DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Dear fellow Djangoliers, i will be posting this msg on the forum in case some of you don't see it here. As of the next season, i will not be bothering to try and score well in all pvp. The game has lost it's spark and until they reignite it, i won't be playing anywhere near as much.

    I will still play but i wont be killing myself to reach 800-1000 anymore. This Daken pvp is the final straw. I don't like coming out off a match to be greeted by a -65 EVERY BLOODY TIME. i lost nearly 350 points on the way to 800. That too me is stupid. They have screwed up the game big time and that's why i just can't give it any love anymore.

    I think there are some others in our alliance who feel the same, so my advice is just to take it easy. We proved we are a great alliance and you lot are the best internet friends ever lol So don't kill yourselves over a game the developers broke as it's not worth it.

    If they ever fix the game then i will give it my all but until that day, you will be looking at scores in the 700's from me as i don't wanna be climbing a mountain every single pvp to reach 900. So if you would like to find someone who will score higher, be my guest, i don't blame you. i'm sure someone will have me, right? right?

    Anyway, there ya have it. I'm still here and aint going anywhere but just don't expect 100% from me as i shall be busy playing Zenonia 4
  • It's cool, TU1, we still like you. And you're right: I think all of us are feeling both burnt out and annoyed at the game/recent changes/recent tinykitties.

    Also, lol, 700pts is still way higher than anything Ice puts up, so no sweat. And before the Season started, 700 was a totally decent score anyway.

    This Daken tourney is tinykitty, so I just went for 700, called it a day and put up a shield.

    Anyway, I feel like the general consensus among the alliance is that we're all okay if people want to take it easy. How is everyone else feeling?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited May 2014
    TU1: Yep, the game definitely feels different now. Less fun. Perhaps this is what the game was supposed to be at the outset, and we simply got used to the gravy train called "not getting 141s totes murdered above 700."

    Foxy: As usual, I feel extremely sexy... but also rather meh about this game. Season 1 was pretty neat for novelty's sake (that is literally the only reason it's tolerable), but really, I'd say most of us don't care too much about our granular rankings, as long as we get cool schwag. I'm gonna get my "Iso + 2 Daredevils" token packs from Season 1 placement, but for Season 2, I'm only gonna go big for covers that I want. Otherwise, I'm just gonna put up decent points to help us get the alliance cover.
    I see a certain androgynous djangoleer crept into 10th in my bracket. Good luck with that hailmary, our bracket doesn't look brutal but it seems the attacks are going to start coming pretty fierce once we pass 800 if tu1 can be trusted,which he probably can't
    Hey, bastrd. Sigh. It's all relative. Our bracket does indeed look somewhat lackadaisical. OTOH, it seems many 2x141 teams (me, TU1, Pats, etc.) are getting hammered below 800. I got whammied from the low 800s to 650 within 90 minutes twice, whereas before, I'd barely see any attacks at 800.

    The boards certainly didn't help today, either: I was on track to hit 1000, then shieldhop to 1100 for that cover, but a five-stage cascade let an enemy Punpun + OBW unleash every single power but Retribution in the span of two turns. A few turns later, the AI actually used Retribution correctly on my LT. Unfun.
  • FoxyMulder wrote:
    Anyway, I feel like the general consensus among the alliance is that we're all okay if people want to take it easy.

    This is why I like your alliance and hang out here. Feels more or less like home base does for us in S.H.I.E.L.D

    Except with crazy antics and a TU1
  • Beezer, is shield gonna try to slog back into first?

    No idea icon_twisted.gif

    Ask our Django buddies, we don't plan/coordinate anything icon_lol.gif
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    @ hailmary. Yeah I like using pun obw for quick wins. Strikes plus her pew pew is always nice. I've found I get hit less now with max hood. Except right now I have no idea what's going on in there bc my Internets out. So I may be down to 400 for all I know. Hopefully it comes back so I can grab a fatman or two. Then if there's time I'll play some mpq. Hey-ooo!
    Beezer, is shield gonna try to slog back into first?

    No idea icon_twisted.gif

    Ask our Django buddies, we don't plan/coordinate anything icon_lol.gif

    Ha! Fair enough
  • First, I'm not going hard for anything in Season 2 unless I want the prizes for that particular tournament. We should still place top 100 for new fury covers without breaking a sweat, anyway. Just from our coolness factor.

    Second, I lost to a Hood/ OBW/ Lazy Thor team not long ago. I'm no more intimidated by Hood than I am by OBW, which is to say 'a little bit, but not too much'. The best way to handle Hood is to line him up and try to make sure there are never ten tiles on the board of any color you want. Match those to the exclusion of all else. Serves the double purpose of ensuring he doesn't steal the colors you need from you and that you're not holding anything else for him to steal.

    But I opened up on a board with like 48 out of 64 blue tiles (possible exaggeration, but not a lot). Never seen anything like it. And more blue kept falling with every match. Half the time all I could match was blue and even when I managed to get a power off OBW spammed heal after heal and I couldn't wear Hood down. It was disgusting.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Ayup. Add me to the "not going to go hard in season 2's pvp unless covers are good".

