Anniversary Updates



  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    For Galactus 2:

    1) either unlimited health packs and boosts or no health lost when Galactus teleports you off his big head ship.
    2) scale down the minion fight, some of them felt like gauntlet punishment nodes.

    But changes they should make to for the betterment of the game permanently:

    1) remove 2* covers from heroic and event tokens (we already get enough 2* from standards and matches to last us a lifetime), either convert them to 250iso or health packs.
    2) scrollable leaderboards
    3) remove "true healing", viva la "prologue healing"
    4) remove 2* covers from season, shield simulator, and pvp progression; just make them heroic tokens or event tokens.
    5) pvp nodes either give the amount listed or more if they moved in points, never less.
    6) make the game fun again, play test in mind for someone who barely started the game and you as a dev want them to have fun and want to stay and pay you guys for the great job you do.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    smkspy wrote:
    Omega Red wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    I think a blanket 10 pack across the board isn't unreasonable. Loads of people cashed 20-30 tokens to get tinykitty at purposely lower chance rates. I mean, seriously, two tokens in comparison to's well stingy. It doesn't hurt devs to make a grand gesture to earn back some goodwill especially when people spent money and time investing into this game just to get nothing towards their game progression. You must either have one of those excellent rosters cause you give you off the feeling of "oh well, sucks for you guys, but I'm sitting pretty" or got your desserts and have no empathy for those that struggled with this event when they put a lot of time into it.

    The only responsibles of buying those awful tokens are the players themselves. They bought them at those rates, they should own up their purchases. I'm not against giving them extra tokens but asking for a full reset of tokens already opened seems like an abuse from the player side.

    Which is why I think a blanket ten pack across is more than reasonable for ALL the players that invested into the event and got squat. But hey, you got everything you wanted so it's all good on your end and look at everyone else as whiners.

    I invested in the game as well, I just happened to invest smarter and thus enjoyed better returns.

    I know that sounds awful and pedantic but it's the truth. icon_cool.gif
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I would STRONGLY ARGUE these tokens were worth anything at all. Indeed - I'd argue this is simple theft from folks that have already earned and cashed in these tokens. Rather than a limited amount, folks should be getting equal amount that they paid HP for at the very least.

    I agree they were worthless. But the odds were clearly stated. And those that willingly purchased them got exactly what they paid for.

    That's pretty much the opposite of theft.

    There were many, many problems with that event. (And IceIX's post ignores many of them.) But this isn't one of them.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    For Galactus 2:

    1) either unlimited health packs and boosts or no health lost when Galactus teleports you off his big head ship.
    2) scale down the minion fight, some of them felt like gauntlet punishment nodes.

    But changes they should make to for the betterment of the game permanently:

    1) remove 2* covers from heroic and event tokens (we already get enough 2* from standards and matches to last us a lifetime), either convert them to 250iso or health packs.
    2) scrollable leaderboards
    3) remove "true healing", viva la "prologue healing"
    4) remove 2* covers from season, shield simulator, and pvp progression; just make them heroic tokens or event tokens.
    5) pvp nodes either give the amount listed or more if they moved in points, never less.
    6) make the game fun again, play test in mind for someone who barely started the game and you as a dev want them to have fun and want to stay and pay you guys for the great job you do.

    Someone who barely started the game needs all those 2* covers that you want removed. Also, what if I'm a veteran and suddenly I feel like I want to build a 2*? What if the 2* is an essential and you don't have it? How do you get it?
  • DayvBang wrote:
    Why are the two simple words, "We're sorry" so hard for the developers when it's clear that most people who even beat the event weren't having fun.
    I'm less interested in apologies and more interested in being told what they're doing to fix things, personally. This response (see OP) is far more of what I want to see.

    Amen to that. Also, while I completely understand people's frustration and anger with the event and the way the response was handled (and I count myself as one who has gone on record as to why the arguments made were illogical and contradictory), I believe the way to improve the game is to offer solutions. Not, let's give everybody 100 tokens to apologize solutions, but reasonable, rational ideas on how to make the event better. Constructive criticism, as it were.

    I am sure I will be flamed by those still feeling betrayed by the devs, but flaming them or fellow players doesn't make the game better. Tell them what would increase the fun (while understanding that they are balancing the game with profit. Don't hate them because they want to make money. Thats how Great games like this are made to start with. Instead, tell them "we want the game to be more FUN and here is how you could do it".

