Who took on the 4* DDQ (XFW) and won?



  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm actually getting more fun out of trying with an undercovered character than I do in the PVE events when I easily blast a goon squad. Gets my brain thinking, creates some tension and is a good challenge.

    This one is real tricky, though I didn't complete IMHB I felt like is was do-able even with one cover (though it needed to be red) since you could deny green and red for long enough to charge up the big punch to one shot him. Can't do that with this one, requires a bit more finesse.
  • 2/0/1 is no match. Cannot deny black, green, yellow when the 4 match line gives it freely.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lost 10 times with my 2/0/2. I'll stick around for the anniversary to see what that brings, but after that, I could see myself quitting. This isn't fun anymore.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    firethorne wrote:
    Lost 10 times with my 2/0/2. I'll stick around for the anniversary to see what that brings, but after that, I could see myself quitting. This isn't fun anymore.

    Whaaat? I'm actually enjoying trying to beat a way more powerful character than mine. I do this in the PVP events as well, whoever is the biggest challenge is the one I attempt. I don't always win but I like the challenge.
  • Well, I got closest with my 23rd try. 1900pts left on Xwolvie before I lost. Luckily there are no other events for me to play so I can waste my health packs on this sadomasocistic endeavour.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do this in the PVP events as well, whoever is the biggest challenge is the one I attempt. I don't always win but I like the challenge.
    I do this in pvp too unless I'm hopping. last offseason I took on hb/thing/xpool and won (with thor/loki/hood - activated thing's protects and flipped them into strikes - then had xpool to deal with but I squeaked it out) and recently took on an icebuster with ice over 300 (with drock/fist/Cyclops - may have been beast, don't remember). if its early enough in the events those teams are usually worth 60-75 pts if you can queue them and I like to see if I can beat it. I don't take that chance when hopping.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,706 Chairperson of the Boards
    My DP is 4/2/1 at level 152. Up until this point I haven't had to do more than one match for any of these (to be fair, the other 4*s I had were at least 12 covers and 166,) and - please don't hate me - I did this in one too.

    I can't deny I had a good board - I boosted red/yellow, red/yellow match damage, and all damage boost. I was actualy doing pretty decent, had one "Out of Bullets" saved up for when I took some damage, Wolvie dropped his "recovery" tile and immedietely matched it - this took me down to the 2-3k hp range, so I popped the "Out of Bullets." I was then able to drop a "countdown for what" with no effect, but got another "out of bullets" off and that was it.

    I did spend a fair bit of time denying black, did not bother denying yellow or green. Fortunately it wasn't a great green board, though this made my "countdown for what" pretty ineffective.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Eventually beat him with my 5/1/1 156 DP. It was tough since his Surgical Strike would normally OHKO, but on the third attempt I denied black long enough and then made sure there was only a couple red tiles on the board when he fired it off.

    Now the real challenge begins, resisting the urge to spend the legendary token until they add the new 5*
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    I managed with 3/0/1 Deadpool. Had to use my legendary tokens to get that purpleflag.png cover. Having at least one cover in purpleflag.png was pretty important for success. I boosted +2 R/Y, +2 all, and +100% match damage. Still took half a dozen attempts.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    DP is one of my two fully covered 4*'s, so this was a nice easy free token. Yay!
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Ten tries, no dice. Waiting for a lucky board is not fun.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    mgallop wrote:
    Level 152, 331 XFDP. Got it on the first try. The nice thing is if XFW doesn't get 11 black, he can't really kill you.

    Incorrect. I have my DP at lvl 131 4/0/1. Almost got him on my first try, but that was clearly luck. I've tried 6 times so far. His green may not one shot you, but it takes me down by at least half. If he drops a Recovery and it resolves, he's healed to full. If either of you match it away, that's 4K damage.

    It's another 100% **** shoot. There is no strategy. If you luck into a perfect board, you *might* win. Otherwise, the odds are very very very stacked against you.
  • Bulls
    Bulls Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    4/1/0... 18 tries so far... I've wen't through all my possible boost, boards were so unbelivibly unlucky that's I'm still shaking my head. during all those tries I've casted red SEVEN times, once I had red for 2nd use and kill but hello, match blue for him droped into 5 green, X-forced me into 5 black, surgical, troll face.
    I really hope that at some point before tommorow noon I'll get a chance and actually see a table that it's in my favor. But for now... meh ;<
  • Jarvind wrote:
    DP is one of my two fully covered 4*'s, so this was a nice easy free token. Yay!

    Let me guess, Xforce wolverine is your other? icon_razz.gif And grats!
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I neeed puuurrrple! My 3/1/0 125 is failing hard. Got him down to about 3k several times now, but I essentially have to get 26 red before he can get 11 black or 9 yellow. Hasn't happened yet.
  • Willis wrote:
    Welp I've wiped 15 times. 2/1/2 covers level 94. Closest I've got him to is 3k health. The worst issue with these 1v1 matches is how horribly luck based they are. This isn't a challenge it's just RNG, at least this one is easier thanks to xforce's god awful green ability. Maybe I'll try more hours later when all my health packs recharge, but I'm quickly losing any interest in trying.

    Pretty much same case here. 2/0/2 106, have wiped 11 times boosted, once got him down to 2.7k. Amazingly, even though I'm denying black, all but one of those times he's got off a SS (often by the third of fourth turn!). Wish there was more of a puzzle element like the IW match.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind wrote:
    DP is one of my two fully covered 4*'s, so this was a nice easy free token. Yay!

    I doubt that you have just managed to pull all 13 deadpool covers in the short time since his release, so i don't know if this token is really "free."

    (not a criticism of buying covers, everyone can do what they want! Just a reminder to include all the costs when evaluating the price of getting legendaries)
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Used all my health packs for 10 tries with my 1/0/0 level 70 Deadpool. Even with full boosts, never got Wolverine below about 50% before he got to use a black or green ability, or that he got a lucky cascade into crit tile.

    But this one felt VERY manageable, if you had a few covers or levels. I imagine this might be one of the ones you can do with very low covers, as long as you had at least a couple red.
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    Jarvind wrote:
    DP is one of my two fully covered 4*'s, so this was a nice easy free token. Yay!
    I doubt that you have just managed to pull all 13 deadpool covers in the short time since his release, so i don't know if this token is really "free."

    (not a criticism of buying covers, everyone can do what they want! Just a reminder to include all the costs when evaluating the price of getting legendaries)
    5 covers on release, another 3 on pvp right after (#1, 1k and 1.3k). If he's been prize again on pvp, another 3 if before legendary tokens, 2 if after. That's 8-11 covers that did not depend on tokens.
  • First try with a 4/1/3 XFDP @ lvl 131 went in +2 red/yellow, +2 all, +100% match damage and took him out very easily. He got off his green which did around 2.5K damage after the cascades finished, but I focused on denying black, collecting red, and managed a couple of match 5's which hurt him a lot. Got out the countdown tiles and fired off red, left him with 86 health and finished him off with a basic match. This one was pretty easy due to XFW low health.

    It's the first 4* DDQ node I've been able to beat, token turned into a purple Fury which is nice.