Stop giving 20 ISO rewards first, discussion and musings



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    This daily grows more frustrating. I just gave up on farming the PVE's for CP because of this reason (along with scaling)...I picked it up again with being able to spend 20CP instead of 25CP. And almost immediately regretted it again - running multiple CP nodes to one point and trying again and again and AGAIN at one point for that stupid reward. Would 100 ISO really be so bad?!?
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I popped into the final set of prologue missions just to play a quick one to force a save after selling a bunch of covers. Realized there was a mission where I only had to beat Rags by himself and it was 1/4 with 50 hp, 200 iso and a Std token remaining. Figured i'd hit it until I got the hp. Beat it twice, 20 iso both times. Nooooooope, not worth my time.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Yes, they said it's hard to fix. Nobody believes them, but there you go.

    Thought the 20 ISO problem was specifically mentioned in I think it was the October Developer video. Which one was the one where they claimed they would actually address quality of life issues in the new year.
    I don't recall them specifically saying it was hard to fix. They responded with an eye roll of "yes, we know about it", but more or less left it at that and didn't offer any solution.
    Did they actually say it's hard to fix, or is it on the list of "Creature Comforts" that they deem unimportant (like updating/fixing the mobile version's UI so we can always see AP values. There have been great mock-ups done by posters on here they could almost just take 100% as suggested and it'd be better than what we currently have)?

    Funny, cause that one designer Casey said that it was his #2 thing he wanted to fix when he got hired.
    His first was to get Iron Fist in the game (which happened really quickly after he joined, so it was probably already in the works before he started).

    Who would have thought licensing a Marvel character would be easier than fixing an RNG outcome?
    I mean, they do it correctly the very first time you beat a node. For each time after that, just assume it's the first time again or something and skip that "50% chance to get only 20 ISO" ****.
    In the meantime, while they are bumbling around trying to decide whether or not to address it , they should just increase it to 100 ISO (or maybe even more) until it's fixed.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think I'd still be unsatisfied with 100 ISO, because my real problem is grinding something to zero and not getting the CP. This was only a minor complaint in the game before CP existed. And I'm not grinding nodes for an unclaimed crit boost or 250 ISO.

    ISO shortage is a problem, true, but people desperate to make headway on 4* progression are grinding these down for CP.

    I'd honestly rather have nodes that have CP have that as the only reward. That way, you'll claim it 100% the first time, and all replays will just be 20 ISO. The amount of ISO, ultimately, is irrelevant if what you're really trying to do is get CP.
  • 328 upvotes on the first post... wow.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    firethorne wrote:
    I think I'd still be unsatisfied with 100 ISO, because my real problem is grinding something to zero and not getting the CP. This was only a minor complaint in the game before CP existed. And I'm not grinding nodes for an unclaimed crit boost or 250 ISO.

    'Tis true.
    Not trying to diminish the pain here, as my suggestion was only a stop-gap until they finally decide to fix this. It's literally a single number value in spreadsheet somewhere. Very trivial to update/change I would think.
    firethorne wrote:
    ISO shortage is a problem, true, but people desperate to make headway on 4* progression are grinding these down for CP.

    I'm right there with you on grinding these nodes for the CP. Those 2 CP rewards are pretty much the #1 reward for each Sub in a PVP now.
    Top 10 is too time consuming for the large majority of the player base, so the only CP most can reasonably get are from the two nodes that reward them. And, since they are often them hardest and/or highest leveled fights in a sub, they take time to beat and potentially Health Packs, especially when grinding them for the CP. The current Heroic PVE only highlights how brutal this is, as most only have 3 or 4 viable characters to even attempt these nodes with thanks to roster restrictions.

    Before CP, missing the best node reward wasn't much a thing. "Ah well, missed that 500 ISO reward outcome. Annoying, but no big."
    But CP being the most accessible way to progress in 4-Star Land, every little CP earned helps, especially since they are being given out at a miserly rate,
    To have yet another RNG mechanic slowing down for the 4-Star transition is frustrating as hell.
    firethorne wrote:
    I'd honestly rather have nodes that have CP have that as the only reward. That way, you'll claim it 100% the first time, and all replays will just be 20 ISO. The amount of ISO, ultimately, is irrelevant if what you're really trying to do is get CP.

    THIS I could get behind. This would probably be very easy to do as well. It's been done before in previous events so we know they can.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Thank you oh great and powerful devs. You have placed CP rewards on the hardest nodes in events and make that even more fun with "Heroic" events so I can't destroy my entire roster trying to get them. I know you did this because you hate to see us kill off our entire roster to grind down horrible nodes just for 20 ISO.

    *slow clap*
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    It occurred to me last night while I ground down the Cyclops essential to 1 point while staying at 1/4 rewards earned that if the devs want to tie progression to game play, as they recently stated, fixing this issue should be priority one. Pulling down CP from PVE nodes should not take a dozen fights.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Over 330 people on the internet agree.

    I think this means it should be a law by now.
  • image.jpg

    A little late, but I just figured out how to upload.
  • ragnarady
    ragnarady Posts: 70 Match Maker
    I'm so damn tired of this "here, you didn't get an adequate reward so you should be comforted with this 20 iso gift, don't be shy and spend it for whatever you want!". I've just finished second (so there are still a lot of shinies, including both CP) PvE sub clear and 8 out of 9 nodes gave me guess what? Yes, you're right, bloody frustrating 20 iso reward.
    /rant mode off.
  • angua51
    angua51 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    Still not changed, still a slap in the face when you just survive a really difficult node to be rewarded with 20 ISO
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since I've become a pretty much fulltime PVE fiend lately, I've been annoyed that I have to tap into a node to see if it's refreshed, i.e. I can't get a high-level overview of which nodes in a sub are at full points. Then I realized that if the four rewards were given out after each play, and 20 ISO thereafter, we could simply look at how many rewards we've earned for that node, knowing with certainty if we've played it 4 or fewer times.
  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Ah that feeling when you beat Galactus in one of your limited attempts per cycle and get 20 WHOLE ISO for your efforts. Meanwhile the node gets locked and you longingly stare at the tokens/CP/<useful amount of iso> that you missed out on. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    You know, if they really wanted to troll us, they would add the KK healing animation every time we get 20 ISO.
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Rd 7 and Rd 8 Galactus is no joke and the 20 ISO reward sucks so much. It does all the time, but especially here.

    Please change the 20 ISO booby prize to at least 50 ISO and also let us win all 4 prizes before the 20 (or 50) ISO prizes start.

    I earn ~30k ISO per day (900k per month), but with 2 new 4* per month, that will cost ~350k each to max, that's only 200k of net ISO. Add in skip tax in PVP, boosts, and the initial champ costs, and we're probably neutral. Then, throw in 5*s and the ISO deficit gets larger every single month no matter how much I play.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    madok wrote:
    You know, if they really wanted to troll us, they would add the KK healing animation every time we get 20 ISO.
    Or even better (worse?): the sparkly match victory animation they had a few versions ago icon_twisted.gif
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    DeNappa wrote:
    madok wrote:
    You know, if they really wanted to troll us, they would add the KK healing animation every time we get 20 ISO.
    Or even better (worse?): the sparkly match victory animation they had a few versions ago icon_twisted.gif

    Or combine both together for the ultimate FU!
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    Congratulations, u just beat Galactus, the being that eats worlds... and we realise there's a lot of awesome rewards on offer for whupping his butt, so here's 20 ISO icon_mad.gif

    So much fun.

  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beat Galactus 4 times.

    See "1/5 Rewards Earned" staring at me in mock defiance.

    Yeah. That gives me warm & fuzzy feelings about this game icon_rolleyes.gif