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  • Don949
    Don949 Posts: 7
    Galaxy note edge still
  • Jcorion99
    Jcorion99 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Having the same issue. Tried clearing Google cache and restarting phone and still says device incompatible.

    Motorola Droid Turbo running android 5.1
  • Omega Blacc
    Omega Blacc Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Tried restarting. I'm on an LG G2. Still getting "device not compatible"
  • Daer_PL
    Daer_PL Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Still doesn't work and now I can't even play with skipping pop message... icon_e_sad.gif:/ Please, do something...
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Hey all,

    I apologize that you are seeing the issue still. We are unable to reproduce the issue internally so we are unable to test any possible fixes or work-arounds to the issue.

    One workaround suggested by one of our engineers is to delete the APK Expansion, or .obb file as it is no longer needed. Please follow the below steps:

    1) Open a file explorer (I use ES File Explorer)
    1) Navigate to the 'SDCard'->Android->obb directory
    3) Drill down into the com.d3p.mpq directory
    4) Delete all files in this directory
    5) Restart your device
  • Same here, I'm on a new LG phone, (less than a year old), and I'm getting the same issue.
    There is no longer the option to skip the update to keep playing and I just recently sank money into this.
  • manhammer777
    manhammer777 Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    I'm having the same problem. Using an LG Escape 2 (Android version 5.1.1, Kernel version 3.10.49, Build number LMY47V).

    Hi, I was the guy that came up with the solution to play after that monstrously bad patch a few patches ago. My post is the one that is generally linked for Android problems with patches and the game refusing to work. Your Help Desk was *not* helpful and it seems we players have to find a way to play this game in spite of the game trying to get us to quit with every patch. The last 3 (4?) patches have all been train wrecks. Why are there such catastrophic problems with every patch lately? I shouldn't have to uninstall the game and force stop/clear data from every application associated with this game and go through that stupid 30 min unskippable tutorial every single time. Patch day is always a terrible day lately. It's like 0 testing is done on Android devices before the patches are rolled out. Did the QA team get laid off or something? Do you have a QA team to begin with? I've spend a ton of money on this game and I'm going to stop spending anything until the day patches don't mean that I must reinstall the game and go through a ridiculously long tutorial.

    This game is on my DO NOT RECOMMEND list until patches don't mean days of agony to follow with limited, if any, help.
  • Performed those steps, game is now stuck "Looking for resources to download" and just repeatedly crashes
  • Hey all,

    I apologize that you are seeing the issue still. We are unable to reproduce the issue internally so we are unable to test any possible fixes or work-arounds to the issue.

    One workaround suggested by one of our engineers is to delete the APK Expansion, or .obb file as it is no longer needed. Please follow the below steps:

    1) Open a file explorer (I use ES File Explorer)
    1) Navigate to the 'SDCard'->Android->obb directory
    3) Drill down into the com.d3p.mpq directory
    4) Delete all files in this directory
    5) Restart your device

    "no files" in that directory. Any other options?
  • Daer_PL
    Daer_PL Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    1) Open a file explorer (I use ES File Explorer)
    1) Navigate to the 'SDCard'->Android->obb directory
    3) Drill down into the com.d3p.mpq directory[/iquote]

    I can't, it's empty folder. Both on SDCARD and in phone memory. I believe it's happening beacause I don't have acces to root...
  • Ugh...must have deleted the wrong it wont open at all or looking for sources to download. So does this mean my whole account has been flushed? Including all the gold and characters I've paid for?
  • Wow, just joined this site to get some solutions but all my posts seem to be missing?
  • manhammer777
    manhammer777 Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    if you cannot play at all and have your game backed up via facebook, try the following:

  • Schlagen13
    Schlagen13 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Why would my mpq work, but my wife's, on the same pigeons model not?
  • Can't do the facebook retrieval for my account due to not being able to download the game again. Tried the other thread and still no dice.
  • Omega Blacc
    Omega Blacc Posts: 69 Match Maker
    I uninstalled as well. Now I can't re download the game. At least my FB save will keep my characters ok.

    No harsh words. No anger. Just please figure a fix. Thanks.
  • DubbaHuss
    DubbaHuss Posts: 110 Tile Toppler
    I tried that, went and got a workaround to get the app. Mpq downloaded, but after tutorial I was unable to retrieve the account through fb. I also am very concerned about future updates not addressing this issue
  • The update is no longer optional. The game can no longer be played as it pops up a prompt forcing you to leave the app and go to the download page where it still tells you that the device is not compatible. All of the above chatter about "fixes" seem to amount to the same thing - Devs have no idea what's going on.

    It's like someone just broke into my apartment and changed the password on my laptop so I can't get in... the app is full of things that I paid for. As a customer, I no longer have access to those digital characters and I can't play the game.

    If you're going to have terrible patches repeatedly, then don't make the patches absolutely mandatory with not even a 24hr grace period.

    At the end of it, I feel like the product I bought has been repossessed and I want my money back.
  • Still not working on droid turbo. Please clear this up soon.
  • Tried that solution, game doesn't even start anymore. I can't even uninstall because it won't let me install it again.