Your latest fun team combination



  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler said:
    Someone should try 5*Loki + Prof-X + Switch in this PVP.  It should work great.....when Switch's CD tile goes off you could get 5+4 Purple along with a Prof-X headache.  Then Loki is fueled up to Nuke someone.  I would try it but my Loki and Professor aren't champed. 
    I don't have Loki champed, but I think I do have enough covers in his purple to make that worthwhile. Gonna have to give it a try. Thanks!
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    More Daredevil fun!  I wanted to get mine to half health, so took on a Gritty team in the Switch PVP.  Used unboosted Carol as a third. Daredevil being the only 5 allows him to tank most the damage and heal back up.

    - Chase yellow with Daredevil to whittle his health down to strike-making capacity.
    - Use that yellow to pop Wanda's countdown and fuel purple.
    - Use that purple to stun Kitty, steal her strikes, and kill her dead.
    - Profit.
  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    More Daredevil fun!  I wanted to get mine to half health, so took on a Gritty team in the Switch PVP.  Used unboosted Carol as a third. Daredevil being the only 5 allows him to tank most the damage and heal back up.

    - Chase yellow with Daredevil to whittle his health down to strike-making capacity.
    - Use that yellow to pop Wanda's countdown and fuel purple.
    - Use that purple to stun Kitty, steal her strikes, and kill her dead.
    - Profit.
    You stole that idea from The underpants gnomes 🤣
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    The Spider teams generally work great. I was enjoying it last week when Gwen was boosted. Her and 5-star Peter Parker go so well together. I wish other affiliations had similar mechanic/synergy that the Spider-guys get with web tiles. Like, it would be really cool if all the Fantastic Four characters had a 'tech tile' mechanic that each of them did different things with.
    Or like Wasp and Ant-Man with Swarm tiles?   :smiley:
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler said:
    Someone should try 5*Loki + Prof-X + Switch in this PVP.  It should work great.....when Switch's CD tile goes off you could get 5+4 Purple along with a Prof-X headache.  Then Loki is fueled up to Nuke someone.  I would try it but my Loki and Professor aren't champed. 
    I don't have Loki champed, but I think I do have enough covers in his purple to make that worthwhile. Gonna have to give it a try. Thanks!
    I tried it for a few games. I think the principle is sound, but my Loki isn't good enough to make it work. Also prone to bad luck if SWitch's countdown ends up in the corner or gets matched away too often.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tried a new anti-Gritty-Bishop team: Kitty + Valkyrie + Bishop.......basically you get to 10 blue before them and stun Kitty on your 2nd turn while Valkyrie makes lots of strikes, so you don't need to worry about running out. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Went through Fly-Fight-Win with Kitty/Carol/Valkyrie. Not nearly as good outside that event, but they were great for it. Basically, you hit the enemy Carol, then when the Photonic Blasts come back at you, Valkyrie makes a couple of Strikes. Once you get Kitty's red countdown out, that also makes a couple of Attack tiles every time you get Blasted. If the enemy team doesn't generate any Special Tiles, Hypersonic Punch can give them one to set of Circuit Breaker.
    There are some issues, tho. The strongest colour is yellow, which makes Bounty Hunter kind of useless (especially in this situation, where the enemy team is guaranteed to have someone who can take out Protect tiles). There are only Active powers on three colours, and all three of them have good red Actives, while the yellow and black are more situational. Not even strong match damage on blue and green. In my case, my Carol is too low level to get Boosted above Valkyrie, which was kind of a shame, because I would have much rather had her tanking while Kitty is stunned than Valk. Finally, as a team that relies on getting hit to trigger important passives, it's pretty health pack-intensive.
    But it was a whole lot of fun!
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,588 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also used the Cap Marvel/Valkyrie team + A.nother (my Kitty is sans yellow sadly so couldn't help much) and my Marvel did tank for Valk so it was energy absorbtion shenanigans all day long. Normally you would just ignore 3* Marvel on the opposite side but when she is out front she is a nightmare! I made sure she was killed first time every fight to stop all the Jessica Jones from throwing me through windows.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    Agent Coulson, C4ptain Marvel, and 5-star Loki is a beast team in Right Hand Man, much more than SWitch and C4p. Once you get a Photonic Barrage going paired with Loki's Shadowplay, those countdown tiles and Fury's countdowns on every move, you're quickly dealing 10,000 per match, I'm sure people will be using a lot of this trio in the PVP event, since C4p is boosted this event...
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Been doing most of my harder fights in Fight and Flight with Marvel, P4nther, and Ant-Man. Ant-Man works great with Carol, adding Attack tiles, stealing enemy Special tiles, and providing a ton of Countdowns to buff them all. I mostly added Panther because he complements those two the best of the boosted Characters, colour-wise, but he also spams Special tiles reasonably well, can buff them with his red, and can double dip on all the Strikes when you match friendly Protect tiles.
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    My 4* Blonde Widow isn't fully covered yet (4/2/3), but as I leveled her to lvl 150 I was wondering what team would work with her since her abilities seem a little lackluster. Then I realised that I'd mostly use her for support rather than her numbers anyway, so I decided to test-run her half-covered/underleveled. 

