[PVE] scaling [Merged Thread]



  • Hyposphere6234
    Hyposphere6234 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    I can understand the will to make this game more of a challenge, but honestly this scaling system is utter bollocks. I'm still trying to max out my 3*'s while collecting 4 and 5*'s. Is this app telling me I have to sell several 4 and 5* covers for an easier life? I have three championed 3*'s and I'm facing enemies over 200+ not even half way through the first gauntlet. Just because I have a few 5* characters in my roster it doesn't mean they're actually useful with only a cover or two.

    Make a system that is actually balanced, not one based on that owning one cover 5* means you can ramp up the difficulty beyond playability.

    I enjoyed a lot of balance issues over the last few months, it actually became somewhat back on track to balance new players so they weren't being totally **** over the pay to win players. Now I'm getting screwed over because you're scaling up events over roster covers? What a nice way to make people not spend any of the command points they've gained or spent. I appreciate an added challenge, Just don't treat several 5* covers like they're maxed out.

    I'm still throwing money at this monthly, if it means that this game will become unplayable even further the next time I pull a 4* then I'd be even more happy to stop.
  • Esheris
    Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
    This is the only game I have ever played where it gets worse and worse the more work you put into your roster. I know SOME things should be hard, I even want SOME fights to be hard. (More boss fights please!)

    I'm not touching anything with scaling like this for 70 Iso or Crit Boosts.

    I only complain because I love what this game could be.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The devs are seriously taking the piss with this event, the rewards are never good enough for the amount of time it takes and that is before the idiotic scaling that somebody seems to have applied this time round.

    One thing it should clearly demonstrate though, purely progression-based rewards for pve would be a nightmare if it was implemented by this horrendously stingy company.
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Ultimately, this is WarGames. The only way to win is not to play.

    The only thing that affects their decisions is metrics. The only thing that affects their metrics is how you play.

    Not happpy with the rewards? Don't earn them. Sit it out. Not hapy with the scaling? Don't play. Sit it out.

    Believe me, I know how tough that is. I played Civil War against my better judgment because my alliance members need Hulkbuster covers and I was scraping every last ISO I could to max and champ my XForce Wolverine before my covers expired. Made it with a couple hours to spare. But I also know all my effort for microscropic progression is going to make them think their game design is working.

    But this Gauntlet? I'm gonna play it until it gets stupid and stop. Which probably means like six nodes judging by this thread. Time I could spend beating my head against a scaling wall for paltry scraps of ISO will be much less head-bruising in, say, Avengers Alliance 2.
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    This has to be the only game that punishes you as you progress, punishes you for lining their pockets, punishes you for playing
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got my pitchfork ready and everything as everyone else but, let's wait until Monday to see what they have to say about the Gauntlet scaling.

    I get the feeling that whatever flip they switched for the scaling in CW event is still on and affecting Gauntlet as well. It might just be a mistake. Hopefully we don't get the "Working as intented ™"...
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    Some of my friends and I are currently operating on the theory that the vengeful spirit of Gary Gygax has been returned to the mortal plane and is being tapped by D3 to determine their scaling.

    Because seriously, the Tomb of Horrors ain't got nothing on some of this ****.
  • theo199
    theo199 Posts: 79
    This game becomes non sense. And there are so many games. icon_cool.gif
  • Thevipper
    Thevipper Posts: 90
    Coik wrote:
    Some of my friends and I are currently operating on the theory that the vengeful spirit of Gary Gygax has been returned to the mortal plane and is being tapped by D3 to determine their scaling.

    Because seriously, the Tomb of Horrors ain't got nothing on some of this tinykitty.

    nah they are just using the Hitler theory kill everyone... icon_twisted.gificon_lol.gif
  • theo199
    theo199 Posts: 79
    I'm sure winning something if I stop playing this non sense game.
  • Melevorn
    Melevorn Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    I normally enjoy the Gauntlet - in almost two years I've finished every Gauntlet that's been run.

    In this case, really not worth my time or energy. Especially disappointing coming off quite a fun CW event.

    So much buyer's remorse. Note to d3 - that's not a feeling which will cause me to re-open my wallet any time soon!
  • PeeOne
    PeeOne Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2016
    Thank god it isn't just me!!! I thought I was going mad!!!

    7th node goons are level 222

    I have no maxed 4 stars - some 177 level 3 star champions and then the rest!

