Your latest fun team combination



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    Another interesting interaction I’ve noticed is that 5* Iceman + 5* Kang allows you to generate the blue CD tiles passively without actually draining the blue. Haven’t found the ideal 3rd for that yet either, but it seems notable.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,428 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Another interesting interaction I’ve noticed is that 5* Iceman + 5* Kang allows you to generate the blue CD tiles passively without actually draining the blue. Haven’t found the ideal 3rd for that yet either, but it seems notable.

    5 star Jane thor. Her charge tile destruction will keep blowing up ice man blue tiles.

  • Sp1d3r
    Sp1d3r Posts: 187 Tile Toppler

    @Gymp28 said:

    @Gymp28 said:
    A pick 3 team I’ve found to be very effective is Ic5man, Kang and Dr. Thor. Once you get a small amount of blue iceman lays out lots of blue countdown tiles. Kang prevents the blue drain and Dr. Thor then blows up with her passive. Each tile destroyed this way means Kang gives you two more blue AP, meaning you can then spam Jane’s blue repeatedly for lots of board shake and stacks of stun.
    Once you’ve generated some purple ap from random cascades and you’re done with the stacks of stun fun, fire off Kangs purple power as many times as needed for MASSIVE nuke damage. (~43K if only 4 5 turn countdowns exist on the board, which is quite common)

    Pretty sure this has now been fixed/nerfed. Can anyone else confirm if Kang is no longer refunding his ally drained AP?

    It's not working for me

  • Gymp28
    Gymp28 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler

    Yeah, K5ng/Ic5man/MThor seems intermittently buggy. Mine is definitely working most of the time. I couldn’t tell you what changed on the occasions that it doesn’t. Certainly nothing to do with my own team composition or positioning, so perhaps the bug is related to something going on under the hood with an opponents team comp?

  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards

    This is in no way anything new, but crazy fun. Boosted Hawkeye, Capten Marvel and Agent Coulson makes for a looot of cd:s. You'll soon be swimming in blue and red. When Hawkeye has his Out of Arrows active and some bumped strike tiles out he hits like a truck and can easily finish a wave node. Only drawback is it takes forever to resolve all effects taking place.

  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    I truly love this thread. Any time I'm having a hard time combining a team for a character, I come here and search for them, and 7/10 times, somebody has a team to suggest.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    If you really want to have fun, go back to the first few pages and read about the fun teams from 2016 -- before 5*, and, really before 4* were particularly widespread.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    I wonder if we’ll see any of the novelty off season PVPs get run again so some of those non-5* teams will get interesting again?

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 626 Critical Contributor

    This is honestly the best thread on the entire forum.

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 626 Critical Contributor

    Not meta but:
    5* FosThor, 5* Mags, Big Wheel.

    Use Thor red and yellow, Mags blue (destroying black/yellow or purple/green) and Big wheel green if it suits you but really don't need it.

    Haven't tried it on PVP, but it's fun to use those cascades to build up counters for Big Wheel.

    Thor and Mags feed each other so it's possible to have a winfinite going but...

    Big Wheels counter stops counting at 20. This is something I didn't know prior to doing this. So I build to 20, make a match to let the other team go, watch the board flip then start over.

    As a PVE mini game, especially on wave nodes if you're not in a hurry, it's fun to mess around with.

  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 192 Tile Toppler

    5 * Kang/Deathlok has been my favorite new duo combo for a while now - turns out it finally gives me a good use for 4 * Doc Ock - works great against special tile teams. My Kang is 5/5/3, I'm not champing 5 *s yet, I run Deathlok at 5/3/5 since I never use the blue's active, and Doc I do 4/4/5, I won't be casting his blue or black either. The Deathlok gen gives 3 blue and black a turn, Doc can add more gen and some healing with his yellow, and a bit of extra damage from his tentacle move passive, abd most importantly, you keep special tiles off the board well at no cost. Very easy to focus down a squishy with focus and whatnot, and just send the others away and/or blast one down with Kang's balck and purple.

    I also found Quake makes a decent third to Kanglok if you wanna fight a Juggs team without taking much damage. She goes well with Shang-Chi with all the board shake too.

