Your latest fun team combination



  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2019
    qandols said:
    tiomono said:
    Not a new team but balance of power let's infinity war spidey tank pretty often when paired with miles and gwen.

    You get webs all over the board which burst heals like crazy while Peter dodges big hits, and oneshots with red,and miles gives ap and oneshots with purple. 
    I tried that and they did not last long. Not against Thorkoye/Chavez anyway, the only teams you see. LOL.
    Which slice? And did y'all have some kind of unspoken pact that no one would use Bishop? Because he was aaaaallllll over S1.
  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Here a Bishop, there a Bishop, everywhere a Bishop, Bishop.
    *sheepishly raises hand.
    Bishop, Peggy, and XPool or Thing.
    I've never gotten so many D-wins in an event until running this team in Balance of Power :blush:
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was definitely running Kitty/Rocket/Bishop and besides getting hit less than usual my defense was almost all wins. It’s a rock solid team in Simulator, in BoP it’s even better.

    I ran a couple times with Domino, 3 Storm, and Nico/Kitty for fun as well...but I never left them out on defense.
  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 635 Critical Contributor
    I'm having fun with spidergrwen, Carol danvers, and switch.

    It's not op, by any means, but it's a ton of fun to try get rolling against meta teams.

    The likely obvious tact: Carol puts down strike tiles with black, and ends switches countdown with yellow, which strengthens the strikes.  Switch green helps collect purple, red, black, or yellow as needed.  Gwen stuns with purple, hits with red, and provides a little healing.  End goal being to keep the enemy stunned while hitting harder every turn.

    Every match seems crucial to get right in the beginning and, when facing thorkoye/gritty/insert strong meta team, there is a constant feeling that if I mess up I could lose even after getting the stun going.

    It's not the best defensive team, though not completely ineffective, but I find I have even more fun with the revenge fight when it's against a team that is really strong.

    Anyway, that's what I'm having fun with right now, because I got tired of grinding with the same few characters.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm enjoying black suit spidey. 5* daredevil, 4* widow, in widow's pvp. 

    Lots of stun options. Blue, green, purple, and black. Widow yellow to top off low health and make everyone's powers cheaper. I use windows purple early to try and keep her invisible. Then with all the stuns spidey spends a lot of time invisible as well. Daredevil gets to tank alot which he loves.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,588 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2019
    As the boost list was all about green I have spent most of the time deciding which version of green I would like to kill the opposition with. Obviously Red Hulk does the green collection but then where to spend it? I have scythed people down with moonblades, run over them with my flaming bike, squashed them between giant hands and sniped at them. However my favourite method has been killing the frazzle out of them with machine guns, shotguns and knifes.

    So my favourite combo was Green with some Green and some extra Green (guest starring purple).
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Champed Quake today and discovered Spider-Woman likes her a lot. So I was hunting around in Sim for teams that do group damage to try Quake out, and running this team:
    Quake + Spider-Woman + Mockingbird
    Quake's AoE green is super gentle/helpful for Spider-Woman's trap tiles. It reshuffles the board without making matches, so it's good to get stuck trap tiles back into the game. And Mockingbird dishing out free powers helps a bit with speed, since Quake+Spider-Woman by themselves are a bit slow.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Running boosted 4Blade with Okoye in IM40's PvP. One Recharge and it's over.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okoye/4Pool/Required has been a whole lot of fun against the Sentries, especially the node where they're all the green ones with Swarm. When Deadpool is Required, I bring in Medusa as well for even more shenanigans.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    Th4nos, Carnage and Prowler are definitely a viable threat in PVP. I've also played some Medusa and Prowler with Th4nos against Gritty teams as well, and that works even better in revealing the new Th4nos strength and being a Rainbow team. Once he has more covers, his removing enemy special tiles gives you a real chance to turn that board into your favor.
  • afsplat
    afsplat Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    I could be late to the game here, but pairing 5* Spidey with Thor/Okoye is brutal. Fire Spidey blue then Spidey green with 10+ team up and it will wipe any team.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the current run of Carol’s PVE, a boosted (yet poorly-covered) God Emperor Doom, boosted X-23 and Vulture have just been annihilating SCL7 without needing health packs.  My GED only has yellow and blue covers, so that gives me two true healers tanking all colors, a battery, special tile control and pretty solid single-target damage.  They would probably be less effective against non-tile-movers, but for Carol’s event they are strong.
  • Gold_Dragon
    Gold_Dragon Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    God Emperor Doom 2/2/4 (w/Glorious support 3* lvl 150)
    Okoye champed 5/3/5 (w/Royal Talon Fighter support 1* lvl 30)
    4* Cyclops champed 3/5/5 (w/Blackbird support  3* lvl 81)

    was looking for a 3rd for Okoye+GED and I’ve settled on an unlikely 3rd with 4Cyclops but man this works and your characters ends the match with full life almost everytime no matter how much damage 

    This team is based around yellow and TUP matches. With GED’s Victorious, if Doom’s allies gets healed he does damage to the enemy team. He doesn’t have to do the healing. So everytime Okoye heals herself, you’re doing damage to the enemy team. Which is multiplied by how many TUPs you have because of Okoye’s passive. 

