which, I know, is not what it means, but STILL......
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    TLCstormz wrote:
    I hope that taking Yelena OUT will mean that there's somehow MORE 2*s dropping.

    Which, I know, is not what it means, but STILL......

    So say we all...

  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    It´s obvious a villains week and so I expected the worst.

    Played 4 rounds(and some peggy-pvp):

    Total 45 (100%)
    2* 0 (0%)
    1* 4 (8,9%)
    250 iso 2 (4,4%)
    140 iso 11 (24,4%)
    70 iso 28 (62,2%)

    So a few things:
    1. You gave us a firstlook cool feature, the high-iso-amounts for selling maxleveled champs.
    2. This makes it firstlook possible to rechamp 2*s relatively easy and get tokens, 3*covers, hp, with a high-attendance in pvp esp. in lightning rounds
    3. Behind the scenes you realise this will be too easy from your standpoint, so the pvp-droprates were downgraded for 2*s, the same story as for the championfeature, were you secretly nerf the 2* and 3* tiers by 30% and we need 50 covers to get them boosted as they were before.

    At the end of the week i really think about quitting this. Its a joke to bring a new feature, but behind the courtain you didnt tell us this feature has a price. I thought this new feature brings some fun back in my game-experience, opposite has occurred. I will update my statistics, but i dont expect any change.

    If it was not intentioned, its a bug, a big one.
  • Eec411
    Eec411 Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    Just hit 6/11 rewards in the latest lightning round. I think it's just a case of confirmation bias
  • djeternal
    djeternal Posts: 28
    I honestly don't think there's a bug. Just more attention being paid to 2* covers recently with the 2* champ sell prices being changed coupled with small sample sizes. Here's my results since 6/28 all from just lightning rounds and mainly seed teams with a few extra hits throw in from time to time:

    70 iso - 44
    140 iso - 19
    1* - 53
    250 iso - 5
    2* - 56
    total 177

    2* were a 31.6% drop for me which seems to be to similar what others like GrimSkald have posted. My longest drought for 2* was 17 with a streak of 15 & 11 as well. My longest streak of 2* was 6 earlier today.
  • timbopp
    timbopp Posts: 88
    Dang! I thought my drought was broken last week when I was (finally!) getting 2, 3 sometimes 4 2* per round but it's back this week with a vengeance.

    So far after 5 rounds I've pulled only 2 2*. That's 5 rounds of 10-15 matches each. Even 1* are few and far between, it's all 70iso and 140iso with the rare 250 iso here and there.

    I was really looking forward to these lightning rounds too as I've finally got all my 2* up and running.
    I'm still doubtful if it is a bug but it's bloody annoying.
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    djeternal wrote:
    I honestly don't think there's a bug. Just more attention being paid to 2* covers recently with the 2* champ sell prices being changed coupled with small sample sizes. Here's my results since 6/28 all from just lightning rounds and mainly seed teams with a few extra hits throw in from time to time:

    70 iso - 44
    140 iso - 19
    1* - 53
    250 iso - 5
    2* - 56
    total 177

    2* were a 31.6% drop for me which seems to be to similar what others like GrimSkald have posted. My longest drought for 2* was 17 with a streak of 15 & 11 as well. My longest streak of 2* was 6 earlier today.

    Thats not what Grimskald posted. Read again his post from Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:43 am.
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    Eec411 wrote:
    Just hit 6/11 rewards in the latest lightning round. I think it's just a case of confirmation bias

    Come on, this thread is about tracking pvp-results, not a feeling. Before the patch with the high-iso-selling-amounts for max-champs how many people complained about low 2* droprates in pvp?


    Total 56 (100%)
    2* 0 (0%)
    1* 4 (7,1%)
    250 iso 2 (3,6%)
    140 iso 13 (23,2%)
    70 iso 37 (66,1%)

    Is this "confirmation bias"?
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    A couple weeks back I had an absolutely abysmal 2* drop rate, around 7%. Last week was much better, about 30% of my covers were 2*. This week, it's somewhere between the two, though closer to last week.

    The RNG feels rather streaky and un-random, though. When I get 2* covers, they cluster; in one LR, I'll play 8-10 seed teams, and end up with 7-8 covers, almost all 2*. Next LR, I'm lucky to get a single 2*. Also, this week I haven't pulled even one Cap. So, yeah, streaky. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Diarchos
    Diarchos Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    Here´s my contribution of the 2* Droprate

    I starded only to track today after reading this post, but over it´s not been better then the procentage below

    Total 33 (100%)
    2* 3 (9,1%)
    1* 13 (39,4%)
    250 iso 1 (3%)
    140 iso 4 (12,1%)
    70 iso 12 (36,4%)

    Ususally 1* and 70 Iso is the other way around,

    Maybe somebody have some time to add together all the repports, icon_e_biggrin.gif