Anniversary Updates



  • Woohoo got two more Dino's, a Mr. F, 3 Thor, and a Ant-Man.

    Much happier and much more inclined to spending some money again.

    Now fix some of the events and everything will be good.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Compensation request:
  • hsk808
    hsk808 Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    Please make 4* Cyclops an attainable progression reward as well as an alliance reward for the second running of Galactus. Our alliance put in a great effort to get to round 6 but some members whose rosters are not quite strong enough didn't have a chance, and it led to a lot of frustration. And those of us with stronger rosters couldn't earn rewards worth the time, HP, and ISO invested, which was a lot in this case. Even with the new announcements, we're not very optimistic about the rest of the anniversary events. None of us have 4* Cyclops so we're at a huge disadvantage now and really not looking forward being locked out of those essential nodes that require him.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Hooray, got 2Thor and Ares from my 2 tokens! Totally needed that iso...
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    Other packs in the game have gotten much better since last year, and the Anniversary packs are unsatisfying relative to them.
    It seems like most players would rather have fewer, more valuable tokens than more, less valuable ones.
    We did the math on the anniversary tokens' rates compared to the rates for last year's anniversary tokens. The rates for the new tokens were found significantly worse. So please spare us the theatrics of claiming we as the playerbase have grown spoiled by the improved drop rates on the regular tokens. You know that's a lie and quite frankly the fact that you're even trying to pin this one on us disgusts me more than the entirety of the anniversary sofar. And that takes QUITE A BIT of disgust.

    IceIX wrote:
    So in response to your feedback, we’re making these packs much more valuable:
      The odds of Devil Dino in the 1x pack are getting doubled, and they’re getting increased in the 10x and 40x packs by about 10%. The odds of 3-stars are increasing by about 50%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of 4-stars are increasing by 140%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of the Iso-8 and Hero Points rewards are unchanged.
    That change will be going live in today’s patch.
    Which, if I got this right, still doesn't bring the odds back to what they were on the first anniversary?

    IceIX wrote:
    To reward the folks that already purchased Anniversary packs, we’ll be giving out the following tomorrow:
      Everyone that played during the Anniversary through today will get two additional Anniversary tokens. Anyone who bought an Anniversary 10-pack before this change takes effect will get an additional three Anniversary tokens for every 10-pack they bought. This also includes the 10 pack from progression rewards. Anyone who bought an Anniversary 40-pack before this change takes effect will get an additional Anniversary 10-pack for every 40-pack they bought.
    Which still royally screws over anyone that consistently went for the 50 HP daily deal each day.
    I'll take my 200 HP back in exchange for the 1000 ISO from sold-off 2*s. Thank you.

    IceIX wrote:
    Slightly more alliances than we expected (111) made it to round 7 of Galactus, and 49 alliances met the final score target in round 8. But we got lots of feedback about the experience of getting there that we want to act on, so we’ll be significantly re-tuning the event for its second run this weekend.
    So, out of the ten-thousands of alliances, about 1% made it to round 7. Meaning about 1% got one Cyclops cover out of that dreadful, life-sucking, soul-crushing slog that was sold to us as a celebratory event. And that 1% was more than you expected?

    IceIX wrote:
    We’ll be working to make sure that even in later rounds, there are multiple interesting strategies to tackle Galactus.
    We’ll be aiming to make each individual fight against Galactus feel meatier and more satisfying, lasting longer than a short, predictable number of rounds for more players.
    Oh. So you'll be rolling back the emergency patches that went live during the event, I take it? You know; the ones that ruined the multiple valid strategies to tackle Galactus that we had worked out. By your own admission of how many players you expected to reach the higher rounds, the reason for those patches has also become crystal-clear: a ham-fisted knee-jerk reaction against people grossly overstepping the estimated pay-out, driven by nothing but greed at losing out on the odds of a few more potential suckers buying token packs to grab Cyclops instead.

    IceIX wrote:
    As a more (kinda) off topic thing, sorry about the relative radio silence from me for the past couple days. NYCC was pretty crazy this year, really cut down on my ability to pop on here. I'll be back to relative posting normalcy tomorrow. Pardon the grammar mistakes in this post, trying to get it up using a chiclet with in-flight wi-fi. Yay for that!
    You are not convincing me that NYCC was so hectic you or anyone else at the company was unable to spend 5 minutes during a bathroom break to comment on the situation. I'm reading this as nothing but a thinly veiled excuse for a "this too shall pass".