    Who knows, someone from D3 might listen to those posts.
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    For Galactus 2:

    1) either unlimited health packs and boosts or no health lost when Galactus teleports you off his big head ship.
    2) scale down the minion fight, some of them felt like gauntlet punishment nodes.

    But changes they should make to for the betterment of the game permanently:

    1) remove 2* covers from heroic and event tokens (we already get enough 2* from standards and matches to last us a lifetime), either convert them to 250iso or health packs.
    2) scrollable leaderboards
    3) remove "true healing", viva la "prologue healing"
    4) remove 2* covers from season, shield simulator, and pvp progression; just make them heroic tokens or event tokens.
    5) pvp nodes either give the amount listed or more if they moved in points, never less.
    6) make the game fun again, play test in mind for someone who barely started the game and you as a dev want them to have fun and want to stay and pay you guys for the great job you do.
    Agree with your Galactus changes. The health pack situation is definitely the most "un-fun" part of the event. I would add that the progression award totals seemed very harsh. I'd say halving the totals would make the event more satisfying for those not it fully active 20-man alliances.
    I'd also like to see the anniversary season progression totals relaxed a bit too because there is no shield sim equivalent.
    For other change #5 - omg make it happen lol.
    Overall, if they made everything 20% better (token odds / progression targets) it would feel like a real celebration!
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:

    The only responsibles of buying those awful tokens are the players themselves. They bought them at those rates, they should own up their purchases. I'm not against giving them extra tokens but asking for a full reset of tokens already opened seems like an abuse from the player side.

    You're arguments are about as strong as icex's at this point

    My advice, don't go into business, especially not marketing or customer retention, you don't always go in solely with logic to gain peoples trust.

    Notice you're the only one supportive of anything going on here?

    It's just a hint. Don't wanna spell it out for you.

    Edit- and please after seeing more of your posts i really don't want any further discussion. Keep it to yourself.
  • GurlBYE wrote:
    Omega Red wrote:

    The only responsibles of buying those awful tokens are the players themselves. They bought them at those rates, they should own up their purchases. I'm not against giving them extra tokens but asking for a full reset of tokens already opened seems like an abuse from the player side.

    You're arguments are about as strong as icex's at this point

    My advice, don't go into business, especially not marketing or customer retention, you don't always go in solely with logic to gain peoples trust.

    Notice you're the only one supportive of anything going on here?

    It's just a hint. Don't wanna spell it out for you.

    Edit- and please after seeing more of your posts i really don't want any further discussion. Keep it to yourself.

    He ain't the only one ok with that.

    With a side of "People who are angry are more likely to post in general"

    Cause hey, who doesn't want MORE free stuff?
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    Wanted to update you all on some changes we’re making to the Anniversary in response to your feedback.

    Slightly more alliances than we expected (111) made it to round 7 of Galactus, and 49 alliances met the final score target in round 8. But we got lots of feedback about the experience of getting there that we want to act on, so we’ll be significantly re-tuning the event for its second run this weekend.

    In particular:
    We’ll be working to make sure that even in later rounds, there are multiple interesting strategies to tackle Galactus.
    We’ll be aiming to make each individual fight against Galactus feel meatier and more satisfying, lasting longer than a short, predictable number of rounds for more players.

    We’ve got fixes for some bugs and miscellaneous balance issues as well.

    Introducing new and different gameplay always involves balance risks, so your feedback is especially valuable when we introduce something like Galactus, and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think of the changes.

    As a more (kinda) off topic thing, sorry about the relative radio silence from me for the past couple days. NYCC was pretty crazy this year, really cut down on my ability to pop on here. I'll be back to relative posting normalcy tomorrow. Pardon the grammar mistakes in this post, trying to get it up using a chiclet with in-flight wi-fi. Yay for that!

    As you are looking at Galactus can you take a look at the last 2 rounds of essentials. The difficulty of the survival nodes in particular were just as brutal if not worse. I get that th essentials should get harder as the event goes on but level 300+ survival node is a little crazy. Level 395 gorgon that just pops up in survival mode killed so many in my alliance.

