Anniversary Updates



  • 2 x 2* as well!
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    GSBW redflag.png and KK yellowflag.png
  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Got a Purple Dinosaur and a 2* Ares. Needed that Dino
  • 2 x 2* cack!

    Oh well, at least it's ISO. I can maybe add a 5th of a level to my level 153 Colossus maybe. Ooooh, exciting!
  • Deimos12
    Deimos12 Posts: 230 Tile Toppler
    Big shout out for the two apology moonstones I just got! icon_rolleyes.gif
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Iron Fist (black) and 600 HP for me; I'm not complaining....
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    2 X 2*. Yay anniversary!
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    nexusgrim wrote:
    111 alliances made it through which was more than you expected?!?!?!

    So, you had every intention from day one of virtually no one getting to the Cyclops tokens? To then have him as an essential in gauntlet???

    Indeed. If I proposed hinging a huge portion of our anniversary push at something that would have under 1% adoption/success rate for customers, I'd be laughed out of the building and seeking new employment in short order. To think that the overwhelming expectation of the dev team is "under 1% success rate is the intended result" is extremely disturbing.

    That's a fundamental flaw that no token handout will correct. It is a simply flawed core design philosophy. That is what needs to be addressed.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    JVReal wrote:
    Imagine that you went to BestBuy, paid $150 for a PlayStation 3. There is no PS4 out yet. You feel pretty decent even though you know that they've been out for a while. You get home and you check your email and BestBuy just let you know, that the manufacturer just swapped out all the PlayStation 3's at their store for PlayStation 4's for the same price... they tell you to come on down and buy them since it's a greater value now.

    Your PlayStation 3 is still the same machine, but now undervalued and overpriced. Had you waited another hour, you would have been able to get a PS4 for the same price you just paid for a PlayStation 3.

    Are you telling me that you would not go back to Best Buy, return that PlayStation 3, and buy the PS4? It had value when you bought it... the system didn't change... it's the exact same box as it was before... why would you do that? Weren't you happy when the PlayStation 3 was the latest thing an hour ago?

    They switched the product mid event. It was a good idea to fix it sooner than later. But there needs to be recompense for those that spent on product that was labeled as the only product available for that event. Changing a product mid event has its positives, but also has its negatives. The previous game I played did that, ALL THE TIME, and it was the reason that Apple and Google approved so many refunds. I do not want this game to go that route. People will seek recompense. They will either get it from the developer, or they will get it themselves through other means... typically refunds.

    In order to buy my daily deal token, I could not horde tokens. I do not believe that I should be penalized with lower draws forced upon me in order to buy your daily product, which also forced me into an instant draw, rather than being able to store them hoping that you will fix the product to where I believe it should be before drawing.

    If I horde, I miss the daily deal for however many days it takes to fix the draw rates... If I pull to be able to buy the daily deal, I miss out on improved pull rates halfway through event. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    Please make us whole again, and from a customer service perspective, once you have soured a person's experience, doing the minimum that would normally be acceptable will not win that dissatisfied person's confidence back... you have to go above and beyond. It shows genuine interest in retention of said customer.

    I think D3 is willing to give you a good deal on a trade in for a sedan if you drove a coupe to get that ps3.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    i never could figure out how prologue healing was bad. it let people play as long as they wanted. say for example, if you retreated instead of getting defeated (definitely need 3 health pack); you didn't need to use health packs on any middle to low health characters, you just went and healed back up and continued playing. if you thought it was boring to do then use your health packs and go about your business and don't prologue heal.

    if you have limited time to play, having to spend some of that time doing unproductive stuff like healing or tanking really was annoying as hell. The thing is, prologue healing doesn't just affect yourself, so it's not really accurate to say that if you don't like it, just don't do it. During the time it was nearly impossible to compete with guys who do tank/prologue heal if you didn't do it yourself as well (unless you opened your wallet to buy more healthpacks). So really, if they really bring back prologue healing, I'm out.

    not once, was i talking about tanking to be good or for it to be brought back, it artificially caused people to bully rosters who didn't deserved to be harassed. as for "true healing" like you said if you didn't want to do it or couldn't, please feel free not to.
  • San Narciso
    San Narciso Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I honestly appreciate that D3 is trying.
    However, I have spent 50 HP a day on the daily deal since this started, and there is no offered compensation for the money I've spent on those tokens or even an extra token for each 3 I bought. Only compensation offered to those who spent MORE money on things like 10-packs.

