Who took on the 4* DDQ (XFW) and won?

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm about to give it my first shot with my laughably under covered 4* Deadpool (2 red covers lvl 86) I wasn't too far off the IMHB challenge with only one cover (got Hulk down to 7.5k health) though I imagine this will be harder since I'm not just denying one colour. Here goes....


  • alexnmbc
    alexnmbc Posts: 38
    edited October 2015
    I took it on with my 1/0/0 level 70 DP and lost. Fairly quickly. Good luck everyone!

    Edit: 10 tries later, with various boosts and careful denial, I still haven't managed it. Best I've managed is getting him down to 6.9k health, before either match damage, or inability to deny enough AP gets the best of me. I'll sit this one out now! Really hoped for a fluke board but with my Out Of Bullets only doing 900-odd damage, I'd need a miracle to be able to down 10k.
  • mgallop
    mgallop Posts: 120
    Level 152, 331 XFDP. Got it on the first try. The nice thing is if XFW doesn't get 11 black, he can't really kill you. So I hit him once w/ Out of Bullets for about 2.5k, hit him with 2 CDfWs for another 1.5 or so, and match damage did the rest. All he really did was XF me once and use the teamup. Easiest clash so far for me.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    My first attempt with a 2/0/0 DP went pretty well. I lost but was only 1k from winning, I think with some clever blacktile.png denial while picking up red and being patient then I will beat this. I might even start making a challenge out of attempting DDQ 4* with undercovered characters, really makes you have to be strategic and think about the match. Was so close to the IMHB one with a level 70 1/0/0 character and I think I'll do this one with my under covered DP
  • dider152
    dider152 Posts: 263
    I have a level 90 2/0/1 XfDP. I was able to get him down to about half health the first time before he Xforced me to death. Had one HP after pvp so I healed and tried again. This time it was a bad board, so I want able to get him down before he wiped me out. I'll try again tomorrow after my packs recharge and I dip everything else, but this is the first one I don't see myself doing. I still don't see the logic in doing XDP now.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    mgallop wrote:
    Level 152, 331 XFDP. Got it on the first try. The nice thing is if XFW doesn't get 11 black, he can't really kill you. So I hit him once w/ Out of Bullets for about 2.5k, hit him with 2 CDfWs for another 1.5 or so, and match damage did the rest. All he really did was XF me once and use the teamup. Easiest clash so far for me.
    X-force still hits a low level Deadpool fairly hard.
    My Deadpool is level 111, 3/1/0, and I managed to win with luck and lots of damage boosts.
  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Beat him with a level 152 XDP covered as 4/2/1

    This match doesn't show the difficulty of 4* dpd, it only shows how badly XFW got nerfed and how much of a joke he is.

    It it was against 3* cyclops, we would also be bashing our heads against a wall.
  • Me!

    Lv130 402 XDP. Used red once and purple twice, 3500 nuke and 655 damage per CD, I think 6 or 7 triggered. He only used yellow and it didn't fired off in time.

    First try, 2 red/yellow and 2 purple/blue boosts, +50% red/yellow match damage.

  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Easiest one for me so far...my lvl168 4-2-2 Deadpool beat him with most health in tact...no boosts this time.....good luck all!
  • Yes, 1st go (with boosted r/y and b/p and all colour damage boost). My DP l111 (3 red, 1 purple cover). Amazed.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't quite believe it but my level 90 2/0/1 DP emerged victorious on the fifth try. Boosted red, purple and match damage, got very lucky with the board to the tune of an opening match-5 on red and match-4 on purple, and ended up winning by matching two Countdown For What green tiles with both Deadpool and Wolverine under 1000 health. For extra urgency, there was a Recovery tile about to heal him up if I didn't end the fight that turn. Yikes.
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,386 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't quite believe it but my level 90 2/0/1 DP emerged victorious on the fifth try. Boosted red, purple and match damage, got very lucky with the board to the tune of an opening match-5 on red and match-4 on purple, and ended up winning by matching two Countdown For What green tiles with both Deadpool and Wolverine under 1000 health. For extra urgency, there was a Recovery tile about to heal him up if I didn't end the fight that turn. Yikes.

    Thanks for the hope!