    Galactus was broken in round 6 and beyond and the essentials were getting broken in the last 3-4 clears. In your post you said these "minions" should be trivial compared to Galactus. The reason more players were not complaint about these essentials on the last day was because players stopped playing. Please look at the essentials as well especially towards the end of the event. I got the legendary token so I had to beat these Gauntlet style essential nodes to fight a 2 turn kill Galactus.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Not that I wholly agree with Mr Red, as I find a number of his statements tactless, and insulting, but he is not alone in his idea that we don't need full refunds or complete redraws on every token done. In this case, they are doing a lot to own up to something shady they were called out on, and I'm willing to extend them credit where credit is due. We as players do not deserve that much recompense. If you bought it, and you didn't look, that's just business. It's being given that perhaps they owe us something, and they do not. However we do deserve some gesture of goodwill given back to us. I think they're making a decent effort, reworking the odds to make them comparable, and offering recompense for those who did not look before they leapt.

    We're not owed anything. That's important to know. We're deserving of something. I am certainly not saying let them off the hook, because they did screw up pretty big, and then give us what was basically a slap in the face at our justified anger. But try and remember that D3 has a business to run, people to pay, and servers to keep going. Heh?
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    We don't have to solely speak in extremes.

    You clearly feel some compensation is in order. It's a dumb idea to 'lol we screwed up, we totally didn't notice they were worse then heroics, even though we went on about even not making it a vault so you can get plenty of that lower chanced devil dino then last year'. We agree.

    Why pick out the singular extreme argument to try and argue against the majority.
    Some want more compensation.
    some want first borns,
    Some want ferarri's.
    Some want it acknowledged that you can't hoard daily tokens.
    Some want every token (keep in mind these were the most expensive tokens and still are outside of daily deal. And hey some people didn't expect them to lower the odds from last year and purchased on good will.

    Some of us believe that the odds are still pretty ****.

    Why not form your opinion instead of piggybacking to be insulting, condescending or worse?
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ctenko wrote:
    Not that I wholly agree with Mr Red, as I find a number of his statements tactless, and insulting, but he is not alone in his idea that we don't need full refunds or complete redraws on every token done. In this case, they are doing a lot to own up to something shady they were called out on, and I'm willing to extend them credit where credit is due. We as players do not deserve that much recompense. If you bought it, and you didn't look, that's just business. It's being given that perhaps they owe us something, and they do not. However we do deserve some gesture of goodwill given back to us. I think they're making a decent effort, reworking the odds to make them comparable, and offering recompense for those who did not look before they leapt.

    We're not owed anything. That's important to know. We're deserving of something. I am certainly not saying let them off the hook, because they did screw up pretty big, and then give us what was basically a slap in the face at our justified anger. But try and remember that D3 has a business to run, people to pay, and servers to keep going. Heh?

    That'd be operating under the likely false assumption that something like 4 free tokens would stop the purchase of someone say, buying roster slots, or a 40 pack.
  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    When going through my Anniversary 10-pack, I was so stoked to get a glowing white center on a gold cover. "Woohoo! Here comes a 4* character, tinykitties!"

    But it ends up being 10,000 ISO points.

    Can we think about that for a second? A 4* cover is the equivalent of 10,000 ISO points??

    If so, can I convert all my ISO points to 4* covers?? Please?? I mean, they're clearly equivalent to one another. 10,000 TINYKITTY ISO points?? I mean, I'd think it would be closer to 50,000.

    Heck, why is it even an option to receive ISO points instead of a 4* cover?!? What is that TINYKITTY?
  • PeaceNickMann
    PeaceNickMann Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    So since I spent $200 but instead of anniversary forty packs and a heroic 40 I bought galactus pack I take it that means I get no ten pack, even though the odds in galactus pack were just as trashy as anniversary? But at least Jean Grey is a usable character vs devil dog so that's why I made the choice to buy that instead, and I did get some of her covers. I just want clarification that I'm not going to get anything extra when you roll out the 'sorry we mind tinykitty our entire gamer base' semi rewards
  • GurlBYE wrote:
    Why not form your opinion instead of piggybacking to be insulting, condescending or worse?

    Cause that ain't fun.

