DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Punished is way more useful. Doom is good, too, but Punished is just excellent.

    i 100% agree but the thing is, with 20000 i could level Punisher another about 7 more times, but with the same figure i could get Doom to about 60 perhaps? Is it wise to level Punisher up completely while all my other guys are in their 80's or lower?
  • Haven't started yet, still at work. Plus, since I generally can't play from Friday at 6pm till Saturday at 8pmish, it might make sense for me to start Saturday night for bracket placement and rubber banding. Rather than getting in, and then getting trounced by people who CAN play at that time.
  • I might have secretly been playing at work and ran up 9900 points already… aaaaand my wife is going to out of town this weekend. While I hate to see her go, I look forward to reading and playing MPQ for the next three days. OH! I was able to level my CStorm, which was a great achievement for my roster. Working on MNMags next.

    Looking for input: I have a 4/3/3 Psy, and I'm wondering if you all think it's a good decision to focus on putting iso into her after I wrap up with Mags. She doesn't really fit well with CStorm / MNMags team that I want to keep together, but she's the 3* with the most covers in my roster and it seems appealing to start feeding iso into her.
  • Been secretly playing as well =D
    Too bad they're giving away Daredevil as progress reward. He's only good for satisfying PvE requirements
  • Looking for input: I have a 4/3/3 Psy, and I'm wondering if you all think it's a good decision to focus on putting iso into her after I wrap up with Mags. She doesn't really fit well with CStorm / MNMags team that I want to keep together, but she's the 3* with the most covers in my roster and it seems appealing to start feeding iso into her.
    Hm, that's interesting. I'm generally a fan of transitioning to 3* as quickly as possible, but that really would be an odd team. (Plus, I'm not quite sold on Psylocke.)

    What levels are your CStorm and Mags? Also, do you have covers for OBW and/or Ares?
  • Forge wrote:
    Looking for input: I have a 4/3/3 Psy, and I'm wondering if you all think it's a good decision to focus on putting iso into her after I wrap up with Mags. She doesn't really fit well with CStorm / MNMags team that I want to keep together, but she's the 3* with the most covers in my roster and it seems appealing to start feeding iso into her.
    Hm, that's interesting. I'm generally a fan of transitioning to 3* as quickly as possible, but that really would be an odd team. (Plus, I'm not quite sold on Psylocke.)

    What levels are your CStorm and Mags? Also, do you have covers for OBW and/or Ares?
    CStorm is at lvl 85, Mags is lvl 65. I have 1/1/2 on Ares, and I'm getting to see how much of a powerhouse he is in the simulator since he's powered up a bit (even with a standard base and few covers). I might control my immediate desire to upgrade her and see what other 3* covers I can get in my life (I've only been playing for a month).
  • Forge wrote:
    Looking for input: I have a 4/3/3 Psy, and I'm wondering if you all think it's a good decision to focus on putting iso into her after I wrap up with Mags. She doesn't really fit well with CStorm / MNMags team that I want to keep together, but she's the 3* with the most covers in my roster and it seems appealing to start feeding iso into her.
    Hm, that's interesting. I'm generally a fan of transitioning to 3* as quickly as possible, but that really would be an odd team. (Plus, I'm not quite sold on Psylocke.)

    What levels are your CStorm and Mags? Also, do you have covers for OBW and/or Ares?
    CStorm is at lvl 85, Mags is lvl 65. I have 1/1/2 on Ares, and I'm getting to see how much of a powerhouse he is in the simulator since he's powered up a bit (even with a standard base and few covers). I might control my immediate desire to upgrade her and see what other 3* covers I can get in my life (I've only been playing for a month).

    I don't have enough covers to really evaluate Psylocke yet. She doesn't do it for me personally, but at a 5/5/3 build she might!

    P.S. Kudos on getting your wife out of town for the weekend so you can play MPQ. That's dedication. You'll need to let me know your secret - mine won't leave me alone and keeps trying to talk to me...
  • Grinding away. Forgot how much fun it is farming ISO in Simulator. Haven't started Easy, but #1 in Hard. However, 87 in my main! How the heck does that work?

    Either way, likely to ignore No Holds Barred, and focus on simulator which I'm really enjoying. Fingers crossed scaling doesn't ruin the experience.

    DjangoUnbuffed is currently #8, and in percentage terms roughly 20% behind the team in #1. Let's see if we can keep top ten!
  • P.S. Scaling is starting to kick in. Beware.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I haven't started the subs yet -- merely unlocked them. Was planning on a last-day two-sweep grind, but I'll probably enter earlier. Hard Simulation 05 is already scaled up from L46 to L61.
  • So instead of posting a screenshot everyday of our individual placement in the MAIN BRACKET, we can do one EVERY 3 DAYS. that way we can see who's getting us points and who isn't playing,and for those that ain't playing, spankings all round. Not really, but we may find someone else who is active. This is our 1st event as a 20 man/woman squad ao lets make an impression icon_e_wink.gif now if you would like to post a screen of your daily score in the main, feel free but ONCE EVERY 3 DAYS is fine icon_e_wink.gif

    p.s. Spider-America i see your in my bracket icon_e_wink.gif
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    CStorm is at lvl 85, Mags is lvl 65. I have 1/1/2 on Ares, and I'm getting to see how much of a powerhouse he is in the simulator since he's powered up a bit (even with a standard base and few covers). I might control my immediate desire to upgrade her and see what other 3* covers I can get in my life (I've only been playing for a month).
    Yeah, MPQ is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Personally, I horde my ISO until one or more of the following conditions are met:
    • I'm using more health packs than I like (or, worse yet, straight up losing).
    • I'm getting hit constantly (in PVP).
    • A character is boosted and leveling that character would make progression in an event noticeably faster/easier (or, for PVP, should noticeably discourage attacks/retaliations).
    • A character that I have max covers for is boosted and I was just aching for an excuse to boost them anyway.
    • I have over 100k ISO saved up.

