Your latest fun team combination



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is your Heimdall not fully built? I would expect valk and carol to be generating blue unless Heimdall wasn't the highest character on the team.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    Is your Heimdall not fully built? I would expect valk and carol to be generating blue unless Heimdall wasn't the highest character on the team.
    It does , so Heimdall/ Val/ Polaris is a quick stun lock . Faster in PvE with Wasp Gauntlets on Heimdall.
  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    I tried Kamala with BRolaris and while it does work it might be slower . One advantage is the massive health compared to Jugg1. I also tried Kamala with Polaris and Rockjaw with moderate success depending how fast you can flood the board with specials .

    It's a solid, safe team, just slow because of the millions of banners that have to process any time you do anything. Still better treated as a stunlock for speed purposes, you do a lot more damage per turn w/ Polaris' auto than firing off KK's board destruction over and over and over.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gorr 2/4/2
    Okoye 5/5/3 (Royal talon fighter lvl 2 for pve)
    Hulkling 3/5/5

    Rumors that Gorr is Puck-tier have been GREATLY exaggerated. Just make sure his yellow is at 4 or 5, team him with a damage booster and watch how the life bars melt and melt FAST. You wanna punch above your weight? You wanna crush SS teams with the swiftness? You wanna run through PVE like nobody’s business but dont want hulk or Thanos or Adam warlock running through your health packs because of self damage? Well this is the team for you. 

    Gorr’s yellow repeater’s do damage to a random charafter every turn after your opponents first turn for each Gorr repeater. The damage is paltry without a booster. That’s where Okoye comes in. But if Gorr’s repeater is destroyed or matched without a fortification, you get 2 yellow. So why not use Apoc? 

    That’s what Hulkling is for. His yellow passive add +2 to every tup match. So a match 3 = 5 tup. A match 4 = 6 and so on.  So 2 match 3 TUPs = 10 TUP. That’s a very significant boost for Okoye’s black in comparison to Apoc’s yellow. 

    Now if you match/destroy the unfortified repeater’s, that yellow can be used to heal Okoye and put more TUP tiles on the field or make more repeaters if need be. And if you get 9 black (not hard to do cuz matching your repeaters is kinda encouraged) Gorr’s black does damage times the number of his repeaters. So that’s  potentially 2-5 more Okoye buffed hits. And did mention that the damage is random? So no invisible character can hide either. 

    Also, hulkling’s purple is cheap and steals from the top 2 damage APs of the enemy while his green is even cheaper for a quick hitter that becomes a nuke after two TUP matches. And simply firing one of his powers converts 3 TUP AP to his allies colors and in this case, they’re either black or yellow for both gorr and Okoye. 

    This team is here to match TUPs and nuke teams that don’t have Wanda. Wanda is this teams kryptonite. Every other team is getting nuked after 2 TUP matches. And unlike Hulkoye or hulkpocalypse, you don’t have to fear carnage putting stuff on your basic green tiles that you need to get the AOE going. 