    I have opened a total of 31 Galactus and Anniversary tokens (I didn't differentiate on my spreadsheet), and I feel that a measly two tokens to make up for improving the draw rate (which people who hoard are no capitalizing on), and three tokens for the 10-pack I opened before the increased draw rate hardly feels sufficient. Additionally, how was the decision made that the 100 HP and 2000 ISO for network issues which most likely kept my alliance from earning our third 4* Cyclops was sufficient. It was good for people who didn't make it past round 5 because 100 HP is more than the token they would have earned if we were granted the next progression reward (which we were after the server issues of Ultron), but those of us who could've had another 4* Cyclops, really the only HP worth that is the cost of a 4* which I believe is 2500 HP.

    So we should be happy they care enough to give us anything at all, but we still have reason to be upset and hold a grudge against D3. Some players put A LOT of work into these events and when we get fed chicken scratch, we're supposed to be grateful we're being fed at all.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    Imagine that you went to BestBuy, paid $150 for a PlayStation 3. There is no PS4 out yet. You feel pretty decent even though you know that they've been out for a while. You get home and you check your email and BestBuy just let you know, that the manufacturer just swapped out all the PlayStation 3's at their store for PlayStation 4's for the same price... they tell you to come on down and buy them since it's a greater value now.

    Your PlayStation 3 is still the same machine, but now undervalued and overpriced. Had you waited another hour, you would have been able to get a PS4 for the same price you just paid for a PlayStation 3.

    Are you telling me that you would not go back to Best Buy, return that PlayStation 3, and buy the PS4? It had value when you bought it... the system didn't change... it's the exact same box as it was before... why would you do that? Weren't you happy when the PlayStation 3 was the latest thing an hour ago?
    A PlayStation isn't a consumable resource.

    Let's say you go to the grocery store, and you can't afford a frozen pizza, so you buy a pack of ramen. You go home. You eat the ramen. Then they lower pizza to the price of ramen. Do you go back to the store and vomit on the manager?

    Wait, I think my metaphor kind of got away from me there.
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    DayvBang wrote:
    JVReal wrote:
    Imagine that you went to BestBuy, paid $150 for a PlayStation 3. There is no PS4 out yet. You feel pretty decent even though you know that they've been out for a while. You get home and you check your email and BestBuy just let you know, that the manufacturer just swapped out all the PlayStation 3's at their store for PlayStation 4's for the same price... they tell you to come on down and buy them since it's a greater value now.

    Your PlayStation 3 is still the same machine, but now undervalued and overpriced. Had you waited another hour, you would have been able to get a PS4 for the same price you just paid for a PlayStation 3.

    Are you telling me that you would not go back to Best Buy, return that PlayStation 3, and buy the PS4? It had value when you bought it... the system didn't change... it's the exact same box as it was before... why would you do that? Weren't you happy when the PlayStation 3 was the latest thing an hour ago?
    A PlayStation isn't a consumable resource.

    Let's say you go to the grocery store, and you can't afford a frozen pizza, so you buy a pack of ramen. You go home. You eat the ramen. Then they lower pizza to the price of ramen. Do you go back to the store and vomit on the manager?

    Wait, I think my metaphor kind of got away from me there.

    Along with your lunch!
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Aaaand, no double ISO in Lightning Rounds...

    The gifts just keep on coming...
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    A PlayStation isn't a consumable resource.

    Let's say you go to the grocery store, and you can't afford a frozen pizza, so you buy a pack of ramen. You go home. You eat the ramen. Then they lower pizza to the price of ramen. Do you go back to the store and vomit on the manager?

    Wait, I think my metaphor kind of got away from me there.
    If I buy a pack of Ramen, and then the guy behind me buys a pack of Ramen and he gets a bonus pack because the company figured out there wasn't enough Ramen in each pack for the value... I'm going to ask for my bonus Ramen since we both bought the same pack.