    Doom x 2, Loki x 2, Rags x 2(3?), Daken, Falcon and Im40. Mediocre rewards. They need to use other characters in the season. They _REALLY_ need to stop repeating featured characters within the season. This felt more like "Extended LR" the Season, and it made me dread playing, especially as for the most part, I'd much rather level other characters than the ones mentioned. I play LR's for the iso, not the covers. I stopped needing the covers for most villians ages ago. I skipped the villian LRs for most of the last month, simply because I didn't want to play or see doom/loki/rags again.

    Still like this game... Just need to slow it down a little.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tannen wrote:
    Doom x 2, Loki x 2, Rags x 2(3?), Daken, Falcon and Im40. Mediocre rewards. They need to use other characters in the season. They _REALLY_ need to stop repeating featured characters within the season. This felt more like "Extended LR" the Season, and it made me dread playing, especially as for the most part, I'd much rather level other characters than the ones mentioned.
    Yep, I've proudly managed to avoid putting any Iso into any of the PVP-featured characters of late.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    Moghwyn keeps on spamming me about Hearthstone, but I'm not into Warcraft lore.
    Emeryt, stop stalling and install Hearthstone. Haven't played Warcraft for ages, so it's not a prerequisite. It's also only good for about half an hour per day, no MPQ like commitment required.
  • Does he need to be dealt with? My Hood's a mean customer, likes to intimidate people while counting backwards by one...
    It will take an heroic effort, and with limited heroics rosters your Hood might not be counting at all. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Ok guys I have 4k hp right now (I've been saving lol) and I want to buy 3 covers but im not sure who. Can I get a little advice on who it should be? If you need to take a look at my roster to get an idea of where I am. Thanks in advance icon_e_smile.gif

    Edit: the five im thinking about buying covers for are patch, BP, c mags, falcon or hood.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Ok guys I have 4k hp right now (I've been saving lol) and I want to buy 3 covers but im not sure who. Can I get a little advice on who it should be? If you need to take a look at my roster to get an idea of where I am. Thanks in advance icon_e_smile.gif

    Edit: the five im thinking about buying covers for are patch, BP, c mags, falcon or hood.
    I would recommend against BP. I was very much looking forward to BP, but I found him underwhelming in actual usage. He has one big attack that can be shut down with OBW or Hood, and I've generally found that I can get LT's CTS much more easily than BP's ROTP. I've essentially completely stopped playing BP. That said, there's apparently some BP + Patch synergy going on (Berserker Rage of the Panther), but I don't play Patch, so I have zero experience with that synergy.

    Hood could be useful: three more covers can bring him up to 3/5/2, which would give him a soft cap of L102. I've seen more than a few L100 Hoods in high-level rosters.

    As for the others, I've never seriously played Falcon or Patch, and your CMags seems to be too far from true viability (and is about to be nerfed).
  • Edit: the five im thinking about buying covers for are patch, BP, c mags, falcon or hood.
    I'd hold off buying any CMags covers, he's next to be fuckbalanced.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Ok guys I have 4k hp right now (I've been saving lol) and I want to buy 3 covers but im not sure who. Can I get a little advice on who it should be? If you need to take a look at my roster to get an idea of where I am. Thanks in advance icon_e_smile.gif

    Edit: the five im thinking about buying covers for are patch, BP, c mags, falcon or hood.
    I would recommend against BP. I was very much looking forward to BP, but I found him underwhelming in actual usage. He has one big attack that can be shut down with OBW or Hood, and I've generally found that I can get LT's CTS much more easily than BP's ROTP. I've essentially completely stopped playing BP. That said, there's apparently some BP + Patch synergy going on (Berserker Rage of the Panther), but I don't play Patch, so I have zero experience with that synergy.

    Hood could be useful: three more covers can bring him up to 3/5/2, which would give him a soft cap of L102. I've seen more than a few L100 Hoods in high-level rosters.

    As for the others, I've never seriously played Falcon or Patch, and your CMags seems to be too far from true viability (and is about to be nerfed).

    I think the question I should ask now is would the hood make me viable for 1100 in pvp? I tried to reach it last pvp with a LC punisher combo and got pounded each time I got above 1000. So would adding the hood to my list of usable 3* make it more possible?
  • Hood. 5char
  • Hood has great synergy with Shieldbro. If he is in your main rotation, hood seems like a good choice. Also hood tanks yellow and blue from Cap when both are maxed, so not having a max Hood in that combination is actually good.

    Shieldbro is great fun to play and can be very powerful on offense, but his defense leaves a little bit to be desired. So you'll probably still get hit at high point values no matter what. Hood is pretty good for defense since he constantly steals to fuel your other characters which could lead to a defensive victory or two. I like hood, the only reason I don't use him much is that Patch Cmags is just too broken. When cmags gets fun-balanced I think I will play a lot more Hood.

    Edit: if going over 1100 in pvp is your only priority, the HP is honestly better spent on shields than covers. I know it sucks, but there is not a defensive team you can put out that will deter attacks at that point level.
  • So it sounds like hood is the consensus. Glad for the advice guys. I was initially leaning towards BP black or patch yellow but thx to you guys I'll now have a character who can help me place top 10 more regularly. Cheers and thx again icon_e_smile.gif
  • Okay, so the Sentry PVE is up and I want to relax, but I still want a Sentry. My only question is:

    What would Rajj do?
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Okay, so the Sentry PVE is up and I want to relax, but I still want a Sentry. My only question is:

    What would Rajj do?

    So basically WWRD instead of WWJD? icon_e_wink.gif