  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Been loving rolling through the Heimdall pvp with Odin and Shuri. Fortified tiles everywhere, combined with the natural healing abilities makes for very little health pack usage. It's not a "fast" team, but it has longevity and can win versus a variety of opponents.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    hothie said:
    Been loving rolling through the Heimdall pvp with Odin and Shuri. Fortified tiles everywhere, combined with the natural healing abilities makes for very little health pack usage. It's not a "fast" team, but it has longevity and can win versus a variety of opponents.
    Hope you are shielding, though, after you are done.  That's not a great defensive team (depending on your MMR and whom else you might see).
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    hothie said:
    Been loving rolling through the Heimdall pvp with Odin and Shuri. Fortified tiles everywhere, combined with the natural healing abilities makes for very little health pack usage. It's not a "fast" team, but it has longevity and can win versus a variety of opponents.
    Tried it, easy but slow waiting for Heimdall’s cleave .  Much easier with a 3-4 turn stun lock with Heimdall/Val / Polaris ( Any blue or red match activates Val , plus Polaris can stun at 4 AP)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Heimdall/Shuri/Magik is a good team if you’re looking for additional Heimdall options
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Using boosted Nightcrawler/Sersi/4* X on the Nightcrawler PVE nodes. Use Sersi to lock out any color but purple and green, red will give you strikes but it truly doesn’t matter what you pick. After that, chase green and purple. Use Sersi’s green on purple, ideally then use Nightcrawler’s purple forever on spam after that and let PX brain blast them on cascades while creating your strongest color purple every match-5. If the combo ever drops, you should have a ton of Sersi’s countdowns ready to bat cleanup.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    Boosted Knull/boosted Gargantos (Unleveled and 12 covers for me)/4* Carol is a pretty effective PVE team. Protect your strikes and CDs, use Carol’s black to add strikes, use command decision on Knull’s CD. The strikes pump up very fast and you get Knull’s AOE that way.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    HawkEyeball is a meta pick 2 , whose the best third, Apoc?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2022
    HawkEyeball is a meta pick 2 , whose the best third, Apoc?
    If I want to use the team for a long time keeping hawkeye alive becomes priority 1, so colossus, switch, crystal, BRB, Kitty, or even someone like Heimdall to tank blue and red for hawkeye is helpful (also fun when HE's free fortification start's kicking in (though sadly making garg's blue cheaper doesn't actually help that much since casting with less ap means less damage too). Iceman would also tank blue, provide some stuns and a greeen outlet, and even some damage mitigation, but he soaks up blue that otherwise goes to garg.
    If you just want to play a few matches with HEyeball then I think it makes sense to go with another blue battery.  someone like vulture works pretty well for this.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anyone who can utilise red better than Hawkeye does. Filter power by red and look for those characters that fit your playstyle.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2022
    Anyone who can utilise red better than Hawkeye does. Filter power by red and look for those characters that fit your playstyle.
    Thank you . Tough choice . My roster has Shang ( which seems scary ), Crystal, Samurine, Gamora , Heimdall , Ghostpool,or Ultron. 
    I’ll spend my final 3 weeks experimenting on this . Vulture and Valkyrie have possibilities. Sadly my ThorF only got to 332 because she looks like the winner when champed.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can actually have both a better red outlet and a defensive presence in 5* Elektra. Her yellow is great defensively and offensively and her red stuns. 

    One of the sneakier characters I’ve used with HawkEyeball is Dr Strange. His blue chops down opponent AP, does good damage, and stuns for 3, neutering big offensive and defensive threats. It also frees up GG’s Tentacle Trash to tick more empty AP colors. 
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    I don’t have a decent Elektra but I’ll take counsel on Strange . Thanks 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wa5p, Invisible Woman, and Agent Venom can send Shuma Gorath invisible without spending blue, whatever that is worth to you. 

    Sighclops can pump that match damage, so if you’re leaning on the permanent match damage you can pump it up on yellow to a more significant amount. 

    Coulson is always delightful with Hawkeye for additional CDs and acceleration. 

    BRB is arguably his own best blue outlet, but he is probably the second best blue generator after Hawkeye.
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    HawkEyeball is a meta pick 2 , whose the best third, Apoc?
    Try Blob. Enjoy!!
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2022
    Ghostpool is good. He can use his black to finish off Colossus. On top of that, he can stun Wanda with his red.

    I actually saw someone use Elektra/Hawkeye/Gargantos.  :D

    If you are looking to finish matches quickly in shield sim to clock 50 wins but not healthpack conscious, 4* Deadpool should be a nice addition. It will take you 1min 30 seconds to 1min 45 seconds against meta team of Colossus/Wanda.

    @Glockoma I think Blob would probably be nice against Polaris/BRB, or are you using him as shield against cascade matches? Rogue could work as well because she jumps in front of red/green/yellow matches and her red gains 9 aps for you.