    I'm sure other people have other philosophies -- one that I like/consider is to pick a strong character and focus on them exclusively -- but this has worked fairly well for me.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Looking for input: I have a 4/3/3 Psy, and I'm wondering if you all think it's a good decision to focus on putting iso into her after I wrap up with Mags. She doesn't really fit well with CStorm / MNMags team that I want to keep together, but she's the 3* with the most covers in my roster and it seems appealing to start feeding iso into her.
    I might put a few levels into her just because she's buffed for this PvE.

    Looking at your roster, IM40 can reach L64, and Thor can reach L69. If you want to seriously level people, those might be better bets, since both use yellow effectively (Thor yellow fuels green, IM40 yellow fuels blue). Thor, esp., also has a green superior to C.Storm's.

    P.S. - Is it just me, or are the enemy team compositions rather weird this time around? C.Storm + Criterion + Bag-Man? IM40 + OBW + Bullseye? Whiskey-tango-foxtrot.
  • I spent all day (4 hrs, since I sleep till 10:30 or 11) grinding. Allorin is in one of my brackets. I got 15,000 pts so far. PVE is not my strong suit, but I'm making an extra effort because it's an alliance event. Luckily I didn't get slammed to hard for buffed characters. When Lazy Thor's turn comes I will just have to do without.

    I really want us all to get the blue Cap cover, and almost as much I want to place top ten again, so that our name keeps showing up everywhere. I'm proud of this group of goofy rag-tag misfits!

    By the way, seeing your wife is out of town this weekend makes me think that one of the reasons I suck at PVE is that my wife places a high value on family time. If I play for half an hour she gets very irritated. I'm going to have to really examine best rubberbanding times and somehow fit a creative play schedule in there.

    I haven't spent my iso that I saved yet, over 50,000 - and 23 standard tokens and 2 heroic banked at this point. Not sure where to put it yet, since I had a fair first run through with my existing roster.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    By the way, seeing your wife is out of town this weekend makes me think that one of the reasons I suck at PVE is that my wife places a high value on family time. If I play for half an hour she gets very irritated. I'm going to have to really examine best rubberbanding times and somehow fit a creative play schedule in there.

    Ditto. And truthfully, I do too.

    However, it's Friday night, the kids are in bed, and there's many episodes of Nashville saved up on my PVR to amuse the good lady. Perfect playing conditions.
  • allorin wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    By the way, seeing your wife is out of town this weekend makes me think that one of the reasons I suck at PVE is that my wife places a high value on family time. If I play for half an hour she gets very irritated. I'm going to have to really examine best rubberbanding times and somehow fit a creative play schedule in there.

    Ditto. And truthfully, I do too.

    However, it's Friday night, the kids are in bed, and there's many episodes of Nashville saved up on my PVR to amuse the good lady. Perfect playing conditions.

    Yeah, me too. I played for ~4 hours uninterrupted and (bad me, bad me) chain-smoked 8 or 9 cigarettes. I felt sick from smoking, wanted to stop playing, but kept telling myself, "This is for the alliance", and powered through. I ground almost every stack into double digits, many of down to 1.

    I have to quit the smoking, I hate it. I keep telling myself that if I quit, in only a couple of weeks I could buy a Stark Salary!
  • HailMary wrote:
    Looking for input: I have a 4/3/3 Psy, and I'm wondering if you all think it's a good decision to focus on putting iso into her after I wrap up with Mags. She doesn't really fit well with CStorm / MNMags team that I want to keep together, but she's the 3* with the most covers in my roster and it seems appealing to start feeding iso into her.
    I might put a few levels into her just because she's buffed for this PvE.
    Boy, is she. I have her at 58, 3/2/3, and she's buffed all the way to 146, and she's a beast.

    Red hits for 614 and leaves a strength 123 strike tile. Black hits for 614 and leaves a strength 147 attack tile.

    In an attempt to keep my scaling low, I've been running her with Hood (level 70, buffed) and Ares (93, buffed), and they rolled through the Hard Simulator without a hiccup. (For reference, after my first run through, simulation 4 is 3x111.)
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Yeah, me too. I played for ~4 hours uninterrupted and (bad me, bad me) chain-smoked 8 or 9 cigarettes. I felt sick from smoking, wanted to stop playing, but kept telling myself, "This is for the alliance", and powered through. I ground almost every stack into double digits, many of down to 1.

    I have to quit the smoking, I hate it. I keep telling myself that if I quit, in only a couple of weeks I could buy a Stark Salary!
    Try Nicotine gum
    U can use both hands to play when you're chewing gum. 2x the efficiency. Don't have to worry about the ash falling on your screen too
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Yeah, me too. I played for ~4 hours uninterrupted and (bad me, bad me) chain-smoked 8 or 9 cigarettes. I felt sick from smoking, wanted to stop playing, but kept telling myself, "This is for the alliance", and powered through. I ground almost every stack into double digits, many of down to 1.
    For the Horde... I mean, Alliance! Also, grinding most nodes down to 1: mad kudos, man. I don't think I've done that since the first couple days of the previous SImulator, and that's only because I was missing two node-unlocking characters.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I have to quit the smoking, I hate it. I keep telling myself that if I quit, in only a couple of weeks I could buy a Stark Salary!
    I wonder if that'd seriously help: maintaining a cigarette-to-MPQ-shield/cover conversion rate in your head.
  • I found the Django Unbuffed MPQ Alliance facebook page. I couldnt figure out how to join though. Needs an invite?