MPQ Sneak Peek: March 2016 Edition*Updated (03/25/16)

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Marvel Puzzle Quest Sneak Peek: Upcoming In March, 2016
(*Important note: Anything listed below is subject to change before release. We will try to update any changes in a timely manner, but please keep in mind the info below is not guaranteed.)


Stats for our first new character arriving this month can be found here: **** Quake (Daisy Johnson) ****.
Stats for our second character this month, Punisher (MAX) can be found here: **** Punisher (Max) ****.

    Magneto - Magnetic Mayhem Sentry - Starfall Wolverine (Patch) - Sharp Dressed Deadpool - Weapon TeX-MeX Punisher (MAX) - ???

    Venom Bomb Dark Avengers: Heroic Unstable Iso-8

    (03/24/16) Daken Squirrel Girl Doctor Doom Mystique Hulk (Indestructible) Required: Cyclops (Classic)
    (03/29/16) Falcon Psylocke Beast Bullseye Captain America Required: Red Hulk

    03/24/16 – 03/30/16 4* - Hulk (Totally Awesome), Mr. Fantastic, Red Hulk, Spider-Gwen 3* - Black Panther, Falcon, Kamala Khan, Thor, Vision 2* - Ms. Marvel, Wolverine 1* - Hawkeye, Juggernaut
    03/31/16 – 04/06/16 4* - Ant-Man, Star-Lord, Thing, Venom 3* - Quicksilver, Ragnarok, Rocket and Groot, Storm, Wolverine 2* - Human Torch, Magneto 1* - Black Widow, Spider-Man

*(03/03/16) Hi-Fi - Updated Upcoming Weekly Buffs, Deadpool's Daily, PVE & Versus events and linked to new character precis.
*(03/09/16) Hi-Fi - Updated Deadpool's Daily (beginning 3/9/16), PVE & Versus events and linked to Quake stats.
*(03/11/16) Hi-Fi - Updated Deadpool's Daily (beginning 3/14/16) and Weekly Buffs.
*(03/14/16) Hi-Fi - Updated Versus events.
*(03/14/16) Hi-Fi - Added link to new character sneak peek precis: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=41336
*(03/18/16) Hi-Fi - Updated Upcoming Weekly Buffs, Deadpool's Daily, PVE & Versus events.
*(03/22/16) Hi-Fi - Updated Deadpool's Daily.
*(03/25/16) Hi-Fi - Updated Upcoming Weekly Buffs, Deadpool's Daily, PVE & Versus events.


  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Please note that this is all of the info that I currently have confirmed/nearly confirmed. I'll add additional when it becomes available. Thank you!
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh good. A week-long PvE for a new 4*. Huzzah. Such fun.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh good. A week-long PvE for a new 4*. Huzzah. Such fun.

    I highly doubt it most if not all 4 stars were 4 day events.. More like first 4 star will not come till March 10th. hopefully

    Wolverine 4 star? We dont have a 4 star do we?

    5 star old man
    3 star patch
    2 star normal

    MAN maybe there is a new wolverine coming in the 7 freaking day
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    Oh good. A week-long PvE for a new 4*. Huzzah. Such fun.

    I highly doubt it most if not all 4 stars were 4 day events.. More like first 4 star will not come till March 10th. hopefully

    Wolverine 4 star? We dont have a 4 star do we?

    5 star old man
    3 star patch
    2 star normal

    MAN maybe there is a new wolverine coming in the 7 freaking day

    Are you serious?
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    Oh good. A week-long PvE for a new 4*. Huzzah. Such fun.

    I highly doubt it most if not all 4 stars were 4 day events.. More like first 4 star will not come till March 10th. hopefully

    Wolverine 4 star? We dont have a 4 star do we?