    No way it should be this high - especial with the Civil War event overlapping

    Gotta add: the first time I did this I had 2 5*s - did not finish have since got rid of them... Second time I got through... Just struggled through to node 21 and have been stopped in my tracks...
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    On previous runs of the gauntlet, I got to use my 1-3*s and low level 4*s through most of the first two subs. Rewards sucked, but it was a fun challenge. I've completed all gauntlets to date.

    This time, I saw the comments on scaling, burned through the first trivial nodes to check it out, and now I don't feel like playing any more.
  • DalekGAF
    DalekGAF Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Glad to see it isn't just me. I really resent being punished for making incremental progress in this game and I regret spending the money that I have spent on this game.
  • Krongle
    Krongle Posts: 73 Match Maker
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    I get the feeling that whatever flip they switched for the scaling in CW event is still on and affecting Gauntlet as well.

    I'm pretty sure that's the case. D3 might not be the best at communicating, but even they would inform their userbase about this kind of extreme change. Hoping for a fix today.
  • johnmcclane
    johnmcclane Posts: 170
    happily skipping this one.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Just wow....

    not the worlds greatest boosted characters, and the final node on the 1st Sub includes a Green Goblin and all 3 enemies are higher than my highest boosted character.... oh, and the Switch, Torch Quicksilver node wiped me at least once if not twice... in sub 1... last time I didn't get properly stuck until mid sub 3... and I now have a better roster...

    My personal favourite element of scaling...

    You find a node with 3 venom goons... all at a pretty solid level (circa 200 for me, and I have no unboosted character over 184 other than Capt America 5*)... you come up with a team designed to beat them (Dr Ock, Boosted Bullseye and Iron Man 40) and you hammer them... You sit there smug in the way you worked out how to beat extremely frustrating bad guys with barely a scratch... the game, however, is sitting there going "Obviously this is too easy, time to ratchet it up again"...

    I actually like the gauntlet for presenting challenges that require some thought, at least as a principle. But this is insane...
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    DTStump wrote:
    Wow. I actually thought I was going to do better than last time because I thought my progress was gonna have an effect on the level of difficulty. How naive.

    Oh it does. You're just having it wrong. According to D3s rulebook of fun games §8: If your roster improves, things become harder. icon_razz.gif
  • shusheshe
    shusheshe Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    The scaling for the gauntlet is NOT encouraging me to level up my roster or put into play that shiny new 5* Iron Man (my first 5*). I'm already regretting champing 7 of my three stars from 140. I don't have any max covered 4*, with the highest level being 111.

    The last sub of the gauntlet starts off at a rating of 'hard' with level 307/8 symbiots, more than a hundred levels above my highest champed 3*. There's no chance in hell I'm poking that.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    That last node on the first sub of the event (Wilderness) was obscene. Level 290+ GG, Doc Ock, and Spidey? The theme is kind of cool I suppose, but they thoroughly thrashed me. I got out alive... barely. This was after burning a couple health packs to patch up Thor and IM40 from the Hood PVP earlier tonight. The node before with SWitch and pals nuked two other 3 character combos before it, too. Oh btw, that 270 Thor is the only character at that level. I have 4x 5* characters (BSSM at one cover, SS at one cover, IM46 at one cover, and Phx at 5 covers) all at level 255, and then no one over level 180 save Nick Fury at 188.

    270 4*Thor, 175 IM40, and 172 3*Storm did it, but only after burning all of my TUs. Spider-Man still had 14k HP remaining versus IM40 with barely over 100 HP left after I had downed GG and Ock. A timely Unibeam, a Sniper Rifle TU, and a Star Spangled Avenger TU later, and Iron Man could breathe his sigh of relief while looking at the smoking craters where Thor and Storm had once been standing. It was done; he had made it.

    Now all that remains is insane side branches with the super tank Loki featured. Not doing it.

    While I appreciate that we all make mistakes, this stuff happens quite often. I'm assuming this level of scaling is a mistake considering that the best reward in the first sub is an event token (or at least I'm telling myself that until we hear otherwise). I wish I could flip a switch, break stuff for my end users, and then peace out for the weekend without consequence, then come back and say, "Oh whoops! My bad. Here, I fixed it for you again, but there's nothing I can do for your inconvenience. Sorry, sucks for you."