Your latest fun team combination



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    I champed Archangel today so I’ve been looking for an interesting team that can exploit his passive. I don’t yet have She-Hulk on roster, who is the only 5* I could think of that can toss an enemy airborne. There are a few 4*s who can do it, so I messed around with some. 

    I tried Okoye with Nothstar first - Northstar had the second best team up production after 2* captain marvel and he throws enemies airborne on black, so this seemed perfect initially. Unfortunately he only does it for 1 turn, so The enemy is back in the ground before Archangel stuns them at the start of the turn. Same with Riri. But Nova can send enemies airborne for 2-turns if there is a black strike in play, so Archangel/Nova will do the thing. I’m now looking for a better 3rd than Okoye, who is fine as a damage accelerant but not a combo accelerant. Suggestions welcome. Gladiator Thor seems obvious but fragile.

    for what it’s worth, She-Hulk only does it for one turn also, it won’t work either. I’ve never understood why the “1-turn” effects only persist through the player turn like that. Like I kick you airborne on my turn, and you land right away on opponent start rather than actually being airborne for one of your turns.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of note: Nova does his damage tic after the stun resolves. Not sure if that’s a bug or not.
  • Notepaddy
    Notepaddy Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Jane and Big Wheel are a match made in heaven for wheel spins. Possibly Banner for a third, though she might eat his transform tile too often.
  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
    Quite enjoying the boosted strength Riri in the current event. Pairing her with BRB and Polaris ensures plenty of green and blue so you can toss enemies off the board and repeatedly cast the board shuffle red charge tile dropping blue. Keeps you in full ap for all abilities very nicely, and blasting teams down with repeated uses of her red is super fun.
  • McRich
    McRich Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Probably mentioned or noted before , but Lady Thor5, KK5 and Polaris have made PvE so easy it’s actually disappointing to play with them . Now I know 90% of the players would love a team you play mindlessly that goes winfinite in 4-5 turns because it relies on passives and special tiles , but characters that require thought and planning like Shang are what makes a game fun and challenging with a better feeling of accomplishment. (my Thor was only 11/13 , KK 453 and it already was my fastest clear )
    Is your KK at lvl 453?  what is her setting?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    McRich said:
    Probably mentioned or noted before , but Lady Thor5, KK5 and Polaris have made PvE so easy it’s actually disappointing to play with them . Now I know 90% of the players would love a team you play mindlessly that goes winfinite in 4-5 turns because it relies on passives and special tiles , but characters that require thought and planning like Shang are what makes a game fun and challenging with a better feeling of accomplishment. (my Thor was only 11/13 , KK 453 and it already was my fastest clear )
    Is your KK at lvl 453?  what is her setting?
    That was boosted KK.
    That guy always discovered that the pve boosts made characters really good, which is shocking, I know.
    Such a novel idea to run the boosted characters.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’ve been seeing a proliferation of Chasm/iHulk teams in Simultor, usually with various common third wheels like Kamala, Okoye, and Crystal, so rather than skip I figured it was worth trying to find a counter. It turns out you can walk all over this team with Wanda/Elektra/Elektro as long as they are using iHulk. The strategy is to kill the non reviver first, then just focus on hulk for a few revive cycles so he tanks everything, then kill Chasm and he will stay dead after clearing the character tiles off. You want to be constantly firing Elektra’s yellow. I was just hunting those teams to get to 50 wins, it was very easy. Not hyper fast, but it was much more reliable on health than I was worried it might be. One of the better iterations turned out to be using 5* Jean as third now that she isn’t limited to a single revive. I’m sure once she-Hulk gets common it’ll be different too.
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    One of the better iterations turned out to be using 5* Jean as third now that she isn’t limited to a single revive. I’m sure once she-Hulk gets common it’ll be different too.
    I might be misunderstanding something here, But I believe 5* Jean Grey only has a single revive.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was pretty sure I saw the Jean come back more than once, but that could have been a mis-remember. i'll test it and see.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    I know I’m 2 months late to the party, but Dr.Thor (currently 3/5/3 thanks to rngesus, praise be) Shang-Chi (3/5/5), and Chavez (who knows anymore, drop your crit tiles young avenger) are so much fun. Especially if you like flashing lights, not knowing where your next match is coming from, and unexpected random kills from out of nowhere). I kinda wish my 1/2 Thor had 5 green to see what kind of cascades I could get. I’m not entirely sure it is a good team. But the Juggernaut and Muscle goons with the 18 billion combined health are still wondering how exactly they were killed so easily.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was pretty sure I saw the Jean come back more than once, but that could have been a mis-remember. i'll test it and see.
    She does not. 1 revive per match for her. 
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    I’ve been seeing a proliferation of Chasm/iHulk teams in Simultor, [...] It turns out you can walk all over this team with Wanda/Elektra/Elektro as long as they are using iHulk.
    I just tried this team, it was very effective.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Northstar has the second best team up add to the board after 2* Captain Marvel. He does seem uniquely useful at working with Panther. 
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    5* Black Panther 4/4/5
    Hulkling 3/5/5
    Northstar 5/5/3

    this is basically a team built only to get the best out of 5* Black Panther and his convoluted powers. 