  • PeaceNickMann
    PeaceNickMann Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    To clarify, I think that the same rewards you'll be giving people for buying anniversary ten and forty packs that you should give the same to people who bought the galactus packs since that was an anniversary event so therefore should fall under the same classification
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:

    Anniversary Tokens
    lower odds of Devil Dinosaur since many players already have all the covers they need of him

    unless you're referencing
    365 - Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile)
    366 - Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile)
    367 - Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile)

    That doesn't seem super likely.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    For Galactus 2:

    1) either unlimited health packs and boosts or no health lost when Galactus teleports you off his big head ship.
    2) scale down the minion fight, some of them felt like gauntlet punishment nodes.

    But changes they should make to for the betterment of the game permanently:

    1) remove 2* covers from heroic and event tokens (we already get enough 2* from standards and matches to last us a lifetime), either convert them to 250iso or health packs.
    2) scrollable leaderboards
    3) remove "true healing", viva la "prologue healing"
    4) remove 2* covers from season, shield simulator, and pvp progression; just make them heroic tokens or event tokens.
    5) pvp nodes either give the amount listed or more if they moved in points, never less.
    6) make the game fun again, play test in mind for someone who barely started the game and you as a dev want them to have fun and want to stay and pay you guys for the great job you do.

    Someone who barely started the game needs all those 2* covers that you want removed. Also, what if I'm a veteran and suddenly I feel like I want to build a 2*? What if the 2* is an essential and you don't have it? How do you get it?

    standards will have plenty of 2* and also playing match gives covers.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    For Galactus 2:

    1) either unlimited health packs and boosts or no health lost when Galactus teleports you off his big head ship.
    2) scale down the minion fight, some of them felt like gauntlet punishment nodes.

    But changes they should make to for the betterment of the game permanently:

    1) remove 2* covers from heroic and event tokens (we already get enough 2* from standards and matches to last us a lifetime), either convert them to 250iso or health packs.
    2) scrollable leaderboards
    3) remove "true healing", viva la "prologue healing"
    4) remove 2* covers from season, shield simulator, and pvp progression; just make them heroic tokens or event tokens.
    5) pvp nodes either give the amount listed or more if they moved in points, never less.
    6) make the game fun again, play test in mind for someone who barely started the game and you as a dev want them to have fun and want to stay and pay you guys for the great job you do.

    Someone who barely started the game needs all those 2* covers that you want removed. Also, what if I'm a veteran and suddenly I feel like I want to build a 2*? What if the 2* is an essential and you don't have it? How do you get it?

    standards will have plenty of 2* and also playing match gives covers.
    Don't bother, he's lost it in some round of galactus

    Where do you get 2 stars?
    In this game?
    That has a vault with over 120 of them?
    Are you joking?
    The ones that have a chance of popping up for 500 iso?
    The ones that are in progression in each pve that needs them?
    The ones you win in pvp matches?
    The ones you get from prologue's last chapters?
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Omega Red wrote:
    For Galactus 2:

    1) either unlimited health packs and boosts or no health lost when Galactus teleports you off his big head ship.
    2) scale down the minion fight, some of them felt like gauntlet punishment nodes.

    But changes they should make to for the betterment of the game permanently:

    1) remove 2* covers from heroic and event tokens (we already get enough 2* from standards and matches to last us a lifetime), either convert them to 250iso or health packs.
    2) scrollable leaderboards
    3) remove "true healing", viva la "prologue healing"
    4) remove 2* covers from season, shield simulator, and pvp progression; just make them heroic tokens or event tokens.
    5) pvp nodes either give the amount listed or more if they moved in points, never less.
    6) make the game fun again, play test in mind for someone who barely started the game and you as a dev want them to have fun and want to stay and pay you guys for the great job you do.

    Someone who barely started the game needs all those 2* covers that you want removed. Also, what if I'm a veteran and suddenly I feel like I want to build a 2*? What if the 2* is an essential and you don't have it? How do you get it?

    standards will have plenty of 2* and also playing match gives covers.

    Standards have a much lower rate for them, and without getting them (In abundance) how do people make the jump from One star to three star? How do they do the two DDP's that require two stars? I'm just as annoyed as you every time I see a Moonstone instead of a Jean Grey. (Redheads forever!) But we have to remember that lower level and just starting people need these things too. Just like the game should not be all about the whales it should be all about where you are stuck.

    Though I'd appreciate some lower odds of getting Two stars and some raised odds of getting better covers. Or the ability to trade covers or something. Considering how worthless the power creep is making many Three stars, I would like to see at least a better chance at covers we all eventually need.