Information about Galactus Event



  • guib
    guib Posts: 83 Match Maker
    Im surprised the downgrade in rewards (compared to ultron) is not more mentionned (or did I miss it ?)

    ultron was hard but it was nice particularly because it was well rewarding
    you could gain hp and gold tokens from the boss battle, from 2 of the essentials every reset, and from progression every stage...

    this time, it seems even less than a normal PVE icon_eek.gif
    not mentionning that tokens odds are ALSO lower than standard ...
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    Ludaa wrote:
    OJSP wrote:
    Ludaa wrote:
    Some info regarding the new Anniversary "Season"tile. Once you beat the loaner node, Your main Galactus pin will unlock, but will not give you any more points. Tested by a couple of us already, but it did give me an iso reward! It will also reset your Main pin's timer back to 8h.
    I tried this, but it didn't work (neither unlocking the pin or resetting the timer) .. on iOS.

    Interesting, we started with everything on cooldown, did season node,and got an unlocked Galactus main node. I'll note that the first time I noticed it, I tabbed over to Line to ask my alliance, and when I tabbed back Galactus was locked again. Second test I stayed in game, and it worked as above. On Android.

    I noticed that mine was unlocked too, didn't know why.

    I got a couple more kicks at G out of it, but it seems to have stopped working for me after two free unlocks.

    This didn't work for me.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    You don't really want it to work for you, it resets your timer back to 8h and gives you nothing but a possible node reward.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    What Ludaa said. The post-match screen shows the points being added to your tally, but they're not actually being added at all, the numbers bounce back to their original point when your game syncs. Your alliance mates should be able to confirm this too. We had a few people having a go at him via this method, and the numbers don't change on the server side.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    (First ever post, please be kind, I'm just trying to help.)

    So I can't remember where I saw it, but someone asked a math geek to post possibilities of getting a Legendary Token. So this is the dry math.

    Now there are a MAX of eleven clear attempts you can make. At approximately Five to Six Attempts of Big G each time. I did my math at Ten Clears of Six Successes each. But it's possible to sneak as many as a full Six more in dependent on how long it takes you to clear all the nodes, and clear six Galactus fights. Since numbers for Alliance clears cannot be assumed to be as successful as yours. (Not everyone will have all the covers, and there will be wipes. Oh will there be wipes.) Alliance party members were assumed to have an average of THREE nodes to accomplish. (The Wolverine Node, as virtually everyone will have a wolverine to use, and two others. Either Widow, Spider, Torch, KK, or IF. Since For Widows Spider and Wolvies ANY version works, and virtually any Max level of them can clear the node so far. If They have even a remote chance at Big G, they can clear any node they find.) This leads to Four attempts at Big G. I assume they make 2.66 attempts. (Two passes and Two attempts that shave some health. With the miniscule extra points of Node clears making up the difference. This leads to them getting a projection of .396, or .4 of your score. So in this math exercise the other 19 people in your alliance all get .4 of your score.

    Round 1 8320 100 90000
    Round 2 10320 125 150000
    Round 3 12320 150 390000
    Round 4 16320 200 985000
    Round 5 20320 250 1970000
    Round 6 24320* 300 3000000 (assumed numbers provided by MPQWiki)
    Round 7 28320* 350 4400000
    Round 8 32320* 400 5900000

    49920 + 8000 Round One

    57920 + 73920 + 8000 Round Three

    139840 + 97920 + 8000 Round Four

    245760 Day One

    245760 + 97920 + 8000 Round Four

    351680 + 121920 + 8000 Round Five

    481600 + 145920 + 8000 Round Six

    635520 Day Two

    635520 + 145920 + 8000 Round Six

    789440 + 145920 + 8000 Round Six

    943360 + 169920 + 8000 Round Seven

    1121280 Day Three

    1121280 + 169920 + 8000

    1299200 Final Clear. Just past your score requirement by about 40 k. Which is really ONE clear off Big G and the Sub nodes combined score. So unless Sub nodes start offering more points... It could be very close. Interestingly this sample alliance WILL just finish Round seven. So Two Cyclops covers.