    PANTHER’S PREY - 5 turn CD. any damage done to a character gets some damage tacked on. It costs 9 AP (not ideal). Here’s how Northstar and Hulkling help: 

    - northstar’s blue destroys a row and gains black/blue/yellow for each color destroyed in that row, this speeding it up
    - Hulkling’s green only costs 4 AP so you can fire a few of those off during the time the CD is on the field. You have to keep an eye out for your TUPs though because Hulkling drains 3 of them and puts it into another AP pool. And you’ll need at least 11 TUP for…….

    SPIRIT OF WAKANDA - a very convoluted passive (that probably should be scrapped/reworked). If you have 11 or more TUP and make a yellow match, drain 7 of them and deal a big CHUNK of damage. This isn’t easy to accomplish more than once in a match. But Northstar and Hulkling help here very well. 

    - northstar’s yellow turns 5 tiles of the enemy’s strongest color into TUP tiles. 
    - Hulkling’s yellow passive helps greatly as after every TUP match, he adds 2 more to it. So a match 3 becomes 5 TUP, a match 4 becomes 6 and 5 becomes 7. This helps a lot for getting to 11 TUP multiple times in a match. 

    MOVE….. OR BE MOVED - if BP would take 6800 or more damage, negate 60% and then stun yourself for 2 turns. Whenever BP returns from being stunned or invisible, deal 13368 damage (about double the threshold). Basically you want BP to be stunned or invisible, then return in the next turn and do damage. 

    - Northstar’s yellow cones up big here because after he drops 5 TUP on the field, he places a 3-turn CD on the field that chooses a random ally and turns them invisible each turn. Note, he doesn’t turn your ally invisible for 3 turns. He turns them invisible, once each turn of the CD. So what happens is if BP is chosen, he turns invisible for 1 turn, becomes visible, does the damage, and then immediately goes back to being invisible. This happens for 3 straight turns. The only problem is the CD randomly picks who to turn invisible. This can be mitigated however by……
    - Hulkling’s purple, which takes him into the air when he chooses purple for 2 turns and steals into AP in the opponents 2 strongest AP pools. 
    This is the coolest team compilation recommended in a while. Really nice find
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    Maybe Shang-Chi, 3*Emma Frost (mine currently 4/1/0 lvl40), and Melinda May is faster for most nodes but switching Valkyrie in for May is insanely great for the challenge node. (It didn’t help that May is only 3/3/4).  Poor Carbage, Venom and the Mutated Puppers died so quickly and horrifically.
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    5* Black Panther 4/4/5
    Hulkling 3/5/5
    Northstar 5/5/3

    this is basically a team built only to get the best out of 5* Black Panther and his convoluted powers. 

    PANTHER’S PREY - 5 turn CD. any damage done to a character gets some damage tacked on. It costs 9 AP (not ideal). Here’s how Northstar and Hulkling help: 

    - northstar’s blue destroys a row and gains black/blue/yellow for each color destroyed in that row, this speeding it up
    - Hulkling’s green only costs 4 AP so you can fire a few of those off during the time the CD is on the field. You have to keep an eye out for your TUPs though because Hulkling drains 3 of them and puts it into another AP pool. And you’ll need at least 11 TUP for…….

    SPIRIT OF WAKANDA - a very convoluted passive (that probably should be scrapped/reworked). If you have 11 or more TUP and make a yellow match, drain 7 of them and deal a big CHUNK of damage. This isn’t easy to accomplish more than once in a match. But Northstar and Hulkling help here very well. 

    - northstar’s yellow turns 5 tiles of the enemy’s strongest color into TUP tiles. 
    - Hulkling’s yellow passive helps greatly as after every TUP match, he adds 2 more to it. So a match 3 becomes 5 TUP, a match 4 becomes 6 and 5 becomes 7. This helps a lot for getting to 11 TUP multiple times in a match. 

    MOVE….. OR BE MOVED - if BP would take 6800 or more damage, negate 60% and then stun yourself for 2 turns. Whenever BP returns from being stunned or invisible, deal 13368 damage (about double the threshold). Basically you want BP to be stunned or invisible, then return in the next turn and do damage. 

    - Northstar’s yellow cones up big here because after he drops 5 TUP on the field, he places a 3-turn CD on the field that chooses a random ally and turns them invisible each turn. Note, he doesn’t turn your ally invisible for 3 turns. He turns them invisible, once each turn of the CD. So what happens is if BP is chosen, he turns invisible for 1 turn, becomes visible, does the damage, and then immediately goes back to being invisible. This happens for 3 straight turns. The only problem is the CD randomly picks who to turn invisible. This can be mitigated however by……
    - Hulkling’s purple, which takes him into the air when he chooses purple for 2 turns and steals into AP in the opponents 2 strongest AP pools. 
    Interesting team combination! Before there are Northstar and Hulkling, I have tried using Cloak & Dagger and 3*Storm with 5*Black Panther.
    Cloak & Dagger is to use to generate black for 5*Black Panther and yellow for both 3*Storm with 5*Black Panther. Yellow can be used by Storm to generate TU AP for 5*BP while C&D put yellow tile on the board to increase chances of matching yellow for 5*BP yellow passive damage.
    The attach tiles and cheap purple ability of C&D can be increase by 5*BP black ability.
    The only ability left is 5*BP's red, which this team cannot combo with.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man, I may not remember the comic or show that Apocalypse and Kamala Khan became best friends but am I ever happy they did.