    And last fun duo I've been trying out is Shang and 5 * Pool - with Chavez or Professor X. Pool's black can get really strong from Shang's true heal letting him tank and the green extra expense can add a nice bit of board shake. Professor X is self explanatory - he loves Shang's abilities making matches big enough to trigger his passive in 4 or 5 * form. Shang/Chavez and Karnak or Prof has been a favorite for a while, but I was pleasantly surprised to find how good Pool works in the same teams.

  • Sp1d3r
    Sp1d3r Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2023

    @NemoAbernnigan said:
    5 * Kang/Deathlok has been my favorite new duo combo for a while now - turns out it finally gives me a good use for 4 * Doc Ock - works great against special tile teams. My Kang is 5/5/3, I'm not champing 5 *s yet, I run Deathlok at 5/3/5 since I never use the blue's active, and Doc I do 4/4/5, I won't be casting his blue or black either. The Deathlok gen gives 3 blue and black a turn, Doc can add more gen and some healing with his yellow, and a bit of extra damage from his tentacle move passive, abd most importantly, you keep special tiles off the board well at no cost. Very easy to focus down a squishy with focus and whatnot, and just send the others away and/or blast one down with Kang's balck and purple.

    I also found Quake makes a decent third to Kanglok if you wanna fight a Juggs team without taking much damage. She goes well with Shang-Chi with all the board shake too.

    And last fun duo I've been trying out is Shang and 5 * Pool - with Chavez or Professor X. Pool's black can get really strong from Shang's true heal letting him tank and the green extra expense can add a nice bit of board shake. Professor X is self explanatory - he loves Shang's abilities making matches big enough to trigger his passive in 4 or 5 * form. Shang/Chavez and Karnak or Prof has been a favorite for a while, but I was pleasantly surprised to find how good Pool works in the same teams.

    I run shuri with kang and desthlok.. u still gain 3 blue/black ap each turn.. I also stockpile 2 red ap at the start then I only need 2 red matches to fire shuris red (8ap) this reduced all friendly powers by 3 ap so kangs blue only costs 6ap and his black 3ap

  • Gymp28
    Gymp28 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler

    Wow, no new fun team combinations for nearly 2 months? Had to go hunting for this thread!
    I wonder if this speaks to how exciting the recent 5 stars have been to tinker around with…
    Has anyone found a good team for Gwenom to get her big hits off reliably?

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    Gwenom/Parker/chasm works pretty well, gwenom’s red hits ultra hard if you can get the webs you need out. Of course it would work much better if chasm wasn’t always flushing your AP down the toilet for you.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    I tried messing around with Okoye teams with Gwenom, and I don’t think her red takes advantage of Wakanda forever cleanly. I believe it’s because her own black power boost must be doing it’s “100% power boost” in the same equation slot that Okoye and Apocalypse do it. I’ll have to try using Emma to see if she boosts it because hers stacks when theirs doesn’t it seems. Miles is a great partner for Gwenom though, I like her at 3/5/5.

    *edit - Upon closer inspection, Okoye does boost it, it must have been a weird number of webs in play or something. Testing with Emma it also felt weird though.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2023

    I don’t know if it’s been posted before, but 5* Emma/Sersi/Prof. X can go winfinite pretty quickly with a few boosts and supports. Sersi is the MVP in this one. I like to have her limit the number of black tiles at the start of the match, since Professor X is flimsy and I don’t ever want him tanking. From there I chase Red, Green or Purple.

    Casting any one of their board manipulation abilities should be enough to get the winfinite going. Plus they all possess team damage abilities with Sersi’s Eternal Life countdown tiles being particularly effective when boosted by Emm5. I like to drop the winfinite once I’ve got multiple of Sersi’s countdowns out. Then I switch Emm5 to diamond form and once that wears off, Sersi’s countdown tiles expire and it’s match over.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    Gambit Trivia: if you can put him to sleep or toss him airborne it lifts the Stacked Deck power block. Not sure anyone in this batch can do it, but it’s an edge case you may want to squirrel away for the future.

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    Gwenpool sends team mates airborne and has a useful purple power.