    Iceman + Mockingbird + 4/2/3 4* BW
    And tbh, 4* BW actually seems to suit Iceman really, really well. She adds an off-colour stun (black) to his amazing stun and brings a passive that destroys 3 enemy AP when someone from the enemy team is stunned. Which is all the time once you get 6 blue AP. And if you end up stumbling into 10 yellow AP, you can make Iceman's self-fueling powerful kit cheaper including making his blue stun|punch 3-4 AP.
    Mockingbird packs a good red & chance for free abilities (and the team wants to fire everything except BW's purple, so you'll likely get something good out of it. Even Mockingbird's purple works here since it's further AP denial on top of BW's. Best case, it fires BW's yellow and makes everything cheaper for free. Or Iceman's... anything, really.).

    Currently running this against some of the nodes in the cosmic chaos PvE and having fun. Works best against tile movers with expensive abilities since that's where the passive AP denial shines.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    Speaking of Blonde Widow, I’m very much enjoying Daredevil (452), Gamora (boosted to 412), Widow (boosted to 392). 

    So fun! Stun on 3 colors (purple/blue/black), plus AP suppression and extra damage when the opponent is stunned. DD tanks and heals on 3 colors plus teamup. And when you chase yellow, you get a nice outlet with blonde widow making everything cheaper. Tons of fun! Getting attacked a lot since switching to it though. 

  • MrEd95
    MrEd95 Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I’ve recently been enjoying a few different teams

    4* carol, war machine and IM40

    5* thor, 4*carol and domino

    and 5* thor, 4* carol and ant man

    obviously, this is mostly due to the fact carol is boosted. The domino one is especially fun though
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I only have five 5* champs. Banner is one of them. I am actually enjoying him with gritty.

    If you can keep less than 7 green off the board early he is getting free damage each turn. Then he transforms and he moves tiles on his own before you get to move. 

    All his extra small damage racks up quick with gritty.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    In Combined Arms, I've been running P4nther/Spid3r-Man/bull2eye.

    If there are some purple matches on the board, you can get a bit of a jump start on defend tiles, since both bullseye and spider-man will make them free until there are 4 on the board, then Spider-Man gasses out. But hopefully by then you have one of P4nther's yellow tiles moving, and every match starts doing mega damage.

    I was also enjoying Professor X/SWitch/Hawkeye - pretty obvious synergy there I guess. Get that purple match-5, do that damage, get that purple, let those countdowns go off

    Domino/Iron Fist/Hawkeye was another attempt at maximizing the countdowns that worked okay even though there wasn't a ton of AP acceleration. It may have been better to focus on Domino there and go with someone that has an active black instead. 
  • MoonKnight
    MoonKnight Posts: 63 Match Maker
    For combined arms I’ve been using G4mora, 3* Scarlet Witch, and Magneto. Between SWs passive creating blues (from incidental matches) and purples (when procing), to magnetos purple ability fueling blue, Gamora can stun lock a team for a while. SWs purple can also nuke and stun if you can gather enough, and either Magnetos or SWs tiles have some survivability with the stuns.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    Posted this in the combined arms thread, but for anyone who doesn’t venture into that subforum and are looking for some fun teams to try, I’m cross-posting here:

    4* Peggy Carter, 3* Iron Man, 2* Magneto:

    Iron Man/Mags provide a red/blue battery for Peggy while she suppresses AP. Play Riri instead for an additional green outlet or Taskmaster for a black outlet.  Cyclops/Thor are also viable.