    I've tried about 5 times so far with my L90 2/0/1 DP as well. First time I got him down to 2k before I was killed by Recovery (ouch). Then bad luck the next 3, and last attempt got him to 800 health left before he fully recovered with yellow. But it's beatable, and I'll keep going until I get it.
  • xequalsy
    xequalsy Posts: 231
    Just beat it on my 13th try:

    Level 131, 4/1/0 XDP. I was VERY lucky though, and got an amazing red filled board, enough that I could cast Out of Bullets twice. Only boosted +2 R/Y AP. Good luck to everyone else!

    EDIT: Yay! Amazing IW tokens as a reward! I opened two legendaries today, and both were IW. At least this brings me to 12/13 covers lol.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Congrats to all who achieved it. I'm just waiting for DP to heal and then I'm gonna give it another go. I'm usually not a fan of using boost but I think I may have to on this occasion.
  • My level 131 covered 3/2/1 beat him on the first try. I was down to ~200 health after taking a matched recovery to the face but my red was ready. Heal and knock X-Force on his butt. A good feeling.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    3 fails so far with a lvl 90 2/1/0, i am not expecting to win, but i did get him under 1k HP, then his recovery went off.. ugh. Congrats to all those beating this beast!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    4/1/1 XDP @135 here.

    took me 7 tries (with no boosts). Of those 7 attempts, I got close twice. Once I had him down to 300 health, but his recovery tile went off and it was back to full health (he obliterated me with surgical strike soon after).

    I could have boosted, and it would almost certainly have helped, but I am loath to use boosts on matches where I have such a low chance of winning. Basically it was all board luck. With only 7k health, I couldn't last long if xfw got xforce or recovery cascades rolling, and Surgical strike was basically insta-death.

    When I finally won, I had a fair bit of luck. I got at least 3 match-5s. They were all off-colors for me, but extra moves are always valuable, and the criticals actually did decent damage as a bonus. I also managed to collect 13 red and 14 purple before xfw got much green or black. He did a recovery tile out, so I would have lost in a few rounds. But a double cast of purple, and then both of us making some green matches (plus xfw helpfully firing an xforce that ignored his own recovery tile but did get my last few countdown tiles) brought him within range of my red (which at my level/covers, does a little under 4k damage and heals for ~2k). I had about 4k health left at the end of the fight (including the healing from my red).

    All in all, I think I am right around the floor of viability for this node. I probably could have done it if some of my covers were shifted from red to purple, but overall, I think it would be very difficult to handle this node w(i.e. utterly dependent upon board luck)ith less than 3 covers in either red or purple (which seems to be an emerging trend). How many 2/x/2 xdps finish this node?
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    mgallop wrote:
    Level 152, 331 XFDP. Got it on the first try. The nice thing is if XFW doesn't get 11 black, he can't really kill you. So I hit him once w/ Out of Bullets for about 2.5k, hit him with 2 CDfWs for another 1.5 or so, and match damage did the rest. All he really did was XF me once and use the teamup. Easiest clash so far for me.

    Unfortunately for me, AI cascaded black when xf was down to 300 points. So even w/ full health my level 131, 6k health dp got knocked out. First try. Second try much better.
  • Willis
    Willis Posts: 49
    Welp I've wiped 15 times. 2/1/2 covers level 94. Closest I've got him to is 3k health. The worst issue with these 1v1 matches is how horribly luck based they are. This isn't a challenge it's just RNG, at least this one is easier thanks to xforce's god awful green ability. Maybe I'll try more hours later when all my health packs recharge, but I'm quickly losing any interest in trying.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    2nd attempt and failed.

    did a stellar job of black denial (that could be the name of a hip new aftershave icon_e_biggrin.gif ) and picked up enough red to throw my swords about twice. Was cruising it with nearly full health and Wolvie down to just 1650. Needed 3 red to throw my swords a final time and finish him with the match damage when his heal landed, I thought what the hell? I'm full health and almost ready to finish him anyway, I matched the yellow and got stung by a heavy hit (but not finished) the resulting tile drop gifted him with just enough greentile.png to fire off his power and cripple me, still not dead though...until he matched 3 purple tiles and finished me with match damage...how embarrassing.

    I'm determined to beat this, had two attempts and got him to 1k first attempt, 1500 second attempt. Both unboosted. This node is do-able even for a 2 cover deadpool, I'm convinced.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    3rd try with 110 3/2/1. Had another red I could apply in case this didn't get the job done, but have since applied that to my dupe, who is now 3/0/0.

    Some in my groups that have done it

    115 3/1/1
    120 4/1/0
    120 3/3/1
    131 4/0/1