Your latest fun team combination



  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2022
    New season!! Last season I was too busy being excited that I found a way to use Kingpin effectively to play more with Cyclops. But with his cool new Gala outfit, now it's Cyclops time!
    5/3/5 4* Cyclops + 5* Loki + 5/3/5 C4rol
    I used to run this with Domino instead of Cyclops, but I like this with Cyke even better. With blue, Cyke feeds his own red nuke. With yellow, he feeds Loki's purple (just as C4rol does passively with green). Meaning, Loki gets a steady supply of purple from both his partners. Meanwhile, Loki/C4rol's synergy is still intact: Matching black to spread illusions around leads to C4rol's great black and if illusions end up going to waste, they might still buff C4rol's strike tiles. And every single one of them has a way to do good damage.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's another fun variation of BRB team that makes bottom tier character looks great. In this case, they allow 4* Sam Wilson to one-shot a champed 5* Colossus. I think to one-shot a 100k full health opponent is possible. The turnoff is probably the 14 red ap cost. If you can get past this high ap cost psychological barrier, Sam Wilson can be great.
    With a boosted, champed Colossus in PvP, criticals can do 100K damage all on their own.  I say that because I got whacked with one.

    But yes, anything that's 14AP to cast is going to be very, very hard to get before you actually take the other team out.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m having fun with Boosted Ronan as always. Ronan/Gargantos/Hawkeye is a great team. Prioritize Clint’s red and Ronan’s blue, and just start making basic matches that scale out to wild numbers as Uncompromising Power proliferates all over the board. My Shuma Gorath is still low covered, so maybe his blue is better when champed. But for now he is a great 1-turn CD factory.

    similarly Ronan/Sersi/Flaptain is also fun, if a tad squishier. Have Sersi remove purple so you start getting strikes, and it’s a dead color anyway, then as you chase blue for Uncompromising Power Flaptain will be shortening the Judgement Call tile while buffing whatever strikes are around. If you stumble into Match-5s or enough green for Sersi to do something, you can use her green to create more blue or to strengthen all the red strikes.
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,473 Chairperson of the Boards
    For Trials of Divinity, I've been running 5* Storm & Negasonic with DocThor.  

    It's slow, particularly with a loaner Jane, but the charge tile shenanigans get ridiculous.  So much board shake, and once you fire Storm's black, it's hilarious to watch Negasonic's passive just slowly proc and proc and proc. 

    With a champed Jane, it's going to be ridiculous how much her Red charges up with so many charged tiles destroyed.  
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    I’ve been trying Danver5/Polaris in Trials of Divinity, and this is probably as close as we’ve come to a meaningful use for that yellow strike destruction engine. I wish there was a 5* striker who was as prolific as Polaris. OML isn’t as reliable as the 4*s because he requires you to fire off active powers, and his only land on red if you don’t want to end a turn.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’ve been trying Danver5/Polaris in Trials of Divinity, and this is probably as close as we’ve come to a meaningful use for that yellow strike destruction engine. I wish there was a 5* striker who was as prolific as Polaris. OML isn’t as reliable as the 4*s because he requires you to fire off active powers, and his only land on red if you don’t want to end a turn.
    Have you tried Knull?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    No, he is one strike per turn based on his CD being in play, and CDs seem hard to keep alive with Thor. I’ve just saved out for this PVP so I won’t be able to test further till she hits tokens.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    For Trials of Divinity, I've been running 5* Storm & Negasonic with DocThor.  

    It's slow, particularly with a loaner Jane, but the charge tile shenanigans get ridiculous.  So much board shake, and once you fire Storm's black, it's hilarious to watch Negasonic's passive just slowly proc and proc and proc. 

    With a champed Jane, it's going to be ridiculous how much her Red charges up with so many charged tiles destroyed.  
    I used Black Bolt as the third on the team.  His yellow finally had a use, powering up a loaner character, and the charged tile shenanigans were ridiculously fun.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    I ran Okoye ( Talon support)/ KK5/ Valkyrie in PvE with yellow as prime color and firing KK’s yellow every 2-3 turns the board gets loaded quickly with Protects. 32 by turn 5. From there , KKs passive green with the Okoye damage boost is a bloodbath .
  • Davidk777
    Davidk777 Posts: 76 Match Maker
    I know there plenty of team to handle ihulk now, but a new 1 on the list is Electro KK and Carnage. Electro yellow feeds KK yellow, which cover the board in no time. Plus with every destroy special tile, Carnage makes a new 1. He's not as fast as Polaris, but he makes an more enjoyable team. Polaris can get boring at times.
  • djperry1973
    djperry1973 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    If you haven’t tried Sersi, Gargantos, and KK5 in the simulator yet, I strongly recommend it, especially if you use Sersi to remove blue; KK’s passive generates blue for Gargantos to nuke and green for Sersi to buff the yellow protects she will spawn, rendering you pretty much invulnerable to anyone except a rolling Shang Chi. It’s even better in the current PvE where both Sersi and KK5 are boosted and the computer goons fire 2-3 countdowns every turn, practically making it impossible to not have enough blue/green/yellow to do whatever you want.
  • AdeptusRevolt
    AdeptusRevolt Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
    If anyone's got 5 Moon Knight  champed, you can run Apoc, MK, and Spider-Man 2099 for a "Multiple Marvel Personalities of Oscar Isaac" team. 
  • Notepaddy
    Notepaddy Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    If anyone didn't know, your Thanos's team stun will trigger your MK's purple passive damage. Fun tactic while he's boosted.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    That looks more like a bug to me because his ability specifically mentioned enemy needs to try to stun him. Anyway, play this before they correct it.
  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    That looks more like a bug to me because his ability specifically mentioned enemy needs to try to stun him. Anyway, play this before they correct it.

    Does 5BP phrase the same way? That's always been the fruit of their partnership.
  • Notepaddy
    Notepaddy Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Is Thanos really an ally to anyone?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    5BP doesn't limit the agent/cause of him being stunned to only enemy.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Notepaddy said:
    If anyone didn't know, your Thanos's team stun will trigger your MK's purple passive damage. Fun tactic while he's boosted.
    It also seems to work with 4* Punisher’s green power. Nice if you have a green AP generator. 
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    I tried Kamala with BRolaris and while it does work it might be slower . One advantage is the massive health compared to Jugg1. I also tried Kamala with Polaris and Rockjaw with moderate success depending how fast you can flood the board with specials .
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    Heimdall/Valkerie/C4rol seem to be working well thus far. Start by matching as much red, then blue as possible. Valkerie and C4rol will net you extra Red. As soon as you have enough blue AP, fire Heimdall's blue targeting any remaining scattered red tiles to drop Valkerie's red power cost. Ideally, you want enough blue to fire Heimdall's blue twice. Fire Valkeries red multiple times. As it downs enemies, it will feed itself.

    At least 1 of those characters have been boosted since I started playing with this team so I don't know how well it does with normal stats.