    So If you make your clears every time they are available, and Get ten out of the eleven possible clears, and your alliance can win 2/3 of the time. You can get a legendary cover. This means you can screw up at the final level without reaching Round 8 approximately 7 Times. And if your screwups happen earlier you can make up for it by being more perfect in later clears. But If you miss three sets of clears, or ONE full day. You will not make your token even by being perfect.

    TL;DR. Yes, you can get your token so long as you have less than eight wipes at later stages. You can screw up a lot earlier if you're better later, and you can afford a maximum loss of approximately 200k worth of points to still get a legendary token if you play EVERY chance. Also if an Alliance can manage even a .7 clear rate of every node and every Galactus attempt, they'll get all three cyclops covers.
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor

    This is very crude but
    9 refresh left (including the 1 at 4am EST, the one in 1 hour)
    Rounds don't reset nodes but you can co-ordinate your alliance .
    Assuming all the above and that and the 1 hit/clear score is the same (i was rather generous above i think).

    Everyone person in the alliance needs to be pulling clearing 3/5 attempts, every refresh.
  • Mazza
    Mazza Posts: 41
    The event being no fun should've been added to the information... I'm not enjoying this at all.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Into round 6 now, and the whole Galactus thing has hit ludicrous speed. 3xCD tiles creating 4x cosmic each and Galactus generates 4AP/cosmic tile. Meaning he makes his first move with a potential 48AP on the board.

    Half the time you'll die on turn 4. The other half you get a lucky board and can delay that to turn 5 or sometimes even 6. The battles are mostly luck, with the rare board that lets you employ some skill/strategy.
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    The Galactus event is all about luck, no skill required. If the board doesn't load with some five combos ready to go, then you're done in 3 or 4 turns.

    If I wanted to play a game of luck I would mindlessly pull slots. I play MPQ for the challenge and strategy... which this event has NONE!

    So far this is the worst fail on MPQ that I have seen. What a let down.
  • Etheus
    Etheus Posts: 56
    mouser wrote:
    Into round 6 now, and the whole Galactus thing has hit ludicrous speed. 3xCD tiles creating 4x cosmic each and Galactus generates 4AP/cosmic tile. Meaning he makes his first move with a potential 48AP on the board.

    Half the time you'll die on turn 4. The other half you get a lucky board and can delay that to turn 5 or sometimes even 6. The battles are mostly luck, with the rare board that lets you employ some skill/strategy.

    Yup. My first attempt at round 6. Dead before I could take a FOURTH turn. What the tinykitty is that? Thanks for combining this nonsense with nodes that only refresh on the 8 hour timer....
    Worst PVE ever....

    Happy Anniversary!
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    is there any word if they will dial it down for Galactus Hungers part 2. i would doubt it since it's the weekend and they don't like fixing things during the weekend. cause even with ultron you have a minimum of 10 rounds before 1 bomb kill can decimate your 3 man team. in Stage 5 it's 4, and Stage 6 supposedly 3. even boosted in all ur major colors, that will be a feat of incredible luck. i'd like to see a video of them playing a whole set of galactus nodes and see if they can do it without any modified boards.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    So has anyone Gotten to round 8? Is there an even WORSE thing waiting? Like Four CD tiles that all make five? On a One turn timer? (That says two.) Cause Round six you get murdered by Turn three, basically 4 times out of 5. I fail to see How this could get any more challenging, and still have even the semblance of Fairness. At least with Ultron his Bombs didn't one shot someone till Round 8, and you had time to counterplay him. Four or five turns most of the time to build some powers. This is death on the computers Third turn, 80% of the time. Going first doesn't even help you as it means he gets to place tiles first, forcing you to play a turn back.