    And finally:
    IceIX wrote:
    We're committed to making this the best Anniversary yet.
    I can't help the fact that whenever I read this, the only thing that echoes through my head are two words: "For whom?"
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    simonsez wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    The token odds were ****. We all knew it. Some people bought them anyway.
    And what about the people who redeemed the season award 10 pack already? We had no reason to hoard them. The people who are slower to hit the progression target shouldn't get better tokens than the people who got there first.

    As someone who got their 10 pack today, due to not starting Class of 2015 til today, I agree completely with simonsez, even though I got the better end of the deal. I've earned/opened 18 tokens today, and I'm 6/18 with Gold, usable (3500 ISO, 3 Devil Dinos, Hulk black) and unusable (3* Spidey). If I had opened these same 18 tokens 2 or 3 days ago, I don't think I'd have pulled half the gold and they probably wouldn't even be usable with the lower Dino odds.
    JVReal wrote:
    Did I Win??

    i believe i get the award for trying to bring back "True Healing" arguements. they even closed out the original cause i kept bring it back from the dead. lol

    You may have won this round sir, but like killerkoala says, you gotta get a thread locked. Until both of you step your game up, I'm still the owner of that championship belt. They call that the lukewin around here, it's quicker than Dead Horse beater award.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    lukewin wrote:
    You may have won this round sir, but like killerkoala says, you gotta get a thread locked. Until both of you step you're game up, I'm still the owner of that championship belt. They call that the lukewin around here, it's quicker than Dead Horse beater award.
    But you're still second best to Mr. "also; money". icon_e_wink.gif
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    Malcrof wrote:
    Compensation request:

    Yeah, but they know if they gave us a shrubbery, we would just demand another shrubbery, to be placed beside the first, only slightly higher to create a two-level effect with a little path running down the middle.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    are we getting more radio silence from D3 again?

    2 or 3 measly tokens don't make up for this fiasco. They actually make matters worse because nobody is getting anything good from them. Just a reminder of how disappointing this entire event has been.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    mjh wrote:
    are we getting more radio silence from D3 again?

    2 or 3 measly tokens don't make up for this fiasco. They actually make matters worse because nobody is getting anything good from them. Just a reminder of how disappointing this entire event has been.

    I like the idea of a 10 pack for everyone, mostly because I also got **** from the 2 tokens, but that kind of leads into a downward spiral of entitlement, and it's kind of better off just to end at this. Now, if Galactus 2 is also broken as hell, then we can complain for more stuff again.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    mjh wrote:
    are we getting more radio silence from D3 again?

    2 or 3 measly tokens don't make up for this fiasco. They actually make matters worse because nobody is getting anything good from them. Just a reminder of how disappointing this entire event has been.

    I got two tokens. The first was a tiny kitty useless regular gold. Until I clicked it and it gave me 600 HP.
  • guib
    guib Posts: 83 Match Maker
    what about the removal of tokens and HP in the rewards for the node and boss battles, compared to ultron. ?
    that was a good feature, because even if you didn't get to round 7, you still had won interesting items. here... you can finish with strictly nothing

    I don't see it adressed in the post.

    nor the question of insanely unreachable progression reward... (I would really be curious to know how many got the legendary token, compared to a standard PVE)
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2015
    Edit: Earlier, I typo-ed and said Round Eight. No, it's Round SEVEN and this post has been edited accordingly.

    Overall, my opinion hasn't changed much because at the end of it all, 111 Alliances made it to Round Seven and 48-49 Alliances pushed all the way through to Round Eight and the Round Eight results were published before the devs posted their own thread, and at least to me, based on my comments expressed in this post, it was still 'more than I would have expected'... but as was also pointed out, the general volume of dissatisfaction in the forums on a whole likely contributed to a stronger than should be measured WE CAN'T DO THIS sort of 'feel'.

    To summarize, how do you reconcile the playerbase 'feel' with numbers that might not quite agree which could have a variety of reasons?

    Something really isn't sitting right with me here...
    When the majority of the forum was complaining about difficulty including many of the people who were in these same Alliances, I was personally expecting that pretty much, nobody - or at least WAY FEWER - than -111- Alliances were going to make it to Round Seven.

    I mean, just look at the level of OMG THIS IS WAY TOO DIFFICULT sort of complaints that were going on during the first release of Galactus Hungers. I'm not counting the THERE ARE BUGS complaints or the generalized THIS IS NOT FUN complaints. I'm talking about the complaints that were indicative that people seriously were NOT making progress... either AT ALL or EXTREMELY SLOWLY.

    And then, when numbers started being published via another thread, we were amazed that so many (way before the tally even ran to 48-49 and before Ice ever posted any stats) Alliances DID in fact make it to Round Seven (111) much less the 48-49 who actually finished-finished.

    I think there's a severe disconnect here somewhere.

    IF we actually had FEWER than the 111 Alliances that passed through Round Seven, I think we'd actually be on par in regards to saying, HEY I THINK THIS DIDN'T WORK OUT! LOOK! ALMOST NOBODY MADE IT THROUGH! THE NUMBERS PROVE IT!

    But - I don't think I'm completely off my rocker in thinking and saying that, DESPITE THE LEVEL OF 'THIS IS TOO DIFFICULT' COMPLAINTS including those coming from the Top Tier Alliances, MORE ALLIANCES THAN EXPECTED APPARENTLY MADE IT THROUGH.

    I'm not saying this because I don't think rewards should be extended further; that's not even the point.

    I'm saying that what the atmosphere was in the forums during the event depicted a MUCH DIFFERENT picture than what the eventual statistics showed and this major disconnect is making it difficult to reconcile what is considered realistic or not in terms of expectations.

    In all honesty, BEFORE the thread with the data was posted, I think a lot of us were expecting literally a handful - if even a handful - to make it. I personally was expecting EVERYONE to be up in arms over the difficulty level once the event ended and the stats showed that literally, nobody made it and we'd be descending upon the devs en masse to collectively appeal for reconsideration of the event.

    But as it turned out, apparently 111 Alliances made it through to Round Seven anyways (which equals to approximately 2,220 players and of these, 960 to 980 players from 48-49 Alliances went through Round Eight) which, to me when I was gauging the level of WE CAN'T DO THIS 'feel' in the forum, is WAY more than I would have ever expected.

    If we want to bargain and ask the devs to reconsider the rewards structuring or simply rewards, period, I really don't think we ought to use the '111 Alliances was too few' approach.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    111 made it to round 8, but only 49 finished it. And apparently for many, it took exploiting a bug to get there.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    49 alliances finishing is still way more than finished run 2 of Ultron.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    SunCrusher wrote:
    Something really isn't sitting right with me here.
    >>snipped for length<<
    If we want to bargain and ask the devs to reconsider the rewards structuring or simply rewards, period, I really don't think we ought to use the '111 Alliances was too few' approach.

    One of the points you don't address, which I would say is the main point, most of the people are upset with, isn't the difficulty alone. Those people that played it, in spite of the difficulty, and made it there, had something else to complain about, that it wasn't fun to do. They're trying to make this the best anniversary yet. You don't do that by starting it off with an event that makes people miserable.

    EDIT- You actually did address that, so my apologies. But the atmosphere of the forums is because of the amount of problems, and it sucks that we have to sort it out and break it down to this and that. The sheer number of problems/complaints, compounded to the problem and makes it seem a lot worse than it actually is. Problems that had nothing to do with the gameplay, like an absence of feedback, gets lumped into the problem and it snowballs from there.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:
    49 alliances finishing is still way more than finished run 2 of Ultron.

    And it is still under 1% of the player base.

    I can put a cup of coffee on sale for $2000. I can then reduce the price by $1000. It is a huge price reduction, but the end result is still utter garbage.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    And what would the actual numbers be if nobody exploited the bug?

    Problem is, we don't have those numbers and they aren't being published and used as the actual statistics.

    Without those numbers, what we do have is still a larger than expected number of people reaching and/or clearing Round Eight.

    Ice's numbers don't tell us how many of these Alliances needed the force-quit technique to get them to Round whatever it was first needed on and utilized thereafter and more than likely, the 'actual' numbers are irrelevant in their grand scheme of things because the END result was... 111 Alliances made it to Round Eight and 49 of them or 48 of them passed Round Eight.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    SunCrusher wrote:
    I was personally expecting that pretty much, nobody - or at least WAY FEWER - than -111- Alliances were going to make it to Round Eight.
    Der_Lex wrote:
    111 made it to round 8, but only 49 finished it. And apparently for many, it took exploiting a bug to get there.

    111 alliances made it to round 7 (meaning they cleared round 6), not made it to round 8.

    Almost half of the alliances who received at least one cyclops cover received all three cyclops covers.

    Not sure if that changes your opinion of the event, but I figured it was worth clarifying.

    And honestly, Rounds 6 and 7 were trickier to do than Round 8, provided that you had a certain team composition available.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    So I figured I would chime in again after cashing in 9 tokens just now...2 from sim, 2 from the freebies earlier and 5 from class of 2015....pulled a 3* cap on my last token, all others 2* ****, then bought the daily deal....finally pulled a red dd. So that is a total of 41 tokens and 1 dd cover, c'mon guys this is rediculous....I thought the odds increased? I am 100 pts away from the 10-pack so maybe I will pull one more.....on the 11th token that I buy...f2p sure but also p2p if u want to get anywhere...just sad