    4* Red Hulk, 3* Scarlet Witch, 2* Hawkeye:

    Switch creates purple bombs to fuel Red Hulk’s siphon and hopefully match 5s for speed shot.  Though I didn’t play him, Main Event Hulk would work in place of his Red counterpart as well.  Saw quite a few playing this combo.

    4* Captain Marvel, 3* Iron Fist, 2* Hawkeye:

    This one is pretty simple. Iron Fist fuels  Carol’s black with his purple. If he happens to cause a match 5, his attack tile gets out of hand thanks to speed shot plus Carol’s passive.

    4* Nico Minoru, 3* Daken, 2* Bullseye:

    This team was crazy good, very sustainable, and probably my favorite team I stumbled upon. It’s really simple.  Collect green/purple to spam protects and strikes that Nico buffs to high heavens. Two true healers stay topped off and the passive damage allows them to bypass AP to take out Peggy teams and destroy the squishy America/Hood/OBW quickly.

    4* Gamora, 3* Iron Fist, 2* Bullseye: 

    Probably my second favorite team I played. Bullseye collects purple (spamming the board with protects), Danny fires his purple to fuel black and Gamora covers whatever purple is left for deadliest strikes.

    4* Rocket & Groot, 3* Gamora, 2* Black Widow:

    This is just your straightforward random GOTG boosts Grocket’s strikes team. OBW allows for the occasional double dip. Could add 2* Torch instead for attack tiles or 3* Star-Lord as well.

    4* America Chavez, 3* The Hood, 2* Black Widow:

    I saw this team a lot. Man is it squishy as hell and easy to beat. The idea of course is Hood/OBW fuel AP for Chavez to do Chavez things and passive the enemy to death. Great on offense!

    4* Wasp, 3* Sam Wilson, 2* Bullseye:

    This is a classic team that I believe is in The Big Enchilada. Collect purple, passively spam protects, actively spam protects. Wasp flips to strikes. Win. 

    4* Vulture, 3* Dr. Strange, 2* Magneto:

    Use Vulture to fuel Strange blue (drains enemy AP), Mags red (collects friendly AP) and his own green (kills the enemy team).

    4* Domino, 3* Cyclops, 2* Hawkeye

    Domino passively fuels Cyclops’ black nuke. Cyclops actively fuels Domino’s red nuke, and both flood the board resulting in copious amount of arrows!

  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 173 Tile Toppler

    4* America Chavez, 3* The Hood, 2* Black Widow:

    I saw this team a lot. Man is it squishy as hell and easy to beat. The idea of course is Hood/OBW fuel AP for Chavez to do Chavez things and passive the enemy to death. Great on offense!

    You say it's easy to beat, but I have gotten about twice as many points from defensive wins than losses this event & the only times I lost were from my own carelessness!
  • SaltyK
    SaltyK Posts: 54 Match Maker
    edited March 2019
    Combined Arms:
    R4G, Gamora/Starlord, Black Widow,

    This Black Widow is MEAN!

    Also played the recommended C4rol/Loki/Daken but i like the earlier team better.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2019
    Posted this in the combined arms thread, but for anyone who doesn’t venture into that subforum and are looking for some fun teams to try, I’m cross-posting here:

    4* Peggy Carter, 3* Iron Man, 2* Magneto:

    Iron Man/Mags provide a red/blue battery for Peggy while she suppresses AP. Play Riri instead for an additional green outlet or Taskmaster for a black outlet.  Cyclops/Thor are also viable.

    4* Red Hulk, 3* Scarlet Witch, 2* Hawkeye:

    Switch creates purple bombs to fuel Red Hulk’s siphon and hopefully match 5s for speed shot.  Though I didn’t play him, Main Event Hulk would work in place of his Red counterpart as well.  Saw quite a few playing this combo.

    4* Captain Marvel, 3* Iron Fist, 2* Hawkeye:

    This one is pretty simple. Iron Fist fuels  Carol’s black with his purple. If he happens to cause a match 5, his attack tile gets out of hand thanks to speed shot plus Carol’s passive.