    I'm not comparing Ramen to Pizza, I'm comparing Ramen to Ramen, Playstation to Playstation... just one was improved for some and not for others.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    I can't understand why they seem to actively want to alienate players. It's such an odd choice. The design of the anniversary isn't to reward old-timers or to woo new members. It's stingy, ill-conceived and dull.

    I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with a reason. It's like suicide by lame. I don't get it. Sincerely, I don't get it.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    DayvBang wrote:
    A PlayStation isn't a consumable resource.

    Let's say you go to the grocery store, and you can't afford a frozen pizza, so you buy a pack of ramen. You go home. You eat the ramen. Then they lower pizza to the price of ramen. Do you go back to the store and vomit on the manager?

    Wait, I think my metaphor kind of got away from me there.

    I see where you're going with this, and empathize with your analogy breaking down, but this might be an apples/oranges argument. Most reputable retail outlets don't require a return of consumables to compensate the difference. For example, if you buy soap at Bed Bath & Beyond, and they lower the price of soap that day, you can bring your receipt back to the store (if it's within their return policy - apples/oranges) and they will credit you the difference. This is relatively ubiquitous in the retail world regarding consumables, and typically performed by a manager or supervisor.

    In a perfect world, D3 would allow for a "return" of the previous item, and provide you with the newer/cheaper/better/whatever item. In this game, however, D3 would need to go through and pull all rewards BACK from players that opened them to give them a full swap. I'm not aware of precedent for that, and I think most people understand that D3 is not going to revoke everything earned by everyone (complaining or not) and re-populate the tokens. Some people might have gotten good pulls from the crummy odds and not want that at all.

    So their solution was to blanket everyone with 2 free tokens, and proportional freebies if people purchased 10/40 packs. The solutions suggested here involve increasing those freebies proportionally across the board, allowing an opt-in revoke/return system, or something else altogether. While I don't agree with the 2 token gift from a customer service or marketing perspective (it's not enough for many invested parties), I think something along those lines is the only feasible outcome. That is, unless they want to open their CSRs up to a week of hell dealing with returns and swaps.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    A PlayStation isn't a consumable resource.

    Let's say you go to the grocery store, and you can't afford a frozen pizza, so you buy a pack of ramen. You go home. You eat the ramen. Then they lower pizza to the price of ramen. Do you go back to the store and vomit on the manager?

    Wait, I think my metaphor kind of got away from me there.
    If I buy a pack of Ramen, and then the guy behind me buys a pack of Ramen and he gets a bonus pack because the company figured out there wasn't enough Ramen in each pack for the value... I'm going to ask for my bonus Ramen since we both bought the same pack.
    Yes, but the guy behind you hasn't eaten his Playstation yet.
  • Tarheelmax
    Tarheelmax Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    JVReal wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    A PlayStation isn't a consumable resource.

    Let's say you go to the grocery store, and you can't afford a frozen pizza, so you buy a pack of ramen. You go home. You eat the ramen. Then they lower pizza to the price of ramen. Do you go back to the store and vomit on the manager?

    Wait, I think my metaphor kind of got away from me there.
    If I buy a pack of Ramen, and then the guy behind me buys a pack of Ramen and he gets a bonus pack because the company figured out there wasn't enough Ramen in each pack for the value... I'm going to ask for my bonus Ramen since we both bought the same pack.

    I'm not comparing Ramen to Pizza, I'm comparing Ramen to Ramen, Playstation to Playstation... just one was improved for some and not for others.

    This also isn't a situation where we are talking about something that regularly goes on sale. That's how grocery stores work. This situation is much different, especially for those that did really well in the first PVP. Here's a more apt analogy:

    There is a marathon this weekend. People that finish the race will be rewarded with $10,000.

    The first one hundred people finish the race and get $10,000. Then, before anyone else finishes, the organizers announce that they were being too stingy, and that from now on, people that finish the race get $20,000!

    Yay, everyone rejoices... except those same organizers say "screw you" to the first 100 finishers and "you only get your $10,000, next time you shouldn't run so fast." And then finally, they come up with an idea that a gift card for a happy meal will suffice as an apology.