    Then you add Cyclops’ yellow CD to the mix. Everytime you make a TUP match, you gain 4 yellow AP. So you can tune up Okoye’s yellow again and put more TUPs on the field to match. 

    Oh yeah, and everytime the opponent makes a yellow match, you steal one of those too. 

    And with Okoye’s Royal Talon support, her powers cost less depending on how many TUPs you have. 

    Oh yeah. I’m feeling this team.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's probably old news but when I'm tired of Grokitty I use Drax, St4rlord and boosted R&G in goon nodes. Even on slow boards the goons kill themselves pretty fast. And using  Element guns on St4rlord can give you 9 free AP at the start. R&G of course uses The Milano which gives a free CD with damage. The thing here is CD:s and lots of them. Drax will serve out strike boosted damage for every CD going off.
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    God Emperor Doom 2/2/4 (w/Glorious support 3* lvl 150)
    Okoye champed 5/3/5 (w/Royal Talon Fighter support 1* lvl 30)
    4* Cyclops champed 3/5/5 (w/Blackbird support  3* lvl 81)

    was looking for a 3rd for Okoye+GED and I’ve settled on an unlikely 3rd with 4Cyclops but man this works and your characters ends the match with full life almost everytime no matter how much damage 

    This team is based around yellow and TUP matches. With GED’s Victorious, if Doom’s allies gets healed he does damage to the enemy team. He doesn’t have to do the healing. So everytime Okoye heals herself, you’re doing damage to the enemy team. Which is multiplied by how many TUPs you have because of Okoye’s passive. 

    Then you add Cyclops’ yellow CD to the mix. Everytime you make a TUP match, you gain 4 yellow AP. So you can tune up Okoye’s yellow again and put more TUPs on the field to match. 

    Oh yeah, and everytime the opponent makes a yellow match, you steal one of those too. 

    And with Okoye’s Royal Talon support, her powers cost less depending on how many TUPs you have. 

    Oh yeah. I’m feeling this team.
    Excited to give this a try. I have them all champed and enjoy taking my GE Doom off the bench. Thanks for the tip!
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    True heal is still my favorite mechanic, and it just so happens that my favorite Marvel hero and villain both have it in 5* land. I’ve really dug “DoomDevil” in both Gamora and Cap’s PVPs. Both featured characters gave a nice stun outlet for Doom’s blue tanking. And of course Daredevil feasts off of said stun. Doom’s board shuffle usually does some nice extra damage to a stunned opponent, and he supplies the nuke (Black) while DD supplies the chip damage (Green and strikes). Very fun, health pack friendly climbing team. 
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tried the above mentioned GEDoom, Okoye, and Cyclops team. It was quite effective...only the levels on mine meant no blue AP from TU matches. I got black instead, which was great for nukes.

    I didn’t leave them out on defense though.

    Great team.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    Tagging off of JSP869's suggestion further upthread, I climbed Simulator from 1300 points to 1950 before meeting the Grocket, Kitty Bishop trifecta and running out of health packs with a team composed of X-Force Deadpool, Bishop and IceMan. Bishop generates the Blue for Iceman to stun and punch people, XForce and Bishop both react whenever you're attacked and generate AP and damage inducing tiles, Iceman tanks on Green and XForce uses Purple to generate Countdown for What tiles you can have fun matching to attack the enemy team. If the other team has a Bishop, you stun him first and it's 4-turns of knocking him down to as low hit points as you can. I'll abuse any team with Bishop until his inevitable nerf. 
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fun team. Bishop is however nearly dead after a couple of hits on a bad board.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2019
    Been having fun with this team in Thick As Thieves for Panther's essential: 

    IM46 - 5/5/3
    Domino - 5/3/5
    Panther 5/3/5

    Very fun team, with the object of supercharging Panther's AOE. Ideally you'd want to save up the AP to fire Girl Friday and Enter The Fray in tandem, which due to Domino's passive.....HOLY CASCADES. With Domino's Green costing 7 AP (Ares gives some out for free today), and Tony's Blue costing 10 AP, it's been feasible to save up for them both - though you should get similar results if you can only fire one. 4 out of 4 clears I ended up with Panther having 25+ black AP, and no team on a 3-star node is going to survive 16K aoe. 

    For those of you who enjoyed trying to set up cascades with 2-Marvel's yellow -> Magneto's red -> XFW's black, this one is a lot less frustrating to set up, and less enemies should be alive when you're done lol. As you can see the real stars of the show are Tony's blue + Domino's green/black passive, you could honestly insert anyone in that third slot with a black nuke or aoe and things will get ugly for the other team. 

    EDIT: You can also of course use Panther's yellow for some extra strike damage, and T'Challa counts as Team Iron Man for Tony's red. My Tony is champed, but having his blue at 5 covers is much more important for the sake of generating black AP with Domino's passive.