    But since this isn't the complaining thread. Are any teams working? I'm getting One out of Five using Falcon, OBW, & IF. Start with four Purple and Blue, Match a Blue and hopefully a Purple instantly. Redbird away one CD, Fill board with black for hopefully matches and cascades... Match another CD... Sometimes I get to stall the next group of six, which gives me two turns to match more purple and Face punch. Basically I'm at the mercy of having Blue or Purple 4 and 5 of a kinds. But it's better than having No chance at all which is what I've gotten with every other team. You don't even have time to play using SWitch as a strategy now.

    Her token doesn't even go off.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    is there any word if they will dial it down for Galactus Hungers part 2. i would doubt it since it's the weekend and they don't like fixing things during the weekend. cause even with ultron you have a minimum of 10 rounds before 1 bomb kill can decimate your 3 man team. in Stage 5 it's 4, and Stage 6 supposedly 3. even boosted in all ur major colors, that will be a feat of incredible luck. i'd like to see a video of them playing a whole set of galactus nodes and see if they can do it without any modified boards.
    No word at all. At this point, I'd rather they canceled the second run.

    I'd have quit, but it's not like my alliance could bring a merc in. This is like some special variant of the Prisoner's Dilemma.
  • Honestly, the best thing to do would be to boycott it alltogether. They measure events by "engagement", if no one engages consistently with it, it's surely going to be considered a failure, right?

    Now, just convincing the playerbase to do so, well, that's a different story.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    I kinda wish I didn't do the math now... Round six just killed me 5/6 times. Most of them were not even 5k damage done, and no one seems to have a posted Strat to help... So I am no longer getting a Legendary token at all. And Since I'm still #1 in my alliance. No one else is either. Good luck to everyone else.

    Also Heh. The Prisoner's Dilemma. Man it's been almost 20 years since I heard someone bring that up.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ctenko wrote:
    So has anyone Gotten to round 8? Is there an even WORSE thing waiting?.

    Not mathematically possible yet. Those that are in 6 now have about 280 clears to do (minus whatever is already done in 6). At 5-6 taps per person, and assuming no wiping (ha1!), that's still at least 3 refreshes. You're looking at tomorrow afternoon (EST) for round 8, probably.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 6 is ridiculous.

    3 CD tiles spawned per turn, which in turn spawn 4 Cosmic tiles EACH, which in turn spawn 4 AP EACH of every color.

    3x4x4= 48

    In one turn he generates a potential 48AP for an attack that only requires 28. If you match away 1 CD Tile before it goes off there is still 32AP possible out there (2x4x4). And 48 more possible AP is spawned on turn 2.

    Best Case Scenario:
    If you cleared 1 CD tile on turn 1, turn 2 has 5 CD tiles out, 2 at 1 turn left, 3 at 2 turns left. If you match one of the 1 count CD tiles, congrats, but that leaves 4 CD tiles still. Turn 3 you now have 6 CD Tiles out, 3 at 2 count, 3 at 1 count, and 4 Cosmic tiles out (16 AP next turn). You have to choose, match a Cosmic tile or match a CD tile? Matching a 1 count CD tile eliminates the most AP, but not enough to save you, because you are already dead and don't know it... Dead Man Playing. You choose to match the 1 count CD. Turn 4 you now have 6 CD tiles out there 3 at 2 count, 3 at 1 count, and 8 Cosmic Tiles out (32 more AP next turn) and Galactus has 16 AP (if he got no matches or cascades). You cannot win at this point if you cannot kill him or clear the entire board this turn. Dead on turn 5.

    Worst Case Scenario:
    You cannot match 2 of his first 3 CD tiles in 2 turns, you are dead on turn 3.

  • Ronburgundy
    Ronburgundy Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    Woke up this morning to no essential nodes in the Galactus event. I was able to complete the boss battle against him (we're still in round 3), but there are no nodes. More fun with this event. Will be impossible to complete this thing, with the timers on top of the event **** out when I am able to play.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    JVReal wrote:
    But the devs said they played it and it was tremendous fun! Would they really lie so blatantly to us?
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    But the devs said they played it and it was tremendous fun! Would they really lie so blatantly to us?
    To the Devs:
