[PVE] scaling [Merged Thread]



  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    How many screw ups can a developers team make its getting really sad now.
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    A little late to the party here.... but yeah, I'm more than a bit dismayed by the Gauntlet scaling.

    My understanding to this point (Day 598) was that Gauntlet was designed as, more or less, a FIXED linear challenge, with the three sub-events representing the tiers of characters expected to be able to clear the event given the fixed scaling. So Wilderness was scaled so that 1*-2* teams could compete effectively, with a robust 2* team needed to complete the entire subevent; Alpine Tactics was for 3* teams, and Global Domination was for 4*-5* teams. The node within the overall event that you could successfully reach was a gauge of your roster strength -- so Gauntlet was like a "thermometer" where you could take the "temperature" of your roster and see how hot you were.

    This, though..... is not that at all.

    I think that's what most people thought. That's why people would strive to do better then they did last time. Now though that's all in the garbage. It's too bad, because the Gauntlet was the closest we have come to what alot of forumites wanted - Set challenges that you pick based on the rewards you want.

    Guantlet you just had to complete the earlier challenges to unlock the ultimate level you could compete. Now I think they are going to find that few people even bother with it. It's no longer any good as a meter of your roster strength, and it's rewards are quite sub-par.

    Shame really... I remember really enjoying the challenge of getting farther along each time.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    I just hit Deadly at Sim 22. Is there a beyond deadly mode? I'm hardly halfway through, I can't imagine what World Domination is going to be like.
    Are we expected to lose again?
    This will likely be the first Gauntlet I'll be unable to finish. icon_e_sad.gif
  • spghttihead
    spghttihead Posts: 74 Match Maker
    Really wanted that Iceman cover but not going to happen. Can't get past Sim 28. OML/Fist/SWitch all at lvl 377 when the best I have available is a level 310 Phoenix and an un-champed 3/5/5 4Cyc at lvl 291 (due to boost). The rest of the "available" characters I have are dead in a few turns due to IF. Such a bummer.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    MojoWild wrote:
    I just hit Deadly at Sim 22. Is there a beyond deadly mode? I'm hardly halfway through, I can't imagine what World Domination is going to be like.
    Are we expected to lose again?
    This will likely be the first Gauntlet I'll be unable to finish. icon_e_sad.gif

    This seems to be compelling evidence that something is wrong her. Players will always want easier rewards and generally complain about difficulty spikes.

    But even the devs' own rating system is saying that every node past 20 (in an even with 43 main nodes plus essentials) is "deadly," the highest rating available. Literally half of this event is maxed or off the devs' own difficulty chart. That makes no sense. (given that the rewards remain the same. For a single 4* this is too much. For a 5* cover or multiple 4*s, this would be more reasonable)
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    So last run of the Gauntlet was the first time I ever beat the while thing. It was a tough challenge to do it and I felt great about finally beating that event. icon_e_smile.gif

    This run I have gotten through to Global Domination fairly quickly because I finally have an efficient Winfinite. Now I have 8 nodes left (not including the branch nodes) and every single node will be DEADLY from now on?!? Come on man! I know the last nodes are going to be full of the normal characters I like to use to.

    So I guess I will try and use my F team of Cho, Baglady and Star Lord...
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Redrobot30 wrote:
    So last run of the Gauntlet was the first time I ever beat the while thing. It was a tough challenge to do it and I felt great about finally beating that event. icon_e_smile.gif

    This run I have gotten through to Global Domination fairly quickly because I finally have an efficient Winfinite. Now I have 8 nodes left (not including the branch nodes) and every single node will be DEADLY from now on?!? Come on man! I know the last nodes are going to be full of the normal characters I like to use to.

    So I guess I will try and use my F team of Cho, Baglady and Star Lord...

    Only your last 8 nodes are deadly? What does your roster look like. I am a mid 4* transition player (4 4* champs) and I have been seeing deadly nodes since around node 20 (just before the middle of the second sub).
  • Elesid
    Elesid Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    It's just a challenge of whales farming between such challenges. Deal with it)

    Btw I have 3 nods left (no whales used so far), but I plan to use whales to hit the essential with Venom since it's too hardcore to be beaten with ordinary means.

    I'd say that it is beatable, but rewards are... Not justified... AT ALL
  • Escape2victory
    Is this company professional ? Either flick the switch and adjust scaling NOW or communicate that this was another test. The lack of comment thus far is laughable.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Redrobot30 wrote:
    So last run of the Gauntlet was the first time I ever beat the while thing. It was a tough challenge to do it and I felt great about finally beating that event. icon_e_smile.gif

    This run I have gotten through to Global Domination fairly quickly because I finally have an efficient Winfinite. Now I have 8 nodes left (not including the branch nodes) and every single node will be DEADLY from now on?!? Come on man! I know the last nodes are going to be full of the normal characters I like to use to.