    4* Nico Minoru, 3* Daken, 2* Bullseye:

    This team was crazy good, very sustainable, and probably my favorite team I stumbled upon. It’s really simple.  Collect green/purple to spam protects and strikes that Nico buffs to high heavens. Two true healers stay topped off and the passive damage allows them to bypass AP to take out Peggy teams and destroy the squishy America/Hood/OBW quickly.

    4* Gamora, 3* Iron Fist, 2* Bullseye: 

    Probably my second favorite team I played. Bullseye collects purple (spamming the board with protects), Danny fires his purple to fuel black and Gamora covers whatever purple is left for deadliest strikes.

    4* Rocket & Groot, 3* Gamora, 2* Black Widow:

    This is just your straightforward random GOTG boosts Grocket’s strikes team. OBW allows for the occasional double dip. Could add 2* Torch instead for attack tiles or 3* Star-Lord as well.

    4* America Chavez, 3* The Hood, 2* Black Widow:

    I saw this team a lot. Man is it squishy as hell and easy to beat. The idea of course is Hood/OBW fuel AP for Chavez to do Chavez things and passive the enemy to death. Great on offense!

    4* Wasp, 3* Sam Wilson, 2* Bullseye:

    This is a classic team that I believe is in The Big Enchilada. Collect purple, passively spam protects, actively spam protects. Wasp flips to strikes. Win. 

    4* Vulture, 3* Dr. Strange, 2* Magneto:

    Use Vulture to fuel Strange blue (drains enemy AP), Mags red (collects friendly AP) and his own green (kills the enemy team).

    4* Domino, 3* Cyclops, 2* Hawkeye

    Domino passively fuels Cyclops’ black nuke. Cyclops actively fuels Domino’s red nuke, and both flood the board resulting in copious amount of arrows!

    Remix part 2....

    4* Star-Lord, 3* Scarlet Witch, 2* Hawkeye

    Chase red for Quill’s punch. Scarlet Witch’s bomb will spawn tons of countdowns from Hawkeye to fuel it, causing major damage. 

    4* Spider-Man, 3* Doctor Strange, 2* Magneto

    Spider-Man tanks everything, flooding the board with webs. The enemy attacks and does very little damage (thanks webs!) while Strange claps back. Magneto fuels Strange’s blue and Pete’s super punch. Pretty good defensive team!

    4* Professor X, 3* Magneto, 2* Captain Marvel

    New new favorite team right here. Captain Marvel’s yellow can create team-up match 5s to trigger Professor big head, which does big damage and fuels Magneto’s blue. Magneto’s red then wipes all the teamups doing massive board shake potentially resulting in more match 5 action!

    4* Medusa, 3* Wolverine, 3* Moonstone

    Chase green and purple for Wolverine strikes that you can hopefully steal with Medusa. If you chase black as a third color, Moonstone can pick up straggler tiles that Medusa fails to convert. It’s a health pack friendly team once it gets rolling thanks to Logan’s true heal and Medusa’s team burst heal. I tried Prowler in Medusa’s spot and went 0-3. Seems good on paper but I couldn’t get it to work. 

    4* Carnage, 3* Hawkeye, 2* Magneto

    Every time you match an enemy attack tile, Hawkguy gives 2 blue and 1 purple AP. Hawkeye uses the blue to fling arrows and Mags uses purple to create even more blue to go through your stash of arrows faster (while also flooding the board red for maximum carnage). I’ve yet to be out of arrows before winning. 

    4* Captain Marvel, 3* Scarlet Witch, 2* Daken

    Basically you use Carol’s yellow to pop Wanda’s purple bomb early, which results in the AOE/random stun. The constant purple explosions allow for you to beef up 2* Daken’s strikes  

    4* Captain Marvel, 3* Loki, 2* Daken

    You can also upgrade to 3* Daken and replace the 2* with Hawkeye.  In the former you let the enemy get match 4s, and the Loki countdowns buff the 2* strikes.  In the latter, you chase match 5s, which spawns arrow countdowns to buff the 3* strikes.

    4* Iron Fist, 3* Kamala Khan, 2* Daken

    Chase purple, which will allow Kamala to put a bunch of green on the board. The green matches will allow Daken to flood the board with strikes which will only provide more green when you fortify them with Danny’s blue. You will green punch your way through the enemy team, all while fueling black. And the beauty is, Iron Fist has so many fast powers, that Kamala will heal you the whole way!