    5 star old man
    3 star patch
    2 star normal

    MAN maybe there is a new wolverine coming in the 7 freaking day

    Are you serious?

    who is the 4 star wolverine then.. cause i cant think of them
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    Take your pick between X-Force Wolverine and X23.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    Take your pick between X-Force Wolverine and X23.

    see there are too many of them..i forgot all about x force and x 23 icon_e_smile.gif

    thanks for that info

    that is why i would love a way to be able to see your roaster based on star level
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now I'm tempted to softcap my 11 cover Nova before my 11 cover Rulk. icon_e_smile.gif
    Boosted Iron Man 40 could be interesting too...
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    03/03/16 – 03/09/16
    4* - Nova, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Ghost Rider
    3* - Iron Man, Doctor Doom, The Hulk, Loki, Human Torch
    2* - Daken, Captain America
    1* - Spider-Man, Black Widow

    that sounds like a fun group for a heroic. this week's isn't bad, but this one sounds like a blast, even if its scaling based on a boosted maxed out character.
  • johnnyzero
    johnnyzero Posts: 97 Match Maker
    TxMoose wrote:

    that sounds like a fun group for a heroic. this week's isn't bad, but this one sounds like a blast, even if its scaling based on a boosted maxed out character.

    I don't disagree with you, but the preview has Iso-8 Brotherhood which is a seven day event. No heroic will run while this group is boosted.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    03/03/16 – 03/09/16
    4* - Nova, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Ghost Rider
    3* - Iron Man, Doctor Doom, The Hulk, Loki, Human Torch
    2* - Daken, Captain America
    1* - Spider-Man, Black Widow

    that sounds like a fun group for a heroic. this week's isn't bad, but this one sounds like a blast, even if its scaling based on a boosted maxed out character.
    Unfortunately this group will be boosted during ISO-8 Brotherhood only.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    yeah - just commenting on the strength of the group - especially that 3* list. plus add jean and xf. and nova and GR are fun together too - use those undercovered at level 70 for the 'harder' trivials.
  • super job with the timely info. keep it up!! icon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh good. A week-long PvE for a new 4*. Huzzah. Such fun.

    A small part of me is still hoping we won't have the 4* release until after ISO-8, so it can be a 4-day event, but I'm fearing the worst here. New character releases in a 7-day PvE are just awful.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    David, do you know whether that Iso-8 Brotherhood event will be rewarding a new character or not?

    Also, what are our chances of having a Q&A for March's dev Video?
  • Juggernut
    Juggernut Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Thanks David but can you also get an update from the developers as to what will eventually happen to the prologue tab? It's currently there with no other function once all completed. I'm hoping for the nodes to become unlocked or add some non-competitive content for people to do.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    I dont understand why they are so hush hush about people coming until a day or two before they come , is it they dont have the rights to put them into the game until the day or two before or do they expect we are going to rip the idea off and make our own game icon_e_smile.gif
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    They've said one before that certain things they aren't allowed to announce first, because another site purchased the rights to announce it, or something like that. I may be mis-remembering.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I wish we could get some input on boosted character weeks. Like don't boost Sam America during a week when Hulkbuster is boosted if you ever want us to use Sam. Maybe give us some CD tiles we WANT to reduce. He's super fun with R&G and OML, but you know if you aren't running HB you are going to attacked hard because he's no good when the AI uses Sam (whereas HB runs well on D, has like 10K more health, etc.).

    Sure, on O you can one-shot a boosted HB for 14 redtile.png AP with 11+ protect tiles in play (which is super fun) and he's boosting my strike output by 484 for every blue match I make (also super fun with OML and R&G because it fuels more R&G strike tiles), but on D he just eats his own tiles and uses his yellow when the board is almost empty of yellows (and then eats his own protect tiles, R&G CD tiles, R&G strike tiles, OML red strike tiles, OML black strike tiles, etc.) and uses his red without protect tiles and without considering which target needs the heavy shield bomb.

    I'd love to use him, but for now he's only useful in PvE and during my initial climb to 700 in PvP. After that, he's just a target on your back for a 35K health boosted HB to punch out.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    Natsufan01 wrote:
    They've said one before that certain things they aren't allowed to announce first, because another site purchased the rights to announce it, or something like that. I may be mis-remembering.

    they could still put

    Brotherhood (NEW) so we would know a new person was coming or not