    So I guess I will try and use my F team of Cho, Baglady and Star Lord...

    Only your last 8 nodes are deadly? What does your roster look like. I am a mid 4* transition player (4 4* champs) and I have been seeing deadly nodes since around node 20 (just before the middle of the second sub).

    I'm still rolling with Champed 3*s, highest being a lvl 186 CMags. Winfinite has been my saving grace so far. I'd have given up a long time before if I didn't have them.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is this company professional ? Either flick the switch and adjust scaling NOW or communicate that this was another test. The lack of comment thus far is laughable.

    To be fair, the event started over the weekend in The One True Time Zone, and although it's Monday there now, they still have to catch up with their chats around the water cooler before checking emails, coffee, more chats, watching traffic, then maybe seeing what those moaners on the forum are complaining about this time.

    We do complain a lot, but sometimes our complaints have validity. Gauntlet scaling is about as valid a complaint as we've had this month.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Elesid wrote:
    It's just a challenge of whales farming between such challenges. Deal with it)

    Btw I have 3 nods left (no whales used so far), but I plan to use whales to hit the essential with Venom since it's too hardcore to be beaten with ordinary means.

    I'd say that it is beatable, but rewards are... Not justified... AT ALL

    Yeah, there just isn't enough there to get me motivated to really want to beat the Gauntlet this run through. My plan for this season was to take it easy on PvP but now that's the only thing to play...
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Is this company professional ? Either flick the switch and adjust scaling NOW or communicate that this was another test. The lack of comment thus far is laughable.

    To be fair, the event started over the weekend in The One True Time Zone

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: the developer and publisher are running a massively multiplayer online game; a cutthroat competitive MMO game at that. They have absolutely zero excuse for not having a small customer care team at-the-ready to handle situations when feces impacts the rotary device over the weekend or over the holidays. That level of responsibility comes with the terrain of running an MMO game.
    Moon Roach wrote:
    We do complain a lot, but sometimes our complaints have validity. Gauntlet scaling is about as valid a complaint as we've had this month.
    The Civil War scalinng is equally valid, imho. Moreso, actually, given its front-and-center focal position.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    They allegedly all play the game on their mobile devices... do they only play while on the clock? You would figure that they would have played it and noticed that the scaling was out of whack by now. Or maybe they have a friend who plays in a different time zone that can tell them... Hey, your game is out of whack, you guys fixing it? Or maybe they have someone that monitors facebook at the start of events... or...
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    _RiO_ wrote:
    Moon Roach wrote:
    We do complain a lot, but sometimes our complaints have validity. Gauntlet scaling is about as valid a complaint as we've had this month.
    The Civil War scalinng is equally valid, imho. Moreso, actually, given its front-and-center focal position.

    Yeah, after I posted it I realised that I should have said "this week", or maybe "today".

    It was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek piss-take of both us and them, while making a point or two about their lack of communication and our willingness to complain about anything and everything.

    I need to work on my material.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Sim 11 and 310 enemies.

    All I know is that I'm enjoying playing other games more and more, and this less and less.

    I feel for D3/Demiurge. They'll do some things so right then immediately follow it with a complete cockup.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - right here icon_e_wink.gif - they need more/better/new play testers. Seriously.
  • Escape2victory
    D3... a word of advice on IT Support models. First port of call when an Incident arises is not Customer Support, it is Expert Users..they can often (not always) resolve an Incident through knowledge of the application and processes. This can save both the end user and IT Support a lot of time. My first port of call is this Forum where I know I will find Expert Users.
    In this case the Forum cannot resolve the issue...but D3, just communicate a one liner here to explain the situation. This is where the message will have the most impact. This is where people come for all sorts of reasons, be it issues, questions, advice, whatever.
    Bottom line, communication is the key to success in all walks of life. Ask any successful business person what the most important aspects of their work are ... communication will always be right near the top.
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    Still no word....wow.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    OK, so the scaling on this event is out of whack. I'm facing level 400+ enemies and I'm not even to Global Domination, fine.

    But let's face it, the last time they ran the Gauntlet, it was way too easy. It's kind of dumb that they capped enemy heroes at level 326 when boosted 4*s are in the 350 range and 5*s can go up to 450.

    There's got to be a happy medium somewhere.
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    Orion wrote:
    But let's face it, the last time they ran the Gauntlet, it was way too easy.

    There you all go, someone who is truly saying it was "way too easy"!

    I guess they cater to one individual at a time. So the next run likely will be much simpler as odds would dictate most do not agree with the afore mentioned statement.

    P.S. This is in no way a dig on the quoted. More a poke at how we are listened to on this unmonitored forum.